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Speaking test 1

Level 5
1) Who would you like to know more about?
2) Speak about your movie preferences. How often do you watch them? Where do you go? Who with?
3) Anecdote: tell me about the last time you ate out at a restaurant. Report some conversations you had.
4) Who do you admire? why? Explain.
5) Do you agree with strict norms when referring to students' clothing to attend school or other events?
6) It is not important to protect the environment , Is it? What's your opinion?
7) If you could travel to a historic place where would you like to go?
8) How multicultural is Colombia? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
9) If you could choose between living in a big city or the countryside, what would you choose? Why?
10) What can you say about Times Square? Why is it so famous?
11) What would you do if you could change anything about you?
12) If you were the world’s best at something, what would you be the world’s best at?
13) If robots were the teachers how different would education be?
14) You do not spend too much money on clothing? Do you?
15) You do not consider yourself a romantic person. Do you?
16) What is one thing you also consider important apart from studying?

Do not forget to expand your answers

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