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Metamorphosis part 2

1. Before his metamorphosis, milk was his favorite beverage, representing innocence,
purity, and nourishment. In the text, Gregor tries the milk, and finds out that he really
dislikes it. He also dislikes all the fresh food on the table. Gregor's changed tastes
symbolize his alienation from his human life and his inability to connect with the things
that once brought him comfort. It shows how he no longer belongs in the world he once
was a part of.
2. Gregor's family is going through tough times due to his father's failed business, and
they rely on Gregor's income. Initially, this makes us sympathize with Gregor because
he's working hard to support his family, putting aside his own hopes and dreams.
However, as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that his family takes his financial support
for granted and shows little understanding of his situation after his transformation. Also,
in the text, the family reveals that they have not been paying off their debt, and this will
lead to an increase in the time that will take for Gregor to pay off their family’s debt. This
change in perspective can lead readers to feel even more compassion for Gregor, as they
perceive his family's treatment of him as unfair and unsympathetic.

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