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Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1999; 119: 880 – 885

Middle Ear Pressure: Effect of Body Position and Sleep


From the Department of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Di6ision of Audiology, Uni6ersity Hospital, Malmoe, Uni6ersity of Lund, Sweden

Tideholm B, Brattmo M, Carlborg B. Middle ear pressure: effect of body position and sleep. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh)
1999; 119: 880 – 885.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether a middle ear (ME) pressure rise noted during sleep is an effect of the
recumbent position, the state of sleep or Eustachian tube (ET) function, respectively. Eleven subjects with no history of
ear disease were subjected to continuous, 24-h, direct ME pressure measurements and tubal function tests, respectively.
At the start of the measurements the subjects were in the erect position. This position was maintained for at least 2 h
(during which they were permitted to conduct normal everyday activities). The subjects then rested in the recumbent
position for at least 2 h, after which they again resumed the erect position with normal activities for a period of at least
2 h. Then the subjects went to sleep in the recumbent position. A mean pressure rise in the ME of 36.4 daPa was seen
during sleep compared with being awake in the same position. The rise was not caused by tubal opening and active
insufflation of air via the ET. The number of tubal openings was significantly fewer during sleep compared with resting
awake and the erect position, respectively. The ME pressure was not significantly different in the erect position compared
with the recumbent position while resting awake. Tubal function tests demonstrated results in accordance with normal
tubal function for all subjects. In conclusion, the state of sleep induced a ME pressure rise, not the recumbent position
per se. These findings support the significance of a two-directional gas diffusion for regulation of the ME pressure. Key
words: pressure regulation, gas diffusion.

INTRODUCTION demonstrated a ME pressure rise in the recumbent

Several investigations have demonstrated that a posi- position in awake patients with presumed ET ob-
tive middle ear (ME) pressure may arise sponta- struction due to common cold (10). In their study the
neously in the recumbent position during the night or change in posture had no significant effect on ME
early in the morning (1 – 3). The physiological mecha- pressure in healthy subjects. In previous investiga-
nism for such a phenomena is not fully understood tions we confirmed a ME pressure rise of low rate
(4). The finding may have important implications, during the night in the recumbent position (3). How-
since it seems incompatible with the traditional con- ever, it was not possible to evaluate whether the effect
cept of ME pressure regulation and the role of the was related to the body position or the sleeping
Eustachian tube (ET). The classic theory ‘‘hydrops ex condition. In order to study the association between a
vacuo’’ would need to be modified or replaced by a pressure change and a specific activity, body position,
more complex model of a two-directional gas diffu- sleep, tubal openings or a combination of factors it
sion over the ME mucosa (3, 5 – 7). However, there seems essential to monitor the ME pressure continu-
are still many questions. A spontaneously arising ME ously during physiological conditions that are as
pressure has been reported from studies with inter- normal as possible. Such a method is available and
mittent and indirect recordings of the pressure (1, 2, has previously been described in detail (11).
8). The effect occurred seemingly without contribu- The aim of this study was to establish whether a
tion from the ET. To exclude such a possibility, ME pressure rise during the night is an effect of the
direct, continuous measurements would be required. recumbent position per se, an effect of sleep or a of
Although meticulous, intermittent and indirect stud- change in tubal function. The ME pressure was
ies cannot fully exclude the possibility of an ET effect recorded in the erect and recumbent position in the
contributing to the pressure rise. Tympanometry per- awake and sleeping state during the night.
formed intermittently during the night is also likely to
have been associated with a variable state of sleep
and awareness among the patients (1, 2, 8). The ME MATERIALS AND METHODS
gas composition, which is claimed to be a key factor Eleven healthy subjects were selected with the follow-
for the ME pressure rise, has been extensively studied ing criteria: no history of ear disease; no current or
in anaesthetized animals (9). Moreover, changes in previous ear disease during adult life, but childhood
gas composition related to a ME pressure increase secretory or acute otitis media was accepted; normal
during the night is yet to be verified in the normal history of ME pressure equilibration during flying
human ME. Also, it is unclear whether a pressure rise and diving; hearing threshold level (PTA) better than
is related to the recumbent position, sleep or a combi- 20 dB HL; normal tympanometry and otomicro-
nation of sleep and body position. Knight et al. scopy.

© 1999 Scandinavian University Press. ISSN 0001-6489

Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 119 Middle ear pressure 881

The mean age of the subjects was 28 years (range 1. erect position during at least 2 h of normal activ-
24–44 years). A small myringotomy was made in the ities, followed by;
tympanic membrane. A small drop of 90% phenol 2. recumbent position for at least 2 h while staying
was used as topical anaesthesia. fully awake, followed by;
Continuous 24 h ME pressure measurements and 3. erect position during at least 2 h of normal activ-
tubal function tests were performed in all 11 subjects. ities, followed by;
The method for ME pressure measurement was de- 4. sleep in the recumbent position for the night.
veloped by our group and has been described previ-
A notation protocol was used for entering the
ously in detail (11). A commercial ear protector
exact time of each change in body position and for
(Comfit®) with tubing was tightly fitted deep into the entering the estimated time of falling asleep as exactly
external ear canal. The tubing was coupled to a as possible. The measurements occurred while ambu-
piezo-electric pressure transducer ( SenSym®). The latory and off clinic.
transducer was connected to an instrument amplifier Otomicroscopy was performed 3 weeks after the
and via a low pass filter to an 8 bit AD-converter. measurement for evaluation of the iatrogenic perfora-
The pressure resolution was 3.9 daPa. When evaluat- tion of the tympanic membrane.
ing the tubal function with requirements of very high The investigation was approved by the Research
temporal resolution, equipment was used with a sam- Committee on Ethics, University of Lund, Sweden
pling rate of 18.2 Hz. (LU 185–93).
For continuous long-term pressure measurements
the equipment included a crystal-driven clock and a Analysis
digital memory. The sampling rate was 1.25 Hz and The entire pressure recordings were examined in de-
the sampling interval was 0.8 s. This was previously tail and correlated to the exact time of changes in
found adequate for detecting pressure changes ex- body position, resting and sleep as given by the
ceeding 3.9 daPa during 0.8 s (11). Thus, significant notation protocols of the subjects. Pressure equilibra-
rapid pressure changes could be detected and low rate tion or tubal opening during the 24 h measurements
pressure trends analysed in detail. The requirements was defined as a rapid pressure change \ 10 daPa
of temperature and baseline stability were well met towards ambient pressure, resulting in a new tran-
(11). The apparatus measuring 120×60 × 35 mm was siently stable pressure level. The mean pressure for
conveniently worn in a specially designed chest har- each hour of the measurement was calculated using
ness. The capacity of the memory was sufficient for the area under the graph. An hour was split into
27 h of continuous pressure recording. The connec- 1,200 equal portions and a mean value for each hour
tions of the tubing were checked regularly and signs was calculated from this. The difference in pressure
of leakage were objectively tested before and after between erect, resting and sleeping conditions respec-
each experiment by inducing a standard pressure tively was calculated. Wilcoxon signed rank test was
change into the ME (11). used for the statistical calculations. A value of p5
Each subject was initially subjected to tubal func- 0.05 was considered significant.
tion tests and thereafter to continuous ambulatory
pressure measurement for 24 h. Microscopy after the
measurement in each subject were performed in order
to a establish that the myringotomy still was open.
Tubal function tests were performed according to a
test protocol previously described in detail (11, 12).
The tests included Valsalva’s and Toynbee’s manoeu-
vres, powerful sniff provocations, determination of
the opening pressure of the ET and the pressure
equilibration capacity respectively. The opening pres-
sure of the ET was determined by introducing into
the ME a positive pressure at an even rate. The
opening pressure was defined as the level at which a
verified rapid pressure change \ 10 daPa towards
ambient pressure was recorded in the ME.
The continuous long term ME pressure measure-
ments were performed in all 11 subjects according to
the following specific instructions (Fig. 1): Fig. 1. Experimental set-up. The mean ME pressure and
results of the statistical comparison are given.
882 B. Tideholm et al. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 119

The continuous measurements demonstrated a simi-
lar pressure pattern for all subjects but one. This
subject had signs of leakage from the ear canal during
the major part of the recording and was excluded
from the study. The remaining 10 subjects demon-
strated predominantly slow trends of pressure
changes. Few rapid pressure changes, meeting the
criteria of tubal opening in this study, were noted.
The mean number of tubal openings in the erect
position were 9.4/h. In the recumbent position while
resting awake a mean of 8.4/h openings were noted.
Fig. 2. ME pressure during 10 h of continuous measure-
During sleep the mean value was 3.2/h. The number
ments in 10 subjects. Comparison of the mean ME pressure
of tubal openings were significantly fewer during pattern during erect and resting awake conditions (thin line)
sleep compared to erect and resting awake conditions vs the subsequent erect and sleeping conditions (thick line).
respectively (p = 0.014 and p= 0.049, respectively). The graph was calculated using a sliding mean during 5
The number of tubal openings was not significantly min for 10 subjects. The time of change in body position is
illustrated by 0.
different in the erect and resting awake conditions
subjects. Equilibration tests demonstrated that all
The mean pressure for the 2 h of erect position,
subjects could equilibrate + 200 daPa in 5 4 degluti-
preceding the resting condition, was − 7.1 daPa com-
tions. In 2 subjects the ET opened before reaching
pared with −17.0 daPa for the second episode of
+ 200 daPa. The opening pressure of the ET ranged
erect position (Fig. 1). The difference was not statisti-
from 50 to 340 daPa.
cally significant (p = 0.059). The mean pressure for
Equilibration of negative pressure was successful in
the total of 4 h in erect position was − 12.1 daPa.
7 subjects. In one of these subjects the ET was
The mean pressure for the 2 h of resting awake in
spontaneously opened before reaching − 200 daPa.
recumbent position was −20.1 daPa. A paired com-
Three subjects could not equilibrate − 200 daPa in
parison between the erect and the recumbent awake 54 deglutitions and had to use Valsalva’s manoeu-
conditions revealed no statistically significant pres- vre, i.e. negative test results. Three subjects could
sure difference (p =0.139). change the ME pressure with Toynbee’s manoeuvre.
According to the notation protocols all subjects Only one of the subjects could change the ME pres-
slept in the recumbent position for at least 4 consecu- sure with a powerful sniff.
tive hours. The ME pressure was seen to rise at a At the end of the registrations most subjects re-
slow rate. Few pressure changes indicative of tubal ported a mild discomfort from the ear. The investiga-
openings occurred. But shortly after an opening the tion did not result in any side-effects such as infection
ME pressure again started to rise at a slow rate. The in the ME or in the ear canal. All tympanic mem-
mean pressure for the first 2 h after going to sleep in brane perforations were healed within 3 weeks.
the recumbent position was +15.9 daPa compared
with +16.8 daPa for the subsequent 2 h of sleep
(Fig. 1). There was no significant difference and the DISCUSSION
mean pressure for the first 4 h of sleep was +16.3 A positive pressure spontaneously arising in the ME
daPa. during the night has been reported in several investi-
A paired comparison between the 4 h in erect gations using different methods (1, 3, 8, 13). The
position and 4 h of sleep revealed a significantly underlying mechanisms have not been fully clarified,
higher pressure during sleep (p =0.007). The differ- and it is unclear whether the pressure rise is related to
ence in mean pressure was 28.4 daPa. A significantly the recumbent position during the night, the state of
higher pressure during sleep was demonstrated also in sleep, changes in ET function or ME gas composition
a paired comparison with the recumbent position respectively. A spontaneous pressure rise not related
while resting awake (p =0.009) (Fig. 2). The differ- to tubal openings or active insufflation of air via the
ence in mean pressure was 36.4 daPa. ET may have important implications for the theory
Results from the tubal function tests are summa- of ME pressure regulation. Thus, it is of importance
rized in Table I. All 10 subjects were able to perform to elucidate this phenomena by continuous, direct
Valsalva’s manoeuvre. A direct pressure rise to ap- ME pressure measurements under circumstances as
proximately 500 daPa was detected in the ME of all close to normal as possible, i.e. ambulatory with no
Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 119 Middle ear pressure 883

restrictions on normal everyday and night-time activ- change the ME pressure. The pressure results from
ities. A limited number of subjects were used in this these healthy subjects are in accordance with our
study. But, the results seem representative for a group results.
of subjects with normal ME function. The subjects This investigation demonstrated a mean pressure
were selected according to the same criteria as used in rise in ME during the night while the subjects were
the previous study of long term ME pressure in sleeping in the recumbent position. The pressure rise
normal subjects (3). A comparison between the two was significant compared with the erect as well as the
studies demonstrated similar results for tubal func- recumbent position when the subjects were resting
tion tests as well as for the long-term pressure pattern awake. The pressure increase was not related to
during the erect and sleeping conditions, respectively differences in body position, since this was similar
(3). when resting awake and sleeping. Neither can the rise
The present investigation confirmed previous re- be attributed to differences in pre-experimental ME
sults of a slight negative ME pressure in erect posi- pressure levels, since there was no significant pressure
tion and added the information of a slight mean difference before going to rest and before going to
negative ME pressure also in the recumbent position sleep. The pressure rise during the night was of slow
while subjects were resting awake. There was no rate, not compatible with an effect of tubal opening
statistically significant pressure difference. For vari- and active insufflation of room air. The increase
ous reasons a pressure rise might have been expected seemed to start after each tubal opening, a pattern
when resting awake in the recumbent position, e.g. not normally seen when the subjects were awake (3).
presumed reduction in tubal openings, venous con- The number of tubal openings was significantly fewer
gestion in the ME mucosa and pressure equipment during sleep compared with the other two conditions.
sensitive to positional changes (14, 15). However, the It is our belief that diminished tubal ventilation dur-
number of tubal openings, as defined in the study was ing sleep is not the cause of the pressure rise, but that
not significantly different in the 2 separate conditions. it helped to reveal the process. A plausible explana-
The pressure sensor used reads pressure relative to tion for a pressure rise during sleep might be given by
ambient pressure and consequently is not influenced differences in blood gas composition in the resting
by changes in body position. Further, venous conges- and sleeping conditions (17–19).
tion in the recumbent position, reported by others, A ME pressure increase associated with few tubal
did not significantly influence the mean ME pressure openings seems to indicate a positive turnover of gas
(16). One previous investigation has reported on a in the ME cavity during sleep. A two-directional gas
pressure increase in patients awake in the recumbent diffusion over the ME mucosa is likely to occur. It
position (10). The results were obtained from patients has been demonstrated that pulmonal ventilation falls
with common cold and a presumed ET obstruction. by approximately 20% during sleep leading to a slight
The patients were restrained to the location of the decrease in PaO2 and elevation of PaCO2 (17, 18).
investigation and the ME pressure measured indi- There is a minor ventilation/perfusion mismatch in
rectly and intermittently with tympanometry. In their the lung. This mismatch increases in the recumbent
study five healthy subjects were also investigated, and position. However, functional residual capacity de-
in all of them postural change did not significantly creases and diffusing capacity increases in normal

Table I. Results from tubal function tests in 10 subjects. ME pressure in daPa. Positi6e (Pos): the pro6ocation
altered the ME pressure; negati6e (Neg): the pro6ocation did not alter the ME pressure.
Equilibration test

Sub Valsalva Toynbee Sniff +200 −200 Opening pressure (daPa)

1 Pos Neg Neg Pos Pos 270

2 Pos Neg Neg Pos Pos 120
3 Pos Pos Neg Pos Pos 310
4 Pos Pos Neg Pos Pos 270
5 Pos Neg Neg Pos Neg 280
6 Pos Neg Neg Pos Neg 320
7 Pos Neg Neg Pos Neg 340
8 Pos Neg Neg Pos Pos 320
9 Pos Neg Neg Pos Pos 310
10 Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos 50
884 B. Tideholm et al. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 119

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Fax: + 46 40-337066
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