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Finished Good 75000

Cost of Goods Manufactured X

_ Finished goods 50000
Cost of goods sold 600000

Cost of goods Mannufactured 575000

Total Manufacturing costs 610000

Cost of goods manufactured 575000 + work in process (12/31) 60000- work in process(1/1) 25000

Account receivable collections 1040000

Accounts receivable (1/1) 120000+ Collections 1000000 _ Accounts receviable (12/31) 80000

Account Payble 1/1 150000

Account payable 12/31 200000 _ Raw Material Purchase 130000+ Account Payble 80000

Raw Materials 12/31 40000

10000 1300000 _100000

Sales 40% x1000000 400000

k in process(1/1) 25000

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