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My buddy is named Molly, and she is 5 years old.

Her favorite color is pink,

and she likes to eat cereal and pasta. Molly is more of a quiet, introverted girl but is

very creative and sweet. Shes very agile and good with her hands, also she is good

at listening when reading stories or when doing activities/games. She likes to play

soccer with her teammates and her older brother who's in grade 5. LOL dolls and

Legos are Mollys' favorite toys. Her best friends in class are Winter (Litas buddy)

and Keisha (Annanya's buddy) who she likes to play on the monkey bars and play

tag with when we go outside.

During our first visit, I met Molly for the first time and got to know a bit

about her. I also shared some things about me, such as my name, birthday, favorite

food/color/movie and what I want to be when I grow up. I then asked Molly what

her favorite things were, what she liked to do and her birthday. We continued to

talk more about ourselves, and I learned a lot about Molly. Then, she showed me

her friend Keisha and we all read a few stories together. We read about the magic

princess fairies. Then we headed outside where Molly played with some of her

friends and showed me around the playground. During my second visit with Molly,

we did a sprinkle donut craft together. I had been paired with Lola that day, so us 3

did the craft together. Molly was very good with following instructions, and she

cut and glued everything out herself with no help from Lola and I! She was eager

to do the craft and had a smile on her face while doing it. One hiccup that occurred
during the sprinkle donut visit, was when molly wasn't very talkative when we

were brainstorming ways, she shows kindness. To fix this, I asked her more

specific questions like, “do you share with your friends” and “do you like to

compliment people”, and that seemed to get her talking more.

Mollys’ behavior relates to my inquiry question because as we are doing

more arts and crafts, I can see she is becoming more comfortable and talkative with

me. Before we did any playing together, Molly was very quiet and awkward, and

she seemed uncomfortable for a bit. After we played outside together, did some

crafts and read lots of books, she's becoming more comfortable and talkative, and

being more interactive with me during visits. The connection forming between us

through playing together and spending time together has impacted her emotions

and has helped her come out of her box a little bit, which is very important for that

emotional development.

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