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You know who's going to bail me

out you know who's going to come

and rescue me you know who's
going to come and save the day no
one I don't have backup nobody's
coming nobody's coming to tell me
to turn the TV off nobody's coming
to get me out the door and exercise
nobody's coming to write the
business plan for me I got to do it
all myself and many of you are not
where you're supposed to be not
because you're not gifted not
because you're not talented you
have absolutely no discipline you
keep cutting yourself slack you
keep telling yourself you did
enough you keep letting yourself
off the hook it's time you punish
you from now on you're not going
to hold any other human more
accountable than you hold yourself
it's high time that discipline
became your best friend your daily
companion it's time to face
yourself you're the only one
tripping you up look in the mirror
and tell yourself no more messing
around you got to get real doggish
you got to get real dirty if you want
to make it it's these moments
where you're tested by life these
decisions we make on a daily basis
do we get up early and go for a run
or do we hit the snooze button do
we go that extra rep in the gym
when our body's dying and we
push past that or do we throw in
the towel and give into the pain
those Ines you need to be number
one are around us every single day
it's when you get up that day and
do those little tiny things the little
details in life that's what adds up to
be the difference between the
champion and average you think I
don't get tired of course I do but
i've got reasons bigger than my
fatigue I'm out here setting the
pace making sure every day counts
cuz I'm doing it for my family I'm
doing it for my wife I'm doing it
for my kids this is my zone and
i'mma kill it ain't nothing going to
stand in my way i'll work every
fing day if I have to whatever it
takes I need you to think about the
people you're doing this for and
when that alarm goes off in the
morning you need the thought of
those people you're grinding for to
be louder than that alarm clock so
when it goes off and you're just not
feeling it you got to think do I hit
the snooze button or do I get up
and grind for those people you
have got to push yourself your
family is counting on you your
dreams are counting on you
everything you've ever wanted is
counting on you so all those days
you don't feel like getting up just
think about them you don't get to
success by quitting when you're
tired you get there by quitting
when you're finished when you're
done you don't stop when you're
tired you stop when you're done
dreams ain't easy if they were
everyone would have everything
they ever want it waking up with
zero energy won't cut it you can't
outsmart the grind some days you
just got to have the grit and the
hustle to get your ass up and get to
work you don't make millions just
cuz you're talented or skilled you
make millions cause you execute
you've been taking your sweet ass
time and that sh got to stop you
can't afford to move at a snail's
pace in a world that's racing by
you're not a bad person for it but
you'll remain in the middle of the
pack if you can't pick up the pace
it's time to kick it into high gear
you dedicate yourself to The Daily
Grind even when the high of
motivation wears off success is
always full price every single time
there are no discounts no
markdowns it's going to cost you
sweat Blood and Tears so quit
looking for the easy way out there
isn't one discipline is about doing
what you hate doing the that makes
you hungry comfortable that pisses
you off but you grit your teeth and
get it done like it's your passion it's
about embracing the suck lacing up
those boots when you'd rather be
kicking them off it's dragging your
ass out of bed when the blankets
feel like a cozy Cocoon of comfort
but you rise up anyway because
there's work to be done that feeling
of dread that resistance it's a sign
that you're on the right track
because real growth doesn't happen
in the comfort zone it happens in
the trenches in the grind where
every move is a battle it's easy to
do what you love it's a whole other
ball game to do what you hate with
the intensity and drive as if you
love it that's the essence of TR fing
discipline it's not about mood or
feelings it's about commitment it's
about saying my feelings I've got a
mission and I'm not leaving until
it's done you won't always stay
motivated there's going to be times
where you're dragging ass and all
you want to do is colle collapse
and go eat like crap you have to
learn to get yourself up and
moving when it's the last thing in
the world you want to be doing so
that's what separates people it's the
difference between the dreamers
and the doers between the people
who talk a good game and those
who play to dominate regret
weighs tons but discipline weighs
ounces it's much easier to look
back on a life full of discipline
knowing you made the right choice
in the moment rather than looking
back on a life full full of excuses
full of regret regret that you didn't
pay the price for greatness
discipline doesn't give a flying
about what you feel like doing it's
the Relentless unwavering force
that keeps you moving forward
when everything else screams for
you to stop it's doing the work the
hard gritty Soul testing work and
not just enduring it but owning it
like aing boss you make it happen
you get it done because that's who
you are a person of action a person
of your word you stay true to what
you said you do not for Glory not
for Applause but because that is
the standard you hold yourself to
long after the mood has left you're
still there grinding pushing striving
because that's what it takes that's
integrity that's honor that's real
power and you have that power
within [Music] you your brain is
the most powerful weapon in the
world your brain is the only thing
you have when you're going
through depression when you're
going through hard times you're
going through death real life sh
you're alone there's 24 hours in the
day where you're alone in this
brain and your brain is talking to
you in all kind of ways and it
wants to control you and pull you
in these different Pockets if you
can't control your own brain and
your brain controls you your you
got to tell your brain where you
want to go and how you want to go
and how you want to get there you
got to control it if not it's over
where are the Warriors that say I'm
going to make a decision and I'm
keeping it and regardless of how
you feel about it it doesn't matter if
the world is crumbling or down
around you it doesn't matter what's
happening just do the thing every
single day whether you feel like it
or not oh I don't feel so good today
get your lazy sick ass up out of bed
your only commitment is to the
activity not to the grand scheme
not to the big picture not to the
implications of what it is that
you're doing it's to do the thing
habits are the building blocks of of
Our Lives it's what youing do
every single day that matters more
than anything devote yourself to
something bigger be decisive about
what you're going to do say I'm
going to do it and that's it and then
be disciplined about getting it done
every single day whether you feel
like it or not greatness will cost
you something it's going to cost
you some time it's going to cost
you some energy it's going to cost
you some sacrifice it's going to
cost you some resources it's going
to cost you some hours of your life
laying down paying the price going
the extra mile doing what other
people are not willing to do
greatness is not cheap greatness
always costs more that's why
there's not many people who
achieve greatness they're not
willing to pay the price that's the
kind of attitude you need that's the
attitude of a winner is I will do
whatever it takes don't be a wimpy
person who's afraid of everything
hard do not take the easy way out
you need to try train that instinct
Your Instinct train it to say get up
go fight on get your brain in shape
putch your brain through the
patience rid your fat ass brain of
fear doubt self-loathing
intimidation get R of don't you let
another motherucker put his or her
limitations on you nobody can't tell
you what the f you can't do but you
if at the end of the day you want to
achieve something that other
people have not been able to
achieve you've got to be willing to
do things that other people are not
willing to do where other people
bend and break you've got to get
stronger where other people fall by
the wayside you've got to keep
going you've got to set the bar
ridiculously high and then surpass
all expectations we all want to be a
beast but do you know what a beast
is a beast is someone who can go
through hell and be grateful that
their legs are working a beast is
someone who's lost everything but
is grateful for the opportunity to
get everything back and get even
more a beast is someone who can
hit rock bottom and can say Roger
that I'm going to harness this it is
only up from here I'm going to
come back even stronger.


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