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Form A • Extra Reading

1. Reading
A Read the article quickly. Check (✓) the statements that are true.
1. Acupuncture is an old way to help people and animals.
2. Acupuncture can help people and animals.
3. Acupuncture is practiced only in China.

B Read the article slowly. Check your answers in Part A.

You Should Try

Are you afraid of needles? You
shouldn’t be! Acupuncture is a
very old health practice that uses
needles. The Chinese used fish
bones for acupuncture needles
more than 5,000 years ago.
Today, people around the world
who are looking for natural
ways to stay healthy and feel
good choose acupuncture.
Acupuncture is used for
headaches, back pain, allergies,
and much more, but it can
also help people with mental
problems. Needles are carefully placed to improve the flow of the
body’s energy force, or “Qi.” The best thing is that it doesn’t hurt!

Acupuncture is not only for people. What should you do when

your pet doesn’t feel well? You should try acupuncture for
animals. It goes back more than 3,000 years and is very popular.
Today there are 150,000 animal doctors in the U.S. that are trained
in acupuncture. In North Carolina, one animal doctor’s dog was
unable to move for five days. After four hours of acupuncture, the
dog was able to stand! The next time you or your pet gets sick,
how about trying acupuncture?

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Form A • Extra Reading
C Match the words to the correct meanings.
1. natural (adj.) a. smooth, continuous movement
2. healthy (adj.) b. not sick
3. place (v.) c. not able
4. improve (v.) d. not man-made
5. flow (n.) e. to put something somewhere
6. Qi (n.) f. the body’s energy force
7. unable (adj.) g. to make better

D Circle the correct answers.

1. Acupuncture uses .
a. energy forces b. needles c. fish bones
2. Acupuncture is a to feel good.
a. natural way b. hurtful way c. new way
3. Acupuncture is helpful for problems.
a. physical b. mental c. physical and mental
4. Acupuncture helps the of “Qi,” or the body’s energy force.
a. be stopped b. hurt c. flow
5. can try acupuncture as a natural way to feel better.
a. Only people b. People and animals c. Dogs, but not cats
6. Animal acupuncture is more than years old.
a. 3,000 b. 5,000 c. 150,000

E What do you think? Answer the questions.

1. Do you think people should try acupuncture? Why or why not?

2. Would you like to try it? Why or why not?

3. What do you think is healthier, taking medicine or having acupuncture? Why?

4. When you don’t feel well, do you like to try new or old ways to feel better? Why?

5. Do you believe that acupuncture works for animals as well as people? Why or
why not?

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Form A • Extra Reading

2. Writing
A Think about a natural remedy you and your family use when you do not
feel well. Answer the questions.
1. What is the remedy?

2. What health problems do you use the remedy for?

3. How do you make it? How do you take it?

4. How did you find out about it?

5. When was the last time you tried it? Did you feel better?

B Write an article for a Web site about natural remedies.

Use the information in Part A to help you.

My remedy is . I use it when

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