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My memory comes flooding back, I have a childhood friend.

His name is Le
Long, the nickname is TIT, It spells T-I-T. We are the childhood friend for 10
years. The first time, I saw him on the court at the dawn in winter, I felt
something attractive in him at first sight that urge me to get to know him. From
the moment I talk with him, I thought he was as much as of a play-cold person
who has charisma same the frozen weather in winter. My father told me when I
get to know and make up with somebody respecting them is an essential
condition to connect. I gave him a lollipop and was really looking forward to his
response. To my surprise, he gave back for me a smile and we became friends.
We have many same favorites such as our passion for football, games, and
specially tasting food. On break days, I often take him to eat out, try some new
things, and watch movies blah blah… Time flies, we were missing 5 years no see
but we still keep in contact with each other, he does not to be faded from my

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