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Do It For You

F*cked Up
- A Rule Book for Success-

Mr. Walke

Charlies Publication, India


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ISBN-13: 9798639625381

Cover design by: Sandip

Printed in the United States of America
In the loving memory of all of my successes and all of the failures.
You were always meeting me, greeting me with the new surprises.
But from the day I started to maturely deal with you, You gone!
But dear success and failure, I had to understand that you showed
me the only stuff, I was working for not the things I was dreaming of.
So, thanks once again for your kind/unkind gestures. Love.

Dream Big
I Dare You To
20 Principles To Get Everything You Want In Life
5 Awesome Speeches I Loved
There is a simple rule of a great life. Eat or get eaten. Everyone
wants to get successful, get rich, have a girlfriend. But only a few
people achieve what they want. And all others get settled with the
circumstances they are in and spend their entire life regretting what
they could have achieved and what they lost.
As someone said ‘You get what you deserved’. Likewise, if you don't
work for a thing you want then how and why you should get that
thing you are dreaming of. I mean there are seven billion people in
the world and millions of them dreaming of the same thing. If this is
the case, then the person or the people with the utmost desire
should be in that position, in that lifestyle. And believe me, it's not
that hard to get that!
So, to achieve your desired lifestyle one should follow some rules.
These magic rules help you to get whatever you want. Just follow it,
apply it and make your dream a reality.
You've got to speak what you want to your life before. Beyond that,
you have to believe what you want until your life. It's not enough to
speak. You must believe it or you will never see it more than
believing it. You must be prepared to work. You must relish the door
pushing for it, rowing for it.
Sacrificing and clawing for it. If you believe you are capable of great
things, you will attend great things. If you believe you have limits,
you will live within those limits. Who do you need to become to
achieve that dream you had? The person you are right now might
not be good enough. Who do you need to become or are you willing
to give up everything in pursuit of becoming that person.
Commit every day to speak into your life what you want and what
you are, who you are and what you have inside you waiting to come
out. Who did you leave to become speaking? I am. I am capable. I am
enough. I am wealthy. I am healthy. I am strong. I am a fighter. I am
resilient. I am a creator. I am blessed. I am a blessing to go around.
I am a force for good. I am capable of anything. I set my mind. I am
willing to do whatever it takes. Speaking louder. I am capable. I am
no, I am well, I am health. I am strong. I am fighter. I am. I am Cato. I
am blessed. I am blessing to those around me. I am a force for good. I
am capable of anything I set my mind to.
I am willing to do whatever it takes. I am. I am. I am now speaking
louder, but add your own affirmation. Something you feel deep in
your soul
Felt powerful were you this? Because you know, somewhere deep
down you have board's side. You've got more to give. You've got
more to live. So think deep down in your soul every day to lead. I
am. I am. I am a force for good. I am capable of anything. I set my
mind and get out there and create that life. You want.
Do you need to be calm?
You owe it to yourself to be great. You owe it to yourself. Some say
this selfish, some might say they owe it to their family to be there for
them. Let me tell you something. You owe it to your family to set an
example. An example of someone who lives the life they want to live.
A strong example of a strong human being.
You owe it to everyone. You love to set an example of what a great
life looks like so they can follow in your footsteps, settling for less. It
stops with you except an average. It stops with you. Strength,
courage, determination, and a beautiful life. That starts with you.
You can't help anyone until you help yourself.
And when you make you strong, that strength will spill over to
everyone else. They will be inspired by you. They will follow your
example. Some say to focus on yourself itself. I say to settle for a
mediocre life that you hate. That's selfish because that will be
replicated for me. Any generations that come until someone says,
enough is enough of this.
You owe it to yourself to see how far you can go in life. You owe it to
yourself to earn the kind of money you want to earn. You owe it to
yourself to be the kind of person you want to be, to feel the energy
you want to feel, to have the body you want to have from doing the
work you know you are capable of doing.
You owe it to yourself to feel the pride of knowing you made your
life. You did it. Lucky you. We'll work forward. He was sacrificed
when it was hard. You pushed harder. You owe it to yourself to feel
Look back one day and said, that was the moment. That was the
moment I decided that was the moment I decided that. I said,
I want what I want.
owe it to yourself to be great.
Owe it to yourself.
Cold nights
right. I made it through the stone. I made it to all the daughters. I
made it through the haters. They looked at me like I was trying to
say, you must be careful of what you look at. You must be careful in
the Dames. You see. Because those days might be some of the
greatest things, whoever experience, because what you choose to
see will shape who you will be.
I know you had nights where you laid in your bed and you didn't
even have a downer. I know you had nice when you laid in your bed
and felt worthless, there was no way you can make, I know you had
nights where you wanted to give up when you had to pretend. Like
everything was good, but on the inside you were dying.
That's the most painful part of life. We have human beings that are
dying inside because they do not know the greatness that lies inside
of them. Don't you let greatness lay down any little broach. You let
your greatness sleep. You must realize your potential. You fight to
one day stand on a stage. Let's say our Maven.
No matter if you sent like tapes out to different Scouts, and I say, kid,
you don't have what it takes, no matter how cute that musician, then
you send your meals to go and they tell you it doesn't have that. It
don't. You let that be the last time someone hears your kid because
all it takes is for what is that value, what you bring to the table to
give you an opportunity.
You must be careful who you hang around with me because the
standard we set become the results we see the sadness was set. We
come to life, we leave. You must realize your work. Whatever
happens, you'll stay strong. You'll keep going. Don't you let
disappointment stop. You don't show that failure. Stop you.
Don't you let your thoughts stop you. The problem. These are the
steps you take to say the words I made, I made it. I'm married it
through the storm to look like it or never stop. Make sure you stick it
out. So one day you can say it's a, because I stuck it out. I'm proud
because I didn't listen to the nice thing.
My Sergeant, stick it out for yourself.
I wish I didn't take life so seriously. I wish I didn't take life so
seriously. I wish I didn't take life so seriously. I wish I lived more. I
wish I gave more happiness to my family. I wish I knew how
precious life was. How fleeting, how special, and at the same time.
I'm fragile, insignificant. I wish I didn't give up on my dream.
So easy. One day, life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's
worth watching.
When we look back on our life, in our last breaths, we will all
wonder, did my life mean anything? Did my life mean anything to
this. Was I loved? Did I have an impact on anyone else's life? Did that
We won't be worried about our bills. We won't be worried about our
hair. We certainly won't care about our favorite TV show. We won't
spare a second thought of others opinions and judgments. Did I
matter before you reach that last breath today might be the time to
make a change. Make your life matter.
One day it will be over. There will be two dates, either side of the
dash. Make sure that dash is not empty. Make sure it is full of life full
of living. Oscar Wilde once said. To live is the rarest thing in the
world. Most people exist. That is all, and he was right. Don't live like
everyone else exist. Be extraordinary.
Lived every moment with passion and wonder. Don't take anything
or anyone for granted. What is important to you? What dreams do
you have. Go get them. What are you waiting for? You only have one
shot. If you miss the target, at least you will live with pride knowing
you have no regrets. Who do you? Who has loved you?
Tell them now you never know when it will be your last chance.
Don't take this magical thing called life for grant. Keep your head.
When everyone else is losing theirs. Trust yourself. When everyone
else doubts you. Master your dreams. When all others give up on
theirs, be the captain when everyone else is content, be in the crew.
Be the lion. When all others are playing, she'd be the leader when all
of us are following live each day as if it may be your last on earth.
Don't blame the system, beat the system. Too many people blame
the system for where they are in life. They blame the government.
They blame the schooling system. They blame their parents. They
blame their boss. They blame an event or something that happened
in the past. They blame everyone but themselves.
They blame everything but their own choice that somehow they are
responsible for it. Their wins. Everyone else is responsible for their
losses. If this is you, you must change your mindset immediately. If
you want a better quality life, if you want better results in your life,
don't blame the system. Beat the system.
Most people would agree the education system needs to be fixed,
but still there's a great difference in results. And achievements from
even within the same schools. Most people aren't where they want
to be, but there are some people who have exceeded their potential
and exceeded all expectations. Same school, different results.
One uses the system as an excuse. One succeeds. Despite it. It's not
the education in school that determines our destiny is the education.
In life is the self education and self awareness that happens after
school life. Does it end after school and nor should your desire to
learn and grow? Don't blame the system.
Beat the system. Most of us have parents food while wanting only
the best for us. Don't truly understand the path we want. To follow
some, blame their parents for holding them back. Some push on it.
Succeed regardless. Don't blame the system. Beat the system. The
most negativity and finger pointing is to do with the government.
So many people blame the government for their problems. Blame
the government for their wages. Blame the government for holding
them back. Blame the government for everything that is wrong.
They're alive, but there are small amount of people, let's call them
the minority, who ignore the government and focus on improving
What a concept. Don't blame the system, the system. The better you
become, the better your results. It's not anyone else's fault where
you are in life. You are the one who decides what to do with your life
regardless of what ethics. As the quote goes, life is 10% what
happens to us and 90% how we react to what happens.
Rather than complain and blame, learn and grow, rather than focus
on the negative. Think about how you can create more positive in
your own life through your own self work, rather than focusing on
all the people that are doing wrong in the world. Learn from all the .
People that are doing right, learn from those with amazing,
abundant lives.
Last, similar to that you really want to live. Most people would say
the world is set up to make you fail, to keep you small. I refuse to
accept that as a truth. The world is set up to be whatever you believe
it to be and whatever you work to make your reality. Don't blame
the system. Don't blame anyone.
Create your own reality. .
Nothing's going to change. If you're not willing to change, I want you
to keep it consistent and keep it in balance. Use your power. You
have the ability, you have the power. You have a shot. You can make
your life worth the time. Believe you can change. Believe you are a
good person. Be the permanent figure in your own life.
If you're going through hell, keep going. Stop wasting your life and
take this opportunity to improve your life and make some progress.
You can, when you are winning, stop being lazy. Get up and become
something. Make it past the finish line, be better. In fact, Be the Best.
A winner is a loser who tried one more time. we're all on a journey.
Whether that journey is taking us to a place where we succeed,
whether that journey is taking us nowhere. Just remember that this
journey will not be your last one. The opportunities never run out.
You have to have the power to break past your failure.
This failure changes nothing. It will never make you a worse person,
and it gives you the motivation to change and be better. What do you
want to be? Who do you want to become? We all lose, but only the
winners can get back up and carry on running. Appreciate that you
have the power, the potential to become the winner.
Make your . Progress. Your mission. This is the opportunity to make
a life that has the power to know when and how to change. Invest
your time to walk and sweat on your journey. Be the winner.
Become the winner. Build up your life to become something you're
not over. Your opportunity never ended. This is your time.
To become something, to construct your legacy into a power. You
are proud of a place. You can be a place you can live
I want you to strive for success without downgrading another aspect
of your life. I want you to keep it consistent and keep it in balance.
Without stressing any other parts of your lifestyle. Improve your
perception of yourself and improve others' perception on you to
strengthen yourself, boost your attitude, and design your life for the
Designed your life to fit your life. Not anyone else's. Be the
permanent figure in your own mind. And finally, take control. Leave
your life for you. I want you to make it happen for you. Make it
happen to succeed, to make progress, to live your life, to grow and
change towards a better future. You see a future with an improved
you, a future where you have power over your life.
The power you once craved in the power you deserve. You got to
keep calm and in control. Stay in control of your ability. Stay in
control of your potential. How you could always grow and seek
success at every place in your day, every hour, and every day you
can seek success. And then I want you to grant yourself the praise
you deserve for working, working hard for building your strength
and your wellbeing.
And then I want you to appreciate the ground you walk on. I want
you to appreciate the very air that's filling your lungs. This is your
time to grow, to revamp your mind, make it your life, make you
everything. And improving for you.
Be the person you want to have in your life. Who do you value in
your life? You value the people that make your life somewhere
where you feel wanted. These people make you better. They inspire
you to change, inspiring you to improve this system, surround you
with confidence and positivity. This can change the way you see an
You need to be able to want to become the person who appreciate
because you already are. All you have to do is believe, believe you
can change. Believe you are a good person.
That is the person you need to be. Use your power. And use your
potential. Take pride in your progress. Take pride in your growth.
You deserve that. You deserve to appreciate your life. So who do you
want to be. How do you need to change? You can be fixed. You can
grow to become someone. You can believe in.
Someone you can see succeeding. Becoming a person to become.
You have the opportunity, the opening to become someone,
someone more than who you think you are. You've always been that
person. All you need to do is believe, believe that you are who you
are for a reason.
I run because I can. I worked hard because I can't, I push my limits
because I can. I do it all because I can't. I keep going because I can, I
better myself because I can. I do it all because I can, I will do
everything I can. I will not stop unless I am dead or completely
incapacitated. I will never stop. I must keep going so long as there is
air in my lungs.
I will keep going. When life gets you down, lifted back up, when life
knocks you down, stand back. When life drags you down, climb back
up. Life is full of ups and downs. You might not be able to control the
downs, but you can definitely control, collapse, get up, stand up and
never give up. Get up. Stand up and never give up.
You are worthy of success. You are worthy because you can. You
have the ability, you have the power. You have a shot. Don't let
yourself down. Don't lose your head. Keep going because you, one
day I woke up after losing it all, I felt nothing. Some people feel
happy, some people feel sad. But that day I felt nothing.
I have been depressed. I've been sad, but I've never felt nothing. You
might hate the emotions you feel right now, but trust me when I say
this, they have a purpose. What I would have done to feel if you are
feeling down. This is your mind and body signaling yourself for
change. Whatever you do with tap into your emotions.
Ask yourself, why do I feel sad? Why do I feel low? Why do I feel
unaccomplished? The answer to this is your key. Your key to
success. Our minds, our incredible computers that process so much
information. It can outwork any desktop. The problem is we don't
understand how to use it correctly. The answers you need are
already in your mind.
You just need to find it. The answer required to solve your sadness
is most likely the same answer. You need to find your success. Hack
your mind for success. Pack your mind for knowledge and power.
Hack your mind to be in control of your thoughts and feelings. Be
the controller of your destiny. You are in charge of your feelings.
Your desire is burning fire inside you. The stronger at burns, the
better fuel the fire. Fuel the fire with the hates fuel. The fire with the
naysayers fuel the fire with the failure. Fuel the fire with the losses.
Fuel the fire with the memories of the hard times. Use the fire to
move forward. Use it to keep going.
Use it to go further than before. Haters may say you failed. Show
them how you win. They might tell you to quit, but show them why
you keep going. One day they will look back and regret the day they
doubted you. Prove them wrong. Prove them wrong with your
success. Prove them wrong with winning. Prove them wrong with
Prove them wrong because they should never have doubted you.
Take everything they said you couldn't have. The energy I haven't
side drives me every morning, every night. Every time it gets hard.
Every time I feel like giving in the fire inside keeps me. I can always
push forward. I can always go harder.
Hate on me because it fuels my fire. Tell me I can't do it. Because I
use that as motivation to help me because it just makes me want to
succeed even more
old ways. Won't open new doors. How do you think you can change
by doing the same thing? Continuing on the same path, taking no
risks, no twists, no terms, nothing's going to change. If you're not
willing to change, stop being. Lazy, get up and become something,
something more than the familiar route you've been walking for
Close your eyes and take the risk, step off the path and walk into the
jungle. That's where success Rome's waiting to be grasped the
potential sitting, dying to be used. This is where you are willing to
move away from convention where you can write your own rules.
Take a deep breath. Hold out your hand. Look at it, hold it out and
turn the handle. Open the door, a new door, a door you've never
seen before. So what are you going to do? How are you going to
change who has the power? You have the potential to become
someone, someone worth living for someone better than success.
Satisfaction. You tried that you put in the time, put in the work and
make it, make the decision now become your decision. Rise above
the fears. Take the risk.
Life isn't just about success and how much you achieve, okay? It's
the journey towards the finish line that's going to define you at the
end of the day. It's all about the work you've put in to get there. The
graph, the pain, the struggle, the fear. Yes. And the success. And
listen, you're so much better than people say you are because work
doesn't take a day off and neither do you.
Prove to yourself how much work you can put in. You know, how
much work it's going to take. And you know the time it takes. Invest
in yourself to make your life better. So that. When you achieve that
success, it gives you so much satisfaction because you know you've
worked your butt off for tomorrow.
You're gonna wake up with a new mindset. You're gonna wake up
with a mindset that's going to grasp every opportunity and use it to
your advantage. You're going to make your life worth the time,
okay? You're going to make it worth every single moment that you
use here. I want you to imagine that you have a bank account and
every day, 86,000.
$400 is put into it, and at the end of the day, the account refreshes
and all the money's gone. Now tell me, what would you do? You've
got to take out every dollar. You're going to spend it while you can.
You're gonna use it, use it all up, and don't leave anything in there at
the end of the day. Well, guess what?
We get 86,400 seconds every day. so I want you to do the exact
same thing. Use the time. So at the end of the day, you don't feel like
you've wasted a second. Spend that money. Stop wasting your life
and take this opportunity to improve your life and make some
progress. Don't get after him.
The story is not over until you win. You write the direction for your
life. You are the author, so why are you waiting for someone else to
write it for you? Why are you waiting for something to happen?
Something to change when you haven't written any words. Stop
letting other people direct the path you want to be your.
Remember who lives your life, you, you, and only you. So make the
decisions that define your life. The decisions that make you
successful. The story is never over until you decide to put down the
pen. You can win. You are winning. This power has no value. Keep
writing. Don't stop designing, constructing, and upgrading your
future, your legacy.
This is your superpower belief because what you set as your goal is
the belief to move forward. Stop murdering your legacy and your
future. It's not worth the time. It's not worth the effort. Your journey
begins now. So are you willing to, right? Are you willing to become
something. Bring the power, become the power and succeed
If you're going through hell, keep going. If you can see the struggle
and the risk, then you're heading in the right direction. Walk
towards the light. Whether that light is red, bright or dim walk. You
have another day. Struggle another day to succeed. You know that
you can walk through hell and come out on the other end.
You're walking in the right direction. Hell, life still runs. Life still
stays the same. It continues like before. Only this time, you know,
you know what mistake you made and you've grown, you've
improved, and this time you can succeed. Keep going, keep walking,
and finally succeed. Teach yourself that life is more than
It's time to achieve. Every time. Well potential doubles your life can
be more than your mistake. Your failure, you have this power. Be
certain in your potential and succeed life has always been a journey
this time. Is never over. The opportunity is never over. This risk can
make your life so move away from the limits.
The risk isn't worth waiting for. Take it. Have the confidence to stare
at it face to face and break it down. Break it down into the power
you have. Crush it until it's your success. You're staring in
no, the only person you should strive to be better than is the person
you were yesterday. Well, where are you yesterday? What did you
change? What did you want to do? What are you going to do? So
what are you going to change. How are you going to improve? So
you need to move past your old attitude. You need to change your
You got to change your mindset and be better than you were
yesterday because you're no longer you yesterday. You are you
today and you will be you tomorrow. Now, can you make it past the
decisions that you made yesterday? Can you move past the fears you
had yesterday? Because you can be your own biggest fear.
You can even become your fears. Now I want you to put yourself in a
situation where you can struggle, where you can take satisfaction in
a hard day's work. Once you're all done, how are you going to make
it? How are you going to make it past your insecurities? Think about
that and stop wasting opportunities.
Start making opportunities. Empower yourself through your
journey. Make it past the finish line. Be better. In fact. Be the best
without a plan. If you're going to stay right where you are, it's time
for you to make a move, right? The rules. Be your own director. Take
the power. So what's your plan? How are you willing to change?
What is it that you're going to do to make a difference? Make today
different than it was yesterday? What actions are you willing to
You gotta be very, very dependent on your attitude. And with that
being said, use that to your advantage. Become what it is you want
to be. So write that plan and move. In fact, I want you to run. Go
ahead and run towards your goals. Run towards the dreams you
want to see come true. Start making habits.
Having addiction of constantly improving, having addiction that
analyzes what's good and seeing the things that you can. How to
change to get ahead in the game, start to take some action and make
these changes. In fact, become these changes and be honest with
yourself and be honest with the journey you're on.
Cause let me tell you, it's not going to be easy, but what you can do is
pick a path and start walking. You have the potential. And let me tell
you. You have all the tools you've got, every single opportunity that
you're going to need. All you gotta do is make that first step in all of
the plan. Everything might not go according to your plan, but that's
That's all part of it. Take that next step because that plan is going to
lead you somewhere and that somewhere is towards success. Write
your own rules. Make this a life worth the time you put in and be the
manager of your own life. You don't have anyone else have to do
that for you. Sure. It's good to have other people around, but you
need to be the ultimate manager of your life.
You need to be the one who is most concerned with where you're
going. Become that person that you know you can be. Take this
journey and embrace every step of progress that you've made along
the way and the ones that are coming still. Think of the plan. Now
write your own journey. Be the manager. Have the power, be the
a goal without a plan is just a wish. A goal is more than just
motivation. It's your power, your super power. Are you really
wasting. This power you have, your goal can take you to a place
where you know you can succeed. A goal is better than just a wish.
Make a plan and become that plane. You are more than your
You are your success. Trust your potential to take you there. Your
goals are endless. Your power is endless, so work, work until you
can be better, until you can finally improve. Take this opportunity
seriously. Use this power. Become your potential to become your
power. Your mindset is your power. Have the intention to take
Have the intention. To really change, to really grasp the opportunity
and make this your definition, your definition of power, of change, of
success. Work with discipline, work with potential, work with
power. You are better. Be back.
quality is not an act. It's a habit. Work with a drive to be better, work
with a need to improve, work harder. The more satisfaction you
receive as a results, move forward to strive to. Upgrade your work
and boost your strength. The stronger you become, the more you
can achieve, the stronger you become. The higher quality person you
can be.
Think about your life. Think about what enhances it, what
downgrades it eradicates the negative. Improve the positive.
Developing quality. Make this a habit, a habit to constantly analyze
your life, waiting, craving for it to improve. In order for this to
happen. Change your attitude. Feel like you need more.
Feel like you can get stronger, easy, regular improvements. Wake up
one hour early every day. Go to the gym at least once a week, then
twice a week. Then three times. Look after yourself. Eat good food.
Take care of your wellbeing, exciting your life. Spark creativity. Take
pride in your work. Take pride into your progress.
Your journey does not have to end your on the path towards
success, towards your goals. Take this path, move past the barrier.
Move away from unhealthy version of you. Move away from the
person that's holding you back and move forward to the person you
want to be. A lion never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep.
Bravery, courage, responsibility. Take control of the inner animal
that lives inside you. You decide which animal exists inside you.
Tame the wild nature inside. Be brave like a lion. A predator stood
tall, careless, but careful. Take it. Take the courage of a lion. The
courage to step forward. Take a risk to provide for itself the courage
to step back, knowledgeable of its limits, intelligent of its strength.
Unleashed the animal. Waiting to come out to take a stand. Builds
your strength. Have authority over yourself, over your life. Unleash
the potential, waiting to come out waiting to spark motivation, spark
creativity, spark strength. Be fearless. Take risks. Don't. Take time.
Burdening yourself with the opinion of someone mentioned the
what would the inner animal to fights or flights.
Learn to have the mental strength to take responsibility. Take
responsibility for your weak moments. Have the strength to rise
above your opinions of yourself above the opinions of others. Your
strength stronger than that. You can be stronger than that. You will
become stronger than that. Unleashed the beast.
Become the lion. Use your confidence. Don't look back. Don't hold
back. Don't stand back. Step forward. You can watch me, mock me,
block me or join me, but what you cannot do is stop me. Look at me
now stronger, weaker. What do you see? What do you want to see?
I'm strong and confident. Try and stop me. Stop me from growing,
growing into somebody who's better, stronger, even more
confidence than before.
Do you want to feel this enlightened with self-respect? Block me out.
If you want. Mock me. It doesn't change me. Instead, it lowers you,
lowers you in the wrong direction. I won't stop. Watch me grow.
Don't wait for me to slow down. I just keep speeding up. Watch me
succeed. Do you really want that? You stood in the shadows.
Be unstoppable. Stop trying to stop me. Beat me. You cannot stand in
my way. Step out of the shadow. Stand with me. Become the better
person. Wake up without resents knowing your improved stronger.
Turn into the better person transformed to be that person. Become
that person. You have the potential weak for it to grow.
Grow, sprouting into creativity and drive. Drive to work. Work
harder this way. You can reach success this time. You can watch
yourself grow. This time you can watch yourself, be the person you
want to be. Take yourself for granted. Bring yourself up instead of
bringing others down. You can finally see yourself as a person.
Come to appreciate the pain you feel today will be the strength you
feel tomorrow. Do you want to feel strength, mental strength,
perseverance, pushing for him, walking out the smoke like a
champion. Stronger than anything. Smile on their face through the
pain with tireless grafting. Now is the time they stand up.
Physical strength, power, courage, time to feel yourself grow and
become healthier. Life made easier. Achieving goals you want. Stop
wearing possible. Having power and control over yourself. In order
for us to stand up confident with respect, we need to feel the pain,
emotional pain, mental barriers, then you can really rise above it
into an improved person to be and feel better about yourself.
That's what we deserve. We all do. In order for you to change
physically, you need the drive, the drive to work hard, the pain you
felt trying to achieve your goal. This is only the beginning. Progress
can only be made. Make it further on your journey. Embrace the
pain, the change. In order to move away, you need to welcome the
trouble, make it shape you, altered you to be the stronger person.
Make it a part of you. You need to feel the pain in order to have
strength problems. Offer us with lessons. Valuable instruction on
how to build strength, use it, value it. If you want to be Elian, you
will need to train with the lions. Make yourself braver, become a
better person. Educate yourself just like a line rise from being a
mouse to transform into a lion.
To do this. You need to surround yourself. Surround yourself with
better people, people there to make you want to be them. Learn
from them. Be with lions in order to become a strong line. Brave, not
afraid to take risks, willing to change, waiting to be better, wanting
to be better striving. You need this drive to move forward to
officially make that transition.
See the lights believe it will happen. Are you trying to become
powerful? Do you think you need to exclude yourself? You start
competing with yourself. There's no end to that solution. Surround
yourself with inspiration, competing with others, people who are
more successful, powerful, stronger, growing with them rather than
on your own.
You need to rise to someone's level rather than lowering to your
own. Be strong, supportive of your competition. Make them part of
your motivation. Supporting your success and you supporting your
own sharp Lincoln bird, stealthy, like a Panther strong, like a bear
courageous. You never know how strong you are until strength is
Strength that sustains you. It makes you who you are. It's your
identity holding your head high above your shoulders. Do you want
to feel the courage rise all the way from the poems of your feet and
feel rise all the way up to your head, fulfilling you? You have the
courage to move forward, forward towards success.
You can see the sign. All you have to do is follow it. Put yourself in
situations where you normally wouldn't take the risk. Rely on the
strength to make it through. Make sure it's your only option. Use
these risks to educate yourself. Take the risk to make yourself grow.
Grow as a person, the person who succeeds the person.
That becomes a role model. The person you have always wanted to
be today could be the day. Use that strength. Use the strength to
break your personal theory. Drive yourself through the tough times.
It's the time to perform, to step up to the podium and rise above
your limits, the limits you set yourself.
Be tough on yourself. Move through, move forward away from your
past respect because now you can be a better person in a pack.
There is no lone Wolf. His greatest strength is brother's bond.
Beyond blood. They become majestic and agile, full of strength in
knowledge. Never alone, ever isolated. The meek.
Their pack. Part of each other. Become sharing strength, ability,
power, and success. Fill yourself with pride. Pride that success can
be shared. Your support always there can always move beyond your
isolation. Don't. Be afraid to have support. No one should have to
stand on their own. Don't be afraid to share your strength.
Share your victory. Stand up with your brothers. Make them define
you without them are you? You at all? Be unfazed by the power of
companionship. Now it's time to move past your fears of selfishness.
Grow up with support, supportive success. Your accomplishments
made more valuable with the validation of your system.
The system that defines you. Make yourself whole again. Surrounds
your worlds with encouragement. Learn to find your pack. Learn to
find yourself. Gain your strength. Improve your wellbeing. Bring
each other up. Rise above your doubt. Learn to be dependent on
others. Stop being scared of other successes.
Don't waste time and rise above yourself. Don't walk alone. Be the
brothers. Stand. Together. Work hard in silence. Let your success be
the noise. Keep going, grafting, working. Keep your cards close up
your chest. Make bold choices. Become the success. A success in
silence lets others question you. Let them want you to fail.
Make them feel resent. Resent the day they thought you were going
to fail. Make them feel shock, shock that they ever doubted your
abilities. Can achieve your potential because your better than the
validation you think you need, you need to let your success shine,
shine. So it defines you shine through your success, not the other
way around.
You are better than approval. Work better than you ever have
before. Your time will come when people see your success as an
inspiration where you can be the person you used to look up to,
strive towards the perfect performance, strive for achievement for
you, and you only. You become the person you need to become.
Don't be scared of yourself. Take pride in your life. Take control of
your life, not for anyone else, but for you. Make yourself stronger. Be
the stronger person. Let your life take control. Let your success lead
the way. Make sure you're the person who defines you rather than
the blessing of others.
A winner is a loser who tried one more time. We're all on a journey.
Whether that journey is taking us to a place where we succeed,
whether that journey is taking us nowhere. Just remember that this
journey will not be your last one. The opportunities never run out.
You have to have the power to break past your failure.
This failure changes nothing. It will never make you a worse person.
It gives you the motivation to change and be better. What do you
want to be? Who do you want to become? We all boobs, but only the
winners can get back up and carry on running. Appreciate that you
have the power, the potential to become the winner.
Make your progress, your mission. This is the opportunity to make a
life that has the power to know when and how to change. Invest
your time to walk and sweat on your journey. Be the winner.
Become the winner. Build up your life to become something you're
not over. Your opportunity never ended. This is your time to become
something, to construct your legacy into a power.
You are proud of a place. You can be a place you can live.
Thinking about your life? What's the favorite lesson you've ever
learned? What is your biggest achievement you've ever
accomplished, and then what is your greatest success? I want you to
think about it. Think about how you got there, where you needed to
be in order to get there, in order for you to make that kind of
progress, what challenges did you have to pass?
What limits did you have to crush? What hurdles did you have to
overcome? Now I want you to think about that satisfaction that
overcame you when you accomplish these things. How did you feel
and how do you need to feel right now? Feel like you have the
opportunity to repeat those actions that you once did.
Because let me tell you right now, you do make the progress now.
Make your progress for the better. For you to make more progress.
You have that potential. Now go ahead and spark your success and
spark your inspiration. That inspiration it. Use the progress that you
need to make. Use the tools you have. Use your tools because no one
can do it like you can.
All right. Use this inspiration while you have the opening. Stop living
in the past. Start thinking about your future, the future where you
can succeed. That future is actually happening around you right
now. So take control of your future now by living in the present
living for now, because that at the end of the day, is the only thing
that matters.
Boost your life. Make your life and live your life.
we become what we think about. Empty your mind. Imagine your
thoughts categorized, lead out in front of you to see which are good
and which are toxic. We are no longer better than what we think we
are. What we think. Cut out what's bringing you down. Bring up the
aspects that make you better. Stop filling your mind with negativity.
There's no more space left. Visualize what makes you motivated?
What brings you towards working hard time never stands. Still
waiting for you to change this time you have to do it on your own.
Are you up for the challenge? Are you willing to take the journey this
time? We haven't got time to make it pass.
What's holding you back today? You got to break it. Smash it,
become it. No one is waiting. Trust yourself to become. The thought
of growing can empower you into an Epic transition to become the
person you never thought you could become, to become the person
you would mind. That is you. So what action are you willing to take?
How are you willing to switch? Because the opening is here. Are you
going to take it or not?
Be brave? No one remembers. A coward. Bravery takes nothing.
Bravery, leads to nothing but achievement. Nothing but ultimate
success. Something so easily grasp. If you know you can grasp it,
your future, your legacy, your life can transform into the paradise
you've always imagined. It could be. Your life can change.
Your life can be more than just a place.
It can be your future, your success. This change, this change takes
courage. It takes courage to stand up and break down the aspects of
your life that you know is holding you back. Let your progress be
idolized. Let it speak for itself. Let it leave a Mark so deep it can
never be erased. This den can have such a positive influence on your
Then it can transform your future, transform your life using the
potential you know you've always had. Make your life worth
remembering. Make it worth the pain. It took the hours that used the
effort. Put in no to take pride in your work. Know that your life can
break all possibilities, break all boundaries, and become something
beyond any expectations.
confidence breeds success. Success breeds confidence. You are a
powerful person. We are all powerful people. We all have it within
us to succeed. Use your inner strength, your power to take you to
the next level. Take that power hand in hand to move yourself into a
better place. Tomorrow. Wake up with an attitude to make it.
Yesterday I changed my attitude. I changed my perspective. I saw
life in a new light. I saw my life as an opportunity to change. This
opportunity can make you a person who grasps openings and makes
improvements. If you believe that you can make this change, you're
already halfway there. Read your success with confidence.
Grow further right through the ceiling because with the right
attitude and the correct mindsets, progress can be made achievable.
You've always wanted to achieve, become the person you've always
wanted to be. You can make it through this wall. You need to break it
and finally be the person who's in first place.
You have the potential you need to believe you can, and then you
can make it. Think. Take a long, think about your life. Take a think
about what affects you, what affects others, how these choices could
change your future. Remember you and only you are the one who
can change these things. So think long and hard about the things you
should cut out.
At one point in my life, I was really low, low worth, and I had lost all
hope of success and happiness. More and more vulnerable. I got the
more desperate, I got to find an escape, but just before I was about
to give in and old friend asked me, they said, are you at this point
because of one thing, one source?
Immediately I thought it was based on so much more than one thing,
but before I answered, I thought, and it seemed that my problem had
one main. Cards. So I said, yes, yes, it is one thing. So he told me a
story. He said, there's a wise man that lives on top of a village of
people that people respected this man and often came to him for
One day a group of people walked miles to see this man. They seem
desperate. Probably at the same point you are right now. The old
man told a joke, everyone was roaring with laughter. He told the
joke again, and the laughter died down and again until the laughter
transformed into awkward smirks. The man said, you only laughed
at the same joke once.
So why cry over the same problem over and over again? That day, I
learned a valuable lesson. I knew I was in a bad place, but just
because I was in this place didn't mean I was stuck there and I knew
I needed to stop dwelling day after day over the same problem. The
lesson taught me to healthily move away from the problems I once
had and move towards success and progress because that's is so
much more significant.
When life puts you in hard situations. Don't say, why me say, try me.
Life will always throw you hard situations. Stop trying to escape
them. Make them part of you. Take them with your head submerged
in the deep end. Use them to show off your power, your power to
move past the hard times. Take. The risk. Take control of your life.
Put yourself in risk. Wake up thriving to improve, to grow. Become a
stronger person. Strengthen your mindset. Change the way you see
opportunities. Bad times can transform to be something positive
and change you to become a better person. Remember, your life
doesn't have to be planned out. Don't run away when things go off
When you see your life, change your perception on it. Make yourself
thrive. When in pain. And use your pain as a lesson, a lesson to make
it through that doubt. So say, try me when you want to question
yourself to take the opportunity. This opportunity could make you,
this opportunity could be used to make your future improve now to
improve the life for you in the future.
Take this risk as a lesson lesson to take more risks, to take more
risks, to make your future a better place for you. You own? Are you
being held back from your own freedom? Are you holding yourself
back from your potential, your success? Imagine your freedom as a
fields, an empty field there to do anything you want on build, run,
This field is full of potential. Do you want this field field? Do you
want to build in this fields an empire? Run free or grow? Grow trees.
Create a field full of nature. In order for you to do these things, you
need to work hard. I need to graft and raise this field into your own
personal empire. This field is just a step away from you from where
you are right now.
In order for you to make that step, you need to move past the people
who are holding you back. Even if that person is you. You need to
change your mindsets. Imagine yourself in that field full of strength
and the power to grow. Walk on that grass now. We all deserve to be
given a chance to improve, grow.
And succeed, but only the greatest. Have the courage to take this
chance to work hard and receive achievement beyond any
expectation because you are more than what people say you are.
Whatever you say you are, you're not become your own nightmare
and transform that into your dream. How do you imagine your
If you don't imagine yourself succeeding? Are you in the right lane?
If you don't have the courage to believe you can do something, how
do you think you will have the courage to take action. Well, now's
the opportunity to make that change. Picture yourself stood bare.
Just basic. Start filtering in things, achievements you want to
accomplish by this time next year, whether this be smaller, big, we
all have to have a starting point, step by step.
Start seeing yourself as the person you want to become and soon
you will envy the idea of you so much. You no longer want it. You
need it now. You have the attitude, the attitude. To, to make it past
the fears you once had to make it past the downturn because you
are no longer that person. You are them, but five steps forward and
soon you will transform to become that picture.
But you have to take everything one step at a time. Shift your
mindset, take the action, and to crave success even if you already
have it.
Dream Big
. I found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks.
Nothing. Nelson Mandela said there is no passion to be found
playing small in settling for a life that's less than the one you're
capable of living. No, I'm sure in your experiences in school and
applying to college and picking your major and deciding what you
want to do with life, I'm sure people have told you to make sure you
have something to fall back on.
Make sure you've got something to fall back on. Honey. But I never
understood that concept. Having something to fall back on. If I'm
going to fall, I don't want to fall back on anything I want a full full
with. I figured at least this way, I'll see what I'm going to hit without
consistency. You'll never finish.
So do what you feel passionate about, passionate about. Take
chances. Don't be afraid to fail. There's an old IQ test was nine dots
and you had to draw a five lines with a pencil within these nine dots
without lifting the pencil. The only way to do it was to go outside the
box. Don't be afraid to think.
Outside the box. Don't be afraid to fail. Big to dream big. But
remember, dreams without goals are just dreams. Yes,
Reggie Jackson's truck out 2,600 times in his career the most in the
history of baseball, but you don't hear about the strikeouts. People
remember the home runs. Okay. Thomas Edison conducted 1000
failed experiments, and you know that I didn't know that because
the 1001st was the light bulb.
Every failed experiment is one step closer to success. You've got to
take risks, and I'm sure you've probably heard that before, but I
want to talk to you about why that's so important.
You will fail at some point in your life. Accepted. You will lose. You
will embarrass yourself. You will suck at something. There's no
doubt about it. That. I know that's probably not a traditional
message for a graduation ceremony, but Hey, I'm telling you,
embracing because it's inevitable
in the acting business, you fail all the time. Early on in my career, I
auditioned for a part in the Broadway musical. Perfect role for me. I
thought, except for the fact that I can't sing. I didn't get the job
but here's the thing, I didn't quit. I didn't fall back. I walked out of
there to prepare for the next door addition and the next door edition
and the next door English. I pray I prayed and I prayed. But I
continued to fail and fail and fail, but it didn't matter because you
know what is an old saying?
You hang around the barber shop long enough. Sooner or later
you're going to get a haircut, so you will catch a break. And I did
catch a break last year. I did a play called fences on Broadway. But
here's the kicker. It was at the court theater. It was at the same
theater that I failed that first audition 30 years prior.
The point is, every graduate here today has the training and the
talent to succeed, but do you have the guts to fail? If you don't fail,
you're not even trying.
Say it again. If you don't fail, you're not even trying to get something
you never had. You have to do something you never did. So imagine
you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the
ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential. The ghost of the
ideas. You never acted on the ghost of the talent you didn't use, and
they're standing around your bed.
Angry, disappointed and upset.
They say, we, we came to you because you could have brought us to
life. They say,
and now we have to go to the grave together. So I asked you today,
how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time
I just got back from South Africa. It's a beautiful country, but there
are places there. Terrible part of it. Poverty that need help and
Africa is just the tip of the iceberg. The middle East needs your help.
Japan needs your help. Alabama needs your help. Tennessee needs
your help. Louisiana needs your help.
Philadelphia needs your help.
The world needs a lot and we need it from you. We really do. We
need it from you, young people. I mean, I'm not speaking for the rest
of us up here, but I know I'm getting a little grayer. We need it from
you. The young people cause remember this, but you got to get out
there. You got to give it everything you got.
Whether it's your time, your, your, your talent, your prayers or your
treasures. What are you going to do with what you have? I'm not
talking about how much you have. Some of you are business majors.
Some of you are theologians, nurses, sociologists. Some of you have
money. Some of you have patients, some of you have kindness.
Some of you have love. Some of you have the gift of long suffering.
Whatever it is, whatever your gift is, what are you going to do with
what you have? All right. Now, here's my last point about failure.
The times it's the best way to figure out where you're going. Your
life will never be a straight path. I began at Fordham university as a
premed student.
I took a course called the cardiac morphogenesis. I couldn't read it. I
couldn't say it. I sure couldn't pass it. So then I decided to go into pre
law than journalism and with no academic focus, my grades took off
in their own direction. I was a 1.8 GPA and the university very
politely suggested that it might be better to take some time off.
I was 20 years old. I was at my lowest point, and then one day, and I
remember the exact day, March 27th, 1975 I was helping my mother
in a beauty shop. My mother owned the beauty shop up in Mount
Vernon, and there's, there was this older woman who was
considered one of the . Elders in the town, and I didn't know a
personally, but I was looking in the mirror and every time I looked
through the mirror, I could see her behind me and she was staring at
She just kept looking at me. Every time I looked at it, she kept giving
me these strange looks. So she finally took the dry off her head and
sets to some, she said something I'll never forget. She said, young
boy, I have a prophecy, a spiritual prophecy. She said, you are going
to travel the world. And speak to millions of people and in the years
that followed, just as that woman prophesies, I have traveled the
world and I have spoken to millions of people through my
Millions who up till this day couldn't see me. I overworked who up
till this day I couldn't see while I was talking to them and they
couldn't see me. They could only see the movie. They couldn't see
the real me. But I see you today. And I'm encouraged by what I see
and I'm strengthened by what I see.
Because taking risk is not just about going for a job. It's also about
knowing what you know and what you don't know. It's about being
open to people and to ideas. The chances you take the people you
meet, the people you love, the faith that you have, that's what's
going to define you. Never be discouraged.
Never hold back. Give everything you got and when you fall
throughout life, remember this fall forward.
I Dare You To
I dare you to work on yourself for six months. I need to shut out the
world. I you to shut out all the distractions I dated, to give up
everything that is keeping you from your dream. If you have a
dream, don't just sit there. Get your ass up and make something
happen. Sometimes you just have to move to something.
Make a car, three child to something, Google something. Learn
something new. Write down what you need to do in order to make a
better life for yourself and be brave enough to do those things. I dare
you to take a stand today to say, no more. I will no longer accept this
for my life. I gave you to take action today.
I dare you to write your goal. Down and get someone to hold you
accountable. I dare you to hold yourself accountable. I dare you. I
dare you to give up everything that is keeping you from your dream
to say no to all the negative influences. I dare you to pick up a book
instead of a drink. I dare you to work harder than you think you did
I tell you to prove them wrong. I dare you to prove yourself right.
You stand up as a man or as a strong woman, as whoever you are
and declare that you're going to claim a bigger and better life for
yourself. I dare you to make something happen this week, to take
massive action this week. Drop everything and do something.
I dare you to walk more than you talk. I dare you to do good for the
sake of doing good. I dare you to tell no one about to be kind, but
don't Reese, I dare you to spend time alone. I dare you to say no with
no Tibet head to negative people to wrongdoing. I tell you to speak
your truth. I dare you to dream bigger, bigger than they told you.
It's possible for your life. I dare you. I dare you to walk your own
bed, wherever that leads, whatever they say, I dare you to lock the
world out for a week and work on you. Work on your dreams. You're
well and truly capable of living at a higher level. If you do or you
don't, that's up to you. Ask yourself, am I happy with my life exactly
as it is now?
Am I happy staying where I am? If you don't like to answer, get to
work. Work on yourself. Work harder than you think you've worked
in the past or discipline higher standards, more self-respect, more
boundaries, less be. More forward, less back, more positive, less
negative bully. Those who dare to go off to the life most don't have
ever have the chance of living a life most would never had.
Only those who dare to fight for a great life, have a chance to live a
great life. What's it going to take for you to change? What's it going
to take for you to realize your potential? What's it going to take for
you to be proud? Proud of the person you are proud of, your effort,
proud of the person you've become.
It's going to take .
20 Principles To Get
Everything You Want
In Life
Success is no accident living like life will not come by luck or chance.
It won't fall from the sky. There's no magic wand. There's no quick
fix. The good news is there are principles that lead to success. If you
commit to do the things successful people do, you will lead a life of
success and happiness live by. He's 20 principles and you will
ensure you live a great life.
Number one, there's nothing you can't have or achieve in life if
you're willing to work for it. There are no reasonable limits relating
to what you can achieve other than those that exist in your own
mind. What you can have is up to you who you can be.
It's up to you. You are your only limit. No one else can stop you from
. Having anything or being anyone you decide to be. Don't let any
unsuccessful person convince you otherwise.
Number two, take responsibility for your life and you will take
control of your life. Take responsibility for where you are in life and
accept the challenge required to get you where you want to be.
Successful people don't make excuses or blame others. They just
focus on what they can. And do as Florence Nightingale once said, I
attribute my success to this. I never gave nor took any excuse. Those
who succeed in this world aren't those who have escaped hardship.
Every one of us carries our own baggage through life.
Some let go of it and push forward without the weight of excuses on
their back. Holding onto that weight of excuses is only ever going to
slow you down. Hold you back from reaching your true potential.
Let it go except where you are and decide where you were going to
Number three, there's always something to be grateful for.
Grateful people are successful people. It's been said many times, but
it's worth repeating until it sinks in. When you are grateful for
everything you do have in your life, your life is. Full stop spending
every morning thinking about enter writing down what you are
grateful for will transform your life.
The very act of doing this will lead to a better mood. A better mood
will lead to better relationships, clearer mind, better results, and
you will then attract more to be grateful for.
Number four, follow your own path. The world is full of them.
Opinions. None of them should influence where you want to be in
Focus on your path and walk that path regardless of other's
opinions. You'll never be successful in life unless you are living the
life you want to live. Don't wear masks to fit into this world. Be
brave enough to stand tall and walk in the direction you really want.
Be true to you. Number Five, Never stopped learning and working
on yourself.
The key to a great life is growth that comes from self-development.
The pride that comes from that growth, the inner joy that comes
from that pride. Knowing you are self-made, knowing you made a
great life for yourself and set the example for all those close to you.
Feed your mind with strength every day.
Always rising to a new level of consciousness. Always seeking
growth. The more you grow, the more you know. The more you
learn, the more you will learn.
Number six, live with integrity. Zig Ziglar put it best with integrity.
You have nothing to fear. Since you have nothing to hide with
integrity, you will do the right thing so you will have no guilt.
Living a life of integrity is living a life of truth, and when you are
living a life. Truth. There's nothing to hide when there's nothing to
hide. There's nothing but pride. You do the right thing even when no
one is watching, not because you're getting rewarded, but because
the reward is living a life of integrity.
Number seven, give your all. Nothing great in life comes to those
who give less than everything. Success doesn't have to be a struggle.
It should never feel like a chore. You should be in a place. Well, you
are enthusiastic about giving your all because you love what you do
because you love the challenge because you love the growth because
you love thinking about the end result.
Number eight, you can change the way you feel at any moment by
changing your focus. Any emotion, no matter how extreme can be
changed by learning how to change your focus specifically to
gratitude and perspective. If your life. It doesn't feel like a blessing.
Learn how to shift your focus until you get to a place where it does
feel like a blessing.
Number nine, don't chase money. Follow your purpose. Do nothing
for the sole purpose of money. Do what is right. Do what you love.
Do something that helps others, and more than enough money will
come chase the money and the money will run faster. Chase your
purpose and the money. We'll chase you.
Number 10 there's no such thing as failure unless you fail to learn
the lesson.
Everyone fails. It's something successful. People fail more than most,
but the only true failure is to give up without learning the lesson.
The failure brunt failure is never the end of the story. It's just the
plot twist. Keep writing your story and find a way to become the
hero of it.
Number 11 the end result.
Will it be worth the sacrifice? Unsuccessful people think about what
they have to give up in order to achieve what they want. Successful
people think about what they are going to get at the end of the
process. They are happy to sacrifice now knowing they will be
rewarded later.
Number twelve, patience is power.
This doesn't mean sit on your hands. We're calling work fast, work
smarter, but if it doesn't come. When you expect it to come be
patient. The only way it is not coming is if you quit cheap. Going
Number 13 nothing worthwhile in life comes easy. If you really want
it, you must be prepared to work for it, to fight full, to give up
everything for it.
If it's worth the prize, it's worth the fight.
Number 14 nothing that has happened in your past. Can stop you
from creating a better future starting right now. Let go of the past.
It's gone. Focus on the now. What can you do now that will create a
better tomorrow?
Number 15 it's never too late to be great.
It's never too late to amaze yourself, to shock yourself, to become
someone. No one thought you could be. Not even you.
Number 16 not everything. We'll be happy for you. Not everyone is
going to enjoy your success. Some will be jealous. Some will be
resentful because they haven't reached their own true potential.
This should never stop you from pursuing your greatest self. Those
who truly belong in your life will be by your side during the journey.
If you have to walk alone for awhile, be strong enough to do so
knowing it won't be forever.
Number 17. Habits make or break you think about every major area
of your life.
Health, financial, happiness. Are there any areas you have
developed, bad habits that are holding you back? If you have
developed, you can create new, better habits that take you closer to
your goals. A habit is formed through consistent application and
deeply make it important to you and plan it. Until it is a habit.
Number 18 fear is an illusion. Fear is my main. It has no life outside
your own imagination knowing this, you have no reason to hold
yourself back. No reason to fear, failure, rejection, embarrassment,
anything go for what you want in life fearlessly.
Number 19 without direction. Ended up in the wrong section.
If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up someplace else.
Successful people know where they're going. They have clear goals,
big, clear, meaningful goals, and they fight for them.
Number 20 no one will believe in you until you do. If you want
people to support you lead by example, back yourself. If you want
people to believe in, you, believe in yourself.
Progress leads to belief. Growth leads to belief. Feed your mind
every day with self-development, material, new knowledge,
empowering speakers, and start taking action. Once you start
making progress, belief will come. Belief will grow back yourself.
You can do this.
Black, this little boy, and you won't have time to say no. You won't
have time to think that you can't do it. The only time you will have is
to app to take the leap of faith and believe that everything is going to
be all right. Somewhere deep inside. You know what kind of person
you were designed to be, what kind of seed is in you?
I believe part of our responsibility in life is to find out who we are, to
discover ourselves. First off, we need to respect. Our nature. We
need to realize we are part of a continuing chain that carries a legacy
and a responsibility.
And if that's the case, then we need to recognize that we were not
biological coincidence.
First we need to respect our nature. Second, we need to know our
nature. Take care of startles, advise, know thyself, but know things
about yourself that most people don't discover. For example, know
how you're smart, not just how smart you are in comparison to
them. In what ways are you smart? Know what you care about?
What are the values that motivate your choices? No. What's your
personal philosophy? Is the intensity and drive with which you
naturally operate?
No. The background imprint, positive, neutral, or negative that you
carry with you and what effect it's had on you. No, your behavioral
style, how you come across to other people. No, your the patterns in
your choices so that you're continually learning more and more
about what it's like to be you so you can do an even better job of it.
And then we need to apply our, our nature. We need to nurture our
nature by expressing ourselves in the world.
I think it's the self confidence if you believe in what you do and keep
doing it. I mean, when I was young, I had a lot of people telling me,
you have to adjust to the other ones. You have to be like the other
ones. I was listening, but I wasn't told with following. I dragged it in,
how to say I was listening, but I did my own thing.
I kept doing my own thing and I believed in myself. What was like
the question? They are like, they judge you even before you come
and they don't even know you. And that was outside the pitch and
inside the page. But I kept going. I kept going and it brought me
where I am today. Confidence and believe in what you do.
That is, I think that is the gold target. If they can do it, I can do it. And
there's the mentality, if somebody else can do it, you can do it. And I
said to myself, I will do it and I will do it better. I try to, when I do
something, want to be the best, I will not be happy being the second,
third or the fourth.
I want my inspiration. Is that above everybody else? Does he know
everything I do in my project like this in my football. And another
thing. Whatever everybody else says is not important. So if they tell
you your best is not important, the important is that you say you're
the best.
You not only transform you, you transform the world around you,
and we collectively with transformed the world as we know it today.
You and I were born with the gift to make this a better place. Even if
we didn't improve, we can make the world better right now. We can
encourage people, compliment people.
We could solve problems. We could pick up trash, we could fix
things. We could get, bring new ideas, but as you grow, you become
a bigger source for the rest of life to express itself through you. You
are put here for a reason. It's contained in that acorn. So nurture
your nature. Figure out, first off, I am valuable except that I want to
know who I am and I want to know how I operate and how can I
understand me better.
And then I want to nurture that nature. I want to apply myself in the
world and put myself to work in such ways that the rest of the world
says, well, that's cool. If he or she can do it, I could probably do it. I
wonder how they did it. And then we start spreading that and the
ripple goes worldwide. So ask yourself every day, how would the
person I'd like to be do the things I'm about to do?
at some time or another, have agonized over making a decision.
Some decisions of major decisions. And also there are a lot of small
decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds. They drain
our energy, they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness because we
don't take care of it. We decide not to decide, which is the decision.
Deciding to decide to add is a major, major challenge for all of us at
different points in different areas of our lives. And there are things
that happen to us along the way, experiences that we have that
prevent us from working through the mental block of acting. Up
doing those things that we know we ought to do.
And so what I want you to think about is what is there that you
know you need to do that you want to do this, but for some reason
or another, you've been holding back. For some reason or another,
you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work
through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming
some reason or another.
You just haven't done it and you know you ought to do this. You
really want to do this, but you don't know why you haven't done it.
We know that this is not easy, that you really got to put all of
yourself into it.
It's very challenging to app to do those things. The times when
you're looking at him, you say, I know I need to do this, but I don't
feel like from acting is the fear of failure and if you've already failed,
you don't want to fail again. The pain event, the disappointment, the
fear of loss is another thing.
Because many times when we do those things that we know we
need to do, we feel that we might lose somebody. Many of us don't
act because we want other people's approval. Many of us don't do
the things that we want to do and don't act because of lack of self
confidence. We don't believe enough in ourselves.
A lot of people that have the jobs are making them sick. Because
they won't act. You check out the absenteeism and the people that
are depressed. So there are many reasons why we don't act. There
are other things though that affect us is that not wanting to take
personal responsibility. We want somebody else to do it.
Many times we pick up our inability to do certain things from people
that we love. People that we admire, we identify with them and we
live in the context of their ideas, their opinions, and their life
patterns. We buy into it unconsciously. I couldn't help but think that
God wants greatness to come out of us, but it takes a humility to
handle greatness.
You can't believe one way and live another way and be great. It's
going to cost you some time. It's going to cost you some energy. It's
gonna cost you some. Some. Some sacrifice. It's going to cost you
some resources. It's going to cost you some hours of your life laying
down, paying the price, going the extra mile, doing what other
people are not willing to do.
Greatness is not cheap. Greatness always costs more. That's why
there's not many people who achieve greatness. They're not willing
to pay the price, and God says, the ones that I can trust greatness
with in the great house are the ones who will purge themselves.
Cleanse themselves, set themselves to side and say, God, I want to be
great for you.
I want you to touch my life with your grace, and I want to see
greatness break forth in my life for the glory of my King. You can
spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about the
pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what's happening
here. And the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in
either love or fear, but it's not too late for me to get my passion back.
If you want something out of life, if you want to change yourself, if
you want to acquire something, if there's some goal that you want to
reach. That is really not easiest. Some people will make us feel
living your dream, changing your behaviors, overcoming negative
habits. It's challenging. It's hard. That living alone is just very
difficult. And once we began to come to grips with the fact. That
living is difficult.
always something you will never, ever have a problem free moment
in life.
How do we begin to nurture that hunger? One of the CAPTRUST six
of the qualities of people that are home. Rick, what will it take for me
to get some of the things that I want
and being hungry for those things. Number one, you've got to work
on yourself. It's very important that you engage in an ongoing
process to develop. You spend more time on yourself than what
you've been spending.
It's very important you owe that to yourself.
Many of us never realize our greatness because we become
sidetracked by secondary activity.
we spread ourselves too thin, don't know how to say no, and we find
ourselves doing all kinds of things and never, ever have time to do
those things that we need to do to work on ourselves. And then
there goes a second that goes another second, that goes another
second. And we can't stop and hold time.
And before, you know what? You wake up one day and you're
behind in your dreams and your bill.
Decide that you're going to take some time to work on you, that you
deserve that from yourself, that your life deserves some prime time
because you are creating your own production.
you are the star of your show. You are the director. You are writing
the script, and you will determine whether your life is a smash
office, hip or flop.
You'll determine that. Working on yourself, talking to yourself.
That's so very importantly, overcoming the negative conversation
that in dot log was going on all the time, all the time. Even when you
don't want it to be there, you can't stop yourself right now from
thinking you can't do it. It's going on.
And so learning how to empower yourself. Part of doing that is
standing up to yourself.
you got to stand up inside yourself sometimes and say, shut up.
You'll get scared sometimes your mind will go blank on you. Some
people will. You will allow to unnerve you and you'll wonder what's
wrong with me? I'm not crazy.
That's why you got to learn to make a conscious, deliberate,
determined effort to stand up inside yourself,
working on yourself, watching that inner dialogue, it will determine
the quality of your life.
when you're working on something you want to achieve, you have
got to stand up to that voice. You've got to sell yourself every day on
your abilities, on what you're doing, on the goal that you want to
You've got to sell yourself every day, every day, every day, according
to your level of belief. It will manifest itself in what you're doing.
whatever we have right now, whatever we're demonstrating in our
lives. Is result of what we believe subconsciously that we deserve.
And part of increasing that belief level is that you have got to
convince yourself every day.
You can learn all the techniques in the world. If you don't believe in
you've got to focus on you and as you'll convince you. As you sell
yourself every day, every day, every day you will begin to see a
difference in the things that you're doing.
Selling yourself on your ability to perform a job, to achieve a certain
objective, telling your stuff every day had gone good and our God,
what it takes. This is my day and nothing out here is going to stop
It takes courage to act part of being hungry when you have been
defeated, it takes courage to start over again.
When you step into your fears. Somebody said it was Winston
Churchill. He said that courage is going from failure to failure
without losing enthusiasm.
When you step into your fears and continue to push yourself to go
on, something happens for you. It will enable you to transcend
when you have something you want to do. If you don't develop the
courage to do that, which has been given you to do, and you spend a
lot of time going around trying to convince other people and trying
to get their approval, what will happen is that you will lose your
And other people will convince you that what you have doing
doesn't have any value and you'll give up on your dream
if you don't have the courage to act. Sometimes in particularly. If you
have something special to do, life will move on you.
But there are some things that I wanted to do, but I didn't have the
courage to act on those things.
wherever you are, whatever you're doing, doing with everything
that you have, develop the habit. Of giving more than what you paid
do not go with a path may lead, but go where there's no path and
leave a trail.
if there's something that you want to do and you can do it all at one
time, do just a little bit of it
and say that where I am, I'm going to do the best I can with what I
got because. That is an expression of who I am.
if you get into the habit of just being mediocre, it will become a part
of your consciousness. If you get in the habit of giving less than what
you have within you to give, it will begin to reflect itself in your
It will begin to damage you psychologically.
You've got to develop a sense of urgency.
Ask your question, how much time do you have left? How much time
do you have left? When you start thinking about that, we don't
know. Most of us don't use the stuff that we have brought into the
universe and we want to make a conscious, deliberate, determined
effort. To start living life with a sense of urgency and using what
we've got.
It doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life, cause that's
going to happen. All the managers that you got to get up
Why don't you decide now that you're going to expand your world,
that if other people can learn, you could learn to,
well, it's hard for me. How do you, have you been in sit in a class
ship? Have you signed up yet? No, I haven't.
see, a lot of people say no ladies and gentlemen to things and they
don't even know what to say no to.
That would even challenge themselves. He hasn't even gone to send
them to a class and say, teach me how to read and stand. It's been
easier for him to go through life. He thinks. Trying to play a home
con game, pretending he knows how to do something that he doesn't
know how to do. And you know what? Most of us go through life like
Most of us go through life pretending.
Pretending that we're satisfied where we are pretending that
everything is okay for tending, that, that we don't have any special
goals or ambitions or desires when really deep down inside we do
really want more.
But if you look at our behavior, if you judge based upon what we do.
I really will tell you some true stories about people cause you have
to judge a tree by the fruit. It bears not the fruit that it talks about.
Well, a lot of people pretend that they want more out of life, but all
you have to do is watch their actions. The proof is in the pudding.
if you want to do something, if you thought about something you
want to do, take it head on. Decide that you're going to start looking
at us, start doing research on it, start tackling it. Stop becoming
involved in whatever and wherever it might lead you to begin to
explore the possibilities in that particular thing that you're seeking.
so that you can begin to learn all you can about it, decide that you're
going to face it, that whatever shortcomings you have, that you're
going to stiffen yourself there, whatever training was required, that
you're going to go get that training, but you're going to get started
right now.
do what you can, where you are with what you have, and never be
I don't get satisfied with yourself. Always know that wherever you
are, you can enjoy more, that you deserve more.
but most people, you know, they do. Most people go through life
quietly and safely tip toe into an early grave.
Find out what it is you want and go after it as if your life depends on
it. Why? Because it does.
people that have found their passion, people that found the things
that they love, people that are found, the things that they can pour
their lives into,
decide to do it now. Decide whatever you want to do that you are
now going to become actively involved right now. Exploring the
possibilities for you
that you're going to look at it and do just a little bit of it. Right now,
when I decided to become a speaker, I didn't just quit my job and
just ran out and say, I'm a motivational speaker. No,
what I did was I decided to start looking at other people that were
involved in the speaking profession. I volunteered to work with
some speakers so that I could learn.
right? The vision, what I'm asking you to do is write the vision and
make it plain, because when you know what you want, because if
you don't know what you want and you're watching me, nothing
else matters. What do you want.
You got to live. What's in your life is just too short and
when you're not clear on what you want, like you, you, you get up
whenever you feel like it. You don't have no dry, you don't have no
but when you know what you want eat, why do you wake up at
three? Cause I know what I want.
The amount of people who were here yesterday that they're not
here today. There are a lot of opportunities that were around
yesterday. They're not here today.
So what do you want? Do you want to retire? You want to spend
more time with your family? I don't know what, what is it? You want
a better job? You want a promotion?
do you want to be an artist? Do you want to be an engineer? I don't
know, but I want you to start a year off.
So when people ask me, where are your passion come from? Where
your drive come from? I know what I want. Whatever you want to
do, get your feet wet.
You've got to believe in yourself. You've got to believe in your
abilities. You've got to believe in your service, your company, your
ideas. Unquestionably, you must have faith. It's hard. Yes. It's hard.
It's difficult. Yes. Right. And it's worth it.
5 Awesome Speeches
I Loved
1] Count Blessings By Rudy Francisco
The following are true stories.
May 26 2003 Aaron Ralston was hiking. A Boulder fell on his right
hand. He waited four days. Then he amputated his own arm with a
pocket knife. On new year's Eve, a woman who was bungee jumping
in Zimbabwe, the cord broke. She then fell into a river and it had to
swim back to land and crocodile infested waters with a broken
Claire Champlin was smashed in the face by five pound watermelon
being propelled by a Slingshot. Matthew was hit by a javelin. David
struggle was punched in the mouth by a kangaroo. The most
amazing part of these stories is when asked about the experience,
they all smiled, shrugged, and said, I guess things could have been
So go ahead. Tell me that you're having a bad day. Tell me about the
traffic. Tell me about your boss. Tell me about the job you've been
trying to quit for the past four years. Tell me the morning is a
townhouse burning to the ground. Tell me the snooze button is a fire
thing. Which tell me the alarm clock stole the tastiest tomatoes don't
get in 7:00 AM and the CRAs total to a happiness.
Tell me, tell me, tell me how blessed we didn't have trash and he's so
small it can fit on it. Tips about tones if he, when Evan is human,
Evan lost his legs. He was speechless. When my cousin was
assaulted and she didn't speak for 48 hours when my uncle was
murdered, we had to send out a search party to find my father's
Most people, most people, most people have no idea that tragedy
and silence have the exact same attraction. When your day is a
museum of disappointments, hanging from events that were outside
of your control. When you find yourself flailing in an ocean of why is
this happening to me? But it feels like your guardian angel put in
this two week notice two months ago and just decided not to tell you
when it feels like God is a babysitter.
That's always on the phone. We can punch in the esophagus, but.
Full of life. Remember at every year to me and people dive the
Heights racing. So it doesn't matter if the glass is half full or half
empty. There's water in the cup. Drink that, sit and stop
complaining. You see, muscle muscle is created by repeatedly lifting
things that have been designed to weigh us down.
So when you sell this feeling, you did stand up, straighten and lifted
chin. Hell, call it exercise. But remember that life is a team member
sit with a really complicated cancellation policy. Remember that's
you will survive. Remember, things couldn't be worse. I remember
we had never, ever given anything that we can't handle.
We win. The world crumbles around too. You have to look at the
records and then built a new one out of all the pieces. That are still
here. Remember you, uh, still hear the human heart beats
approximately 4,000 times per hour, and it's pulse. It's throb. It's
palpitation is a trophy engraved with the words you are, you are still

2] Change the world By William McRaven

If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. If you
made your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first
task of the day. They will give you a small sense of pride and it will
encourage you to do another task and another and another. And by
the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into
many tasks completed.
Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that the little things in
life matter, if you can't do the little things right. You'll never be able
to do the big things right. And if by chance you have a miserable day,
you will come home to a bed that is made that you made and a made
bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better to pass
seal training.
There are a series of long swims that must be completed. One is the
night swim before the swim. The instructors joyfully brief the
students on all the species of sharks. That inhabit the waters off San
Clemente. They assure you, however, that no student has ever been
eaten by a shark, at least not that they can remember, but you were
also taught that if a shark begins to circle your position.
Stand your ground. Do not swim away. Do not act afraid. And if a
shark hungry for a midnight snack, darts towards you, then
summons up all your strength and punch him in the snout and he
will turn and swim away. There are a lot of sharks in the world. If
you hope to complete the swim, you will have to deal with them.
So if you want to change the world, don't back down from the
sharps. Over a few weeks of difficult training. My seal class, which
started with 150 men, was down to just 42 there were now six boat
crews of seven men each. I was in the boat with the tall guys, but the
best boat crew we had was made up the little guys, the munchkin
crew, we called them.
No one was over five foot five. The munchkin boat crew had one
American Indian, one African American, one Polish American, one
Greek American, one Italian American, and two tough kids from the
Midwest. They out paddled outran and out swam. All the other boat
crews, the big men and the other boat crews would always make
good natured fun of the tiny little flippers the munchkins put on
Tiny little feet prior to every swim, but somehow these little guys
from every corner of the nation in the world always had the last
laugh showing faster than everyone and reaching the shore long
before the rest of us. Seal training was a great equalizer. Nothing
mattered but your will to succeed. Not your color, not your ethnic
background, not your education, not your social status.
If you want to change the world, measure a person by the size of
their heart, not by the size of their. Flippers. The ninth week of
training is referred to as hell week. It is six days of no sleep, constant
physical and mental harassment, and one special day at the mud
flats. The mud flats are an area between San Diego and Tijuana
where the rough water runs off and creates the Tijuana slews, a
swampy patch of terrain where the mud will engulf you.
It is on Wednesday of Halloween, but your paddle down in the mud
flats and spend the next 15 hours trying to survive this freezing cold.
The howling wind and the incessant pressure to quit from the
instructors as the sun began to set that Wednesday evening, my
training class, having committed some egregious infraction of the
rules was ordered into the mud.
The mud consumed each man until there was nothing visible but our
heads, the instructors told us we could leave the mud if only five
men would quit. Only five minutes, just five men. And we could get
out of the oppressive coal. Looking around the mud flat. It was
apparent that some students were about to div up.
It was still over eight hours till the sun came up. Eight more hours of
bone chilling cold. The chattering teeth and shivering moans of the
trainees were so loud, it was hard to hear anything. And then one
voice began to echo through the night. One voice raised in song. The
song was terribly out of tune, but sung with great enthusiasm.
One voice became two and two became three and before long,
everyone in the class was singing. The instructors threatened us
with more time in the mud if we kept up the singing, but the singing
persisted and somehow the mud seemed a little warmer. And the
wind a little Tamer and the Dawn, not so far away.
If I have learned anything in my time traveling the world, it is the .
Or a Pope, the power of one person, a Washington, a Lincoln, King,
Mandela, and even a young girl from Pakistan, Malala. One person
can change the world by giving people hope. So if you want to
change the world, start each day with a task completed.
Find someone to help you through life. Respect. Everyone. Know the
life is not fair, that you will fail often, but if you take some risks. Step
up when the times are the toughest face down. The bullies lift up the
downtrodden and never ever give up. If you do these things, the next
generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far
better than the one we have today.
And what started here will indeed have changed the world for the

3] Inspire. Empower By Inky Johnson

I said, I can't move. So there's a shot. Look through my whole body. I
can't feel anything, man. I still remember the day I was in the film
room watching film and I was watching the California bears and my
defensive backs coach, lavish slate came in the room. He said, inky
Johnson, I got some good news for you.
And I dropped the clicker and I said, coach, what is it? He said, son,
you are projected top 30 drafting. You said all you have to do is play
these next 10 football games. You will automatic mode chai
millionaire. I ran out of the room. I got on the phone, I called my
mother and my grandmother. I said, listen, I said, after this season,
our lives are about to change forever.
And little did I know our luxury really about the chain. First game,
we'd come out, play against California bands. I get an interception.
We shut them down. We get the victory. Second game, we're playing
against air force. It gets late in the game, found ourselves in a dog
fight, not poster tackle. Like I approach any other tackle in the way
I'm approaching it.
Done. We'll knock you out. Are you going to knock me out? I'm 165
pounds. I can't play with anybody, but at the point of contact when I
hit this guy, something different happened that never happened to
me before in my life. I hit him and it seemed as if every breath in my
body left, my body would come.
Leading never fell to the ground. I blacked out. I looked at the doctor
because I couldn't feel my right arm. They had poked me with all
type of needles. Inky, can you feel this? Can you feel, I couldn't call a
name. They took me back. They ran the cat scans and they wrote me
back into my room and I'll never forget it all in about a 15 second
timeframe, I was lying near my bed.
My father, he went to take a step in and he looked at me. He said,
son, I can't do it. And he walked out. My mother, she came in, she
was running. She kissed me on my forehead. She said prayer. She
said, ain't everything is going to be okay, is she ran out and as soon
as my mother stepped outside of the room with Dr.
Rush, then from the opposite side and he said, Hey, you didn't hear.
Got it. Watch this. Got back to emergency surgery. He's about to die.
I said, what? So my mom just told me everything is going to be okay.
You said something, what happened? You have busted up to play an
artery in your chest. You're bleeding internally.
You have to wash your back and take the main vein out of your left
leg and plug it into your chest in order to save you life. And when I
woke up from recovery, the same doctor standing over me said,
inky, ask them good news and some bad news for yesterday. You got
some bad news for me. I have to tell him that I was about to die.
I'm still alive. How bad can it get? I'm still here. So the good news is
some, we saved your life. I said, thank you, sir. You said, the bad
news is you have nerve damage in your right shoulder. You probably
can never play the game of football again in your life. I said, doc, no
disrespect man, but I'm eight games away.
I've been working for this ever since I was seven years old. Doc,
there's no way God not now, like, let me make it to the NFL so I can
help my family first. Like we miss mill, I'll say there, no way. I never
cheated. I never cheated myself. I gave everything I had to it and I
respected it. I never cheat it. No way that my Greg can be, Oh, what's
a, send me up to the Mayo clinic and at the several visits, I'll never
forget, this was when reality set in.
It was me, my mother, my father in the room, and the doctors came
in. They said, inky Johnson, here's the deal. It says something, we
hate to tell you what your arm, it will never be the same again. Your
hand and will never be the same again, son. You can never play that
game of football again. It says, son, here are your surgery options.
We can take a muscle out of the back of your left leg, plug it into
your right arm, but there's a possibility that you'll be left with the
weak left leg and a week right on the rest of your life. Or we can take
a nerve out of your left arm, rerouted up your chest, down into your
right arm, but there's a possibility that you would be left.
We're too weak arms the rest of your life, or we can take a nobody.
You left rim. We routed up through your chest, down into your right
arm, but there's a possibility that you be left with a breathing
problem and a week right on the rest of your life. By the way, tell us
what you want to do in the morning and the next morning I walked
into the doctor's office.
They said, so what option did you choose? I said, no disrespect to
you, doc. I'm not choosing an option. My situation is out of your
hand. I said, no disrespect to you, doc. Cut me where you got to cut
me. I said, I know I will come out of this situation. Okay. As I stand
right here on the stage before you today, they cut me six times down
my left doc.
They cut me two times across my right rib. They caught cut me two
times across my right Peck. They cut me one time, of course, the left
side of my neck one time, of course, the right side of my neck. They
cut me from the bottom of my armpit all the way down to the
bottom of my hand and that they got through cutting on me and he
said, son, you're going to be in this hospital for the next 40 days.
I walked out of the hospital on the third day. They said, you broke a
record. How did you do it? And I said, first and foremost, the thing I
want y'all to understand, I will never let a circumstance or a
situation to find my life,
but most importantly, you know what? I had invested. I had sweat
equity. I had been working my whole life and what I didn't
understand by being determined to chase something by being
committed to it. And what commitment is commitment to staying
true to what you said you were going to do long after the mood that
you have set it in has left.
You see, people think commitment to saying, yes, I'll do it on the
days when it felt good. But I had been committed to everything that I
ever started in my life and I never stopped and I never quit it. And so
by being committed to everything that I started, I finished it. It built
a certain type of spirit.
It built a certain type of mentality. It built a certain type of
individual, and still now, I couldn't quit even if I wanted to. I couldn't
lay in the bed even if I wanted to. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. I
had too much sweat equity in my life and everything that I was
doing. I understood the process is more important than the product.
It wasn't about the outcome for me once I made it to the NFL or not,
that was inconsequential in God's plan for my life, but I was going to
fall in love with that process because I understood by falling in love
with that process, it was going to turn me into a machine. A lot of
people need a little extra money to get motivated.
A lot of people need, you know, whatever the case may be, a little
bonus to get motivated. I don't need anything but breath in my body
in life. In every day I wake up, I understand. I got two children
depending on me understand. I got a wife dependent on me.
Understand I got a world that needs me. The reason I go in life with
the passing in the zeal that I go at it with is because I understand
every day of my life is somebody in the world that is dependent on
It may not be you, and if it's just about you, you're in trouble. telling
you you're going to hit something in life that's a lot tougher than
you, and it's going to test your will and it's going to test your heart. If
it's just about you. Just about the product. It will crush you every day
I get up, I understand if somebody in the free world that's looking at
me to see if I'm going to keep going and so I can't quit.
That's why I went back to school the next week after they had just
saved my life. I was back in class. I had to learn how to write all over
again. I had to learn how to walk all over, get up and learn how to tie
my shoe all over again. I had to learn how to bathe all over again. I
had to learn how to live life all over again.
Never one time did I say, let me go home. I need a break. You see the
thing we have to understand about everything that we are part of.
First and foremost, it's a blessing by God and when it's a blessing,
you can't help but to give everything you've got to in my life got sick,
I've got spared. My life almost died.
The doctor came to me on a field, it was on one knee and he grabbed
my wrist and he said, son, you don't have a poster. I don't even know
how you still love them. The thing about it, my room, like you can
see this, you can see my arm. My wound is visible, but it's a lot of
people in this room that are wounded and you can't see it.
And this in turn. And so the opportunities that we pass up to be a
blessing to other people, we can save their life with just one
encounter. And my last doctor visit, they came to me, they said,
SAHMRI, inky Johnson, you will never be able to use this on my hand
again. And your, like I said, no disrespect to you doc, but I will use
this ominous hand every day for the rest of my life by the way that I
live my life every day.
I'm going to impact someone's life everyday. I'm going to empower
someone everyday. I'm going to inspire someone every day. I'm
going to..

4] Redefine yourself By Rock Thomas

I had to feed 22 horses every morning before he earned the right to
have breakfast. Just imagine an eight and a half year old kid getting
up in the dark in Canada and going outside and open the barn door,
and remember. There would be like 30 rats every time I opened the
barn door and they would scurry around and I would hope that
none of them would stay around.
And one time I went back to the house and I said, dad, can you come
with me and lock the door? And he says, go out and do your chores.
You don't come back until they're done. That was kind of the
beginning of me realizing that I wasn't in a supportive environment
and I learned one thing and one thing only is that if I was moving to
work hard, then I could get my dad's attention by.
I remember waking up, I was about 13 or 14 years old and this was
the day my dad had promised me it was going to be, yes, this was the
day we were going to play together. We're going to throw the
football back and forth. And I was super excited. I thought that in my
bed, and I ran down the stairs and I saw my father where he always
His ankle is chained to the desk, but as I got closer, I knew
something was wrong. It was like a good, I could feel there was a
heaviness in the air and I started to get nervous and I went, dad, you
know, yes. I went, um, you're ready to go play. And the weirdest
thing happened is he turned, he looked at me and I felt myself
shrinking down and he stood up.
And this shadow cast over me and he goes, do you have any idea
what it takes to put food on the table? Do you think that this roof
just puts itself there? Money doesn't grow on trees. You know, one
day you're going to have to work hard for money. Now get out and
play on your own before I put you to work.
and I never asked him again. I don't have one memory playing with
my dad. Not one. The only way I connected with him was when he
was working around the house doing the chore. I'd say, dad, can I
help you? I'd hand them the needles or I'd hold the measuring tape
because the only way he never, once he never came to my hockey
games, he dropped me off in the car and stayed in the car.
All the other parents were tying the skates. I was there alone. I
would try to score as many goals as I could so I could go in and tell
him I score the winning goals. So he'd want to come and look. And
every day I remember winning honors in school for, um, academic
achievement. Looking out in the crowd, can you see my dad?
But he was never there. So the only soul ones I had was to work
hard. So I doubled down on that and I worked hard, and I'd call him
out to look at the task. Being done in a very good is never good
enough, so I doubled down again and work harder. It didn't feel
good at the time. But in life, what you do, if you do what is easy, life
will be difficult.
But if you do this difficult, it will be easy. I got the difficult part
upfront and he got really good at it. By the time I was 14 I saved up
enough money to get a scooter. By the time I was 16 I had my first
car. By the time I was 17 I thought, you know what? I'm outta here.
This sucks. I mean, I could go out and make four times the amount of
money living on my own, even if I have to pay rent, I don't care.
So I moved out. I drove a taxi, I did carpentry, I cut lawns, I washed
windows, I did anything. That was hard work because that's all I
knew. And then my life changed. I got a call from my stepmom and
she said, your dad has cancer, so jumped on a plane and I did
everything I could. I took care of the house. He said to me, he had
some back taxes from Canada that were unpaid.
I said, yes, I'll pay them for you. I did everything I possibly could, and
I remember the day I had to leave to go back to take care of my
family, and I had a young son at the time. And they had nothing left.
And I asked my dad, well, he was probably 98 pounds sitting, lying
in the bed. And I said, dad, can you think of a time when, um, when I
can make you proud?
And I'm thinking to myself, my God, there's a whole bunch. I, I was
almost a millionaire by that time. I had done so many things. I'd
risen up, I'd opened a restaurant. I've never learned a new language.
I've done so many things. This was the time he was going to go. Of
course, I'm, let me read them all list, but instead.
You said, nothing that I can think of, and I don't know if it broke my
spirit or if I thought I had hit rock bottom. I hit another layer, but
when I got back home, actually I was fired from my job. My marriage
had fallen apart. I had no money left in it. That I'd paid to support
him. So I got evicted from my apartment and then back in my mom
with my mom at the age of 30 so there I am, 30 years old, working
16 hours a day for 20 years, and I have absolutely nothing to show
for it except maybe a skill set on how to work hard.
But I'll tell you what, when you're down there and you think there's
nothing left, it's the foundation to grow from. I thought, what am I
going to do now? And some little bird mentioned real estate. So I
thought I'd get into real estate. I got into real estate and that's when
I met my first mentor that transformed my life.
I was in my office one night really late, and I was having a
conversation with my mentor and he walks in and he leans against
the door and he goes, you're still here? And I said, yeah, and because
you really have a great work ethic. And I went, I'm talking to me,
said, I'm talking to you. He goes, you're awesome.
I'm like, he's still talking to me. He's like, I never had anybody tell
me. That they believed in me. My father. Certain was always, you
could do better. You could do better. You could do better. Yeah. It
drove me, but it didn't make me feel confident and I doubted it at
first. And we started to talk and he goes, Oh, so you've labeled
yourself stupid as a loser and a skinny little kid.
He goes, how do you feel about that? And I said, I still feel that way
since you're 30 years old. I go, yeah, I know. But I still felt that way
inside. He says, okay, we're gonna change it. Who's an idol that you
have? I said, well, one of my favorite is, is, you know, like Clint
Eastwood. He's like rugged. I'm kind of rugged.
I feel rugged. This is perfect. How does that feel when you say that?
Excellent. It feels pretty good. That's it. I want you to say that a
thousand times, a thousand times every day or more. If you want
loser out. Ruggedly handsome. And so now what we're going to do is
we're going to reprogram your brain.
Your brain is like software. We're just going to reprogram it. He said,
how did I do that? He goes, just every time you have a chance to say,
I'm ruggedly handsome, ruggedly handsome to the words that
follow, I am. Follow you. You just didn't know it. You had shitty
programming, but now we're going to change that and change that
And I remember driving home, I was so excited. I was so excited
because. I could change my program. I didn't know it. I thought it
was stuck that way my whole life, and all I have to do is have the
energy to put into changing the way I see myself. And it was, I just
said it over. I remember screaming in the car and rarely, allegedly
answered more than the answer.
I'd get up in the morning, I'd say it over and over and over again. I'd
say it as much as I possibly could, and then spontaneously, one
morning I was in the shower and I said, I'm the greatest real estate
agent in my area. I'm the greatest real estate agent and miner. And I
went from one sale in my first year or two in a few years, a hundred
I broke every record there was, and then I bought the fricking
company went from, from farm boy to financially free. I became
resourceful. I became capable of doing things I didn't know I was
going to do. The most powerful force in the human psyche is how we
describe ourselves to ourselves. Who's giving you labels?
You're too short. You're too tall, you're quiet, you're introverted.
And you take on those labels and you wear them like they're your
persona. And then you live into them like a role that you were given
in life. You can rewrite that. You can make it whenever you want,
insert it and then program it. I am, I am.
You are what? Gifted. Guided. Grateful. Powerful. Passionate, playful,
sexy, central sense of the blessed. What are you today is the first day
of the rest of your life, and you get to redefine yourself. So who are
you. And who do want to do the words that follow. I am following.
5] Change The World By Arnold Schwarzenegger
people ask me all the time, what is the secret to success. And I
always tell them what the short version is. You've got to have a 22
inch biceps and you've got to be able to kill predators with your bare
hands. And of course you've got to have this charming Austrian
accent. This is a, that's a given. The long version is that the actually
always had five rules.
You don't need to be a bodybuilding champion. You either need to
want to be an action hero or anything like that. If you want to Excel
in whatever you do, those rules are for you. So my first rule is find
your vision and follow it. If you don't have a God, if you don't have a
vision, you just drift around and you're not going to be happy.
I grew up after the second world war, Austria, right along with
Germany, lost the second world war. There was, of course,
depression. There was a terrible economic situation. I wanted to get
out of there. I wanted to escape, and luckily one day in school I
watched the documentary about America. I knew exactly that is
where I wanted to end up.
The question was just. How do I get there? How do I get the America,
no one had the money to travel or anything, but one day I was
fortunate enough to see a bodybuilding magazine and on the cover
was this very muscular guy. Mr universe becomes Hercules' star. His
name was rich park. I read the article as fast as I could learning
about how he grew up in Leeds in England.
Poor and how he trained five hours a day every single day and
trained and trained and trained. Then he finally became mr great
Britain and then became mr universe. Then he won a second mr
universe title in the third Mister universe title, and then all of a
sudden he landed in Rome in gender Chitta doing Hercules movies.
It does that read. I became more and more certain. I had that vision
very clearly laid out. To be a champion under the same stage where
he wanted the mr universe and then the move to America. Think it
did two movies from that moment on everything that they did, no
matter how hard I had to work or how much I had to struggle, it
didn't matter because I knew what the purpose was and I found my
Always discover your vision and the rest will follow. Now my
second, my second rule is never ever thinks small. You have to go
and shoot for the stars. I didn't just think about being in movies. No,
I wanted to be a movie style. I wanted to have a ball off the title
building. I wanted to become the highest paid at the Tyner.
I basically wanted to be another John Wayne. What's wrong with
that? Never think small. Think big. The third rule is ignore the
naysayers. I think it is natural. There've been, you have a big vision
and big dreams and you have big goals that people are going to say
around you. I don't think it can be done.
I think it's impossible. I mean, it started right away when it was 15
years old and that became a bodybuilder, right? And if the top, and I
said, I want to be a world champion and bodybuilding, I wanted to
be missed on universe. They immediately say, are you crazy?
Bodybuilding is an American sport. Forget about it.
It's nuts. Then men, they wanted to go into show business after I
won 13 world championship titles in bodybuilding, I said, I want to
be like rich pop. I want to be a Hercules. I want to get into movies.
Well, I tell you, when I met those agents and managers, their
reaction was, Oh, I know that. It's so funny.
You want it to be what? A leading man. Oh, come on. I mean, look,
uh, first of all, let's start with your body. You're gigantic. You're like
a monster and then your accent. Oh, it gives me the chills. Just
listening to your chairman. Bullshit. Come on now. Have you ever
seen an international movie star with a German accent?
It doesn't happen. Forget about that. And then you named, what is it,
Watson schnitzel or something like that. People are gonna storm the
fear that the movie houses because she wants to shit. See, starting in
the movie. Oh yeah. I can see that already. Imagine that every way I
turn they said, no, it won't happen.
It's not going to happen and forget about it. Luckily, I did not listen.
Instead of taking acting classes, English classes, even accent removal
classes, I ran around all day saying lines like. Fine wine Rose in a
bind. All of a sudden I got a little break over, sudden I got the TV
show, a little pot, then another little pot, and then pumping on and
stay hungry.
And then of course I ended the big role of Conan the barbarian. So
finally I got the big, big break. I didn't know what was so interesting
about it was the director said that the press conference, if we
wouldn't have had Watson that gun with those muscles, you would
have had to build one. And then when I did Terminator changes
camera and sets the RP Backlund became one of the most famous
movie mines in history because of Arnold's crazy accent, because he
sounded up like a machine.
So as you see, everything that the naysayers said was a liability
became an asset. Ignore. The naysayers. The fourth rule is work
your ass off. You never want to fail because you didn't grow. Called
enough. It doesn't matter in what area you're in. No pain, no gain.
Listen, man, I came to the United States. I remember that I trained
five hours a day every day, and that was managing a construction
I was a brick layer and I went to college also, and I took acting
classes from . Eight o'clock at nights to 12 o'clock midnight every
day at the Dutch. Grew up your butt off. That's what I always police.
No matter what you do, Brooke, Brooke, Brooke, May 5th and last
rule is don't just take, give something back, tear down that mirror
that makes you always look at yourself and you will be able to look
beyond that neuro and you will see the millions and millions of
people that need you to help.
And this is why I advised to take every opportunity that I could to
give something back. I started training special Olympians. I started
afterschool programs for the most vulnerable children, for inner city
children, to make them be able to say no to drugs, no to gangs, and
no to violence. We all can create change, whether it is now
neighborhood or in our local schools is the bottom line is it is up to
Have a vision. Thank big. Ignore the naysayers, work your ass off
and give back and change the world because if not us, who? If not
now, when.

So, you read it all. Good!!!

Now, rather than saying anything just remember

"Do it for you and you only! You'll definitely get whatever you crave
for ❤."


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