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Ushtrim me boshlleqe

Mbush boshlleqet

Q. Your mention about amongst between for from in into of

onto under with Brisbane brings us back about amongst

between for from in into of onto under with your career in

Australia. You’d had an excellent career in Sydney, but you

took the leap to come about amongst between for from in

into of onto under with a university like the University of

Queensland. At least, that’s my impression about amongst

between for from in into of onto under with it. And you built

a new building. Could you tell us a bit about amongst

between for from in into of onto under with your

experiences in Brisbane?

Oh well, I was the first person they’d had about amongst

between for from in into of onto under with a chair of

physical chemistry. And TGH Jones was the very university-

active person who had been head of the department about

amongst between for from in into of onto under with a

good number of years. Originally the University of Queensland

had been downtown, where the University of Technology now

is, and when it moved to the St Lucia site a new building about

amongst between for from in into of onto under with the

Chemistry Department had been put up there. In fact, part

about amongst between for from in into of onto under with

the original stonework was used for the chemistry building. But,

about amongst between for from in into of onto under with

its rectangular-shaped block, one quarter was omitted, still

blank. The idea in TGH Jones’ mind was that we would build

physical chemistry about amongst between for from in into

of onto under with that quarter to match the rest about

amongst between for from in into of onto under with the

building. That aroused such antagonism about amongst

between for from in into of onto under with all the other staff

– you know, ‘This new fellow’s getting a new thing and we’ve
got this old thing,’ – that in the end I said about amongst

between for from in into of onto under with him, ‘Why don’t

we try to get a complete new building?’ He thought, ‘Why don’t

we?’ and in one interview he brought it off! So we got a new

building entirely, for everybody, not just about amongst

between for from in into of onto under with the new physical


Q. The change in the University of Queensland since then has

been enormous, not just in the buildings but also, I think,

about amongst between for from in into of onto under with

its international reputation.

It’s improved steadily all the time, yes. Recently there have

been two research institutes, one about amongst between

for from in into of onto under with ANU (Australian National

University) and one from Melbourne University that have been

bought up and transferred holus-bolus into Brisbane. And I see

that John Mattick, who was head of the Institute about

amongst between for from in into of onto under with

Molecular Bioscience, was elected about amongst between

for from in into of onto under with the Academy of Science

just the other day. I’ve never met him, but I wrote to him about

amongst between for from in into of onto under with my

congratulations and said that it was long, long overdue. He

wrote an appreciative note back.

Q. It’s a great thing to see the university so strong.

Well, about amongst between for from in into of onto

under with John Hay’s vice-chancellorship there was

tremendous growth about amongst between for from in into

of onto under with research funds, and a lot from outside any

governments. A man called Feeney has given hundreds of

millions and a lot of that was fed about amongst between for

from in into of onto under with molecular bioscience, all that

side of things.
Q. It shows much about amongst between for from in into

of onto under with the advantage of the state of Queensland,

about amongst between for from in into of onto under with

my view.

Yes. I have always felt that the Academy’s method of electing

fellows showed terrible state discrimination, year after year.

One year I got Peter Beattie, the then premier of Queensland,

to write about amongst between for from in into of onto

under with the Academy officers about it. It resulted in five

Queensland places that year, compared about amongst

between for from in into of onto under with the average of

one about amongst between for from in into of onto under

with four years.

Q. But all meritorious, I trust.

Oh, they were meritorious – of course they were. But there is

still state weighting of selection committees in favour of

Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. I had the statisticians work it

all out. There is an enormous correlation about amongst

between for from in into of onto under with state

representation on the selection committee and the states of

those elected. I would have liked to see an experiment in which

state weighting was set aside about amongst between for

from in into of onto under with one year, to see what



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