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Name:_____________________________ Teacher : CJ Arcayna

Grade and Section: 12 – HOPE Score: ___________

Module 1

Instruction: Write your answer on your paper.

Learning Outcome 1
Clean, Sanitize and Store Kitchen Tools and Equipment
What is It
Cleanliness is vital in every kitchen where food is prepared, cooked and
served. In order to avoid food contamination, kitchen tools, equipment and other
utensils used in the preparation of food as well as its premises should be cleaned
and sanitized, and store properly after each use.
Cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment must be part of the
standard operating procedures that make up your food safety program. Improper
cleaning and sanitizing kitchen surfaces allow harmful microorganisms to be
transferred from one food to another.

Lesson Information 1.1

Define the following list of cooking materials, kitchen utensils and equipment
that are commonly found in the kitchen:

1. Aluminum
2. Stainless Steel
3. Glass
4. Cast Iron
5. Double boiler
6. Teflon
7. Can opener
8. Colanders
9. Plastic and Hard Rubber
10. Cutting boards

Parent’s Name and Signature : ______________________

Date : ______________________

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