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1. Which is the definition of inclusive education?

A. Refers to a society's categorization of its people into rankings based on factors like wealth,
income, education, family background, and power.
B. defined as a learning environment that promotes the full personal, academic and professional
development of all learners irrespective of race, class, color, gender, disability, sexual preference,
learning styles and language.”
C. is a process to develop the intellectual faculties of the man.
D. None of the above

2. Which among the following is not the education policies of inclusive education?
A. All children and youth shall have access to quality education.
B. Inclusive education shall be concerned with all learners, with focus on those who have traditionally
been excluded from educational opportunities.
C. Support system shall be organized and delivered holistically.
D. means that girls and boys enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections

3. Which is not belong to inclusive education?

A. Child laborers C .Children with disabilities
B. Abused children D. Children of OFW

4. Which of the following is the economic benefits of inclusive education?

A. There is higher employment participation rate.
B. Paved the way for new markets, enhanced trade and investment, and fostered cross-border
technology and knowledge transfers.
C. Inflation will rise through the growing cost of food, energy and insurance.
D. All of the above

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of inclusive education?

A. Improved social skills
B. Increased self-esteem
C. Enhanced academic performance
D. Less classroom time

6. The following are the rights of Person/ Children with disability, except:
A. They have to be acknowledge as a part of a diversity.
B. They have to be recognized as human beings who should not be discriminated.
C. They should stay at home to prevent bullying.
D. They have to be given due respect and dignity as human being.

7. It recognizes the PWDs vulnerability and tries to address, uphold and safeguard their identities and
rights as human being.
A. Biomedical B. Moral C. Social D. Right-Based

8. The following are Public policy that support on Inclusive Education, except:
A. P.D 603 C. The 1987 Philippine Constitution
B. R.A 7610 D. R.A 10533
9. Which of the following is not included in the Barriers in Inclusive Education?
A. Negative approach D. Lack of Time
B. Lack of physical facilities
C. Lack of funds

10. The Philippines adopts international documents on inclusive education which of the following is not
part of it?

A. International Bill of Human Rights

B. UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child (1989)

C. World Declaration on Education for All (1990)

D. UNESCO Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action (1994

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