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Criterion A_ Aiv


- Feedback and wrap up _ 15 mins

- Concept_ Aiv Design brief

- Goal_ Summarise your findings/inspirations (Aii and Aiii)

- Work time_ 50 mins today

In other words ...

We have collected, analysed and understood all the info about the
problem, the target audience and the client.
We can demonstrate our capabilities to our client with our approach
to the problem and why we are the best designers for this situation.

We have found all the information needed to solve our questions.

We have the main answers for our questions about: the product itself,
skills, client, target audience, sustainability wise and weather wise...

We have examined on detail existing products, existing solutions,

existing structures… to see what is currently working and what isn’t.
We can get inspiration from our analysis: things to incorporate into
our projects and things to avoid. 3
So now… what?
You would have collected a great deal of data that requires analysis and
summary to inform the design of the solution and be useful.
You have to write a perfect summary mainly focused on A2 and A3.
You should close your summary with your conclusion and understanding
of the situation.

General guidelines when writing design brief

1- Organize the info collected in A2-A3.
A2- Answers to the questions you asked.
A3- Clarify desirable and essential features of a solution.

2- Summarise your research findings

3- Outline benefits and broad requirements and recommendations.
Lesson 4 - Design Brief Aiv
Mention your A1 maximum in 2-3 lines as an introduction.

You have to include references to the global context, SOI and T.A

It’s a need to include the findings after A2 and the A3 takeaways BUT you
cannot copy directly the info from A2 or your Appendix → this is a summary

A template is not provided. You can create a combo: essay format with
some bullet points parts. Or you can present an essay format strand.

1 page to summarize findings from A2 and A3.

1 Provide just a summary of the relevant information after your research. Do not include all
the findings.

2 Justify your findings with connections to your target audience, your goal and your
inspirations needed.

3 Do not forget to list the expected outcomes or key parts (you can use bullet points for this

4 Include new sentences to explain and justify your research: Do not copy-paste information
from your table (Aii) or your analysis (Aiii).
Constructing my Design Brief Aiv

Restate your aim/goal

Summary of Aii and Aiii (only

relevant information)

Outline the must-haves and how it

can improve the community and
Design Brief_ Rubric

3-4 5-6


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