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1.Ayaan ibrahim ismail 2023974

2. Salma mohamed qawdhan 1919631

3. Naima ahmed ismail 2022131.

4.Maryam mohamuud badde 2023507

5. Salma carab mohamed 2021838

6.Amaal ahmed cumar 2022196

7.Hodan mustafe ismail 2023571

8.Hodan mohamed adare 2023729

9.Layla ali saalax 2023 958

10. Muuna mohamed jirde 2021881

11. Mohamed jaamac aadan 2021888

12. Hogan Abdihakim Hassan 2023612

FOOD Allergy and intolerance
 Afood allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to a
food which is usually harmless.
 Food intolerance occurs when the body has a chemical

reaction to eating a particular food or drink.

Food allergy and intolerance are different
Food allergy and food intolerance are commonly confused, as
symptoms of food intolerance occasionally resemble those of
food allergy. However, food intolerance does not involve
the immune system and does not cause severe allergic
reactions (known as anaphylaxis). Food
Food intolerance can be a difficult concept to understand.
Sometimes, substances within foods can increase the frequency
and severity of migraine headaches, rashes (such as hives) or
the stomach upset of irritable bowel.
Symptoms of food intolerance can include:
 nervousness

 tremor

 sweating

 palpitations

 rapid breathing

 Headache
Symptoms of food allergy
The symptoms of mild to moderate food allergy include:
 swelling of lips, face, eyes
 hives or welts
 tingling mouth
 abdominal pain, vomiting – these are signs of anaphylaxis for insect allergy.

Signs of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction):

 difficult or noisy breathing
 swelling of tongue
 swelling or tightness in throat
 wheeze or persistent cough
Body parts affected by food allergy
Various sites on the body can be affected by an allergic reaction
to food, including:
 swelling of the face, lips, eyes

 swelling of the tongue

 swelling or tightness in the throat

 stomach pains, vomiting – these are signs of anaphylaxis

for insect allergy

 skin – rashes, such as hives (urticaria) or atopic dermatitis

Causes of food allergy

Peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, cow’s milk, wheat, sesame, fish,
shellfish and soy cause the majority of food allergic reactions.
Peanut allergy is one of the most common allergies in older
children as only approximately one in 4 children will outgrow
peanut allergy.

Causes of food intolerance

The foods that tend to cause intolerance reactions in sensitive
people include:
-dairy products, including milk, cheese and yoghurt
- Chocolate
- eggs, particularly egg
part of the body is affected by a food intolerance:_
- food intolerance often affects only the digestive system and
causes less serious symptoms.

 Education of patients and families regarding how to
read food labels properly and identify common words
used for indicating the presence of the food allergen of

 Avoidance of cross-contact (eg, through shared

utensils or fryers) of allergens with otherwise safe
foods during meal preparation

 Elimination of only those foods that are confirmed as

provoking allergic reactions; both obvious and hidden
sources of food allergens (eg, medications and
cosmetics) must be considered

 Consideration of potential exposures by route other

than ingestion (eg, skin contact or inhalation)

 Anticipation of potential candidates for food allergen

cross-reactivity (eg, peanut and lupine or cow milk
with sheep milk) [2]
 Avoidance of high-risk situations where accidental or
inadvertent ingestion of food allergens can occur (eg,
buffets or picnics)

Pathophysiology of Food intolerance and


A food allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to a

food which is usually harmless. Food intolerance occurs
when the body has a chemical reaction to eating a
particular food or drink.

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