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Tourism a in Marrakech Region

Marrakech: A Global Touristic Powerhouse

Marrakech, often referred to as the "Jewel of Morocco," stands tall as a leading international
brand in the realm of tourism. Recognized as the locomotive of the travel industry in Mo-
rocco, the city offers an enchanting blend of beauty, entertainment, and relaxation. Here are
some impressive figures that highlight its prominence:

• Top Destination: Marrakech is the premier touristic destination in Africa.

• Staggering Numbers: The city welcomes approximately 10 million tourists annually,
generating a turnover of $2.4 billion (US).
• Vast Accommodations: With around 2000 classified establishments, Marrakech ac-
counts for 48.7% of Morocco's national capacity.

Unparalleled Diversity

The Marrakech region is a treasure trove of diverse experiences. Imagine starting your day
with a serene desert trip, skiing by noon, catching waves in the afternoon, and concluding
with a starlit dinner. This is the magic Marrakech offers. Alongside its natural wonders, the
region is a cultural goldmine:
• UNESCO Heritage: The medinas of Marrakech are UNESCO World Heritage sites,
preserving millennia of history.
• Natural Beauty: 365 km of coastline featuring world-class surf and kitesurfing spots,
including the 7th most beautiful wave globally. Additionally, a 300 km mountain
range boasts North Africa's highest peak, standing over 4,000 m above sea level.
• Cultural Richness: From historical remains to a plethora of cultural, creative, and
recreational activities, the region is a cultural enthusiast's dream. The legendary hospi-
tality of its people and the exceptional culinary experiences further enhance its allure.
High-Potential Tourism Niches

While Marrakech is renowned for its "city-break" recreational tourism, it's also making sig-
nificant inroads into high-potential niches:
• Business Tourism: The region is a hotspot for global trade fairs, seminars, and confer-
ences. The successful hosting of COP 22 in 2016 is a testament to its capabilities. The
global market for business tourism is valued at over one trillion dollars (US), with the
region capturing a significant 21.4% of the global travel and hospitality sector.
• Medical Tourism: Marrakech is steadily positioning itself as a hub for medical
tourism, offering world-class facilities and services.

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