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Q1: Paul Baumer is a raw 18-year-old recruit at the beginning of this Erich Maria Remarque


The crrect Answer is: "All Quiet on the Western Front"

Q2: Oral epics are sung by poets & composers known as bakhashi in this central Asian
"stan" nation?

The crrect Answer is: Turkmenistan

Q3: This breed of draft horse was named for the Scottish river valley where it was

The crrect Answer is: the Clydesdale

Q4: Along with a new cannon, Edward III's army introduced this weapon at Crà ©cy in

The crrect Answer is: the (English) longbow

Q5: Some of these Florida Indians live in open, palm-thatched huts called chickees?

The crrect Answer is: Seminoles

Q6: The Scotch variety is seldom spelled with an "E"?

The crrect Answer is: whiskey

Q7: A unit of dry measure equal to 8 quarts, or a small kiss?

The crrect Answer is: a peck

Q8: It means that you can see from 6 meters away what should normally be seen at that
The crrect Answer is: 20/20 vision

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