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Bioassays and Field Studies for Allelopathy in

Terrestrial Plants: Progress and Problems
a b
Inderjit & Erik T. Nilsen
Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India, e-mail:
Department of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061
Version of record first published: 18 Jun 2010.

To cite this article: Inderjit & Erik T. Nilsen (2003): Bioassays and Field Studies for Allelopathy in Terrestrial Plants: Progress
and Problems, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 22:3-4, 221-238

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Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 22(3):221–238 (2003)

Bioassays and Field Studies for Allelopathy in

Terrestrial Plants: Progress and Problems
Inderjit1* and Erik T. Nilsen 2
1Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India, e-mail:; 2Department

of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061

Referee: Dr. Stella Elakovich, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 390406–5043

* Corresponding author
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ABSTRACT: Bioassays are an integral part of allelopathy research. The unsuitability of laboratory bioassays to
explain field situations is discussed previously. In this article, we discuss progress in bioassay experimental design
and several unresolved problems associated with research on allelopathy. The objectives of this article are to
discuss problems related to (1) collection of allelopathic material for bioassay, (2) allelochemical quantification
in bioassays, (3) selection of concentration of allelochemicals in bioassay, (4) selection of appropriate control,
(5) interaction between allelochemicals and other substances, and (6) in situ allelochemical bioassays. We
concluded that new experimental designs for in situ bioassay are needed that can account for the large number of
confounding factors in a complex field environment, and can be linked to physiological monitoring of target
species and biochemical monitoring of the growth medium.

KEY WORDS: plant phenolics, allelopathic interference, microbial activity, bioassay, experimental design.

I. INTRODUCTION allelopathy. Moreover, Inderjit and Weiner (2001)

suggested that progress in the field of allelopathy
Allelopathy can be defined as the effect of could be furthered if allelopathy was studied in
one plant on growth and distribution of other context of soil chemical ecology.
plants (including microorganisms) through the It is generally accepted that allelochemicals
release of chemical compounds into the environ- could influence plant growth through their
ment (Rice, 1984). This widely accepted defini- (1) direct effect on plant growth and establish-
tion of allelopathy includes both positive and ment (i.e., allelopathy), (2) indirect effect of de-
negative effects. It also includes indirect effects, graded and transformed byproducts, (3) interac-
that is, via degraded chemicals and through the tion with abiotic and biotic substratum factors,
effect of chemicals on availability of nutrients. In and (4) induction of release of chemicals by a
a way, the term ‘allelopathy’ is so broadly defined third plant species (Inderjit and Keating, 1999).
that it includes everything and causes dissatisfac- Allelopathy should be considered a direct plant-
tion among ecologists (Inderjit and Weiner, 2001). plant chemical interaction within a broader con-
For example, Inderjit and Del Moral (1997) sug- text of chemical interactions among organisms.
gested that several mechanisms of plant interfer- However, in this article we discuss plant growth
ence (e.g., allelopathy, resource competition, mi- inhibition due to direct effects of allelochemicals
crobial nutrient immobilization) are likely to and their effects through soil chemical ecology.
operate in parallel, and Wardle and his colleagues Bioassays are generally designed to test a
(1998) advocated that using an ecosystem-level hypothesis (Wolfson, 1988). Laboratory bioas-
approach would be a good context for the study of says are important tools to understand a particular

© 2003 by CRC Press LLC
component of allelopathy; however, field studies guided isolation method can correlate results ob-
are needed to test whether different components tained in laboratory experiments and field activity
are operating together as a unit in field situations of rice allelochemicals. Their method, however,
(Inderjit and Weston, 2000). Several workers have had some shortcomings. For example, (1) acetone
discussed problems with bioassays for allelopa- was used as an extractant, (2) dried and powdered
thy (Leather and Einhellig, 1986, 1988; Qasem roots of rice cultivars were used, (3) no soil was
and Hill, 1989; Inderjit and Dakshini, 1995; Romeo involved in growth experiments, and (4) joint
and Weidenhamer, 1998; Foy, 1999). Although action of allelochemicals in mixture was not stud-
limited in their application to field situations, labo- ied. This bioassay may be suitable for studying
ratory bioassays can be designed to study the the phytotoxicity of allelochemicals, but it is not
following components of allelopathy. appropriate for investigating their role in the al-
lelopathic potential of rice cutivars. Centaurea
1. Presence and subsequent release of diffusa (Eurasion forb) is an invasive weed in
allelochemicals. North America and is reported to suppress native
2. Growth inhibition of the target plant and bunchgrass species such as Festuca ovina,
interference of allelochemicals with physi- Koeleria laerssenii, and Agropyron cristatum
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ological processes of the target plant. (Callaway and Aschehoug, 2000). C. diffusa,
3. Fate of allelochemicals in soil. however, did not inhibit the growth of closely
4. Movement of allelochemicals in the soil related grass species from the native communi-
environment and their uptake by the target ties. Callaway and Aschehoug (2000) argued that
plant. North American grasses may not be adapted to
5. Detoxification of allelochemicals taken up allelochemical release by C. diffusa, however,
by the target plant. Eurasian species from its native land are adapted.
6. Effects of allelochemicals on soil microbial These results suggest that putative allelopathic
ecology and nutrient dynamics. plants may not have a strong allelopathic toxicity
7. Interaction of promoters (e.g., nitrate), in- to their neighbors in their native habitat (i.e., neigh-
hibitors (e.g., phenolic acids) and neutral boring species have evolved resistance mecha-
substances (e.g., glucose) in the soil envi- nisms), whereas that same putative allelopathic
ronment. plant may have a strong phytotoxicity to neigh-
boring species in the invaded community. Further
Harper (1994, p. 369) states, “ almost all spe- comparisons of alellopathy between co-occurring
cies can, by appropriate digestion, extraction, and species of both native and alien communities will
concentration be persuaded to yield a product that determine if allelopathy is a common method by
is toxic to one species or another.” Although the which invasive species gain dominance in the
drawback in methodology used to demonstrate alien community.
the occurrence of allelopathy has been realized The selection of growth parameters is another
(Romeo, 2000), the ‘grind and find’ techniques important consideration for bioassay design. Most
are still in use. While discussing the shortcoming studies of allelopathy measure root and/or shoot
of bioassays for allelopathy, Inderjit and Dakshini length and seedling biomass. Other parameters,
(1995) cautioned against several methods used in for example, physiological processes and ultra-
allelopathic studies. For example, the grinding of structural changes deserve more attention. Inderjit
plant material should be avoided in growth bioas- (2001) discussed the significance of soils in the
says. Instead of artificially sensitive species expression of allelopathy. In terrestrial systems,
(e.g., lettuce, Lactuca sativa), the species co-oc- any bioassay without involving soil has no eco-
curring with the donor plant should be used. logical relevance (Foy, 1999). Factors affecting
Rimando et al. (2001) developed a bioactivity- the expression of allelopathy in laboratory bioas-
guided method for isolating allelochemicals from say are listed in Table 1. Here we consider some
rice (cultivar Taichung Native 1). These authors of the more important issues concerning allelopa-
argued that data generated through bioassay- thy bioassay.

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List of Parameters That Influence the Outcome of Bioassays for Allelopathy

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TABLE 1 (continued)

II. COLLECTION OF ALLELOCHEMICALS neutral fraction. The remaining aqueous fraction
FOR BIOASSAY was acidified to pH 2 by 1 N HCl and extracted
with CH2Cl2. To obtain the basic fraction, acidi-
Allelochemicals are contributed into the en- fied residue was adjusted by 1 N NaOH to pH
vironment through foliar leaching, root exuda- 11 and extracted with CH2Cl2. All fractions
tion, volatilization, leaf litter, and other residue were reduced to 3 ml and used for growth bio-
decomposition. An aqueous solution should be the assays.
preferred medium for collecting allelochemicals, Different fractions were applied to Whatman
and any use of an organic solvent for extracting no. 3 paper discs. Organic solvent was dried and
allelochemicals to be used in growth bioassays water was applied. Lettuce seeds were used as an
should be avoided (Schmidt, 1990). In addition, assay species. Radicle length was measured after
allelochemicals should be collected with the least 48 h of incubation. Although this root exudate
disruption of the normal mode of release. Such trapping technique of Tang and Young (1982)
careful adherence to natural release modes is of- minimized the rhizosphere disturbance, several
ten overlooked. For example, Torti et al. (1995) problems of the technique remained. No natural
advocated the use of homogenizer technique for soil was used. Further, the medium used to grow
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phenolic extracts of leaves compared with con- limpograss (basaltic rock and sand: rock mixture)
ventional sonicator or shaker technique. Any ex- was heat sterilized. In doing so, the importance of
traction technique that prematurely disrupts (faster soil chemistry and microbial ecology was not
than decomposition) the integrity of tissues al- appreciated. By selecting sand:rock mixture, au-
lows the extraction of elevated organic constitu- thors completely ignored the role of soil texture in
ents yielding inappropriate results. Tang and availability of allelochemicals in the substratum.
Young (1982) described a method to collect Several authors have shown the role of soil tex-
allelochemicals exuded from an undisturbed root ture in allelopathic expression (Del Moral and
system of bigalta limpograss (Hemarthria Muller, 1969; Del Moral and Cates, 1971; Kuiters
altissima) (Figure 1). Stolon cuttings of limpograss and Denneman, 1987; Oleszek and Jurzysta, 1987;
were washed and treated with 5% clorox for 15 Inderjit and Dakshini, 1994a). Another major prob-
min. Pots (1-gallon brown glass bottles with bot- lem with this trapping technique of Tang and
tom removed) were filled with crushed basaltic Young (1982) is their bioassay procedures. Dif-
rocks and 2:1 (v/v) sand:rock mixture. Containers ferent fractions were extracted in organic solvents
wrapped with aluminium foil were heat sterilized and placed on filter paper. After evaporating or-
for 2 days at 100°C. After planting cuttings, each ganic solvent, water was added. This is not an
pot was irrigated with 0.1-strength Hoagland’s ecologically relevant bioassay method because
solution (100 ml/day). Pots without limpograss allelochemical concentration may be very high
cuttings were identified as control. After 40 days, compared with the natural situation. Moreover,
limpograss had a well-developed root system. A the technique is not appropriate for isolating the
column packed with washed (by organic solvents) effects of a particular allelochemical because each
XAD-4 resin was attached to the bottom of the fraction may have several compounds and they
pot with a circulating attachment. Hoagland’s may have different polarity.
solution (0.1-strength) was then circulated (1 l/h) Czarnota (2001) developed a unique capillary
through the pot and column. The nutrient solution system for production of large quantities of living
was continuously circulated through the rhizo- seedling roots and their respective exudates (Fig-
sphere of the living limpograss. To take care of ure 2). The capillary system consisted of growing
any water loss due to evaporation, water was 100 g sorghum between two double layers of
replenished daily. The column was detached after cheesecloth (60 cm long) that were placed on
3 days washed with water and then followed by aluminium window screen. The screen assembly
methanol. These authors pooled elute from 15 was placed over a sandwich of ridged insulation,
columns. After diluting the elute with water, it capillary mat, and weed mat. The capillary mat,
was extracted with CH2Cl2, and identified as the weed mat, and cheesecloth were draped into a

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FIGURE 1. The hydrophobic root exudates trapping system. (Source: Tang and Young (1982). Reproduced with
permission from American Society of Plant Physiologists.)

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FIGURE 2. A unique capillary system for the production of large quantities of living seedling roots and their exudates.
(Source: Czarnota [2001]. Reproduced with permission from Cornell University, Ithaca.)

water trough. The entire system was covered with phenolics in bioassay can represent some of these
plastic and topped with two sheets of egg crate difficulties. Inderjit et al. (1997) investigated the allelo-
light baffles pressed under 10 kg weight in order pathic potential of certain terpenoid and phenolic sub-
to keep the screen in contact with the capillary stances. These were p-hydroxybenzoic acid (benzoic
mat and to keep the system components intact as acid derivative), ferulic acid (cinnamic acid derivative),
seeds germinated. The solution does not recircu- umbelliferone (coumarin), catechin (flavonoid), emo-
late, but is maintained at a consistent level so that din (anthraquinone), 1,8-cineole (monoterpenoid),
the capillary mat is uniformly but not overly moist. carvone (monoterpenoid), and betulin (triterpenoid). A
Roots are then cut off and extracted with a sol- mixture of these chemicals was prepared to simulate a
vent, methylene chloride. Solenoid valves main- natural extract or “leachate”, which contained chemi-
tain a constant water level in the trough. Matting cals from different classes of organic compounds. Some
is present to absorb water and keep the overall of these chemicals are UV-absorbing (p-hydroxybenzoic
layers moist. The capillary mat system was able acid, ferulic acid, umbelliferone, catechin, emodin, and
to produce exudates within 10 to 14 days without carvone), while others are not (1,8-cineloe and betulin).
contamination by fungal or bacterial pathogens. Furthermore, two different wavelengths were required
Currently, this capillary mat system is used to to quantify UV-absorbing compounds, that is, 254 for
extract large amounts of sorgoleone from differ- umbelliferone, catechin, emodin, and carvone, and 275
ent sorghum accessions (see also Czarnota et al., nm for p-hydroxybenzoic acid and ferulic acid. Also,
2001). HPLC was not the most appropriate quantification
technique for all compounds (e.g., these authors used
GC spectroscopy to quantify monoterpenes). This study
III. ALLELOCHEMICAL QUANTIFICATION demonstrated that several analytical tools (i.e., HPLC,
IN BIOASSAY MEDIUM RI-HPLC, or GC) are required to identify and quantify
allelochemicals in many extracts. Haig (2001) reviewed
Quantitative and qualitative estimation of the significance of hyphenated chromatography–mass
allelochemicals in bioassays is the most difficult part of spectroscopy techniques in allelopathy research. The
allelopathic research. Examining the quantification of LC-MS technique is considered better compared with

GC-MS because it can separate labile heat-sensitive, methanol. Second, Folin-Ciocalteu assay was used
nonvolatile, and high-molecular-weight compounds that for compounds detected in 75% methanol-25% trichlo-
account for 80% of all known compounds. The re- roacetic acid. Third, a polyvinylpolypyrrolidone
maining 20% are volatiles and more stable. These (PVPP) method was used. It was found that the Folin-
volatile compounds can be best separated by capillary Ciocalteu method for compounds extracted with 80%
GC-MS because it has higher chromatography resolu- methanol provided the most consistent results be-
tion compared with LC-MS. However, GC-MS has cause of the least interference by proteins present in
another advantage over LC-MS, that is, the existence the extract. Although these authors recommended
of large commercial libraries of computer-searchable this method to be more consistent and efficient, whether
standard electron-impact mass spectra. Moreover, Haig it generates ecological relevant data from an allelopa-
(2001) gave an important list of allelochemical identi- thy perspective needs further research.
fications using chromatography. These include (1) stud-
ies using nonhyphenated techniques, (2) allelochemical
identifications using hyphenated chromatography–mass IV. CONCENTRATION OF ALLELOPATHIC
spectrometry, and (3) allelochemical quantifications MATERIAL IN BIOASSAY
using hyphenated chromatography-mass spectrometry.
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He stressed the need for identifying individual com- Many times two terms — concentration and
pounds within a complex plant-related sample that content — are used as synonym (Farhoomand
possesses biological activity. and Peterson, 1968). However, ‘content’ is cor-
Due to the difficulty of identifying allelochemical rectly defined as the total amount of compound
species in a complex natural mixture, the estimation present in a specific amount of plant tissue, while
of total phenolics is a preferred parameter in allel- ‘concentration’ is the amount of compound present
opathy research (Inderjit, 1996; Dalton 1999). in a unit amount of plant tissue. Care should be
Waterman and Mole (1994) summarized different taken to use these terms appropriately. In bioas-
methods used to estimate total phenolics (Table 2). say for allelopathy, careful attention to matching
The Folin-Ciocalteu method (Swain and Hillis, 1959) natural allelochemical concentrations is critical.
is often used to estimate total phenolics. Although Moreover, in soil amendment experiments it is
measuring total phenolics is easier than identifying important to select an appropriate ratio of plant
and quantifying the specific allelochemicals in a debris to soil mass. Inderjit and Dakshini (1992),
complex coctail, the measurement of total phenolics for example, added leaves of Pluchea lanceolata
is not trouble free. For example, the techniques for to the soil (1.6%, w/w) based on the amount of
measuring total phenolics may have the problem of debris collected from clipped quadrats. However,
reacting with several oxidizable nonphenolic com- a range of concentration (four or more) should be
pounds (Van Alstyne, 1995). Moreover, Blum and selected in plant debris-soil bioassays for allel-
his co-workers (1994) opined that there is no phenol opathy. Moreover, any addition of plant debris
reagent or HPLC method currently developed that into soil will result in changes of organic and
can calculate the absolute concentration of total phe- inorganic soil chemical components (Inderjit and
nolics in soils. For example, water and EDTA can Dakshini, 1999). Another important question is
extract only certain types of phenolic compounds, what soil:leachate ratio should be considered for
not all types. Because there are chances of reactivity interpreting growth experiments? Inderjit and
with nonphenolic compounds, and extractions are Dakshini (1994a) amended 200 g soil with 100 ml
incomplete, methods for measuring total phenolics of different strength (full-strength, 1:4, 1:8, and
should be used only to estimate changes in relative 1:12) of P. lanceolata leaf leachates. Chemical
concentrations among treatments not absolute con- characteristics of all amended soils were altered.
centrations (Box, 1983; Waterman and Mole, 1994). These authors compared chemical characteristics
Van Alstyne (1995) compared three methods for of amended soil with those of natural P. lanceolata
quantifying phloroglucinol in the presence of protein, soils. It was found that soils amended with mini-
bovine serum albumin (BSA). First, Folin-Ciocalteu mum and maximum amounts of P. lanceolata
assay was used for compounds extracted in 80% leachate were significantly different from natural

Different Methods Commonly Used to Estimate Total Phenolics. Source: Waterman and
Mole (1994). Reproduced after permission from Blackwell Scientific publications
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P. lanceolata soil, and therefore should not be mus material is difficult because that concentration
used for growth bioasasys. The soil:leachate ratio is likely to be very heterogeneous in time (as the
that made insignificantly altered characteristics material repetitively wets and dries) and space (lo-
from those of natural soils should be used. cal pockets of higher concentration). Some impor-
Just as in soil amendment bioassay, concen- tant considerations when making a leachate from
tration is critical for filter paper bioassay. If pre- litter or humus should be: (1) the ratio of water to
cipitation (throughfall or stemflow) is tested for organic matter mass, (2) duration of soaking before
allelochemical toxicity, then no concentration filtering, (3) temperature of the extraction, and (4)
process should be employed. A dilution series can necessity for shaking.
be useful for both determining the effective con-
centration for toxicity and for separating allelo-
pathic inhibition from inhibition by resource limi- V. SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE
tation. If growth inhibition decreases with CONTROLS
increasing dilution, then the inhibition is likely to
be allelopathic. However, if inhibition increases The selection of an appropriate control may
with dilution then the inhibition is likely caused be one of the most critical aspects of an allelopa-
by resource (nutrient) limitation. If there is no thy bioassay. Most commonly the control bioas-
change of inhibition with dilution, then allelopa- say is performed with the extraction medium (usu-
thy and resourse limitation may be counteracting ally distilled water). However, it is important to
each other. However, if heavy metal toxicity (or control for some other variables. Leachate osmo-
anthropogenic toxic component) is the cause of lality (concentration of dissolved osmotically ac-
inhibition this cannot be differentiated from allel- tive species) can vary dramatically from distilled
opathy by a dilution experiment. water. Moreover, pH and nutrient availability can
Selecting an appropriate leachate concentra- be very different from the control imbibing mate-
tion made from litter or humus may not be possible rial. Therefore, it is advisable to match the control
unless the concentration of putative allelochemical solution to the pH and osmolality of the leachate.
in the medium is known. Determining the concen- Germination and radical elongation in controls of
tration of a putative allelochemical in litter or hu- filter paper bioassay are often less than leachate

treatments because distilled water is used without was repeated with leaves from other species in the
any added nutrients. Utilizing a weak Hoagland’s growth medium, phytotoxicity of R. maximum
solution may cause the germination and growth leaves was minimal compared with that for other
of controls to be equal to or above that of the species of the region (Nilsen et al., 1999). There-
leachate treatment. Unfortunately, the added nu- fore, the design of the control and a comparison
trients also may increase the speed by which molds with material from putatively nonallelopathic spe-
can develop in the bioassay shortening the length cies are critical steps to generating ecologically
of time for growth responses. relevant data.
Plant debris incorporated into soil is often
used in bioassays for allelopathy (Blum, 1995,
1999; Inderjit and Daksini, 1994a, b). However, VI. INTERACTIONS BETWEEN
the design of the control in these experiments is ALLELOCHEMICALS AND OTHER
not uniform. The selection of control is an impor- SUBSTANCES
tant step to evaluate allelopathic responses
(Williamson and Richardson, 1988) in debris ad- In field situations, allelochemicals are always
dition studies. While some workers have used released in combination with other substances,
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peat moss to balance organic matter (Pardales et for example, inorganic ions, carbohydrates, and
al., 1992; Ahmed and Wardle, 1994), others have amino acids (Tang et al., 1995). Blum et al. (1993)
not added any inert material in their control suggested that allelopathic effects could be due to
(Inderjit and Dakshini, 1992, 1994a, b; Inderjit et the interaction of promoters (e.g., nitrate), inhibi-
al., 1999). In some regions, peat moss may be tors (e.g., phenolic acids), and neutral substances
inappropriate as an additive to control soils be- (e.g., glucose) in the soil environment. It may not
cause of the absence of peat in the source region be ecologically relevant to compare growth inhi-
for the test soil (Inderjit and Dakshini, 1998). bition due to root exudate/foliar leachate to that
Moreover, Inderjit and Mallik (1997) found that obtained with synthetic chemicals. Here is a ma-
chemical characteristics of soil from regions where jor impasse in bioassay-based research on allel-
peat is found (boreal forests) significantly changed opathy. Natural product chemists try to isolate
when amended with peat moss when compared biologically active compounds from the suspected
with unamended boreal forest soil. Peat moss had allelopathic plant, and after doing bioassays in
higher values for total phenolics, nitrogen, Al3+, artificial media these results are equated with al-
Ca2+, Mg2+, and lower values for pH, phosphate, lelopathic potential of the plant in a field situa-
Mn2+, K+, and Na+. Therefore, peat moss is not an tion. By doing so the intricate interaction of pro-
appropriate control in their study. Inderjit and moters, inhibitors, and neutral substances in the
Dakshini (1998) suggested that test debris mate- complex soil system is completely ignored. While
rial repeatedly washed with water might serve as studying the modification of allelopathic activity
an appropriate control. In fact, only one or two of p-coumaric acid on seedling biomass of
washing of test allelopathic debris would be suf- morningglory (Ipomoea hederacea), Blum and
ficient to create organic matter that was insignifi- his co-workers (1993) found that at increasing
cantly different from that of the control soil. An- levels of glucose, the influence of phenylalanine
other possible design for checking the allelopathic and p-hydroxybenzoic acid on morning glory bio-
potency of the organic matter produced by the test mass decreased; however, as the amounts of leu-
species is to use material from a number of differ- cine, methionine, and p-coumaric acid increased,
ent putatively nonallelopathic species in other morningglory biomass decreased. These authors
treatments. In a study of the allelopathic potential suggested that methionine, glucose, and nitrate
of Rhododendron maximum leaves to the growth influence the allelopathic potential of p-coumaric
of mycorrhizae in agar medium, initial studies acid. Higher levels of nitrate decreased the con-
demonstrated toxicity compared with mycorrhizae centration of methionine and increased the con-
growing on medium without R. maximum leaves centration of p-coumaric acid required to inhibit
(Nilsen et al., 1999). However, when the study morningglory biomass. These authors have con-

vincingly shown that the amount of allelopathic incubated with substrate at a concentration that
compound needed for a given inhibition of was determined earlier to induce the growth of a
morningglory biomass reduced when another specific microbial functional group (Schmidt et
source of carbon was added. Therefore, the pres- al., 2000). Salicylate (200 µg C/g), glucose/
ence of another carbon source is likely to influ- glutamate (2000 µg C/g) and 14C-labeled sub-
ence the inhibitory potential of an allelochemical strate (< 0.1 µCi/flask) were added. Carbon diox-
through its influence on microbial utilization and ide emitted from the soil (an index of microbial
sorption of allelochemicals (Blum et al., 1993; activity) was captured in 0.5 N NaOH. A shift in
Pue et al., 1995). the rate of carbon dioxide emission was used as
When studying the interference potential of an index of mineralizing microbial biomass and
Kalmia angustifolia, Inderjit and Mallik (1996) the maximum specific growth rate of that biom-
amended different amounts of Kalmia leaf litter ass. Populations of salicylate-mineralizing mi-
into mineral soil. A concentration dependent in- crobes were higher in soils beneath S. brachycarpa
crease in the amounts of water-soluble phenolics, than soils beneath K. myosuroides based on the
available phosphate, potassium, and iron was ob- SIGR assay. These authors concluded that biom-
served (Figure 3). Interestingly, root growth inhi- ass and activity of salicylate mineralizing mi-
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bition of black spruce (Picea mariana) grown in crobes can be greatly enhanced by salicylate-pro-
the amended soils did not show any trend (Figure 4). ducing plants in the field. In addition, Schmidt
However, shoot growth of black spruce showed (1988, 1990) argued that juglone may not accu-
concentration-dependent inhibition. Any effect on mulate at phytotoxic levels in soils beneath black
black spruce seedling growth could be either due walnut (Juglans nigra). This was due primarily to
to higher levels of phenolics, inorganic ions, or the presence of a bacterium, Pseudomonas putida,
both. It is possible that the increase of available that degrades juglone (Rettenmaier et al., 1983).
phosphate intensifies the inhibitory potential of The degradation reaction is below: Juglone →
phenolics leached out of K. angustifolia, or the 3-hydroxyjuglone → 2,3,-dihydroxybenzoate →
increase in nutrients influences microbial ecology 2-hydroxymuconic acid semialdehyde (Rettenmaier
that secondarily intensifies the inhibition. et al., 1983). Therefore, it is desirable to carry out
Microbial populations can also act as inhibi- experiments on soil microbiology to convincingly
tors or promoters of allelopathic effects. In fact, argue the accumulation of allelochemicals at phy-
most allelopthic situations are influenced by a totoxic levels and to understand the role of mi-
microbial population in one way or another. For crobes in the alelopathic process.
example, it is clear that phenolic acids are often
implicated in allelopathy (Inderjit, 1996; Dalton,
1999), and phytotoxic effects of phenolic acids VII. IN SITU ALLELOPATHY BIOASSAY
are modified by neutral substances (e.g., glucose)
and promoters (e.g., nitrate) (Blum et al., 1993). One of the best ways to increase assurance
However, phytotoxicity of phenolic acids is also that any test of allelopathy reflects the natural
influenced by microbial populations (Kaminsky, (field) conditions is to perform a bioassay in situ.
1981). Schmidt et al. (2000) concluded that simple However, natural systems are fraught with com-
phenolic compounds such as salicylate are un- plicating factors that can reduce the credibility of
likely to persist for long time in soil due to micro- the bioassay as a test of allelopathic interference.
bial consumption. Consequently, they have lim- When performing and reporting an in situ bioas-
ited role in allelochemical interference. The say, limitations imposed by the complex environ-
substrate-induced growth response (SIGR) method ment on the interpretation of the bioassay must
(originally proposed by Schimdt, 1992) was em- always be kept in mind. Here we discuss a few
ployed to quantify salicylate-mineralizing mi- possible field bioassays, their utility, and their
crobes and total microbial biomass in soils below inadequacies.
Salix brachycarpa or its surrounding meadow Just as in the lab bioassay, field soil can be
dominated by Kobresia myosuroides. Soil was amended with debris or leachate from the putative

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FIGURE 3. Total phenolics and inorganic ion concentration of kalmia-free (CS) and soil amended with different
amounts of Kalmia litter leachate. Mineral soil was amended with 200 ml Kalmia litter leachate, which was prepared
by soaking 5 g (MS1), 10 g (MS2), 15 g (MS3), and 25 g (MS4) kalmia litter. (Source: Inderjit and Mallik (1996).
Reproduced with permission from National Research Council Canada.)

allelopathic species. Amendment can be made on texture, aeration, water-holding capacity, and
a large scale such as in an agricultural field. The nutrient availability will be altered by the amend-
incorporation of post-harvest rice debris into the ment. Searching for a control that maximizes simi-
field caused a reduction in crop growth compared larity to these changes without the allelochemical
with a nonamended field (Chou and Lin, 1976; is a critical effort.
Chou et al., 1981). Amendment can also be done Instead of amending native soil with debris a
on a small scale such as in 2 × 2 m quadrats in soil replacement experiment can be performed in
natural ecosystems. On the smaller scale dose the field. Small areas of soil (double the size of
response studies can be performed by adding dif- the bioassay species root system) can be removed
ferent quantities of debris into the topsoil of dif- from the location impacted by an allelopathic
ferent quadrats. Moreover, debris from the puta- species. A plastic ring or pot can be inserted in the
tive allelopathic species can be added to some hole and benign soil (hopefully similar in texture,
quadrats and debris from nonallelopathic species nutrient availability, bulk density, and organic
can be added to other quadrats. Some of the ad- matter to the removed soil) is added to fill the
vantages of these in situ soil amendment experi- plastic sleeve. After an appropriate time for the
ments are that appropriate target species can be soil to settle (and be refilled), a bioassay species
used, many characteristics of the environment are can be planted. The control to this experiment is
unaffected by the bioassay design, and natural prepared by replacing the soil that was removed
rainfall is used to moisten the bioassay system. back into the plastic-lined soil pit. Modifications
However, there are also complicating factors. Soil of this experiment can be done by reciprocal trans-

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FIGURE 4. Relative (%) increase or decrease in root and shoot length of black spruce when grown in soil amended
with 200 ml Kalmia litter leachate, which was prepared by soaking 5 g (MS1), 10 g (MS2), 15 g (MS3), and 25 g
(MS4) kalmia litter. (Source: Inderjit and Mallik (1996). Reproduced with permission from National Research Council

planting of soil between affected and nonaffected regions unaffected by the allelopathic species.
areas, or a combination experiment, including the These materials are also pooled into separate piles.
presence and absence of surface debris. Of course, The litter and organic matter is then mixed within
this experiment is only appropriate for species piles and replaced into specified plots (layered as
releasing water-soluble allelochemicals. Other in the natural condition) in a reciprocal replace-
problems with this experiment are that the bioas- ment design. All the quadrats are planted with the
say species are released from root competition same bioassay species, and growth of the bioas-
with other species, soil nutrient availability will say species is followed over time. The reciprocal
increase relative to the undisturbed soil, and there replacement design is an excellent way of estab-
may be changes in water availability because lishing statistically significant results (compari-
overland flow is disrupted. son by ANOVA). If significant toxicity is associ-
If the source of allelochemicals is hypoth- ated with the litter or humus of the putative
esized to reside in litter and decomposing humus allelopathic species in all quadrat locations, then
on top of the soil in a natural ecosystem, a recip- one could assign allelopathic potential to the litter
rocal transplant experiment can be a useful in situ and humus. This would also be verified if inhibi-
bioassay (Nilsen et al., 1999, 2001; Walker et al., tion were negated by utilizing litter and humus
1999). Litter and humus layers are removed from from a nonallelopathic species in regions affected
plots affected by the putative allelopathic species. by the putative allelopathic species. However,
These materials from all quadrats are pooled into this study only can verify if the toxicity resides in
litter and humus piles. In a similar manner, litter litter or humus. If inhibition in areas affected by
and organic matter is removed from quadrats in the allelopathic species is unresponsive to litter or

humus transplantation, then the mechanism of cages that prevent access by seed herbivores. Seeds
inhibition cannot be determined. This is because are examined often to determine mortality by
there remain many possible mechanisms of inhi- pathogens, and watered as necessary. Germina-
bition such as nutrient limitation, soil toxicity tion in the lab under sterile conditions is required
(e.g., heavy metal), toxicity from root exudates, to establish the maximum potential germination
throughfall toxicity, volatile compound toxicity, rate. Allelochemical inhibition of seed germina-
light competition, mycorrhizal interference, etc. tion is hypothesized if in situ % germination (- the
Another possible mechanism of relieving al- effect of pathogens) in areas affected by the puta-
lelopathy in situ is by site amendment with acti- tive allelopathic species is less than that in areas
vated charcoal (Nilsson, 1994; Callaway and unaffected. This type of study is best performed
Aschehoug, 2000; Ridenour and Callaway, 2001). with bioassay seed of species that are experienc-
The philosophy behind this in situ bioassay is that ing negative interference in the field. These in situ
water-soluble organic constituents (some of which germination trials are problematic because the
are allelochemicals) are removed from the site by germination of native seed is often low even with-
a layer of activated charcoal. If bioassay species out any external inhibition, and seed may take
perform better in the presence of the activated several years to have internal inhibitors removed.
Downloaded by [University of Aberdeen] at 15:29 04 April 2013

charcoal (layered on top of the mineral soil below Moreover, other important environmental pertur-
the litter later) then inhibition by soluble organic bations, such as ingestion by animals, floods, or
compounds has been relieved. Bioassay species fires, may be required for maximum germination
are planted with and without activated charcoal in in the field. Therefore, these field in situ germina-
areas affected or not affected by the alleopathic tion trials are complicated by the species-specific
species. If inhibition is released by the activated physiological and ecological requirements for seed
charcoal only in regions affected by the germination.
allelophathic species, then allelopathy is a prob- In situations where inhibition occurs, but it is
able mechanism of inhibition. However, if bioas- unknown if inhibition is due to resource limita-
say species grow better in the presence of char- tion (by competition or otherwise), in situ release
coal in both affected and unaffected regions, then from resource limitation is a possible experimen-
allelopathy is not a probable mechanism of inhi- tal design. In resource release experiments, lim-
bition. This study is complicated by many factors ited resources are added to the system, or the
associated with the activated charcoal. In order to mechanism of resource limitation is removed. This
determine if there is enough charcoal to make a can be done by a number of possible site manipu-
significant decrease in soluble organic constitu- lations depending of the experimental system: for
ents, some mechanism of collecting soil solution example, competitive species removed, mycor-
and measuring soluble organic materials is re- rhizae added, above-ground shade removed, fer-
quired. Activated charcoal can alter other aspects tilizer added, water added, site trenched to re-
of soil chemistry in addition to any removal of move nutrient absorption by competing roots,
soluble organics. Therefore, the experiment must fugicide or bacteriacide added to inhibit micro-
be designed with enough statistical robustness to bial sequestering of nutrients. If there is a positive
assay quantitative differences in release between response to the resource supplementation, then
affected and unaffected regions. one could suggest that inhibition of growth was
Several types of in situ germination trials are due to resource limitation not allelopathy. In any
possible. Seed germination can be reduced by of these studies an insignificant response of the
inappropriate physiological cues, pathogens, her- bioassay species to resource supplementation does
bivores, resource availability, or allelochemicals. not necessarily imply that allelopathy is the mecha-
The trick with in situ bioassay of germination is nism of inhibition. For example, the specific re-
to negate all other mechanisms of seedling inhibi- sources that have been augment might not be the
tion except allelochemicals. One possibility is to resources that are limiting growth, the resource
plant seeds in random locations (some of which supplementation may not have been adequate to
are affected by a putative allelopathic species) in stimulate a response, the resource supplementa-

tion might not have reached the absorptive sur- the environment, the selected ecotoxins have ad-
faces, other nontarget organisms (perhaps mi- verse effects on organisms and ecosystem com-
crobes) accumulated all the supplementary re- ponents.
sources, or the resource supplement may have Performing bioassays in field situations are
caused some toxicity to target species that are critical to validating the significance of allelopa-
adapted to low resource availability. Therefore, it thy observed in lab bioassay to natural and agri-
is necessary to understand the target plant re- cultural systems. New experimental designs for
sponses to resources and have a good mechanism in situ bioassay are required that can account for
of determining resource availability in the treat- the large number of complicating factors in a
ment system. Designing a control can be very complex environment. New field bioassay ex-
difficult in these systems because changing re- periments linked to physiological monitoring of
source availability also alters many other ecosys- target species and biochemical monitoring of the
tem and community processes. growth medium may be one important approach
These are just a few of the possible field for the future of allelopathy research.
manipulation experiments that address allelopa-
thy in situ. All of these designs have serious
Downloaded by [University of Aberdeen] at 15:29 04 April 2013

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