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Code No: RT22052 R13 SET - 1

II B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November - 2020

(Com. to CSE, IT)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B

1. a) List and define principles of object oriented languages. 4M
b) What is an inner class? Give example. 4M
c) State any four features of java. 3M
d) What is exception? How it is handled? Explain with suitable example. 4M
e) Define Adapter classes and applet class. 3M
f) Describe AWT. 4M
2. a) Discuss about principles of object oriented languages. 8M
b) Explain working of java virtual machine (JVM) also explain how java is 8M
architectural neutral.

3. a) Explain about flow of control with examples. 8M

b) Write about type conversion and casting in Java with program. 8M

4. a) Explain the following terms in detail with respect to exception handling: Try, 8M
catch, and throw, finally. Write a program using try, catch, and throw, finally
b) What is inheritance? Explain the different types of inheritance supported by java 8M
with example program.

5. a) Define multithreading. Explain with an example of an application that needs 8M

b) Write about package. 8M

6. a) What is the importance of InetAddress class in socket programming? What is the 8M

need of repainting in an Applet? Discuss with an example.
b) Explain the following: 8M
i)Event Listeners ii)Inner Classes

7. a) Write a program to create form for your semester exam registration using swing 8M
components? Give a note on Grid bag layout?
b) Write java program to create main menu and drawing rectangle. Explain event 8M
handling using swings.
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