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1. I understand that some clientele in this industry may bring unique challenges which will cause me

to use problem-solving and critical thinking in order to communicate effectively and non-

offensively with them. My goal in this area is to be able to use positive language and remain

confident in my skills to redirect these adults when necessary.

2. I can tell Casey is really passionate about Fighting Chance Prevention, and since he needs help I

really want to nurture this program back into shape and help it fulfill its potential. My goal to revive

this program is to come up with at least 5 simple activities for at-risk youth of all ages that can be

held outside of school hours that promote healthy practices and support their physical, social and

emotional development.

3. This job is demanding and the cases may be emotionally draining. My final and perhaps most

important goal is to be able to balance my responsibilities and fulfill my duties while practicing

self-care in order to not get burned out. My director has already warned and informed me of the

importance of this, so I will self-evaluate weekly and seek the guidance of my supervisors to

overcome any challenges in this area. As Alyson said, I need to be able to compartmentalize and

not carry work home with me.


1. I will understand the five domains of nurturing parenting which are setting appropriate

expectations, having empathy, discipline with dignity, understanding family roles, and honoring

power and independence.

2. I will be able to complete an intake correctly and thoroughly and help others set goals for

themselves to improve the quality of their lifestyle and achieve healthy practices that will build

strong homes.

3. I will be able to design and facilitate trainings focused on the five domains of parenting which we

can use to help parents develop skills to take care of their personal and family’s well being.

4. I will be able to bridge connections between our workplace and members of the community for

the benefit of adults and families in crisis.

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