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It is certainly true that multiple jobs at the same time and they change career several times

during their life. However, not all the effects of this innovation have been positive, although
there are certainly some advantages. In this essay, i will discuss some of the reason why
nowaday people need to have more than one jobs and change it lots of time during their life.

Let’s begin by looking at the adventages of having more than one jobs in our life.
One of the main positive reason of having lots of jobs is that it opportunity to increase
variable income. If you have two separate jobs, you'll be more economically secure and
more able to meet your financial needs than working just one.
Secondly, often change career several times can in line with the trend at the world. It can be
easier to develop or for the business industry, it will be easy to stand in the market.

In spite of these nagative effect, however, if you work lots of jobs, your performance in all of
your jobs may suffer if you consistently work too many hours per week. And eventually, you
will be so tired that you no longer have the energy and spirit to try for any work anymore.
There are several drawbacks of change several jobs during your life. It can waste your time
and make difficult for you to learn about your expertise and understand your work if the time
you spend with it is too short.

All things considered, working more than one jobs and often change it at several time during
your life can be difficult. But it will open lots of opportunities. So it is important that you have
a good time management skills and always take care yourself.

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