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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:7–14 7

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.7 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on January 9, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Carcinoma associated paraneoplastic peripheral
neuropathies in patients with and without
anti-onconeural antibodies
Jean-Christophe Antoine, Jean-François Mosnier, Léna Absi, Philippe Convers,
Jérôme Honnorat, Daniel Michel

Abstract carcinoma in the absence of anti-

Objective—When to suspect a paraneo- onconeural antibodies, except when the
plastic disorder is a puzzling problem that neuropathy is associated with encephalo-
has not recently been studied in a large myelitis and probably with vasculitis.
series of patients referred for peripheral Questions remain concerning CIDP.
neuropathy. (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:7–14)
Methods—From 422 consecutive patients
Keywords: paraneoplastic neurological syndromes; pe-
with peripheral neuropathy, 26 were ana- ripheral neuropathy; Guillain-Barré syndrome; chronic
lysed who concomitantly had carcinoma inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy
but no tumorous infiltration, drug toxic-
ity, or cachexia. Their clinical, pathologi-
cal, and electrophysiological data were Depending on diagnostic criteria, up to 50% of
analysed according to the presence of patients with carcinoma develop peripheral
anti-onconeural antibodies, the latency neuropathy.1 Treatment toxicity, tumorous
between presentation and cancer diagno- infiltration, metabolic disturbances, or termi-
sis, and the incidence of carcinoma in the nal cachexia account for most cases.2 Paraneo-
corresponding types of neuropathy of the plastic neuropathies are rare and heterogene-
population of 422 patients. ous disorders.3 Some of them are part of
Results—Seven patients (group I) had complex syndromes involving simultaneously
anti-onconeural antibodies (six anti-Hu, the central (CNS) and peripheral nervous sys-
one anti-CV2) and 19 did not (groups IIA tems (PNS), the most frequent of which is
Department of and B). In group I, subacute sensory neu- subacute sensory neuronopathy/paraneoplastic
Neurology encephalomyelitis (SSN/PEM).4 This disorder,
J-C Antoine ropathy (SSN) was the most frequent but
P Convers other neuropathies including demyelinat- when occurring with small cell lung cancer, is
D Michel ing neuropathies were present. Patients in almost invariably associated with anti-Hu
group II A had a short latency (mean 7.88 antibodies.5 Paraneoplastic syndromes associ-
Department of months), and a rapidly and usually severe ated with the other known anti-onconeural
Pathology, Hôpital de antibodies often involve the PNS, but the neu-
neuropathy which corresponded in 11/14
to an established inflammatory disorder ropathies are less characterised.6–10 Although
Saint-Etienne, France
J-F Mosnier including neuropathy with encephalomy- attention has been mainly focused on antibody
elitis, mononeuritis multiplex, and acute positive cases, there also exist true paraneoplas-
Laboratory of or chronic inflammatory demyelinating tic neuropathies and no known antibodies.11
Immunology, Centre
polyneuropathy (CIDP). Patients in group These cases are diYcult to define because
de Transfusion many of the previous reports did not use mod-
Sanguine, IIB had a long latency (mean 8.4 years)
and a very chronic disorder correspond- ern investigation methods,12 13 and most of the
Saint-Etienne, France
L Absi ing in four of five to an axonal non- recent studies concern single or few cases so
inflammatory polyneuropathy. In this that it is diYcult to know which type of
INSERM U-433, Lyon, neuropathy should be investigated for cancer.
population, the incidence of carcinoma
France We have therefore performed a study on 26
J-C Antoine occurring with a short latency was 47% in
patients selected from 422 consecutive patients
J Honnorat sensory neuronopathy, 1.7% in Guillain-
with peripheral neuropathy who developed
Barré syndrome, 10% in mononeuritis
Service de Neurologie
their neurological disorder in association with
multiplex and CIDP, and 4.5% in axonal
B, Hôpital carcinomas. This led us to discuss the classifi-
polyneuropathy. cation of these neuropathies, their links with
Neurologique, Lyon,
Conclusions—Paraneoplastic neuropa- tumours, and when to investigate a patient with
J Honnorat thies associated with carcinoma are het- peripheral neuropathy for carcinoma.
erogeneous disorders. Neuropathies
Correspondence to : J-C occurring with a long latency with tu-
Antoine, Service de
Neurologie, Hôpital de
mours probably resulted from a coinci- Material and methods
Bellevue, Boulevard Pasteur, dental association. Neuropathies which PATIENT SELECTION
42055 Saint-Etienne Cedex, occurred within a few years of the tumour The patients were selected from the data bank
France. Telephone 0033 4 77
42 78 05; fax 0033 4 77 42
evolved rapidly and corresponded mostly of 422 consecutive patients investigated for
05 43. to inflammatory disorders. As dysim- peripheral neuropathy in the Department of
mune neuropathies are probably paraneo- Neurology of the University Hospital of Saint-
Received 4 August 1998 and plastic in a limited number of cases, Etienne between 1987 and June 1998. Our
in final form
5 January 1999 patients with these disorders should prob- Department is the referential centre for neuro-
Accepted 8 January 1999 ably not be investigated systematically for logical diseases in an estimated population of
8 Antoine, Mosnier, Absi, et al

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.7 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on January 9, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Clinical data for the seven patients with anti-onconeural antibodies (group I). Delay indicates the interval between the onset of neurological
symptoms and cancer diagnosis. In every case, the neuropathy preceded the discovery of the tumour. The revised Rankin score is used to estimate the
maximal deficit reached by the patients

No Sex/age (months) Clinical manifestations Rankin Course Electrophysiology

1 M/56 23 Sensory > motor symmetric in four limbs 4 Progressive Reduced or absent SAP. Normal SCV.
ataxia. Central nystagmus. Hearing loss. Reduced MAP, normal MCV. Reduced
Pain. Depressed tendon reflexes interferential pattern
2 M/56 9 Sensory symmetric in four limbs. Pain. 4 Progressive Reduced SAP. Significantly reduced SCV
Ataxia. Depressed tendon reflexes (3.4µV and 29 m/s in ulnar nerves).
nystagmus, temporal lobe epilepsy Almost normal MCV
3 M/61 8 Sensory > motor deficit asymmetric in 3 Subacute Absent SAP. Mildly reduced MCV in
lower limbs. Areflexia. Pain. Digestive lower limbs with TD. Reduced
obstruction interferential pattern
4 M/73 8 Sensory > motor asymmetric in lower limbs. 3 Subacute Absent SAP. Mildly reduced SCV. Mild
Areflexia. Cerebellar ataxia reduction of MAP and MCV reduced
interferential pattern
5 M/50 2 Multifocal sensory and painful. Reduced 2 Subacute Absent or reduced SAP. Normal SCV
tendon reflex. Orthostatic hypotension normal MCV. Normal electromyography
6 M/65 8 Asymmetric sensory > motor deficit in four 4 Progressive Reduced or absent SAP. Mildly reduced
limbs. Pain. Ataxia. Memory loss MAP and MCV. Prolonged F waves.
Temporal dispersion in tibial nerves
Reduced interferential pattern
7 F/62 12 Sensory-motor deficit and areflexia in lower 4 Progressive Reduced SAP and SCV. Reduced MAP.
limbs. Cerebellar ataxia orthostatic Mildly reduced MCV. Reduced
hypotension interferential pattern

Course corresponds to the onset of neurological symptoms: acute, <1 month; subacute 1-2 months; progressive, >2 months; CSF=number of lymphocytes/mm3;
ND=not done; SCLC=small cell lung carcinoma; SAP=sensory action potential; SCV=sensory conduction velocities; MAP=motor action potentials; MCV= motor
conduction velocities.

500 000 inhabitants. The selection criteria for the median and ulnar nerves were also studied
the study were the presence of a clinically overt after stimulation at the Erb point and the axilla.
peripheral neuropathy, occurrence of a carci- The electrophysiological data were considered
noma proved by pathology or probable from as indicative of a primary demyelinating
radiological data, the simultaneous presence, at neuropathy when they fulfilled the criteria
least at one time during the course, of both the established by the ad hoc subcommittee for the
neurological syndrome and the tumour, the diagnosis of chronic inflammatory demyelinat-
absence of tumour infiltration, treatment toxic- ing polyneuropathy (CIDP).16 A significant
ity, cachexia, or other known causes of periph- reduction with normal duration of the sensory
eral neuropathy, and the availability of a serum and motor action potentials (SAPs and
sample for the research of anti-onconeural MAPs), and slowing of conduction velocities
antibodies. The erythrocyte sedimentation not exceeding 80% of the lower limit of normal
rate, blood cell count, ionogram, blood glucose were considered as indicative of an axonal neu-
concentration, serum protein immunoelectro- ropathy. A neuronopathy (involvement of
phoresis, and concentrations of creatinine, motor neurons in anterior horn or sensory
TSH, ANA, cholesterol, Apo A and B, vitamin ganglionopathy) was suspected when a signifi-
B12, and folate were at least determined. Cyto- cant reduction with normal duration of the
logical examination of the CSF was performed SAP or MAP, and normal conduction veloci-
after cytocentrifugation and showed the ab- ties occurred. In addition, needle EMG
sence of tumour cells. The course was consid- evidence of fibrillation potentials, positive
ered as being acute when the maximal deficit sharp waves, or fasciculations were required for
was reached within 1 month, subacute within 2 the diagnosis of motor neuron involvement.
months, chronic when longer than 2 months,
and relapsing when relapses occurred sponta- NEUROPATHOLOGICAL STUDY
neously and independently from immunosup- Samples of superficial peroneal nerve biopsies
pressive treatments. The motor deficit was (18 cases) were fixed in 10% formalin, embed-
graded using the Medical Research Council ded in paraYn, and stained with haematoxylin
scale and the disability by the modified Rankin and eosin. Others were fixed in 2.5% glutaral-
score.14 Follow up was defined by the latency dehyde, then in osmium tetroxide for semithin
between the onset of the neuropathy and the and ultrathin sections and for teased fibre
last consultation. In addition, after reviewing examination. Muscle biopsies (six cases) were
the data of the 422 patients with peripheral processed for paraYn, semithin, and ultrathin
neuropathy, we estimated the incidence of car- sections as nerve biopsies. For postmortem
cinoma in diVerent types of neuropathy in examination (four cases), the brain, spinal
comparison with published series. cord, certain lumbar sensory ganglia, and sam-
ples of peripheral nerves and muscles were
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY fixed in 10% formalin; in addition, the L5 sen-
Needle examination was performed and sen- sory ganglion and samples of the left L5 ventral
sory and motor conduction velocities and dorsal roots, sciatic nerve, and common
measured in the upper and lower limbs, using peroneal nerve at the level of the knee were
the methods described by Kimura et al.15 Rou- removed and processed as for nerve biopsy.
tinely, the median and ulnar nerves were
stimulated at the elbow and wrist, and the tibial SCREENING FOR ANTI-ONCONEURAL ANTIBODIES
and peroneal nerves at the knee and ankle. A serum sample was obtained from each
When a demyelinating process was suspected, patient and stored at −80°C until required.
Carcinoma associated paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathies and anti-onconeural antibodies 9

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.7 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on January 9, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
tients with anti-Hu antibodies had a subacute
Table 1 continued
or rapidly progressive neuropathy that was sen-
sory in two and sensory-motor but predomi-
nantly sensory in four. Symptoms of PEM were
CSF Tumour Pathology Antibody present in four of six. Two patients had dysau-
2.0 g/l 54 lympho SCLC Nerve biopsy, fibre loss, axonal Anti-Hu tonomy. The sensory neuropathy had the clini-
degeneration cal and electrophysiological characteristics of
SSN in five of six cases. The last patient had a
1.14 g/l 43 lympho SCLC Nerve biopsy, fibre loss, axonal Anti-Hu
degeneration significant reduction of SCV (below 70% of
lower limits of normal) with mild reduction of
0.42 g/l 1 lympho SCLC Nerve biopsy, fibre loss Anti-Hu SAP. The study of motor conduction velocities
(MCVs) was consistent with a mild axonal
0.78 g/l 1 lympho Small cell carinoma Nerve biopsy, axonal Anti-Hu neuropathy in half of the cases. Electromyo-
prostate degeneration graphic indications of a motor neuron disorder
1.2 g/l 1 lympho SCLC ND Anti-Hu were never seen even when motor deficit was
present. Two patients had additional unusual
1.62 g/l 52 lympho SCLC Necropsy: mild ganglionitis, Anti-Hu features suggestive of a mildly demyelinating
fibre loss in distal nerves.
Demyelination, onion bulbs neuropathy superimposed on the sensory neu-
endoneurial lymphocytes ropathy. This was confirmed by necropsy in
0.77 g/l 17 lympho UndiVerentiated Necropsy: normal sensory Anti-CV2 one of them.19 In the other patients, nerve
carinoma ganglia and spinal cord. Fibre
mediastinum loss demyelinated fibers biopsy showed fibre loss and Wallerian degen-
eration without inflammatory changes. The
patient with anti-CV2 antibodies had a mild
sensory-motor neuropathy and cerebellar
ataxia. Electrophysiology was consistent with
Screening for anti-onconeural antiantibodies an axonal neuropathy. At necropsy, dorsal root
(anti-Hu, anti-Ri, anti-Yo, anti-amphyphysin, ganglia and anterior horns were normal. In the
and anti-CV2) was performed by immunohis- nerves, fibre loss was present and some fibres
tochemistry and western blotting experiments were undergoing axonal degeneration. Other
on rat brain in accordance with the guidelines fibres had a thin myelin sheath and some were
recommended for their detection,17 using para- undergoing demyelination. Inflammatory
formaldehyde fixed sections of rat cerebellum, changes were absent. None of the patients in
as described elsewhere.9 Positivity for anti- group I improved with steroids, plasma ex-
onconeural antibodies was confirmed by west- changes, or intravenous immunoglobulins.
ern blotting using the recombinant HuD, CDR
62 proteins kindly provided by Dr J Dalmau GROUP II: PATIENTS WITHOUT ANTI-ONCONEURAL
(Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, ANTIBODIES (19 PATIENTS)
USA), and the recombinant amphiphysin pro- The characteristics of the neuropathy and the
tein kindly provided by Professor P DeCamilli associated cancers are summarised in tables 2
(Yale University, New Haven, USA) and for and 3. Patients in this group had very diVerent
anti-CV2 antibodies with an S3 subcellular types of carcinoma. The neuropathies were
fraction of new born rat brain proteins.9 heterogeneous and can be divided into four
Results (1) In four patients (8–11), a sensory or
Twenty six patients were selected for the study. sensory-motor neuropathy was associated with
None of them, except patient 17, had received signs of corticospinal involvement suggesting
chemotherapy before the onset of the neu- that PEM was present. This was confirmed by
ropathy but the disorder (demyelinating postmortem examination in cases 8 and 9.
Guillain-Barré syndrome) was not consistent Electrophysiology was axonal (9 and 10) or
with drug toxicity. Results from four of these neuronal (8 and 11). Inflammatory changes
patients have been published in full detail were present in the CSF of three of four of
elsewhere.18 19 Seven patients had anti- these patients. In the peripheral nerves, biop-
onconeural antibodies (group I) and 19 did not sies or necropsies showed fibre loss and Walle-
(group II). Except in group I, the patients were rian degeneration. Lesions were marked in
not systematically investigated for cancer and patients 8, 10, and 11, and mild in patient 9.
the tumours were diagnosed when clinically Mononuclear cell infiltrates were present in the
apparent. endoneurium and around epineurial vessels in
patients 8 and 11.
GROUP I: PATIENTS WITH ANTI-ONCONEURAL (2) In two patients (12 and 13), the
ANTIBODIES (SEVEN PATIENTS) neuropathy presented as mononeuropathy
The neuropathy preceded the discovery of the multiplex (MNM) with systemic or nerve
cancer by 2 to 23 months (mean 10.00 months, restricted non-necrotising vasculitis. Patient 13
table 1) and was usually severely disabling had orthostatic hypotension.
(Rankin score at 3 or 4 in six of seven patients) (3) Seven patients (patients 14 to 16 and 22
within a few months. Patients 1 to 6 had to 25) had a sensory motor neuropathy that
anti-Hu antibodies and small cell carcinoma of was electrophysiologically axonal. Nerve bi-
lung or prostate. Patient 7 had mediastinal opsy performed in three showed chronic axonal
undiVerentiated carcinoma and anti-CV2 anti- neuropathy without inflammatory changes. In
bodies which reacted with a unc-33 related and the others, who did not have a pathological
developmentally regulated protein.9 20−22 Pa- study, the possibility of metastatic involvement
10 Antoine, Mosnier, Absi, et al

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.7 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on January 9, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 2 Clinical data for the 14 patients with a short delay between the onset of the neuropathy and the discovery of the tumour who had no
anti-onconeural antibodies (group IIA). Delay indicates the interval between the onset of neurological symptoms and cancer diagnosis and is expressed in
months (m) or weeks (w). In every case, except case 13, the neuropathy preceded the discovery of the tumour. The revised Rankin score is used to estimate
the maximal deficit reached by the patients

Clinical Electro- Treatments

No Sex/age Delay manifestations Course Rankin physiology CSF Tumour Pathological study (neuopathy)

8 M/65 3m Proximal and distal Subacute 5 Neuronal 1.12 g/l 11 Lung (CT) Inflammatory No
sensory motor lympho ganglionitis and improvement
deficit, pain in four myelitis, preservation steroids PE
limbs, diVuse of motor neurons, and IgIV
areflexia, inflammatory lesions in
amyothrophia. the nerves, necrotising
Respiratory myopathy
deficiency. Left
9 F/71 26 m Pain, paresthesia, Progressive 4 Axonal 0.3 g/l 1 Pancreas Mild inflammatory No
proximal > distal lympho adenocarcinoma ganglionitis and axonal improvement
motor deficit in neuropathy, vessel steroids
four limbs. Lower thickening,
limbs areflexia. inflammatory myositis
Bilateral Babinksi.
Reticular livedo
10 M/73 26 m Severe sensory > Progressive 4 Axonal 1.20 g/l 35 SCLC lung Nerve biopsy: fibre No
motor deficit in lympho loss, axonal improvement
four limbs lower degeneration, slight steroids PE
limbs areflexia, inflammatory reaction, azat
transient diplopia normal muscle
bilateral Babinski
11 M/74 4m Sensory motor Progressive 4 Neuronal 2.02 g/l 28 Urinary (CT) Nerve biopsy: No
proximal and distal lympho multifocal axonal improvement
deficit in four lesions, endoneurial steroids
limbs, amyotrophia, inflammatory reaction
normal tendon vasculitis. Muscle:
reflexes, bilateral neurogenic atrophy
12 F/72 6m Mononeuropathy Acute 3 Axonal 0.32 g/l 1 Colon Nerve biopsy: axonal Improvement
multiplex. Peroneal lympho adenocarcinoma degeneration, vasculitis steroids
and tibial nerves (recidive) in a nasal polypoid (Rankin 3 to
hypereosinophylia, formation. Muscle: 1)
raised ESR, neurogenic atrophy
13 M/65 2w Multifocal sensory Relapsing 2 Axonal 0.50 g/l 1 Tongue Nerve biopsy: fibre Spontaneous
motor deficit in lympho epidermoid loss, degenerating improvement
right arm and lower fibres, epineural
limbs. Leg areflexia. vasculitis
14 M/84 7m Distal sensory Subacute 3 Axonal 0.49 g/l 1 Lung ND No
painful asymmetric lympho undiVentiated improvement
in four limbs, lower adenocarcinoma steroids
limb areflexia
15 M/85 9m Distal pain, sensory Progressive 2 Axonal 0.53 g/l 1 Lung (CT scan) ND ND
loss and areflexia in lympho
lower limbs
16 M/61 1m Motor>sensory Acute 3 Neuronal 0.30 g/l 1 Gastric Neurogenic atrophy in No
asymmetric deficit lympho adenocarcinoma muscle improvement
in four limbs, steroids
absent or reduced
tendon reflexes
17 M/48 0m Sensory motor Acute 4 Demyelinating 0.66 g/l 1 Tongue Nerve biopsy: ongoing Improvement
Guillain-Barré lympho epidermoid macrophage induced IgIV (Rankin
syndrome, areflexia (recidive) demyelination 4 to 2)
in four limbs, facial
nerve palsy
18 M/73 3m CIDP. Sensory Progressive 3 Demyelinating 1.27 g/l 1 Pancreas ND Improvement
motor mainly lympho adenocarcinoma IgIV (Rankin
proximal deficit 3 to 2)
and areflexia in
four limbs
19 M/73 6m CIDP. Sensory Progressive 2 Demyelinating 0.90 g/l 1 Colon Nerve biopsy: fiber Improvement
motor mainly lympho adenocarcinoma loss, remyelinated after surgery
proximal mainly fibers, onion bulb (Rankin 2 to
upper limbs deficit formations, slight 1)
and areflexia in inflammatory changes
four limbs
20 M/61 9m CIDP. Mainly Progressive 4 Demyelinating 1.60 g/l 1 Liver Nerve biopsy: almost Improvement
motor lympho adenocarcinoma normal fibers steroid IgIV
proximal>distal endoneurial azat (Rankin
deficit and areflexia lymphocytes 4 to 1)
in four limbs
21 M/78 +2m Sensory motor Subacute 5 Demyelinating 1.60 g/l 1 Prostate Demyelinated fibers, Improvement
proximal and distal + axonal lympho adenocarcinoma slight onion bulbs steroids
deficit in four degenerated fibers and (Rankin 5 to
limbs. Depressed or regenerating clusters 4)
abolished tendon endoneurial
reflexes macrophages

Course corresponds to the onset of neurological symptoms: acute, <1 month; subacute 1-2 months; progressive, >2 months.. CIDP=chronic inflammatory demyeli-
nating polyneuropathy; TD=temporal dispersion; CB= conduction block. PE=plasma exchanges. IgIV=intravenous immunoglobulins. azat=azathioprine. When
improvement occurred after immunotherapy, the Rankin score before and after treatment is given in parentheses. Other abbreviations are the same as in table 1
Carcinoma associated paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathies and anti-onconeural antibodies 11

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.7 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on January 9, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 3 Clinical data for the five patients with a long delay between the onset of the neuropathy and the discovery of the tumour who had no
anti-onconeural antibodies (group IIB)

No Sex/age (y) Clinical manifestations Course Rankin Electrophysiology CSF Tumour Pathological study

22 2M/73 5 Sensory loss in lower Progressive 2 Axonal, reduced/absent 0.8 g/l 1 lympho Prostate Nerve biopsy: fibre
limbs, lower limbs SAP, reduced MAP, mild adenocarcinoma loss, no inflammatory
areflexia reduction of CV changes
23 F/71 9 Pain, paresthesia, sensory Progressive 1 Axonal, reduced 0.2 g/l 1 lympho Pancreas Fibre loss,
loss and areflexia in lower MAP/SAP. Mild adenocarcinoma regenerating clusters,
limbs reduction of CV no inflammatory
24 M/72 4-5 Distal sensory motor Progressive 2 Axonal, reduced/absent 0.67 g/l 1 Penis Nerve biopsy: severe
deficit and areflexia in SAP and MAP, mild lympho epithelioma fibre loss, no
lower limbs reduction M-S CV inflammatory changes
25 M/64 14 Sensory motor distal Progressive 2 Axonal, reduced 0.7 g/l 1 lympho Prostate ND
deficit and areflexia in MAP/SAP, mild adenocarcinoma
lower limbs reduction of CV
26 M/64 10 CIDP. Mild paraesthesia Progressive 1 Demyelinating severely 8.2 g/l 1 lympho Malignant Nerve biopsy:
and motor deficit, reduced MCV, temporal melanoma demyelinated fibres,
hyporeflexia in four limbs. dispersion onion bulb formations
Hypertrophic nerves.

Abbreviations are the same as in table 2. In all cases, the neuropathy preceded the diagnosis of cancer.

of peripheral nerves was low as CSF examina- ity was minor (Rankin score 1 or 2). Four of
tion showed no tumour cells and patients were these five patients had an axonal sensory motor
followed up several months or years after polyneuropathy without inflammatory
tumour diagnosis with stabilisation of the neu- changes. The last patient had a very chronic
ropathy. and indolent CIDP. After 10 years, he devel-
(4) Six patients (patients 17 to 21 and 26) oped malignant melanoma. He had no vitiligo
had an electrophysiological demyelinating neu- and the research for anti-GM1, GD2, GD3,
ropathy. In patient 17, it was a typical Guillain- GM3, GD1a, and GD1b antibodies was nega-
Barré syndrome that occurred simultaneously tive.
with a rapidly lethal (within 3 months)
recurrence of tongue carcinoma. The other INCIDENCE OF CARCINOMA ACCORDING TO THE
patients had a CIDP-like neuropathy which TYPE OF NEUROPATHY
conformed to the diagnostic criteria of the ad The 26 patients reported above represent 6.2%
hoc subcommittee.18 Patient 21 had mixed of the patients referred for the diagnosis of
axonal and demyelinating features on electro- neuropathy and 9% of patients over 50 years of
physiology. Nerve biopsy showed fibre loss, age. However, when taking into account only
regenerating clusters suggesting distal axonal patients in whom the tumour appeared within
degeneration, and demyelinated fibres, onion 2.5 years, the distribution was diVerent accord-
bulb formations, and endoneurial macro- ing to the type of neuropathy. Among our
phages. patients with sensory neuronopathy, 47% had a
carcinoma. These patients usually had a
subacute or rapidly progressive disorder with
symptoms of PEM while patients without can-
cer had an isolated and slowly progressive neu-
Patients in group II can be subdivided into two
ropathy. Comparatively, one patient among 59
groups according to the delay between the
with Guillain-Barré syndrome (1.7%) had car-
onset of the neuropathy and the diagnosis of
cinoma simultaneously. Patients with CIDP or
cancer. Group IIA consisted of 14 patients
mononeuritis multiplex, had almost the same
(table 2) in whom the delay was between 0–26,
incidence of carcinoma (10%) and it was 4.5%
mean 7.88 months. They usually had a severe
in patients with axonal sensory-motor polyneu-
neuropathy (Rankin score 2–5, mean 3.4) with
ropathy of otherwise unknown origin.
either acute, subacute, progressive, or relapsing
course. When progressive, the maximal disabil-
ity was reached within 6 to 9 months. The neu- Discussion
ropathy was sensory-motor in 12 of 14 patients Contrary to studies originating from cancer
and purely sensory in two. None of them had centres,3 our population of patients was first
sensory ataxia. In 11 of 14 patients, the referred to a department of neurology. This can
neuropathy corresponded to an established explain why in our series, the neurological dis-
inflammatory disorder (SSN/EM, mononeuri- order usually preceded the diagnosis of
tis multiplex, Guillain-Barré syndrome, or tumour. None of the patients selected for the
CIDP). Immunosuppressive treatments were present study had cachexia, tumorous infiltra-
performed in 11 patients. Patients with CIDP tion, or chemotherapy as the cause of the neu-
or Guillain-Barré syndrome, and one patient ropathy suggesting that their disorders were
with MNM improved. None of the patients paraneoplastic. Currently, the detection of high
with CNS involvement or non-specific axonal titres of one of the anti-onconeural antibodies
neuropathy improved. Group IIB (table 3) is the best way to identify a neurological
consisted of five patients in whom the delay syndrome as paraneoplastic. We found one of
varied from 4 to 14 (mean 8.4). years In all of them (mainly anti-Hu antibodies) in 28% of
them, the neuropathy was very slowly progres- patients (group I) only. These patients had a
sive and evolved over many years. The disabil- subacute or rapidly progressive and usually
12 Antoine, Mosnier, Absi, et al

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.67.1.7 on 1 July 1999. Downloaded from on January 9, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
severely disabling neurological disorder involv- of our population only, several cases may have
ing both the CNS and PNS in most of them. been missed in group IIB. Conversely, as most
Although most patients with anti-Hu antibod- of our patients were followed up during the first
ies had SSN,23 we also found axonal or years of the evolution of their neuropathy only
demyelinating neuropathies in accordance with a few patients had probably escaped in group
recent studies which indicate that neuropathies IIA.
associated anti-Hu antibodies can be The characteristics of the neuropathies were
heterogeneous.24–27 diVerent between group II A and B. Patients in
In 19 of 26 patients, anti-onconeural anti- group IIB had a very chronic, slowly progres-
bodies were not detected. The neuropathies in sive, and mildly disabling disorder as opposed
this group (group II) were also heterogeneous, to group IIA in which the neuropathies had a
including neuropathy with encephelomyelitis, severe and rapid course. Interestingly, 78% of
mononeuropathy multiplex, Guillain-Barré the neuropathies in group IIA correspond to a
syndrome, CIDP, and axonal polyneuropathy. known inflammatory disorder of the PNS. This
Although individual cases or small series of contrasts with patients with long latency who
each of these disorders have been reported to for the most part had a non-inflammatory
depend on a remote eVect of cancer,28–31 their axonal polyneuropathy. Only one of them
paraneoplastic origin cannot be ascertained developed an indolent CIDP which evolved
except when the neuropathy is associated with over 10 years before the diagnosis of malignant
encephalomyelitis.5 In the absence of specific melanoma. Recently, a particular association of
markers, arguments in favour of a remote effect CIDP and melanoma has been reported,
of carcinoma can only be drawn from indirect possibly involving a shared immunoreactivity
criteria. In our study, we used (1) the latency against gangliosides.33 However, our patient
between onset of the neuropathy and diagnosis had no antiganglioside antibodies and diVered
of cancer, (2) the characteristics of the from these cases by the delay of tumour
neuropathy, and (3) the incidence of cancer in diagnosis and the absence of vitiligo.
the corresponding type of neuropathy. The pathophysiology of paraneoplastic
In Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, neurological syndrome is not completely un-
the risk of cancer decreases sharply after 2 derstood, but an increasing amount of data
years and becomes extremely low at 4 years32 indicates that at least in patients with anti-
showing that when a disorder is paraneoplastic, onconeural antibodies dysimmune mecha-
cancer becomes apparent within a relatively nisms are involved.5 The fact that in our series
short delay. In our series, we clearly have two most of the neuropathies which occurred
groups of patients. In the first (group IIA), the within 2.5 years with a carcinoma correspond
latency was short and comparable with that of to known inflammatory disorders suggests that
patients with paraneoplastic antibodies6 23 27 despite the absence of specific antibodies or
suggesting direct physiopathological links be- other known immunological markers, tumours
tween tumour and neuropathy. In the second have in some way induced the immunological
(group IIB), carcinoma appeared many years perturbations underlying the neuropathies.
after the onset of the neuropathy, suggesting Each of the well established paraneoplastic
that it was a coincidental association. The neurological syndromes also occurs without
number of patients in this group was relatively cancer. Thus, 40% of patients with Lambert-
small but as protracted follow up over more Eaton myasthenic syndrome do not have
than 5 years was obtained in a small proportion tumours.32 The proportion is 50% in patients
Table 4 Incidence of carcinoma according to the type of neuropathy in our series and in several other published series

Incidence of Follow up
Number carcinoma (mean value in
Type of neuropathy (authors) of cases (%) our study) Commentaries

General population of neuropathies

Prineas et al35 278 5.4 >18 months
Our study 422 6.2 ND
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Halls et al26 29 6.9 >400 days
Italian study group37 297 0.7 24 months % of death due to carcinoma within 250 days
Our study* 59 1.7 <2 y
Barhon et al38 60 5.0 NS These studies include patients with MGUS of
Gorson et al39 67 0 Mean 3 y unknown reactivity
Our study* 38 10.5 5.7 y (0.5-16)
Vasculitis/mononeuritis multiplex
Vincent et al40 50 14 NS Patients selected from nerve biopsies
Vincent et al41 50 10 NS
Harati et al42 33 9 Mean 18.5
Our study* 20 10 2.3 y (0.5-10)
Axonal polyneuropathy of otherwise
undetermined cause
Fagius et al43 91 1.0 Mean 3.7 y
McLeod et al44 47 10.6 Median 3 y
Notermans et al45 75 5.3 4.7 y Prospective study
Camerlingo et al46 51 29.4 Mean 51.4 Prospective study of patients with pure
months sensory neuropathy
Our study* 67 10.3 3.7 y (0.3-11) 4.5% within 2 years after onset

ND=not done; NS=not stated; MGUS=monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance.

* Patients with a short latency are taken into account only.
Carcinoma associated paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathies and anti-onconeural antibodies 13

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Armauer Gerhard Heinrik Hansen (1841-1912)

Armauer Hansen of Bergen, the leading authority of his

time on leprosy, first identified the leprosy bacillus in Nor-
way where the disease was endemic. Leprosy had been
thought to be a hereditary aZiction. Hansen concluded
from epidemiological studies that it was infectious and that
the rod shaped bacilli he observed (in 1873) were the cause
of leprosy. His claim was not acknowledged for many years.
Hansen never managed to fulfil the postulates of Robert
Koch and transmit the disease to animals or men using the
bacilli. This diYculty was also met with by later workers.
Hansen was forced to resign from the Bergen Leprosy
Hospital in 1880 after injudiciously injecting live leprosy
bacilli into a patient without first obtaining her permission.
Nevertheless, he carried on with his own research. By
implementing a policy of limited isolation he succeeded in
reducing the Norwegian incidence of leprosy from 2833
cases in 1850 to 140 in 1923. He was honoured philatelic-
aily by France in 1973 on the centenary of the
identification of the leprosy bacillus (Stanley Gibbons
2013, Scott 1379).

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