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1. 3-D imaging, drones, carbon dating, DNA testing

2. Discoveries from the past teach us about our ancestors, which helps us understand
more about who we are.


Before You Read


1. There is an old historic building that used to be a stadium. The old post office
has been rebuilt.

2. Technology can be used to simulate how the buildings were originally built,
and help engineers decide how to best complete restoration work. It can show
images of what is inside sealed tombs without disturbing the ancient artifacts.

B. The building looks like it could be a temple or a home for an emperor.

Reading Comprehension


1.a - 2.c - 3.d - 4.a - 5.b


1.K - 2.G - 3.I - 4.H - 5.E

Reading Skill


1. it is a well

2. the water seeps down

3. the most magnificent works of art

4. putting on earrings

5. leads into the well itself


1. Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools speak because they
have to say something.

2. To err is human, to forgive is divine.

3. If you don’t love something, you’re not going to go the extra mile, you’re not going to
work the extra weekend, you’re not going to challenge the status quo as much.

Vocabulary Practice


1. Firsthand

2. Gazed

3. Stunned

4. Garments

5. Virtual


1. returns to you

2. after a friend dies

3. cutting into

4. put the pieces together

5. floor to ceiling


1. Tour

2. Reality

3. Classroom

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