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Secrets Of Shamanic

Sex Magic

by John Moore -

Secrets Of Shamanic Sex Magic

Introduction to Shamanic Sex Magic

My name is John Moore, and I teach shamanism and practice shamanic healing. You can
find more info about me at .

Shamanism is a profound and ancient spiritual practice that predates recorded history and
is observed and celebrated by diverse cultures worldwide. Its origins can be traced back to
the primal connection between humanity and the natural world, forming a bond of respect,
reverence, and harmony. Within the vast realm of shamanic practices, the concept of sex
magic emerges as a potent and transformative way to engage with the spiritual forces that
permeate the universe.

Sex magic, as the term suggests, involves harnessing the unique and powerful energy of
sexual experiences to manifest intentional change per one's will. It recognizes the inherent
dynamism within our sexuality and seeks to channel this energy for spiritual growth, healing,
and transformation. By embracing the sacredness of sex in shamanic practice, we embark
on a profound journey that delves deep into the realms of human desire, pleasure, and

Central to the shaman's domain are sexuality, fertility, and a deep reverence for life in
alignment with nature. Shamans throughout history, from diverse indigenous cultures
around the world, have engaged in sexual practices as an integral part of their spiritual
journeys. In their rituals, these shamans often encountered what is commonly known as a
"spirit spouse." These otherworldly partners are encountered during shamanic sojourns and
may manifest as romantic or sexual partners, engaging in intimate relationships with the
shaman. In some cases, these spiritual connections have even led to children's birth in the
spirit world, blurring the boundaries between the physical and spiritual realms. Furthermore,
it is not uncommon for the shaman to undergo gender transformation as the relationship
with the spirit spouse deepens, further expanding our understanding of fluidity and

It is important to emphasize that this book wholeheartedly embraces and respects all
gender identities, sexual orientations, and relationship styles. Shamanic sex magic
transcends any cultural, social, or personal limitations. It recognizes and celebrates the vast
array of human experiences and expressions of love, intimacy, and connection. Whether you
identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, or anywhere along the
beautiful spectrum of human diversity, the teachings within this book are here to support
and empower you on your journey.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that this book is intended for individuals who have
already established a foundation in shamanic practice. It assumes prior knowledge of
journeying skills and an understanding of working with helping spirits. The focus of this book
is to explore the integration of sexual energy into the shamanic journey, rather than
providing a comprehensive guide to journeying itself.

Throughout the upcoming chapters, we will explore a plethora of both solo and partnered
sex practices that can be employed to enhance shamanic journeying. These practices
encompass techniques to channel sexual energy, harness the power of arousal and orgasm
for spiritual exploration, and deepen the connection between sexual energy and the sacred.
We will delve into the realm of sexual healing through shamanic rituals, recognizing the
transformative potential that arises from the fusion of sexual energy, spirit, and intention.

By embracing the ancient wisdom of shamanic sex magic, we explore self-discovery,

healing, and a profound connection with the divine. Together, let us traverse the realms of
sexuality and spirituality, unlocking the secrets and unveiling the transformative power that
lies within us all. Through this embrace, we can indeed manifest our desires, cultivate
profound connections, and co-create a world filled with love, harmony, and spiritual growth.
Secrets Of Shamanic Sex Magic

Understanding the Sacredness of Sex in Shamanism

In shamanism, as in many spiritual and mystical traditions, sex is often regarded as sacred
due to its profound connection to life, creation, and the interplay of energies. The sacredness
of sex in shamanism can be attributed to several key aspects.

Firstly, sex is seen as a powerful expression of life force energy. Shamanic traditions view
this energy as fundamental to the vitality of all beings. It is believed that through sex,
individuals can tap into this life force energy, which brings a sense of rejuvenation and
vitality to both the physical and spiritual body.

Secondly, sex is considered a symbolic act of creation and unity. It represents the union of
dualities, such as masculine and feminine, physical and spiritual, and earth and sky. This
reflects the shamanic worldview of interconnectedness and balance, where all aspects of
existence are interdependent and complementary.

Furthermore, in many shamanic cultures, sexual energy is harnessed for healing and
spiritual transformation. With intention and reverence, the act of sex is believed to have the
power to heal emotional wounds, clear energetic blockages, and elevate consciousness. By
engaging in sacred sexual practices, individuals can tap into this transformative energy and
experience profound shifts in their personal growth and spiritual journey.

Sexual practices in shamanism also serve as a pathway to altered states of consciousness.

Shamanic work involves accessing different levels of consciousness for spiritual exploration
and connection. The intense energy and intimacy of sacred sexual practices can act as a
gateway to these states, enabling practitioners to journey into different spiritual realms,
connect with spirits, or gain deeper insights into themselves and the universe.

Additionally, sex is regarded as a way to express reverence and connection to nature in

shamanism. Shamanic traditions deeply respect and honor the natural world and its cycles.
As sex is a natural and vital part of life, it is embraced as a sacred act that mirrors the
creative and nurturing aspects of nature. By honoring and engaging in sexual practices with
this perspective, individuals can deepen their connection to the rhythms and cycles of the
natural world.

In certain shamanic traditions, sexual union is even viewed as a means of communicating

with the divine or the spirit world. In its most sacred form, engaging in sexual acts can allow
individuals to transcend their ordinary perception of self and experience a deeper, more
profound connection with the universe. It is a practice through which one can commune with
the divine and gain spiritual insights and guidance.

Lastly, in some shamanic cultures, sexual acts are incorporated into rituals and ceremonies
with specific spiritual goals. These can include fertility rites, bonding rituals, or rites of
passage. In such contexts, sexual acts are performed with great respect and intention,
highlighting their sacred nature and reinforcing their significance in the spiritual realm.

It is important to note that views on sexuality can differ significantly among different
shamanic cultures and traditions. The sacredness of sex is often contextual and intertwined
with the specific beliefs, practices, and cosmologies of each culture. Thus, understanding the
sacredness of sex in shamanism requires recognizing the diversity and depth of these
traditions in their unique expressions of spirituality and connection to the divine.
Secrets Of Shamanic Sex Magic

The Power Shamanic Sexual Healing

Shamanic healing is a potent and transformative modality that offers profound healing for
sexual trauma and sexual shame. Through the practice of shamanic soul retrieval,
individuals can reclaim their lost soul parts and restore their sense of wholeness.
Additionally, shamanism provides powerful tools to address and heal the toxic emotion of
sexual shame, allowing individuals to embrace their sexuality with self-acceptance,
empowerment, and spiritual connection.

Shamanic healing provides a holistic approach that addresses the physical, emotional, and
spiritual aspects of an individual's being. Individuals can embark on a transformative
journey toward healing, self-discovery, and liberation by engaging in shamanic practices.

To shamans, trauma is believed to cause a condition known as "Soul Loss." When an

individual experiences a traumatic event, a part of their essential self, their soul, may
fragment or dissociate from their being as a protective mechanism. This fragmentation can
lead to a disconnection from oneself, others, and even from the sacredness of their
sexuality. Shamanic soul retrieval is a practice that focuses on locating and reintegrating
these lost soul parts back into the individual's being, facilitating a profound healing process.

The journey of shamanic soul retrieval involves the shaman entering altered states of
consciousness and traveling to the energetic realms with the guidance and support of
compassionate spirits and ancestral guides. The shaman locates the fragmented soul parts
in these realms and returns them to the individual. Through ritual and ceremony, the
reintegration of these lost soul parts takes place, leading to a restoration of wholeness and
a healing of the wounds caused by sexual trauma.

Furthermore, shamanism is adept at addressing and healing sexual shame, which is a toxic
emotion that contributes to our shadow. Shame can emerge from societal conditioning,
cultural norms, or personal experiences related to sexuality. It often leads to a disconnection
from one's inherent worthiness. It can manifest in various ways, such as body image issues,
guilt around desires or pleasures, or fear of judgment and rejection.

Within the shamanic framework, sexual shame is recognized as a barrier to personal

growth and spiritual connection. Shamanic practitioners create safe and sacred spaces
through ritual and ceremony, providing individuals with an opportunity to explore and heal
sexual shame. By working with compassionate spirits and engaging in specific practices that
address shame directly, individuals can release the limiting beliefs and emotions associated
with sexual shame, ultimately paving the way for self-acceptance, empowerment, and

Shamanic sexual healing recognizes and honors the sacredness of sexual energy and its
profound connection to spirituality. Sexual energy is seen as a powerful force with the
potential for deep healing, transformation, and spiritual awakening. By integrating the
practices of shamanism with specific sexual healing techniques, individuals can embark on a
journey of self-discovery, healing, and liberation.

Breathwork, visualization, movement, and intentional touch are some practices individuals
may explore in shamanic sexual healing. These practices allow individuals to connect with
their sexual energy, release energetic blockages, and invite healing on physical, emotional,
and spiritual levels. By working with compassionate spirits and embracing the power of
their sexual energy, individuals can transcend past wounds and reclaim their innate
wholeness and vitality.

Shamanic sexual healing offers a profound path to healing, liberation, and integration. With
reverence, authenticity, and a willingness to confront and heal our deepest wounds, this
transformative modality can unlock the full potential of our sexual energy. By embracing
the power of shamanic practices and cultivating a deep connection to our own sacred
sexuality, we can embark on a journey of self-awareness, empowerment, and spiritual
connection. Through shamanic sexual healing, we can reclaim our inherent worthiness and
experience the profound joys and depths of our own sexual and spiritual selves.
Secrets Of Shamanic Sex Magic

Solo Sex Practices for Shamanic Journeying


In this chapter, we will delve even deeper into the realm of solo shamanic sex magic
practices. These techniques aim to combine the potent forces of sexuality and shamanic
journeying to facilitate profound spiritual exploration and personal growth. By embracing
and honoring our sexuality, we can harness its transformative power and embark on a
journey of self-discovery unlike any other.

1. Journeying to Dissolve Sexual Shame

One of the most profound practices in solo shamanic sex magic is journeying to our deepest
sexual shame while holding self-love and allowing the shame to dissolve. This practice
requires courage and an open heart as we venture into the hidden depths of our sexual
psyche. By consciously facing our shame and choosing to love ourselves unconditionally, we
create a sacred space for healing and transformation to occur. Through this journey, we can
release the burdens of guilt and shame that hinder our sexual expression and reconnect
with our natural state of joy and liberation.

Step-by-Step Practice:

- Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can be alone and undisturbed.
- Set your intention to explore and heal any sexual shame that resides within you.
- Enter a shamanic state of consciousness through drumming, chanting, or any other
method that resonates with you.
- Visualize yourself journeying into the depths of your being, seeking out the core of your
sexual shame.
- As you encounter the shame, offer yourself love and acceptance. Embrace these aspects
of yourself, knowing that they are part of your journey.
- Feel the shame dissolve as you shower yourself with love and acceptance.
- Take your time to integrate this experience, journaling your insights and emotions to gain
a deeper understanding of yourself.

2. Reliving Erotic Dreams for Transformation

Another powerful solo shamanic sex magic practice is journeying into a sexually charged
dream to relive the erotic charge. Dreams hold immense wisdom and symbolism, including
our deepest desires and unresolved sexual experiences. By consciously entering a dream
state and revisiting a past sexual encounter or fantasy, we can tap into the potent energies
and lessons embedded within these experiences.

Step-by-Step Practice:

- Before sleep, set your intention to enter an erotic dream while maintaining conscious
- Once you are in a dream state, explore and reconnect with a sexual encounter or fantasy
that left a deep impact on you.
- Engage all your senses, reliving the experience vividly and consciously.
- Allow yourself to feel and process any emotions that arise, without judgment or
- Reflect on the underlying messages and lessons within the dream. What is your
unconscious trying to communicate to you?
- Journal your insights upon awakening, noting any shifts in perspective or newfound

3. Embodying Sexual Fantasies through Shamanic Journeying

Journeying into a sexual fantasy to fully live it is a practice that embraces the power of our
imagination and desires. By intentionally entering a shamanic state of consciousness, we
can explore the vast realms of our sexual fantasies in a safe and sacred space. This practice
allows us to experience the full depth of our desires and uncover the hidden meanings and
potential growth opportunities within them.

Step-by-Step Practice:

- Create a sacred space where you feel comfortable and secure.

- Begin your shamanic journey by using a drum, rattle, or any other method that aligns with
your spiritual practice.
- Visualize yourself stepping into the world of your chosen sexual fantasy.
- Engage all your senses, fully immersing yourself in the experience. Feel the sensations, hear
the sounds, smell the scents, and see the colors and textures.
- Allow yourself to explore and express your desires within the context of this journey,
knowing that you are in a safe and consensual space.
- After the journey, take time for integration. Reflect on the insights and emotions that arise,
discerning the deeper meanings held within your sexual fantasies.
- Consider how you can incorporate the wisdom gleaned from these fantasies into your
everyday life and relationships.

4. Merging with Helping Spirits for Sacred Self-Pleasure

The practice of journeying to merge with a helping spirit and, with their permission, merging
and masturbating is a profound way to deepen our connection with the spirit world while
honoring and embracing our own pleasure. By inviting a trusted spirit guide or helper into
the journey, we initiate a sacred union that can amplify the energetic and transformative
power of self-pleasure.

Step-by-Step Practice:

- Begin your journey by entering a shamanic state of consciousness through the use of
rhythmic drumming, guided meditation, or any other method you prefer.
- Set your intention to meet a spirit guide or helper who is willing to participate in this
sacred self-pleasure journey with you.
- Allow the guide to reveal itself, taking time to establish trust and connection.
- Seek permission from the spirit guide for this intimate journey, ensuring that you honor
their boundaries and consent.
- Begin self-pleasure, allowing your connection with the spirit guide to deepen and intensify
the experience.
- As you reach climax, visualize this union as an energetic exchange, flowing between you
and the spirit guide, merging your energies for healing and transformation.
- After the journey, engage in self-care and grounding practices, honoring the sacredness of
the experience and integrating any insights or energetic shifts.

5. Transformative Rituals for Sexual Awakening

To expand your solo shamanic sex magic practice, consider incorporating transformative
rituals into your exploration of sexual awakening. These rituals can be designed to awaken
dormant sexual energy, heal sexual wounds, or deepen your connection with the divine
through your sexuality. The key is to create a sacred space and set clear intentions for your
ritual, allowing yourself to fully surrender to the transformative power of the experience.

Step-by-Step Practice:

- Choose a specific intention for your transformative ritual. It could be to heal sexual
traumas, unleash creative sexual energy, explore sacred sensuality, or connect with the
divine through your sexuality.
- Create a safe and sacred space for your ritual. Cleanse the space with sage or palo santo,
decorate it with symbols or objects that represent your intention, and set up candles or
incense to create a soothing ambiance.
- Begin your ritual by entering a shamanic state of consciousness through drumming,
chanting, or any other method that resonates with you.
- Call upon your helping spirits, guides, or deities to support and guide you through the
ritual. State your intention clearly and ask for their assistance in the transformative process.
- Engage in activities that align with your intention. This could include self-pleasure, tantric
practices, body movement, or any other form of sexual expression that feels authentic to
- Throughout the ritual, invite your emotions to surface and be felt fully. Acknowledge any
wounds or blockages that arise, allowing them to be witnessed and released.
- Express gratitude to your helping spirits, guides, or deities for their presence and support in
the ritual.
- Take time for integration and self-care. Journal your insights, emotions, and experiences,
allowing yourself to fully integrate the transformative energy that has been awakened.


In this extended chapter, we have explored a range of solo shamanic sex magic practices,
each offering its unique approach to spiritual exploration and personal growth. By
journeying into the depths of sexual shame, reliving erotic dreams, fullyembracing sexual
fantasies, merging with helping spirits, and engaging in transformative rituals, we can
deepen our understanding of ourselves and our sexuality. These practices allow us to
release shame, heal wounds, tap into our desires, and connect with the divine through our

It's important to approach these practices with reverence, respect, and clear intentions.
Prioritize creating a safe and sacred space for yourself, free from distractions or
interruptions. Set clear intentions for each practice, and listen to your intuition throughout
the journey to guide you on your path.

Remember that these practices are deeply personal and individual, so what works for one
person may not resonate with another. It's important to honor your own boundaries, desires,
and comfort levels throughout the journey. If at any point you feel overwhelmed or
uncomfortable, remember that you have the power to pause or stop the practice.

Solo shamanic sex magic practices have the potential to open new dimensions of self-
discovery, healing, and empowerment. By embracing our sexuality and integrating it into
our spiritual journeys, we can tap into a wellspring of wisdom and transformative energy.
Through these practices, we can reclaim our sexual power, release shame and guilt, and
reconnect with the divine within ourselves.

As you embark on your own solo shamanic sex magic journey, be patient with yourself and
allow the process to unfold organically. It may take time and practice to fully integrate
these practices into your life and to experience their profound effects. Trust in your own
inner guidance and intuition, and embrace the journey with curiosity and courage.

May your solo shamanic sex magic practices open new doors of self-discovery, healing, and
liberation. May they empower you to embrace and celebrate your sexuality as a sacred
and transformative force in your life. And may they awaken within you a deep sense of love,
acceptance, and connection to yourself and the world around you.
Secrets Of Shamanic Sex Magic

Partnered Sex Practices for Shamanic Journeying

These practices can be done by any sexual partners, regardless of sex, as long as all
participants know how to journey. These practices include:

1. Merge in the Lower or Upper Worlds: Journeying together to meet up and merge in the
lower or upper worlds can be a powerful and intimate experience. With permission from the
spirits, journey together, and with focused intention, merge your energy and consciousness
with your partner. As you merge, explore the depths of your connection and the shared
energetic dynamics between you. Allow yourselves to dissolve individual boundaries and
enter into a state of profound unity. This merging of energies can open the doors to
heightened spiritual awareness, deepening your bond with one another and the spiritual

2. Power Animal Merge: Another partnered sex practice for shamanic journeying involves
merging with power animals. While journeying together, call upon your power animals and
invite them to join you in ordinary reality while engaging in sexual activity. With consent
from the spirits, merge your energies with the power animals, allowing their wisdom and
primal energy to guide and enhance your experience. As you engage in sexual union, allow
the power animals to infuse you with their strength, instincts, and ancient knowledge. This
practice invites a deeper connection with your own primal selves and the wisdom of the
animal kingdom.

3. Circulating Energy through Oral Sex: Journeying together while performing mutual oral
sex, commonly known as '69,' can be an incredible way to circulate and exchange energy.
As you focus on pleasure and maintaining a deep connection, visualize and intend the
circulation of sexual energy from your mouths into each other's genitals. Through this
practice, you invite the flow of energy, physically and energetically, profoundly connecting
your entire beings. The energy exchange can enhance the intensity of pleasure and deepen
the spiritual connection between you and your partner, fostering a state of ecstasy that
transcends the physical realm.

4. Sex in Nonordinary Reality: Explore the potential of having sex only in nonordinary reality
while journeying together. By consciously entering altered states of consciousness, they
journey to realms where ordinary reality boundaries dissolve. In this space, engage in
sexual experiences that transcend the limitations of physicality, opening yourself up to the
immense possibilities of spiritual connection and ecstasy. This practice requires surrendering
to the flow of the journey, letting go of expectations, and allowing the energies of
nonordinary reality to guide your sacred union. Here, sexual energy merges with the
energies of the spirit world, creating a unique and transcendent form of union between you
and your partner.

5. Journeying into Each Other's Fantasies: Explore the realm of fantasy within the context of
shamanic journeying. Journey together and delve into each other's deepest desires and
fantasies. With open communication, trust, and consent, create a safe space to explore these
realms of imagination. By journeying into each other's fantasies, you can connect on a
profound level and tap into the transformative power of the erotic realm. This practice
allows you to explore one another's psyche, embracing vulnerability and creating a potent
space for personal growth and connection. Through this exploration, you may discover
hidden aspects of yourselves and strengthen the bond between you and your partner in
ways you never imagined.

Remember that these practices should only be undertaken with explicit consent and open
communication between all partners. Each individual's boundaries and comfort levels
should be respected at all times. Additionally, it is essential to approach these practices with
reverence, understanding their sacredness and potential for personal and spiritual growth.

Partnered sex practices for shamanic journeying offer a unique opportunity for couples to
embark on a shared mystical journey, transcending the physical and merging into the
realms of spirit. With intention, respect, and a willingness to explore, these practices can
open doors to profound transformation, union, and spiritual awakening. Embrace the power
of shamanic journeying and sacred sexuality as you embark on this extraordinary path of
self-discovery and connection.
Secrets Of Shamanic Sex Magic

Harnessing Sexual Arousal and Orgasm for Shamanic


Shamanism, often referred to as "archaic techniques of ecstasy," has been a subject of

fascination for researchers throughout history, prompting in-depth explorations of this
ancient practice. An integral component of understanding this concept lies in delving into
the Greek origins of the word "ecstasy."

Derived from the Greek word "ekstasis," ecstasy translates to "to be outside oneself" or "to
stand apart." When examining shamanic practices, the term ecstasy signifies the altered
state of consciousness experienced by shamans during their journeying. It is a state that
allows them to transcend the boundaries of ordinary reality and explore other dimensions
of existence.

Shamans employ various methods to achieve this altered state, with the shamanic state of
consciousness serving as their primary tool. This state acts as a gateway for shamans to
connect with the spiritual realms and retrieve information, guidance, or healing for
themselves and others. While drumming, rhythmic dancing, hallucinogenic plant medicine,
fasting, and physical ordeals are commonly utilized to attain the shamanic state, it is
important to recognize that sexual arousal, activity, and orgasm can also serve as potent
catalysts for altering consciousness during the shamanic journey.

Utilizing sexual arousal, masturbation, or sexual activity to enhance the shamanic journey
involves harnessing the intense experiences associated with these practices as a means to
access altered states of consciousness. Here, we shall delve deeper into several ways in
which these elements can aid in the alteration of consciousness during the shamanic

1. Edging: Edging refers to intentionally prolonging sexual arousal without reaching orgasm.
This practice allows individuals to maintain heightened arousal for prolonged periods,
creating fertile ground for experiencing altered states of consciousness. Some shamans
incorporate edging into their practices to access more profound levels of awareness during
their journeys, enabling them to delve into realms beyond ordinary perception.

2. Breathwork: Conscious breathing techniques are vital in altering consciousness. By

incorporating deep, rhythmic breathing during periods of sexual arousal or activity,
individuals can intensify the experience and facilitate a heightened state of awareness. The
focused attention on the breath helps individuals connect more deeply to the present
moment and can become a powerful tool in the shamanic journey when combined with
sexual practices.

3. Drumming and Sound: Listening to shamanic drumming or other sacred sounds while
engaging in self-stimulation or sexual activity can amplify the effects of both practices. The
rhythmic beats and vibrations of the drumming provide a conducive environment for
altered states of consciousness. When combined with sexual arousal, the experience can
become even more profound, aiding in deepening the connection with the spiritual realms
and facilitating shamanic journeying.

4. Visualization and Intention Setting: Before engaging in sexual practices for shamanic
journeying, setting clear intentions and visualizing the desired outcomes can be immensely
beneficial. This process helps focus the mind and directs the energy towards specific goals
during the journey. Visualization techniques, coupled with sexual arousal, further intensify
the journey and enhance the connection with the spiritual realms, unlocking new realms of
profound exploration.

It is of utmost importance to approach the utilization of sexual arousal, masturbation, or

sexual activity for shamanic journeying with mindfulness, respect, and a clear intention.
Prioritizing consent, personal boundaries, emotional well-being, and the safety of all
involved parties is paramount in any sexual practice, including those utilized for altering
consciousness within a shamanic context.

By exploring and experimenting with these techniques, individuals can discover their unique
ways of harnessing sexual arousal and orgasm for shamanic journeying. It is within the
delicate balance between the physical and spiritual realms that the energy and intensity
found within sexual experiences act as a gateway to transcendence and profound spiritual
Secrets Of Shamanic Sex Magic

Sexual Healing through Shamanic Rituals

In this chapter, we will explore the transformative power of sexual healing through
shamanic rituals. It is important to remember that shamanic healing is not a substitute for
medical help, and seeking professional medical care should always be prioritized when
necessary. However, when used in conjunction with appropriate medical assistance,
shamanic rituals can provide a holistic approach to healing sexual issues.

Ritual Structure and Development:

To begin, let us delve into the structure and development of shamanic rituals for sexual
healing. Rituals involve creating a sacred time and space where symbolic activities can be
imbued with spiritual significance. This sacred space allows for the integration of mind,
body, and spirit, facilitating healing and growth.

The first step in developing a ritual is to set a clear intention. What is the purpose of your
ritual? Is it to heal past sexual trauma, enhance intimacy and connection, or cultivate self-
love and acceptance? By clarifying your intention, you invite the energies of your helping
spirits to guide and support you in crafting a ritual that addresses your specific needs.

Once your intention is established, it is essential to create a sacred space that allows you to
fully immerse yourself in the ritual. This space can be as simple as a designated corner in
your home or a specially decorated altar. The key is to make it a space where you feel safe
and connected to the divine energies that will be invoked during the ritual.

Ideas for Shamanic Journeys:

During your shamanic journeys, you can ask your helping spirits for specific guidance on
ritual creation for sexual healing. Here are a few ideas to consider:

1. Connecting with Ancestral Spirits: Journey to connect with your ancestral spirits and seek
their guidance on ancestral rituals for sexual healing. They may provide insights into
traditional practices, cultural beliefs, and offer ancestral wisdom to address specific sexual
issues. Through connecting with your ancestors, you can tap into their accumulated wisdom
and draw strength from their experience to guide your healing journey.

2. Elemental Energies: Explore shamanic journeys focused on calling upon the elemental
energies such as fire, water, air, and earth for their transformative powers. These energies
can be harnessed to bring balance and healing to sexual energies. For example, you might
journey to connect with the energy of water to cleanse and purify any emotional blockages
related to sexuality. The use of elemental energies can introduce a deeper level of
alignment and harmony within your sexual healing practices.

3. Animal Spirit Allies: Communicate with animal spirit allies through shamanic journeys and
seek their wisdom in creating rituals that tap into their unique qualities. For instance, the
sensuality of the snake or the grace and freedom of the eagle can be utilized to address
various sexual challenges. By connecting with these animal spirits, you can draw upon their
attributes to empower your ritual. Each animal spirit possesses its own energetic essence
that can offer guidance and support in specific areas of sexual healing.

Ideas for Addressing Sexual Issues:

Sexual healing rituals can address a wide range of issues. Here are a few ideas to consider
when designing your rituals:

1. Healing Past Trauma: Create a ritual that focuses on healing past sexual trauma. This
could involve visualization, guided meditations, energy cleansing, and invoking the support
of compassionate spirits to aid in the release and healing of deep emotional wounds. By
creating a safe and sacred space to confront and process these traumas, you open the
door to reclaiming your sexual power and finding healing. Engaging in rituals that allow for
the expression and release of traumatic experiences can bring about profound
transformation and healing.

2. Enhancing Intimacy and Connection: Develop rituals aimed at enhancing intimacy and
connection with your partner. These rituals may involve sacred touch, deepening
communication, and opening the heart space to foster a deeper bond. By engaging in these
practices, you invite a sense of sacredness and reverence into your intimate relationships,
allowing for a more profound and fulfilling connection. Exploring rituals that promote
vulnerability, trust, and emotional transparency can greatly enrich the depth and quality of
your intimate experiences.

3. Cultivating Self-Love and Acceptance: Craft rituals that promote self-love and
acceptance, paying special attention to self-care practices that nourish your physical,
emotional, and spiritual well-being. Connect with compassionate spirits for guidance on self-
love rituals that align with your individual needs. Embracing self-love and acceptance is
fundamental to unlocking your true sexual potential and experiencing healing on a deep
level. By dedicating time and space to honoring and cherishing yourself, you create a solid
foundation for continued growth and transformation.

It is important to reiterate that shamanic healing rituals should be regarded as a

complementary approach to holistic well-being. While these practices can be immensely
transformative, they should never be a substitute for necessary medical care. Always
prioritize seeking professional medical assistance when needed and consult with qualified

In conclusion, shamanic rituals have the potential to facilitate profound sexual healing
experiences. By creating sacred spaces and engaging in intentional practices, we can
harness the transformative power of shamanic journeying to address sexual issues and
promote overall well-being. However, remember to approach these rituals with respect and
reverence, seeking guidance from your helping spirits during shamanic journeys. May these
practices guide you on your journey towards sexual healing and empowerment.
Secrets Of Shamanic Sex Magic

Connecting with Spirit and Nature through Sexual

Shamanic Rituals

In this chapter, we will explore the profound connection between sexuality, spirit, and nature
in shamanic rituals. Please note that any activities involving sexuality and nature should be
consensual, within the boundaries of the law, and respectful of others. Let us delve into
several ways readers can connect with nature using their sexuality.

1. Experiencing Nature's Presence: Engaging in sexual acts or self-pleasure in nature can be

a powerful way to deepen your connection with the natural world. Find serene and secluded
locations where you can safely embrace the beauty of nature. Whether it's making love
under a starlit sky, exploring oneself in the tranquility of a forest, feeling the caress of the
wind against your naked skin, or simply enjoying the sensuality of your body in harmony
with natural surroundings, these practices can help awaken a profound sense of connection
and spirituality. Remember to be mindful of your surroundings and ensure your activities
are within the bounds of the law and respect for others.

2. Ritual Baths with Flowers: Incorporating ritual baths into your practice further enhances
the connection between sexuality, spirit, and nature. Begin by drawing a warm bath infused
with flowers and herbs that resonate with your intentions. Choose blossoms like rose petals,
lavender, ylang-ylang, or jasmine to create an aromatic and sensual atmosphere. As you
soak in the bath, visualize the energy of these plants merging with your own sexual energy,
creating a harmonious union between yourself and nature. Allow the sacredness of the bath
to cleanse and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.

3. Crystal Stimulation: Crystals possess unique energetic properties and have been
employed in various spiritual practices for centuries. Incorporating them into your sexual
shamanic ritual can amplify the connection with nature. Select crystals that align with your
intentions, such as rose quartz for love and compassion, carnelian for passion and vitality, or
amethyst for spiritual connection. Place the chosen crystals near your body during sexual
activities, use them for massage, or even hold them in your hands to allow their energy to
synergize with your sexual energy. The crystals can enhance your mindfulness and
awareness of the interconnectedness of the natural world.
4. Making Love on a Bed of Fresh Leaves: Creating a bed of fresh leaves upon which to
make love or engage in self-pleasure is a powerful way to merge sexuality and nature. Find
a secluded spot amidst nature, preferably adorned with gentle and fragrant leaves. Fashion
a comfortable and safe space for your erotic exploration, ensuring the ground is soft and
free of any potential hazards. Allow the earth to support your sensuous journey and feel the
connection between your physicality and the natural world beneath you. As you embrace
the earth, visualize the energy exchange between your bodies and the living essence of the
Earth, feeling the interconnectedness of all beings.

5. Embodiment and Somatic Healing: In addition to a sexual connection with nature,

embodying the experience and engaging in somatic healing practices can deepen your
spiritual connection. By focusing on and fully experiencing your body's sensations, you enter
an immersive state of consciousness. Explore the practices of shamanic journeying while
engaging in self-pleasure or partnered sex. Allow the sexual energy to guide you into
deeper realms of personal healing and transformation. Surrender to the energy flow within
your body, letting it harmonize with the energies of nature around you. Connect with the
spirits of the land, the elements, and your inner wisdom as you use the power of sexuality to
shed emotional, physical, and energetic blockages, facilitating deep healing and integration.

Through these practices, you can cultivate a profound connection with the natural world,
recognizing our inherent interconnectedness and embracing the sacredness of life itself.
Remember to approach these rituals with respect, mindfulness, and consent, ensuring a
transformative and meaningful experience. By merging nature, spirit, and sexuality in
shamanic rituals, we tap into the profound depths of our being and forge a powerful
connection with the world around us. May these practices inspire you to navigate the
intricate tapestry of existence, deepening your understanding of yourself, nature, and the
universal currents that bind us all together.
Secrets Of Shamanic Sex Magic

Achieving Mystic Union through Shamanic Sex Magic

In this chapter, we delve deeper into the practice of achieving Mystic Union through
Shamanic Sex Magic. It offers an intricate and profound approach to tapping into the
internal divine and merging with the essence of our true selves.

To embark on this journey, we guide the reader through several shamanic journeys inward,
inviting them to explore the depths of their divine self. These journeys can be facilitated
through various techniques such as drumming, meditation, and visualization. By creating a
sacred and safe space, the reader intends to meet the divine self, forging a potent
connection with their godhood.

When we engage in sexual experiences, we tap into a potent source of energy that
resonates with the creative essence of the universe. This energy is the life force that flows
through all living beings, connecting us to the divine. By consciously harnessing this sexual
energy, we can elevate our consciousness and deepen our connection to the internal

In the practice of Shamanic Sex Magic, the reader is encouraged to incorporate sexual
ecstasy as a tool to merge with their internal divinity. This merging allows us to transcend
the limitations of the physical realm and experience a profound sense of unity with the
cosmos. Through heightened states of arousal and orgasm, our awareness expands,
opening doors to mystical realms within ourselves.

It is essential to approach this practice with reverence, respect, and a deep understanding
of ourselves and our boundaries. Boundaries, consent, and personal safety should always
be honored, creating a safe and consensual space for exploration. Whether engaging in this
practice with a trusted partner or alone, the journey should always be grounded in mutual
trust and consent.

As the reader progresses on their journey, each subsequent shamanic sex magic experience
becomes an opportunity for greater self-discovery and spiritual growth. Repeating the
process strengthens the bond with the divine self, allowing for a deeper and more conscious
integration of our godhood into our daily lives.
This chapter emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and consensual space.
Boundaries, consent, and personal safety are essential components of this practice, ensuring
the journey is conducted with reverence and respect for oneself and others involved.

The final journey in this chapter serves as a culmination of the practice. Using sexual
stimulation and recorded drumming, the reader focuses on merging with the divine self. This
journey's climax aims to solidify the physical and the divine connection, bringing forth a
deep sense of unity and transcendence.

It is important to note that Shamanic Sex Magic is a sacred practice that should be
approached with respect, reverence, and a deep understanding of oneself. This chapter
offers guidance and insights into this transformative path, but each individual must honor
their journey and adapt the practice to align with their own unique needs and beliefs.

By embracing the potential of Shamanic Sex Magic and incorporating it into our spiritual
practice, we unlock the divine within ourselves. Through the merging of sexual ecstasy with
the internal divine, we embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, healing, and
transcendence that leads to the attainment of gnosis - a profound and mystical
understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

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