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IELTS Foundation

Student’s Book
Second edition
Culture Shock p.6-7
Impact - the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
Extent - the area covered by something; area or length; amount:
Uncertainty - a situation in which something is not known, or something that is
not known or certain:
Guidance - help and advice about how to do something or about how
to deal with problems connected with your work, education,
or personal relationships: synonym - advice
Jet lagged - tired and confused because you have made a long trip by plane from
a place where the time is different:
Upsetting - making someone feel worried, unhappy, or angry:
Proportion - the number or amount of a group or part of something
when compared to the whole:
Significance - importance: the quality of being important:
Affects - to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause a change in
someone or something:
Dampness – slight wetness in the air
Strange - unusual and unexpected, or difficult to understand:
Thoroughly - completely, very much:
Embarrassed - feeling ashamed or shy:
Immodest – clothing or behaviour that shocks or embarrasses some people
Drab – dull or boring, colourness
Punctuality – not being late
Administrative staff - relating to the arrangements and work that is needed to
control the operation of a plan
Complicated - involving a lot of different parts, in a way that
is difficult to understand:
Onwards - beginning at a particular time and continuing after it:
Comical - funny
Confused – unable to understand something or think clearly about it
Confident – certain about your abilities and not nervous or frightened
Excited – very happy and enthusiastic because something good is going to happen
Reputation – the opinion that other people have about someone
Frustrated – feeling annoyed and impatient because you are prevented from
achieving something
Curious – wanting to find out about something
Hostile – behaving in a very unfriendly or threatening way

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