You are on page 1of 29

10-27 08:56:47.

021 1309 5070 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id

reported: 149924527; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
10-27 08:56:53.932 1309 1702 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 149924527; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
10-27 08:56:57.452 1309 1702 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 158ms so far, now
at attachApplicationLocked: after sendPendingBroadcastsLocked
10-27 08:58:01.452 1309 3821 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1309_14
identical 2 lines
10-27 09:40:37.452 1309 3821 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-27 11:03:10.690 1309 31452 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: opPkg=com.whatsapp,
effect=Waveform{mTimings=[0, 300, 200, 300, 200], mAmplitudes=[0, -1, 0, -1, 0],
mRepeat=-1}, isSupportTypeLinearMotor=0
10-27 11:34:17.221 1309 1426 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: VCode collect vibrator
Map={start_time=1666845192918, shock=[{intensity=145, times=300,
module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1},
{intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145,
times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300,
module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1},
{intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145,
times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}], end_time=1666845257221,
10-27 14:30:22.452 1309 3986 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-27 15:28:46.452 1309 2300 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-27 17:30:39.452 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
18133,uid: 10196
10-27 18:51:53.452 1309 1309 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-27 19:09:42.599 1309 1426 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: VCode collect vibrator
Map={start_time=1666871701480, shock=[{intensity=145, times=300,
module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1},
{intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145,
times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300,
module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1},
{intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145,
times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}], end_time=1666872582599,
10-28 03:57:22.263 1309 1309 I AnyMotionDetector: Accumulated vector
timeMillisSinceBoot=68612456 | x=0.15705001, y=0.16005, z=9.891001, runningSum =
timeMillisSinceBoot=68612456 | x=4.1281505, y=4.4330997, z=267.22455,
incrementalEnergy = 1.3405796E-5, energy = 0.00452692
10-28 05:51:51.452 9277 9277 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
10-28 07:02:46.943 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
23452,uid: 1000
10-28 09:17:03.732 1309 1869 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 149924527; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
10-28 09:18:07.079 1309 1426 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: VCode collect vibrator
Map={start_time=1666921864523, shock=[{intensity=145, times=300,
module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=350,, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=350,, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=350,, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=350,, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300,
module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=350,, pattern=-1},
{intensity=145, times=350,, pattern=-1},
{intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}],
end_time=1666923487079, uuid=5def2eda-e8d7-4d6b-937a-4105694ea65c}
10-28 09:56:22.053 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
17452,uid: 10213
10-28 10:37:29.702 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
29452,uid: 10213
10-28 11:25:43.452 1309 3821 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.03137255
10-28 11:44:16.452 1309 1323 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
10-28 12:21:02.452 1309 2340 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-28 12:34:50.452 1309 1682 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
10-28 13:18:50.452 7487 7487 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-28 13:35:58.452 1309 1415 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-28 13:40:21.537 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
12452,uid: 1001
10-28 13:40:32.452 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
12959,uid: 10185
10-28 14:13:16.452 1309 1330 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-28 14:15:03.452 1309 1426 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: collect vibrator
map={intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}
10-28 14:15:08.452 1309 2568 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
10-28 14:17:12.388 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
24523,uid: 10207
10-28 14:39:44.452 1309 2339 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.03137255
10-28 16:20:29.452 1309 1585 E _V_VivoDisplayOverlayController: sendTransaction
failed ! Exception is : java.lang.SecurityException
10-28 17:07:54.452 1309 1436 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.03137255
10-28 17:40:21.503 1309 1426 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: VCode collect vibrator
Map={start_time=1666953567577, shock=[{intensity=145, times=300,
module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1},
{intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145,
times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300,
module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1},
{intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145,
times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}], end_time=1666953621503,
10-28 17:54:41.452 1309 2300 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.03137255
10-28 17:57:23.452 1309 3948 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.03137255
10-28 18:15:52.422 1309 1378 E BatteryStatsImpl: All kernel wakelocks were set
stale. new version=4529
10-28 18:39:42.452 1309 1702 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-28 18:56:52.452 1309 3948 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-28 18:59:38.452 1309 1682 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-28 19:31:07.452 1309 1362 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
10-28 21:10:00.535 22452 22452 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-28 21:10:00.540 22452 22452 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-28 21:10:01.079 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
22452,uid: 10196
10-28 22:07:48.452 1309 2569 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-28 22:44:47.452 1309 1322 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.03137255
10-28 22:45:17.452 1309 3821 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.03137255
10-28 22:47:46.452 1309 1869 D _V_ActivityManager: StartMode packageName = ,pid = -1 ,alwaysRestrict = true ,startMode =
2 ,UidRec:UidRecord{b3efcc2 1001 PER procs:5 seq(0,0,0)}
10-28 23:19:28.980 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
4528,uid: 10186
10-29 00:22:45.452 1309 3948 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-29 00:34:44.452 1309 2570 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-29 05:05:02.452 1309 3948 E ProcessStats: Foregrounding service
ServiceState{cd4311b proc=33152b8} without owner
10-29 05:16:38.452 1309 2565 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:0 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10245 callingPid:26014
10-29 07:15:31.452 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
15370,uid: 10207
10-29 07:24:56.452 1309 1327 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
16962,uid: 1000
10-29 09:58:09.452 1309 5070 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
10-29 10:27:15.452 501 21911 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:501_A
identical 4 lines
10-29 10:27:20.063 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:27:30.980 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:28:26.255 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:28:39.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:112380, idx:-1
10-29 10:28:39.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:112368, idx:-1
10-29 10:28:51.553 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:28:58.040 942 16018 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:112452
10-29 10:28:58.041 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:112452 hint:-
1 pid:942 duration:0 => ret_hdl:112452
10-29 10:28:58.041 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:112452
lock_user:omx@1.0-service pid:942 tid:16018 dur:0
10-29 10:28:58.163 942 16018 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:112452,
10-29 10:28:58.164 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:112452, idx:1
10-29 10:28:58.166 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:112452
lock_user:omx@1.0-service pid:942 tid:16018 dur:0
10-29 10:30:00.022 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:30:06.136 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:30:13.508 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:30:43.551 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:31:04.452 942 16018 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:0, dur:0,
num:16, tid:16018
10-29 10:31:16.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:112746 hint:-
1 pid:942 duration:0 => ret_hdl:112746
10-29 10:31:16.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:112746
lock_user:omx@1.0-service pid:942 tid:16018 dur:0
10-29 10:31:16.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: omx@1.0-service: cpu_ctrl set cpu
freq: 1033000 1033000 1033000 1033000
10-29 10:31:31.817 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:31:39.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:112794, idx:1
10-29 10:31:39.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:112794
lock_user:omx@1.0-service pid:942 tid:16018 dur:0
10-29 10:31:39.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: omx@1.0-service: cpu_ctrl set cpu
freq: 850000 850000 850000 850000
10-29 10:32:20.452 1309 3821 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system pkg
10-29 10:32:35.344 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:32:37.124 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:32:39.452 479 2298 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
10-29 10:32:39.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:112895, idx:3
10-29 10:32:39.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:3 hdl:112895 hint:1159
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:497
10-29 10:32:40.062 452 25894 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
10-29 10:32:40.063 452 25894 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
10-29 10:32:40.075 452 17992 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
10-29 10:33:18.534 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:33:24.914 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:33:46.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
10-29 10:33:49.141 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:33:57.712 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:34:17.394 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:34:24.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:113216
hint:25 pid:479 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:113216
10-29 10:34:24.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:113216 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:479
10-29 10:34:24.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
10-29 10:34:29.227 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:34:37.452 501 18572 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
device {type:0x2,@:}, activeDevices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE
10-29 10:35:20.874 5177 5228 E native : E0000 00:00:1667014520.874594 5228] Fail to process input actions request:No
processor registered
10-29 10:35:21.208 5177 5228 E native : E0000 00:00:1667014521.208720 5228] Fail to process input actions request:No
processor registered
10-29 10:35:22.352 452 547 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:36:06.452 421 427 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
10-29 10:36:29.687 452 547 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:36:31.048 5177 5177 E native : E0000 00:00:1667014591.048508 5177] [TouchCenter] Can't find key at (452, 142)
10-29 10:36:35.119 452 547 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:36:44.314 452 17992 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
10-29 10:36:46.067 452 17992 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
10-29 10:36:56.452 479 2298 I libPowerHal: omx@1.0-service: cpu_ctrl set cpu
freq: 850000 850000 850000 850000
10-29 10:36:59.021 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:37:02.376 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:37:05.478 942 18534 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:113452
10-29 10:37:05.479 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:113452 hint:-
1 pid:942 duration:0 => ret_hdl:113452
10-29 10:37:05.480 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:3 hdl:113452
lock_user:omx@1.0-service pid:942 tid:18534 dur:0
10-29 10:37:05.534 942 18534 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:113452,
10-29 10:37:05.535 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:113452, idx:3
10-29 10:37:05.535 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:3 hdl:113452
lock_user:omx@1.0-service pid:942 tid:18534 dur:0
10-29 10:37:10.687 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:37:11.452 501 830 V APM_AudioPolicyManager:
selectOutputForMusicEffects selected output 13
10-29 10:37:12.349 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:37:15.078 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:37:17.800 942 18534 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:113452,
10-29 10:37:17.803 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:113452, idx:-1
10-29 10:37:43.957 942 18534 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:113452,
10-29 10:37:43.962 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:113452, idx:-1
10-29 10:38:19.081 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 10:38:19.113 452 547 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:47:22.108 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:47:22.121 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:47:22.125 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:47:22.129 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:47:22.171 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:47:22.177 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:47:22.181 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:47:22.185 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:47:22.227 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:47:22.237 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:47:22.241 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:47:22.244 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:47:22.286 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:47:22.297 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:48:21.944 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:48:21.949 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:53:35.452 928 1219 I chatty : uid=0(root) Binder:928_2 identical 4
10-29 10:54:28.452 421 428 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
10-29 10:58:36.456 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.459 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:36.462 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.503 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:36.517 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.520 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:36.523 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.577 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.642 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 3 lines
10-29 10:58:36.646 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.749 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:36.813 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:36.818 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.871 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:36.878 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.883 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.931 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:36.939 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.943 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:36.948 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:36.991 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:36.998 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.061 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 4 lines
10-29 10:58:37.065 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.224 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:37.285 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:37.299 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.351 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:37.359 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.363 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:37.368 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.411 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:37.418 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.481 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 4 lines
10-29 10:58:37.485 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.654 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:37.710 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:37.719 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.771 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:37.778 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.783 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:37.788 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.830 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:37.837 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:37.962 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 6 lines
10-29 10:58:37.966 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.133 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:38.191 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:38.197 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.200 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:38.204 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.246 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:38.257 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.260 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:38.266 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.308 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:38.318 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.383 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 3 lines
10-29 10:58:38.387 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.490 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:38.554 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:38.557 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.560 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.607 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:38.617 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.620 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:38.624 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.795 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:38.797 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.800 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:38.804 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.846 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:38.857 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.860 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:38.863 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.918 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:38.982 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 3 lines
10-29 10:58:38.986 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.150 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:39.157 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.160 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.207 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:39.217 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.220 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:39.224 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.266 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:39.277 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.280 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:39.283 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.337 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.342 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:39.346 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.450 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:39.504 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:39.517 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.566 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:39.578 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.583 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:39.587 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.630 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:39.638 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.705 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 5 lines
10-29 10:58:39.767 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.932 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:39.937 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:39.991 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:39.997 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.000 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:40.003 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.046 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:40.058 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.063 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:40.068 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.110 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:40.118 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.182 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 4 lines
10-29 10:58:40.186 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.352 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:40.357 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.360 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.408 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:40.418 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.423 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:40.427 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.470 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:40.477 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.547 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 5 lines
10-29 10:58:40.608 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.710 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:40.717 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.720 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:40.724 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.766 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:40.777 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.780 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:40.786 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.828 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:40.838 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:40.902 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 3 lines
10-29 10:58:40.906 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.071 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:41.131 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:41.137 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.139 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.184 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:41.197 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.200 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:41.202 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.244 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:41.257 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.259 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.262 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.317 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.380 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 3 lines
10-29 10:58:41.382 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.484 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:41.545 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:41.605 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:41.617 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.619 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.664 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:41.677 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.679 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:41.682 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.724 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:41.738 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:41.862 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 6 lines
10-29 10:58:41.866 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:42.030 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:42.037 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:42.086 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:42.097 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:42.283 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 9 lines
10-29 10:58:42.288 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:42.454 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:42.512 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:42.517 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:42.520 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:42.567 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:42.577 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:42.580 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:42.584 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:42.626 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:42.637 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:42.766 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 7 lines
10-29 10:58:42.829 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:42.931 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:42.994 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:42.997 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.049 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:43.058 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.063 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.111 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:43.118 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.123 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:43.127 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.170 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:43.177 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.302 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 6 lines
10-29 10:58:43.306 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.410 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:43.471 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:43.478 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.482 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:43.486 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.528 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:43.537 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.540 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:43.544 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.645 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:43.657 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.661 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.721 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 3 lines
10-29 10:58:43.724 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.825 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:43.838 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.842 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.846 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.897 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.900 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.903 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:43.945 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:44.068 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:44.128 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:44.260 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:44.365 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:44.677 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:44.737 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 10:58:44.741 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:44.857 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:44.985 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:45.027 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:45.089 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:45.524 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:45.567 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:45.705 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:45.761 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:45.765 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:45.821 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:46.409 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 10:58:47.241 452 4303 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 10:58:47.519 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:47.858 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:47.977 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:48.157 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:48.200 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:48.357 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:48.417 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:48.717 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:48.737 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:48.916 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:49.017 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:49.216 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:49.317 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:49.657 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:49.857 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:49.958 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 10:58:53.698 452 4303 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 10:58:55.262 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:59:01.600 452 4303 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 10:59:01.680 510 1452 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: SurfaceFlinger
did not recognize request code: 30003
10-29 10:59:04.646 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:59:08.650 452 4303 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 10:59:10.369 452 4303 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 10:59:10.428 510 1452 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: SurfaceFlinger
did not recognize request code: 30003
10-29 10:59:13.794 452 547 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:59:17.944 452 547 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 10:59:19.670 452 547 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:59:24.338 452 547 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 10:59:24.424 510 1452 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: SurfaceFlinger
did not recognize request code: 30003
10-29 10:59:27.432 452 4303 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:59:31.306 452 4303 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 10:59:41.831 452 4303 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 10:59:44.997 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 10:59:49.093 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:00:00.232 510 1452 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: SurfaceFlinger
did not recognize request code: 30003
10-29 11:00:00.322 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:00:07.164 452 973 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:00:09.352 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:00:12.626 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 11:00:16.452 1309 1469 E WifiClientModeImpl: getWifiLinkLayerStats called
without an interface
10-29 11:00:16.489 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:00:18.335 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:00:18.488 510 1452 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: SurfaceFlinger
did not recognize request code: 30003
10-29 11:00:20.452 501 830 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices
selected devices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE
10-29 11:00:21.456 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 11:00:30.870 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:00:43.930 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:00:59.971 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:02:11.003 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:02:14.434 452 973 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:02:17.227 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:02:21.617 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:02:57.452 928 1219 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10252, nid:0
10-29 11:03:01.404 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:03:12.676 497 497 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3452, tid:497
10-29 11:03:12.677 479 2298 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3452, idx:-1
10-29 11:03:21.859 452 973 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:03:42.069 452 973 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:03:50.263 452 973 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 11:03:50.452 493 493 E _V_VivoSensorTest: bbk_em_sensor_main finish
10-29 11:17:22.519 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:17:22.523 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:17:22.527 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:17:22.569 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 11:17:22.578 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:17:22.582 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 11:17:22.588 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:17:22.630 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 11:17:22.638 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:17:22.642 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:17:22.647 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:17:30.452 501 11457 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setAppState(portId:2848,
10-29 11:37:22.452 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 11:37:22.460 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:37:22.464 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 11:37:22.468 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:37:22.510 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 11:37:22.519 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:37:22.524 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 11:37:22.528 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:48:51.452 421 428 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup27: Permission denied
10-29 11:57:23.666 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:57:23.708 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 11:57:23.716 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:57:23.719 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 11:57:23.723 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 11:57:23.765 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:06:40.037 452 25894 E AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor ==
10-29 12:08:52.452 421 428 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup26: Permission denied
10-29 12:13:47.452 501 21999 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setAppState(portId:2848,
10-29 12:15:12.072 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.078 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.082 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.087 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.129 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.138 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.142 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.146 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.188 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.197 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.201 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.204 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.246 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.257 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.260 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.264 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.306 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.317 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.322 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.326 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.369 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.377 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.379 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.382 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.423 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.437 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.440 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.443 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.485 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.497 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.501 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.504 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.545 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.557 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.560 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.562 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.604 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.617 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.620 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.622 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.664 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.677 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.680 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.682 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.724 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.738 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.741 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.744 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.786 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.797 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.800 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.802 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.844 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.857 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.860 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.862 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.904 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.917 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.920 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.923 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.964 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:12.977 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:12.980 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:12.983 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.024 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.037 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.040 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.042 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.084 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.097 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.100 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.105 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.147 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.157 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.160 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.164 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.205 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.217 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.220 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.223 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.264 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.277 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.280 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.282 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.324 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.337 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.340 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.342 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.384 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.397 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.400 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.403 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.445 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.457 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.460 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.462 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.504 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.517 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.520 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.522 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.564 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.577 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.580 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.582 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.624 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.637 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.640 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.643 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.685 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.697 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.700 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.702 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.743 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.757 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.760 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.762 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.804 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.817 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.820 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.823 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.865 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.877 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.880 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.882 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.924 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.937 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.940 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:13.942 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:13.984 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:13.997 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:14.000 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:14.002 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:14.044 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:14.057 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:14.060 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:14.062 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:14.104 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:14.117 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:14.120 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:14.122 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:14.164 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:15:14.177 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:15:14.180 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:15:14.182 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:22:50.452 928 1219 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10252, nid:0
10-29 12:27:33.452 421 428 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup26: Permission denied
10-29 12:27:43.452 421 428 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup28: Permission denied
10-29 12:38:06.452 2252 3037 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream:
clock_minute.png: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
10-29 12:41:45.169 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:41:45.483 510 1452 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: SurfaceFlinger
did not recognize request code: 30003
10-29 12:41:51.452 928 1219 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10252, nid:0
10-29 12:41:52.277 452 973 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:41:52.452 1767 5803 E _V_AppUsagesPeriodCollect:
processScreenOffAppUsage appUsagePeriodInfo == null!
10-29 12:41:53.685 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:42:02.250 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:42:10.050 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:42:10.130 510 1452 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: SurfaceFlinger
did not recognize request code: 30003
10-29 12:42:17.238 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:42:17.452 479 516 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:9, enabled:1
10-29 12:42:17.452 479 516 E mtkpower@impl: [setMode] unknown type
10-29 12:42:17.452 479 516 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:7, enabled:0
10-29 12:44:28.134 510 1452 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: SurfaceFlinger
did not recognize request code: 30003
10-29 12:44:28.142 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:44:35.220 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:44:44.514 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:44:53.366 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:45:12.634 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:45:19.919 452 25894 E AudioALSAStreamManager: setScreenState,
mStreamInVector[0]->getInputFlags() = 0x0
10-29 12:46:14.452 421 428 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
10-29 12:46:24.452 421 428 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup22: Permission denied
10-29 12:58:36.546 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:58:36.557 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:58:36.560 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:58:36.563 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:58:36.604 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:58:36.618 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:58:36.621 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 12:58:36.624 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:58:36.667 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 12:58:36.677 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:58:36.681 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 12:58:36.684 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.534 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:14.539 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.543 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:14.547 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.590 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:14.597 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.602 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:14.606 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.649 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:14.657 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.660 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:14.662 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.704 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:14.717 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.720 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:14.722 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.764 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:14.777 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.780 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:14.782 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.824 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:14.837 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.840 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:14.842 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.884 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:14.898 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.901 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:14.903 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.945 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:14.957 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:14.960 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:14.962 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.004 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.017 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.020 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.022 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.064 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.077 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.080 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.082 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.124 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.137 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.140 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.142 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.184 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.197 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.200 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.202 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.244 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.257 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.260 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.263 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.305 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.317 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.320 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.322 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.364 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.377 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.380 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.382 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.424 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.437 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.441 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.444 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.485 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.498 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.502 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.505 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.547 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.557 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.560 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.562 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.604 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.617 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.620 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.622 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.664 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.678 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.681 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.684 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.725 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.737 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.740 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.743 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.784 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.797 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.800 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.802 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.844 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.858 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.861 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.863 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.905 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.917 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.920 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:15.922 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.964 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:15.977 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.980 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:15.983 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.024 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:16.037 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.039 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:16.042 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.084 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:16.097 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.099 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:16.102 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.143 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:16.157 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.159 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:16.162 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.203 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:16.217 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.219 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:16.222 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.263 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:16.277 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.279 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:16.282 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.323 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:16.337 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.340 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:16.342 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.384 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:16.397 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.399 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:16.402 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.443 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840
10-29 13:15:16.457 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.461 452 18481 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) processThread_4
identical 1 line
10-29 13:15:16.464 452 18481 D AudioPreProcess: NativePreprocess: 3528 bytes, 882
frames, proc_buf_frames=440, mAPPS->num_preprocessors=1,num_channel=2
10-29 13:15:16.505 452 18481 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840

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