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Which Major Assignment will you remediate?

Major Assignment 2
What form you intend to use? Infographic
Attach a screenshot or URL to an example of the form you choose (for example, if you want
to create an infographic, find an infographic you would like to take inspiration from)

Why did you chose this form? Ibelieve I can manipulate the information from this assignment
into this form.
How can your understanding of genre help you navigate adapting your work into the
chosen form? Changing from an academic paper to an infographic means I need to change the
format of how I present my writing by lessening the word count and being more precise when
presenting my ideas.
What is your level of familiarity with the form? Very familiar
What message are you trying to convey with this new form? I will attempt to give clear tips
on how to write professionally.
How does the form connect to the previous assignment (MA1 or MA2)? My MA2 was
largely detailing how to write in a professional setting. An infographic will be a great way to
present this information.
What resources you need to complete the mode my MA2, an infographic maker, and clipart
Where you will source visuals/audio from the infographic maker website
If these are not your own, do you know how you would cite them? I will cite the infographic
Look back at the Gagich reading for information on creative commons license
How long you think it will take to complete the finished product? A few hours

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