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Duhok Polytechnic University

Shekhan Technical Collage

Health .
Department:Public Health
Stage; 2th

Discuss the role of public health professional in the
Shekhan health sector and strategies to enhance
community health.

Prepared By : saad Anter Ahmad

The role of public health professionals in the shekan health sector
has become increasingly significant as communities around the
world face various health challenges. The shekan health sector
refers to the area of public health that focuses on addressing the
unique health concerns and needs of vulnerable populations,
often characterized by low socio-economic status and limited
access to healthcare services. Public health professionals play a
crucial role in promoting community health by implementing
strategies and interventions aimed at improving health outcomes,
reducing health disparities, and empowering individuals and
communities to take control of their own health. This essay will
discuss the essential role of public health professionals in the
shekan health sector and explore strategies to enhance
community health in these underserved populations. By
examining the challenges and potential solutions, we can gain a
comprehensive understanding of how to best address the health
needs of vulnerable communities.
The Role of Public Health Professionals in the Shekan Health
One of the primary strategies employed by public health
professionals in the shekan health sector is the implementation of
health promotion programs. These programs aim to educate and
empower individuals within the community to make healthier
choices and adopt healthier behaviors. For instance, public health
professionals may organize workshops or community campaigns
that highlight the importance of regular exercise, proper nutrition,
and the importance of regular health check-ups. By providing
individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to prioritize
their health, public health professionals can effectively enhance
community health. Additionally, public health professionals also
play a crucial role in the development and implementation of
policies aimed at improving community health. This can involve
advocating for policies that promote a healthier environment, such
as laws restricting smoking in public places or regulations that
promote clean air and water. These strategies not only aim to
prevent health issues but also create a supportive environment
that encourages individuals to make healthier choices. In
conclusion, public health professionals have an essential role in
the shekan health sector by implementing health promotion
programs and advocating for policies that enhance community
Strategies to Enhance Community Health
In conclusion, public health professionals play a crucial role in the
development and improvement of the Shekan health sector. By
addressing the unique challenges and issues faced by the
community, these professionals can effectively promote and
enhance community health. Through their expertise in health
education, policy development, and disease prevention, public
health professionals can devise strategies to tackle prevalent
health issues such as malnutrition, infectious diseases, and
inadequate sanitation facilities. Additionally, they can work
towards implementing sustainable programs that empower and
educate the community members to take control of their own
health. By combining their knowledge with the use of innovative
technologies, public health professionals can ensure that the
Shekan community receives efficient and appropriate healthcare
services. Furthermore, collaborating with various stakeholders
including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and
local leaders is vital to working towards common goals and
bridging gaps in the healthcare system. By leveraging these
partnerships, public health professionals can create a
comprehensive and integrated approach to community health
improvement in the Shekan sector.
Top( 9 )Essential Functions of Public Health
1-creating Awareness
2-Monitoring Community Health
3-Identifying the Prevailing Health Issues in the
4-Initiating ducational Programs
5-Designing Health Service Delivery
6-Making Policies and regulatory Initiatives
7-conducting Community Wellness
8-Conducting Researches to Find Solution For Serious ,
9-Providing Counseling to the Needy

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