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One man's territorist is another man's freedom fighter»

Unfortunately, times have come when the word terrorism has entered our vocabulary, I would even say
into the everyday life of many countries and peoples. Terrorism does not bring any ideas, it brings death
and grief, terrorism denies the basic human right – the right to l

The Freedom Fighters are often discussed. It is also known that he is the author of the famous saying
“one is a terrorist, the other is a freedom fighter.” “Often the first ones dress up as freedom fighters and
kill civilians, kill “infidels.” Here we must be very careful and not blindly trust those who wear the clothes
of peacemakers to bring grief and suffering to peaceful people. There must be one approach based on
law and justice.

2. «The pen is mightier than the sword»

Literally: the pen is mightier than the sword.

The meaning of this wonderful proverb is that with a word you can convince people to do virtually
anything, even what you could not convince to do with a sword. So think about it, if your pen acts as a
“weapon of mass destruction”, and you are bad at spelling, then won’t your weapon be broken? It’s not
for nothing that people say that in our age, in order to strike a person to the depths of his soul, it is
enough to write him a letter without a single mistake. Want to sharpen your sword of justice?

3.We are fighting for a peaceful existence.»

Yes, you really don't know what's going to happen. If earlier our ancestors fought with weapons, now
you fight with your achievements and knowledge. But no one wants war, they want to solve everything
peacefully. War neither benefits nor harms anyone.

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