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What are My Options?

Name of person being interviewed: Shruti

Question Your Notes

What did you do immediately after Work at a local digital design shop in India.
high school?
How did you decide what to do as a I was always interested in designing, especially fashion.
career? Although, I knew that earning money in the fashion
industry or even getting a good opportunity would be hard.
As the technology industry was expanding I chose to work
somewhere in that field where there would be more
opportunities for me.

How did you get to the career you are I did my bachelors in web design and worked small jobs in
doing now? the field.

How many different careers have you I didn’t have any other careers other than my graphic
had since you finished high school? designing business once I came to Canada. Even though I
Tell me about each of the careers you earned my degree in India I had to work jobs in Canada to
have had if you have had more than start somewhere, like McDonalds. Eventually we started
one. If you have had more than one our own business and ever since have been doing that. Just
career, why did you switch careers recently I got my real estate license and have started to
each time? take listings because it is another source of income.

What are some of the obstacles you To be completely honest, my whole educational path I
encountered on your education and always topped at least top 3 in the board because I was
career/life path? How did you always so focused. In life when I left India I started to face a
overcome these challenges? Did any lot more obstacles as my husband and I came here with
of these challenges turn into only $300 in our pocket. We worked together and earned
opportunities? money working labor jobs for a few years. Once we had
saved enough we both opened the business together in
2008 and have been going since.

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