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 Interview one family member that is working/already working.

 Be sure to include these two guided questions

1. To what extent does effective Technical Writing or Business Correspondence

promote self-employability, good communication, and good & competitive prestige
of a company, group, firms, or organization?

Technical Writing or Business Correspondence skill is one of the most helpful aid in
bringing an individual into employability. No company will ever operate and deal
with outside of the organization without using correspondences. An effective
Technical Writing skill is a representation of how keen the composition of a
particular organization is in terms of its manpower. They represent the whole
company in the way they express and communicate the intentions and objectives of
the firm. Through an effective Business Correspondence, the company is already one
foot ahead in getting the attention of the future customers and partners of the

2. To what extent do you agree or disagree that being " reader-oriented" or knowing
the audience helps the technical writing process easier and more effective?

I very much agree that knowing who you will be sending your correspondences
helps a lot in making the process easier and effective. Getting an idea on how your
reader wants to be informed on your agenda or objectives will help you prepare
your correspondence in a way that will arouse their interest on what you want to
tell them. It’s the starting point of bringing your ideas to them so the first impression
will matter a lot. Getting their attention right at the very start through the style that
best suits them will open the door of opportunities for your group or company.

 Take a pic with your interviewee

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