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The steps in planning and enacting a retail

1. Situation Analysis
2. Objectives
3. Identification of Consumers
4. Overall strategy
5. Specific activities
6. Control

Is an unincorporated retail firm owned by
one person. All benefits, profits, risks, and
costs accrue to that individual.
Is an unincorporated retail firm owned by
two or more persons, each with a financial
interest. Partners share benefits, profits,
risks, and costs. Advantages include the
following: Responsibility and expertise are
divided among multiple principals, there is a
greater capability for raising funds than with
a proprietorship, the format is simpler to
form than a corporation, and it is subject to
single taxation by the government.
Is a retail firm that is formally incorporated
under state law. It is a legal entity apart from
individual officers (or stockholders).

Selected kinds of retail goods and Service


Personal Abilities
Financial Resources
Time Demands

Retailer objectives
Satisfaction of Publics
Image Positioning
three aspects of a value-oriented retail more emotional value and will attract
strategy people who shop for pleasure.
3. Social-relational rewards include
EXPECTED RETAIL STRATEGY - things such as mailings about
represents the minimum value chain special events or the right to use
elements a given customer segment store special waiting areas at airports.
cleanliness, convenient. hours, Consumers who want to be
well-informed employees, timely service, identified with a privileged group will
popular products in stock, parking, and value these kinds of rewards.
return privileges. 4. Informational rewards include things
such as personalized beauty advice
AUGMENTED RETAIL STRATEGY - or information on new goods or
includes the extra elements in a value chain services. These rewards will attract
that differentiate one retailer from another. consumers who like to stick with one
The following are often augmented brand or store.
elements: exclusive brands, superior 5. Functional rewards include things
salespeople, loyalty programs, delivery, such as access to priority checkout
personal shoppers and other special counters or home delivery.
services, and valet parking Consumers who want to reduce the
time they spend shopping will value
comprises value chain elements not yet
perfected by a competing firm in the Customer satisfaction occurs when the
retailer’s category. For example, what value and customer service provided
customer services could a new upscale through a retailing experience meet or
apparel chain offer that no other chain exceed consumer expectations. If the
offers? expectations of value and customer service
are not met, the consumer will be
-basic -extended -above and beyond
There are three basic kinds of service
five types of reward categories retailing:
1. Economic rewards include price
reductions and purchase vouchers. Rented-goods services, whereby
These rewards attract price-sensitive consumers lease and use goods for
customers and induce them to buy specified periods of time. Tangible goods
more. Dunkin Donuts DDPerks are leased for a fixed time, but ownership is
program members receive a free not obtained and the goods must be
beverage after earning 200 Points returned when the rental period is up
2. Hedonistic rewards include things
such as points that can be Owned-goods services, whereby goods
exchanged for spa services or owned by consumers are repaired,
participation in games or improved, or maintained. In this grouping,
sweepstakes. These rewards have
the retailer providing the service never owns Selected Kinds of Retail Goods and Service
the good involved. Establishments
● Personal abilities
Nongoods services, whereby intangible ● Financial resources
personal services are offered to consumers ● Time Demands
who then experience the services rather
than possess them. The seller offers Objectives
personal expertise for a specified time in SALES
return for a fee; PROFIT
Unique characteristics IMAGE POSITIONING

social responsibility acts in the best

interests of society—as well as itself. The
challenge is to balance corporate citizenship
with a fair level of profits for stockholders,
management, and employees.

Consumerism involves the activities of

government, business, and other
organizations to protect people from
practices infringing on their rights as

One major law is the Americans with

Disabilities Act (ADA),

Checklist to start a new business

● Self assessment and business
● Overall retail plan
● Financial plan
● Organized detailed plan

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