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Question : Write a story which includes the sentence: ‘When I thought about it, I couldn’t ignore the

fact that we had been dishonest.’

I always knew that honesty is the best policy, but the temptation to lie and deceive was too great. It was
in my blood, and I couldn't resist the urge to manipulate the situation to my advantage. This might have
worked in my favor in the short term, but over time, it became apparent that the consequences were

My best friend, , and I had been planning a trip to Europe for the past two years. We saved up every
penny we could and worked multiple jobs to make this dream a reality. We were excited to explore new
cultures, see breathtaking sights, and make unforgettable memories. The trip was going to be the
highlight of our summer, maybe even our year.

To make the most of our time in Europe, we planned our itinerary down to the minute. We had
everything scheduled from our flight times to the restaurants we wanted to visit. One thing we hadn't
planned for, though, was the amount of money we would need for transportation. That's when the
harsh reality hit us, and we knew we needed to come up with a solution fast.

That's when I suggested that we hitchhike to a few destinations to save money. I had heard it's a
common practice in Europe, and people are happy to pick up hitchhikers. Razor agreed, and we hit the
road with high hopes and even higher spirits.

The plan was going well until we were picked up by a man who offered to take us to our next
destination. However, he wanted to take a detour and show us a tourist spot that was supposedly "off-
the-beaten-path." We agreed, and he drove us to a secluded area in the woods.

That's when I realized I had made a mistake. The man got out of the car, and before we knew it, we
were surrounded by his friends who asked us for all of our money and belongings. I was terrified, and
Razor was hysterical. They took everything we had and left us stranded in the middle of nowhere.

We eventually found our way back to civilization, and we went to the police to report the incident. It
was then that I realized what I had done. When I thought about it, I couldn't ignore the fact that we had
been dishonest. We had lied to ourselves by thinking that hitchhiking was a safe and reliable way to
travel. We had also deceived our parents by not telling them about our plans, which led to a series of
unfortunate events.

After this incident, Razor and I decided never to lie or deceive again. We learned the hard way that
honesty is the best policy, and it's not worth risking our lives and safety to save a few bucks. We still
went on to have an amazing trip, but we made sure to research and plan everything accurately. This
experience taught us that there are no shortcuts in life, and it's always better to be honest and upfront.

(504 words )

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