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Q1: Well, Praise the Lord! It means "Praise the Lord"?

The crrect Answer is: Hallelujah

Q2: Jell-O?

The crrect Answer is: Kraft

Q3: "The Human Zero" is a collection of this author's sci-fi stories, as Della Street could tell

The crrect Answer is: Erle Stanley Gardner

Q4: Yale Law first-termers must take a class on these, agreements that create obligations?

The crrect Answer is: contracts

Q5: Twenty One Pilots "wish we could turn back time to the good old days... but now we're"
this title?

The crrect Answer is: "Stressed Out"

Q6: It's the only state that shares its border with only one other state?

The crrect Answer is: Maine

Q7: Baker Library at this Ivy League college in New Hampshire is noted for its Robert Frost

The crrect Answer is: Dartmouth

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