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Nama : Sahrul Muhibbin

Nim :210102287

Kelas :2 G

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh.maaf buk tiang minta maaf karna tidak bisa menulis
pake tangan,karna jempol tangan kanan tiang sakit buk.mohon maaf sekali lagi buk🙏🙏.dibawah ini
pengalaman saya bermain PS 2 bersama sahabat saya dulu


The two friends I invited were, Tomi and Warso.They are my age so we were both on vacation, but the
three of us came from different schools.

For matters of playing ball games, we are commensurate. We have overthrown and overthrown one
another.Indeed, the three of us are the best PES players among other friends. Not infrequently, the little
ones from other villages also tried to compete with us.

It's no coincidence that we are skilled at playing this ball game, because we've been playing since
elementary school, either in our rental or in our house.The first match of the day was me against Tomi. I
chose Bayern Munich even though Tomi uses Real Madrid.The match was very exciting, both I and Tomy
both had many opportunities.

Unfortunately, until the first half ended there were no goals that we could create. The second half is
still going well.When the second half was almost over, my defender made a pass error so the ball landed
at the opponent's feet, precisely at Ronaldo's feet.

Tomi did not waste the opportunity, Ronaldo quickly broke through to the penalty box.My defender is
not capable of chasing Ronaldo. Finally Tomi considered placing the ball at the near post, eventually
scoring.Tomi shouted with joy celebrating the goal, although I regretted not being careful with the
pass.Until the final whistle sounded I was unable to equalize. In the first game I lost 1-0.

The game immediately continued to the second match between Tomi and Warso. While waiting for
them to play I read my favorite soccer manga, Giant Killing.When I wait my turn to play it feels like it's a
long time, very different when I'm playing, time feels like it goes by so fast.After waiting for a while,
finally the second match ended with a score of 3-1 for Warso's victory.


Whereas before, the match immediately continued. This time I fought Warso. Warso consistently uses
his flagship team, Barcelona. I I tried another team is Chelsea.In this match I was quite lucky because
Messi and Neymar were not in a good mental situation (blue arrow).although my players are in a better
mental state, Hazard and Costa are in their best (red arrow).I sort of dominate the match, so Warso
defends more. After experiencing almost half the attack in the first half, Warso's goal finally broke.In the
second half I managed to add 3 more goals, although Warso replied 1 goal. So the final score is 4-1 for
my win.

The fourth match immediately rolled between me and Tomi. I'm considering consistently using
Chelsea.Because he did not expect to lose momentum, while Tomi used Manchester City. My match
with Tomi was very fierce, but I managed to win narrowly with a score of 3-2.Until the evening we
continued to play in turns and ended until before sunset.For today, I have won the most with 8 wins.
Followed by Warso with 7 wins and finally Tomi with 6 wins.

Why can I remember?

Except it's the culture of the three of us to record the results every time we play together.This is the
excitement of playing ball games with friends, even though you win or lose, it feels consistently fun.Not
that there is always a joke that comes out while playing. Countless times we burst out laughing all day.
Filling the tour by playing games with friends is fun.

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