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Digital Electronics and Computer Organization


Q.1- Draw the memory hierarchy structure and mark the arrow from low to high (speed) and
high to low (cost).
Q.2- Differentiate volatile and Nonvolatile memory.
Q.3- Explain operational flow Chart
Q.4- Simplify the following functions by K-Map
i)- Y=B’D+A’BD’

ii)- Y=AB +BC+AB’C

Q.5- Explain The Half adder? Implement the full adder using two half adders.
Q.6- Convert the following numbers
i) (5062)10 = ( )2
ii) (672)8= ( )16
iii) (98.46)10 = ( )2
iii) (101110.01)2=( )8
Q.7- Draw the symbols and write the truth tables of the various logic gates.
Q.8- Discuss the concept of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
Q.9- Discuss the concept of Parallel Processing Explain Pipeline.
Q.10- Explain Modes of Transfer.

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