You are on page 1of 7

11-27 16:27:44.

908 1491 1537 I _V_VivoRatioControllerUtilsImpl:

addApplicationInfo pid = 12472, appInfo = ApplicationInfo{4c9565}
11-27 16:28:25.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 6
11-27 16:32:14.565 31152 31692 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
11-27 16:33:02.116 1491 6103 D _V_MemInfoPolicyHandler:
mCurrentMemInfo={ total=3863612 cached=418152 free=102704 top5={ (pid 31152|856596}{ (pid 12727|202034}{ (pid
1491 system_server)|200949}{ (pid 10197 com.lemon.lvoverseas)|173396}{ (pid 26226|168491}}
11-27 16:37:56.856 1491 2086 I _V_VivoRatioControllerUtilsImpl:
removeApplicationInfo, pid = 12472, appInfo = ApplicationInfo{4c9565}
11-27 16:39:49.565 1491 1513 D _V_PointerEventDispatcher: notePEM, actionEvent =
11-27 16:41:00.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 6
11-27 16:42:38.565 1491 1661 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 6
11-27 16:45:57.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 16:48:15.380 1491 9578 D _V_MemInfoPolicyHandler:
mOldMemInfo={ total=3863612 cached=418152 free=102704 top5={ (pid 31152|856596}{ (pid 12727|202034}{ (pid
1491 system_server)|200949}{ (pid 10197 com.lemon.lvoverseas)|173396}{ (pid 26226|168491}}
11-27 16:53:48.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 16:57:23.565 1491 10490 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 16:57:44.565 1491 1509 W PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=vivo.vtouch.application.resumed flg=0x10 (has extras) }
11-27 16:57:44.565 1491 1509 W PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=vivo.vtouch.application.resumed flg=0x10 (has extras) }
11-27 17:00:06.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 17:01:49.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 17:03:05.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 17:05:26.401 1491 2091 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService
NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=31470,
[ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10186] ],
11-27 17:06:19.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 17:08:16.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 17:11:52.565 1491 1491 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server identical 18
11-27 17:12:37.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 17:12:40.565 1491 1491 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server identical 14
11-27 17:15:36.565 1491 1994 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 17:19:07.565 1491 10490 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1491_1E
identical 1 line
11-27 17:22:19.565 1491 1513 D _V_PointerEventDispatcher: notePEM, actionEvent =
11-27 17:24:55.031 1491 1537 I _V_VivoRatioControllerUtilsImpl:
addApplicationInfo pid = 32734, appInfo = ApplicationInfo{565ac8a}
11-27 17:24:59.565 1491 1491 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 17:25:03.397 1491 2562 I _V_VivoRatioControllerUtilsImpl:
removeApplicationInfo, pid = 32734, appInfo = ApplicationInfo{565ac8a}
11-27 17:25:24.152 1491 4979 D _V_InputMethodManagerService:
startInputOrWindowGainedFocusInternalLocked$Stub$Proxy@f94c565 ,windowToken
=android.os.BinderProxy@2953483 ,isPassword=false ,mIsSecImms=false
11-27 17:25:44.565 1491 2086 D _V_VivoStack: setTargetStackAndMoveToFront
reusedActivity: ActivityRecord{4f8a4fd u0 com.mbwhatsapp/.HomeActivity d0 s2695
11-27 17:25:54.244 1491 1491 D _V_GroupHelper: sbn =
StatusBarNotification(pkg=org.telegram.messenger user=UserHandle{0} id=-1615658085
tag=null key=0|org.telegram.messenger|-1615658085|null|10417 modified=false:
Notification(channel=0channel_channels_b9fad_-6549588456975802164 pri=0
contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0xff11acfa
category=msg sortKey=9223370335774762807 actions=1 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0
internalPriority=0 internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0))
11-27 17:26:02.890 1491 1491 D _V_GroupHelper: sbn =
StatusBarNotification(pkg=org.telegram.messenger user=UserHandle{0} id=-1615658085
tag=null key=0|org.telegram.messenger|-1615658085|null|10417 modified=false:
Notification(channel=Other3 pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null
defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0xff11acfa category=msg groupKey=messages
sortKey=9223370335774762807 actions=1 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0))
11-27 17:26:13.281 1491 1491 D _V_GroupHelper: sbn =
StatusBarNotification(pkg=org.telegram.messenger user=UserHandle{0} id=-1615658085
tag=null key=0|org.telegram.messenger|-1615658085|null|10417 modified=false:
Notification(channel=Other3 pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null
defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0xff11acfa category=msg groupKey=messages
sortKey=9223370335774785807 actions=1 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0))
11-27 17:27:53.565 1491 1536 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{b4440e8 u0}
11-27 17:27:57.795 1491 1491 D _V_GroupHelper: sbn =
StatusBarNotification(pkg=org.telegram.messenger user=UserHandle{0} id=-1615658085
tag=null key=0|org.telegram.messenger|-1615658085|null|10417 modified=false:
Notification(channel=Other3 pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null
defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0xff11acfa category=msg groupKey=messages
sortKey=9223370335774785807 actions=1 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0))
11-27 17:27:59.247 1491 1491 D _V_NotificationService: already existed. key=0|
11-27 17:29:24.337 1491 2585 V InputMethodManagerService:
startInputOrWindowGainedFocusInternalLocked: reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN
client=android.os.BinderProxy@5c43998 inputContext=null missingMethods=
softInputMode=STATE_UNSPECIFIED|ADJUST_PAN windowFlags=#1800002
11-27 17:30:07.802 1491 1491 D _V_NotificationService: already existed. key=0|
11-27 17:30:07.957 1491 1491 D _V_NotificationService: already existed. key=0|
11-27 17:30:08.899 1491 1491 D _V_NotificationService: already existed. key=0|
11-27 17:30:12.862 1491 1491 D _V_NotificationService: already existed. key=0|
11-27 17:30:30.565 1491 4988 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 17:31:02.565 1491 4166 D InputMethodManagerService: ---
calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 10442 system uid = 1000
calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
11-27 17:31:02.565 1491 4166 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input
be hidden
11-27 17:31:03.299 1491 4166 D _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
DEBUG_RATIOSWITCH:prepareAddWindowLw win=Window{6a33565 u0},win.getAttrs().
11-27 17:31:03.569 1491 1516 D _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
DEBUG_SYSTEMUI:finishPostLayoutPolicyLw ; mTopFullWin = Window{6a33565 u0} ;
mRestrictedFrame = Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) ; mTmpRect = Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1560)
11-27 17:31:17.928 1491 1491 D _V_GroupHelper: sbn =
StatusBarNotification(pkg=org.telegram.messenger user=UserHandle{0} id=-1615658085
tag=null key=0|org.telegram.messenger|-1615658085|null|10417 modified=false:
Notification(channel=0channel_channels_b9fad_-6549588456975802164 pri=0
contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0xff11acfa
category=msg sortKey=9223370335773724807 actions=1 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0
internalPriority=0 internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0))
11-27 17:31:18.463 1491 1491 D _V_NotificationService: already existed. key=0|
11-27 17:31:18.587 1491 1491 D _V_GroupHelper: sbn =
StatusBarNotification(pkg=org.telegram.messenger user=UserHandle{0} id=-1615658085
tag=null key=0|org.telegram.messenger|-1615658085|null|10417 modified=false:
Notification(channel=Other3 pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null
defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0xff11acfa category=msg groupKey=messages
sortKey=9223370335773817807 actions=1 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0))
11-27 17:31:19.759 1491 1491 D _V_NotificationService: already existed. key=0|
11-27 17:31:54.565 1491 2091 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 7 as request 4
11-27 17:33:11.154 20199 8565 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
11-27 17:33:23.446 1491 1491 D _V_GroupHelper: sbn =
StatusBarNotification(pkg=org.telegram.messenger user=UserHandle{0} id=-1615658085
tag=null key=0|org.telegram.messenger|-1615658085|null|10417 modified=false:
Notification(channel=0channel_channels_b9fad_-6549588456975802164 pri=0
contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0xff11acfa
category=msg sortKey=9223370335773599807 actions=1 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0
internalPriority=0 internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0))
11-27 17:33:23.909 1491 1491 D _V_NotificationService: already existed. key=0|
11-27 17:33:24.040 1491 1491 D _V_GroupHelper: sbn =
StatusBarNotification(pkg=org.telegram.messenger user=UserHandle{0} id=-1615658085
tag=null key=0|org.telegram.messenger|-1615658085|null|10417 modified=false:
Notification(channel=Other3 pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null
defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0xff11acfa category=msg groupKey=messages
sortKey=9223370335773746807 actions=1 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0))
11-27 17:33:42.441 1491 1491 D _V_NotificationService: already existed. key=0|
11-27 17:34:05.565 1491 4984 D _V_VivoKeyguardControllerImpl: setKeyguardShown
keyguardShowing = true, aodShowing = false, aodChanged = false, mKeyguardGoingAway
= false ,caller by$Stub.onTransact:3162
android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1021 android.os.Binder.execTransact:994
<bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of
call stack> <bottom of call stack>
11-27 17:34:20.990 1491 1491 D _V_GroupHelper: sbn =
StatusBarNotification(pkg=org.telegram.messenger user=UserHandle{0} id=-1615658085
tag=null key=0|org.telegram.messenger|-1615658085|null|10417 modified=false:
Notification(channel=Other3 pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null
defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0xff11acfa category=msg groupKey=messages
sortKey=9223370335773618807 actions=1 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0))
11-27 17:40:13.565 1491 1666 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:1491_2
identical 1 line
11-27 17:40:16.565 1491 3666 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback V1_1: dual-role-
11-27 17:42:07.565 1491 2119 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback V1_1: dual-role-
11-27 17:49:40.565 1491 2119 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback V1_1: dual-role-
11-27 17:50:59.725 13822 13999 W android.youtub: ClassLoaderContext type mismatch.
expected=PCL, found=DLC (PCL[] | DLC[];PCL[/data/app/
11-27 17:51:01.565 12859 12859 W CTION_IDLE_MODE: type=1400 audit(0.0:2882925):
avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/data/com.mediatek" dev="mmcblk0p44"
ino=917953 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:system_app_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
11-27 17:51:11.307 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
5733000, start 1447585245650051, so drop entry
11-27 17:51:11.308 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
7333000, start 1447586839056589, so drop entry
11-27 17:51:11.316 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
13300000, start 1447592875652897, so drop entry
11-27 17:51:12.565 581 1733 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service-mediatek: dual-
11-27 17:51:18.148 1491 1504 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 115731(5654KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(328KB) LOS objects, 8% free,
64MB/70MB, paused 878us total 340.761ms
11-27 17:51:49.292 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
4967000, start 1447622565001514, so drop entry
11-27 17:51:49.294 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
7067000, start 1447624565878822, so drop entry
11-27 17:51:49.294 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
8267000, start 1447625565002745, so drop entry
11-27 17:51:49.295 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
8967000, start 1447626565255207, so drop entry
11-27 17:51:49.296 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
10167000, start 1447627795756592, so drop entry
11-27 17:51:49.299 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
12967000, start 1447630565457207, so drop entry
11-27 17:51:49.300 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
14333000, start 1447631865956515, so drop entry
11-27 17:51:51.565 558 1351 I : querySockNetidForUid not bind uid:10340
11-27 17:51:51.565 31734 32003 E NetdClient: querySockNetidForUid nid:0, uid:10340,
command.cmdId:11, id:0
11-27 17:51:55.565 581 1733 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service-mediatek:
connected:1 canChangeMode:0 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0
11-27 17:52:05.991 1491 3561 D _V_ActivityManager: StartMode packageName =
com.lemon.lvoverseas ,pid = 17690 ,alwaysRestrict = false ,startMode =
2 ,UidRec:UidRecord{77ca5f u0a229 SVC bg:+26m31s565ms idle change:idle procs:2
11-27 17:52:11.565 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
18800000, start 1447655323385901, so nothing to pair
11-27 17:52:16.565 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
18800000, start 1447655323385901, so nothing to pair
11-27 17:52:17.565 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
18800000, start 1447655323385901, so nothing to pair
11-27 17:52:21.565 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
18800000, start 1447655323385901, so nothing to pair
11-27 17:52:25.565 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
18800000, start 1447655323385901, so nothing to pair
11-27 17:52:27.304 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
900000, start 1447656524673670, so drop entry
11-27 17:52:27.304 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
1000000, start 1447656551232670, so drop entry
11-27 17:52:27.304 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
967000, start 1447656584593670, so drop entry
11-27 17:52:27.306 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
3033000, start 1447658656539824, so drop entry
11-27 17:52:27.314 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
10033000, start 1447665656545055, so drop entry
11-27 17:52:27.315 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
11267000, start 1447666856541902, so drop entry
11-27 17:52:27.321 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
16200000, start 1447671755650517, so drop entry
11-27 17:52:46.297 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
6033000, start 1447680645651441, so drop entry
11-27 17:52:46.303 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
11467000, start 1447685775655057, so drop entry
11-27 17:52:53.565 758 30738 I VDO_LOG : [Info]
[eVideoFlushCache]cmd:ION_SYS_CACHE_SYNC, va:0xdff7d000, handle:0x7, size: 9344,
11-27 17:53:02.565 31152 30727 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31152-37]
(this:0x7496ff3800,id:37,api:3,p:31152,c:31152) queueBuffer: slot 8 is dropped,
11-27 17:53:03.565 31152 30727 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31152-37]
(this:0x7496ff3800,id:37,api:3,p:31152,c:31152) queueBuffer: slot 9 is dropped,
11-27 17:53:05.277 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
2867000, start 1447696395256519, so drop entry
11-27 17:53:05.286 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
10667000, start 1447703956591135, so drop entry
11-27 17:53:05.288 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
12033000, start 1447705659972981, so drop entry
11-27 17:53:05.289 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
13467000, start 1447706962156519, so drop entry
11-27 17:53:12.565 581 1733 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service-mediatek: dual-
11-27 17:53:12.565 581 1733 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service-mediatek:
connected:1 canChangeMode:0 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0
11-27 17:53:24.263 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
4567000, start 1447717175657212, so drop entry
11-27 17:53:24.565 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: presentation time: 0
11-27 17:53:43.257 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
4967000, start 1447736539856521, so drop entry
11-27 17:53:43.261 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
7800000, start 1447739349756521, so drop entry
11-27 17:53:43.264 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
10267000, start 1447741735653752, so drop entry
11-27 17:53:43.269 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
15667000, start 1447747171565291, so drop entry
11-27 17:53:51.565 31152 30727 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31152-37]
(this:0x7496ff3800,id:37,api:3,p:31152,c:31152) queueBuffer: slot 2 is dropped,
11-27 17:53:52.565 581 1733 I android.hardware.usb@1.1-service-mediatek: dual-
11-27 17:53:54.565 31152 30727 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31152-37]
(this:0x7496ff3800,id:37,api:3,p:31152,c:31152) queueBuffer: slot 2 is dropped,
11-27 17:54:00.565 26226 26226 I _V_SmartNoti: isKeyguardNotificationEnabled(),
CustomImportance: -1
11-27 17:54:00.565 26226 26226 I _V_SmartNoti: isKeyguardNotificationEnabled(),
CustomImportance: -1
11-27 17:54:02.251 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
5967000, start 1447756526477369, so drop entry
11-27 17:54:02.251 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
6067000, start 1447756565156292, so drop entry
11-27 17:54:02.251 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
6033000, start 1447756591937984, so drop entry
11-27 17:54:06.565 31152 30727 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31152-37]
(this:0x7496ff3800,id:37,api:3,p:31152,c:31152) queueBuffer: slot 4 is dropped,
11-27 17:54:13.565 31152 30727 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31152-37]
(this:0x7496ff3800,id:37,api:3,p:31152,c:31152) queueBuffer: slot 2 is dropped,
11-27 17:54:14.565 31152 30727 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31152-37]
(this:0x7496ff3800,id:37,api:3,p:31152,c:31152) queueBuffer: slot 5 is dropped,
11-27 17:54:16.565 31152 30727 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31152-37]
(this:0x7496ff3800,id:37,api:3,p:31152,c:31152) queueBuffer: slot 7 is dropped,
11-27 17:54:18.565 758 30738 I VDO_LOG : [Info]
[eVideoFlushCache]cmd:ION_SYS_CACHE_SYNC, va:0xe3764000, handle:0x2, size: 960,
11-27 17:54:20.565 31152 30727 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31152-37]
(this:0x7496ff3800,id:37,api:3,p:31152,c:31152) queueBuffer: slot 4 is dropped,
11-27 17:54:21.235 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
4633000, start 1447774196565139, so drop entry
11-27 17:54:21.240 31152 30724 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
16100000, start 1447785657874755, so drop entry

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