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Grupo No. 1. Maria Alexandra Macias, Izabela Laitano, Mila Critina Terán, Dargell Padgett.

Name: ________________________________________________


1. In your own words, what do you think healthy friendships mean?

2. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of a healthy friendship?

a. Mutual respect
b. Trust
c. Small lies
d. Trust

3. Can you name 3 aspects of a healthy friendship?

4. What does mutual respect mean?

a. It means respecting only your opinion without considering your friend’s
b. It means respecting each other's boundaries, opinions, and choices.
c. It means respecting your friend’s opinions only when they are right.

5. Which of the following are signs of unhealthy friendships?

a. You feel unsafe or unable to trust the other person.
b. You feel like you can’t be yourself around that person.
c. The other person is controlling or always wants to do things their way.
d. The relationship leads to unhealthy behaviors, like not listening to your
parents or teachers.
e. All the above

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