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Essential Choir Warm-Ups
For demonstrations, go to YouTube and search for
"Music Ministry 101 Choir Warmups"

1. Physical Warm-Up Routine

Stand as you are able, stretch upwards with arms,
lean left, lean right, roll shoulders, lean head to both sides for
neck stretch, shake out, massage face, BIG face, small face

2. Posture Alignment
Lean over from the waste, let upper body relax downward
Roll up slowly to vertical posture
Rock left and right until they can settle in the center
Rock forward and backward until settling in the center

3. Call and Response

Tell singers to "repeat after me"
Perform a simple rhythm in 4/4 time with sounds like "ch" "t" or "sh"
Ask the singers to repeat the rhythm (in time) to wake up the breath
support muscles. Use clear and aggressive sounds for best results.

4. Timed Breathing
Ask choir to "breathe in for 4, hiss out for 4"
Ask choir to pace their hissing so they run out of air by the end
Change the numbers, for example: "breathe in for 2, hiss out for 8"

5. "Mee Meh Mah Moh Moo"

Start at G4 (in the Key of C)
Aim/listen for clarity of vowels
Go up or down by half steps

Become a master Choir Director. Go to:
For demo, go to YouTube and search: "Music Ministry 101 Choir Warmups"

6. "Vee Ah"
Start at C4 (in the Key of C)
Aim/listen for vowels and smoothness
Go up or down by half steps

7. "How High is the Sky" Arpeggio

Start at G4 (in the Key of C)
Aim/listen for smoothness
Go up or down by half steps
Or: "How low is the flo" or "I love to sing"

8. Diction Warm Up
Articulate words clearly
Check for clear vowels/consonants
Example: Check for "th" of "teeth"
Or: "Peanut butter M&M's I like"

9. Vocal Sigh/Siren
Ask choir to "take a deep, low breath", then:
On an "ah" vowel, sing a large sigh up and down
Make sure to go through entire range (top and bottom)
Secondly, make a siren sound which goes higher & higher 3 times

10. Intonation Warm Up

Sing the following chord on "Mah"
Move up and down by half step
Show direction with up/down arrows
Check for tuning of octaves/fifths/thirds

Bonus "Mind" Warm Up! Up to 4... Up to 5...

Sing "Frère Jacques" with numbers up to 4
Then, sing it again up to 5, 7 or 9!

Become a master Choir Director. Go to:

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