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Source A: A Caricatureof Rasputin -

the Ruling House. F can infer… Source B: F can infer…

M. Radzianko, the President of

Rasputin the Duma, writing about the role
of Rasputin.
“His presence in the Tsar' s court
undermines confidence in the
Tsar Supreme Power and may have an evil
Tsarina effect on the fate of the dynasty
and turn the hearts of the people
from their emperor."

Source C:
F can infer… Source A: F can infer…
A Letter to a religious newspaper
“Rasputin is a cunning conspirator Memoirs of the French
Ambassador to St Petersburg
againstour Holy Church, a fornicator
“Brown hair, long and ill-combed; a
of souls and bodies… a propagator of
black stiff beard; a high forehead; a
false doctrine, a sex maniac and
large jutting nose; a powerful mouth.
But the whole expression of the face
was concentrated in the eyes - flax
blue eyes, of a strange brilliance,
depth, and fascination. Their glance
was at the same time, piercing and
caressing, ingenious and astute,
direct and remote . When his speech
became animated, his pupils seemed
to be charged with magnetism."

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