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Q1: The tomb of Han king Liu Wu yielded his body & a shroud made of this green gemstone?

The crrect Answer is: Jade

Q2: The first citation for "brewski" was when these aliens from "France" put them in trick-
or-treat bags?

The crrect Answer is: the Coneheads

Q3: John Roberts' job that's a team of comic book superheroes?

The crrect Answer is: Chief Justice League

Q4: Yorba Linda?

The crrect Answer is: Nixon

Q5: In English it means "to change"; in Latin it means "other"?

The crrect Answer is: Alter

Q6: The "gin" in Whitney's cotton gin is a shortening of this English word?

The crrect Answer is: engine

Q7: Since 1968 he's been on the cover of Rolling Stone 23 times--a 2011 issue celebrated his
70th birthday & his 70 greatest songs?

The crrect Answer is: Bob Dylan

Q8: Though this dog is called "Rhodesian", it actually hails from South Africa?

The crrect Answer is: the Rhodesian ridgeback

Q9: William Henry Harrison was the first president to be elected from this political party?
The crrect Answer is: the Whigs

Q10: This host country won the most total medals at the 1994 Winter Olympics?

The crrect Answer is: Norway

Q11: Katrina Bowden as Cerie, Liz Lemon's assistant?

The crrect Answer is: <i>30 Rock</i>

Q12: They are political topics that potentially could split apart a unified movement?

The crrect Answer is: wedge issues (a wedge accepted)

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