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Activity 8

What is ecology?



Uriel Pascual Manjarrez

Leyna Chrystelle Santos Ramírez

Karla Amézquita Ramírez

Alejandro Luna

Anyah Sofia Rodríguez Olvera

Cristopher Gibran López Moreno

Darian Pérez

Miguel Parrodi Béjar

1. Define ecology:
Ecology is the science that studies living beings and their relationships with the environment
meaning with their habitat.

2. Why is it important to study our environment?

It helps to understand what is happening to our planet, how can we help to solve it and to know
why it happened.

3. Make a timeline with the history of ecology:

4. Table.
5. Table
6. Define ECOSYSTEM:
8. Define BIOTIC:
9. Define ABIOTIC:

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