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Psychoneuroendocrinology (2010) 35, 47—55

a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / p s y n e u e n

Neural mechanisms underlying changes

in stress-sensitivity across the menstrual cycle
Lindsey Ossewaarde a,*, Erno J. Hermans a,b, Guido A. van Wingen a,b,
Sabine C. Kooijman a, Inga-Maj Johansson c,
Torbjörn Bäckström c, Guillén Fernández a,b

Radboud University Nijmegen, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Department of Neurology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Umeå Neurosteroid Research Center, Department of Clinical Science, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Umeå, Sweden

Received 3 July 2009; received in revised form 19 August 2009; accepted 20 August 2009

KEYWORDS Summary Hormonal fluctuations across the menstrual cycle are thought to play a central role
Menstrual cycle; in premenstrual mood symptoms. In agreement, fluctuations in gonadal hormone levels affect brain
Stress; processes in regions involved in emotion regulation. Recent findings, however, implicate psycho-
Amygdala; logical stress as a potential mediating factor and thus, we investigated whether effects of moderate
Medial prefrontal cortex; psychological stress on relevant brain regions interact with menstrual cycle phase. Twenty-eight
Allopregnanolone; healthy women were tested in a crossover design with menstrual cycle phase (late luteal versus late
fMRI follicular) and stress (stress induction versus control) as within-subject factors. After stress
induction (or control), we probed neural responses to facial expressions using fMRI. During the
late luteal phase, negative affect was highest and the stress-induced increase in heart rate was
mildly augmented. fMRI data of the control condition replicate previous findings of elevated
amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex responses when comparing the late luteal with the late
follicular phase. Importantly, stress induction had opposite effects in the two cycle phases, with
unexpected lower response magnitudes in the late luteal phase. Moreover, the larger the increase in
allopregnanolone concentration across the menstrual cycle was, the smaller the amygdala and
medial prefrontal cortex responses were after stress induction in the late luteal phase. Our findings
show that moderate psychological stress influences menstrual cycle effects on activity in the
emotion regulation circuitry. These results provide potential insights into how fluctuations in
allopregnanolone that naturally occur during the menstrual cycle may change stress vulnerability.
# 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author at: Radboud University Nijmegen, Donders 1. Introduction

Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Centre for Cognitive
Neuroimaging, P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Tel.: +31 024 3666274; fax: +31 024 3610989. Several psychiatric disorders are associated with periods of
E-mail address: instability in the hormonal milieu across the woman’s repro-
(L. Ossewaarde). ductive cycle (Steiner et al., 2003). For example, women

0306-4530/$ — see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
48 L. Ossewaarde et al.

with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) suffer from 2. Materials and methods
symptoms of mood dysregulation only during the late luteal
phase of the menstrual cycle, when progesterone and estra- 2.1. Participants
diol levels are high and declining (Bäckström et al., 1983). It
has been suggested that most of these premenstrual com-
Twenty-eight healthy right-handed women participated in
plaints reported by women with PMDD are related to heigh-
this study (mean age: 22.8 years, range: 18—38 years). None
tened stress-sensitivity (Epperson et al., 2007; Kask et al.,
had used hormonal contraceptives for the previous three
2008). Similar findings have been reported in healthy women.
months and all had regular menstrual cycles (26—32 days
Studies measuring cognitive performance, cardiovascular
over the past year). Participants had no history of psychiatric
reactivity, and secretion of stress hormones like cortisol
disorders (as determined with the Mini International Neurop-
and (nor)epinephrine in response to physical and various
sychiatric Interview, M.I.N.I) (Sheehan et al., 1998) and were
psychological stressors suggest that stress-sensitivity
additionally screened specifically for Premenstrual Dysphoric
increases in the luteal phase as compared to the follicular
Disorder or Premenstrual Syndrome using the Dutch version of
phase (Marinari et al., 1976; Tersman et al., 1991; Kumari and
the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ) (Moos,
Corr, 1998; Moldovanova et al., 2008). These findings suggest
1968). Furthermore, they were all physically healthy and
that menstrual cycle-dependent decreases in stress resili-
free of medication, and reported no MRI contraindications.
ence may prime the development of negative mood symp-
Data of two women were excluded from data analysis due to
toms in the late luteal phase and other periods with high or
excessive head movement during scanning. The study was
declining levels of gonadal hormones. However, the neural
approved by the local ethical review board (CMO Region
interactions that give rise to such menstrual cycle-dependent
Arnhem-Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and all women provided
changes in stress-sensitivity are currently unknown.
written informed consent.
Gonadal hormones may modulate stress-sensitivity by
affecting neural activity in the amygdala and the medial
prefrontal cortex (mPFC) (Shansky et al., 2004; Herman 2.2. Design and procedure
et al., 2005). These brain regions play a major role in
modulating the sympatho-adrenomedullary (nor)adrenergic Women were tested in a crossover design with the counter-
and hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenal (HPA) axis responses to balanced factors menstrual cycle phase (late follicular versus
stress, and are involved in regulating emotion (Gold et al., late luteal; see also Fernández et al. (2003), Weis et al.
2002; Phelps and LeDoux, 2005). Indeed, neuroimaging stu- (2008)) and stress induction (stress versus control condition)
dies have shown that neural responses in these regions to as within subject factors. To ensure relatively stable and low
emotional stimuli change across the menstrual cycle (Proto- levels of endogenous cortisol, the experiment was carried out
popescu et al., 2005; Derntl et al., 2008). One of the candi- after 1400 h. All women were scanned four times on two days
date mechanisms that have been proposed for such effects is during the menstrual cycle, twice in the late follicular phase
through actions of progesterone and its metabolites, most (8—12 days after the onset of menses) and twice in the late
notably the neuroactive steroid allopregnanolone. Such neu- luteal phase (10—14 days after ovulation). For menstrual
rosteroids are potent allosteric modulators of the g-amino- cycle phase verification we obtained prospective self-reports
butyric acid type A (GABA-A) receptor (Belelli and Lambert, about when their menstruation started, ovulation assess-
2005). Consistent with this notion, pharmacological studies ments (as determined by using commercially available ovula-
have shown that exogenous manipulation of progesterone tion predictor kits estimating the LH peak in urine) and
affects neural activity in regions similar to those where cycle- allopregnanolone concentrations. On each testing day, the
dependent changes were observed (van Wingen et al., 2007, second session started after a break of about 100 min.
2008). Therefore, these brain regions may also mediate, via a
GABAergic interaction, the changes in stress-sensitivity 2.3. Stress induction
observed across the menstrual cycle.
In the present study, we therefore investigated whether To induce a stressful state, highly aversive movie clips were
the menstrual cycle modulates the effects of psychological shown immediately before the actual task (Henckens et al.,
stress on functioning of brain areas involved in emotion 2009; Qin et al., 2009; van Marle et al., 2009). These clips
regulation. Neural responses in these regions during the late consisted of scenes of a movie [Irréversible (2002), Gaspar
luteal phase, when women with PMDD are most symptomatic, Noé] containing maximally aggressive behavior and violence
were compared with those in the late follicular phase, when against men and women. For the control condition, neutral
these women are least symptomatic (Sveindottir and Bäck- scenes of another movie were shown [Comment j’ai tué mon
ström, 2000). Strongly aversive movie clips were presented père (2001), Anne Fontaine]. The stressful and the neutral
to induce psychological stress (Qin et al., 2009). To assess the movie clips were similar in the amount of speech, human
effects of stress induction on the sympathetic nervous system (face) presence, luminance, and language.
(SNS) and HPA axis, heart rate was recorded throughout
scanning, and salivary cortisol samples were collected at 2.4. Dynamic facial expression task (DFET)
baseline and at various time delays. Subsequently, respon-
siveness in emotion regulation circuits was probed by pre- Immediately after showing either the stressful or neutral
senting dynamic facial expressions, which robustly elicit movie clip, women passively viewed blocks of faces morphing
neural activity in these regions (Sato et al., 2004). We dynamically from a neutral expression into either an angry,
anticipated interactive effects of menstrual cycle phase happy, or fearful expression. Grayscale photographs of 10
and psychological stress in the aforementioned brain regions. individuals’ faces were taken from standardized sets (Ekman
Menstrual cycle and stress 49

and Friesen, 1976; Lundqvist et al., 1998). For each face and condition obtained from the first level analysis were included
each emotion short computer animated clips were created in subsequent second level analyses treating subjects as
using WinMorph 3.01. Each task run lasted 11.5 min and random variable. A repeated-measures ANOVA was used, with
consisted of 27 blocks of 25 s each: 6 blocks for each emotion menstrual cycle phase (late follicular versus late luteal),
and 9 blocks of low level fixation cross baseline. Each emotion stress (stress induction versus neutral), and emotional
block contained 50 morphing sequences presented at a rate expression (angry versus fear versus happy) as within-subject
of 2 Hz, avoiding repetitions of the same morphing sequence. factors, with non-sphericity corrections for repeated mea-
Sequences started with a 55% emotional expression and sures. Subsequent correlational analyses were performed on
ended with a 100% emotional expression with two intermedi- relevant contrast estimate images using the difference in
ate steps of 70% and 85% in between. Each frame was allopregnanolone level between the late follicular and late
presented for 33 ms. Thus, durations of sequences and inter- luteal phase as a covariate of interest. Statistical thresholds
sequence intervals were 133 ms and 367 ms, respectively. were set at P < 0.05, family wise error (FWE) corrected using
Emotion blocks were presented in a mirrored design avoiding Gaussian Random Field theory (Worsley et al., 1996). A small
covariation with linear drift, and adjacent blocks of the same volume correction (SVC) procedure for a reduced search
emotion or fixation cross were avoided. The order of blocks region was applied for our a priori regions of interest, namely
was counterbalanced across women. Women were instructed the amygdala and mPFC. Specifically, for the amygdala, we
to watch attentively and make a right index finger response applied a spherical search region with a radius of 10 mm
on a button box each time when a fixation block started. This placed on the center of the amygdala with the MNI coordi-
response was recorded to control for attention. nates 20, 6, 16 (x, y, z), as determined based on the
Talairach Atlas (Talairach and Tournoux, 1988). Medial pre-
frontal regions were defined as spheres with 20 mm radii
2.5. MR data acquisition
around previously reported peaks of menstrual cycle effects
in this region (MNI coordinates 3, 51, 18 and 15, 57, 15
MRI scans were collected using a Siemens (Erlangen, Ger-
(x, y, z) (Protopopescu et al., 2005).
many) TIM Trio 3.0 Tesla MRI scanner equipped with an eight
channel phased array head coil. The following scans were 2.7. Subjective and physiological measures of
obtained: Four runs of 363 T2 weighted BOLD images each
(gradient echo EPI, TE/TR: 25/1890 ms, flip angle 808, FOV:
212 mm 212 mm, matrix 64  64, 3 mm slice thickness,
Changes in affect were assessed using the Positive And
0.3 mm slice gap, 37 ascending slices. To reduce signal
Negative Affect Scales (PANAS) (Watson et al., 1988) at three
drop-out and geometric distortions, we used a short TE, an
time points during each test day: at baseline (15 min after
oblique axial angulation (de Zwart et al., 2006), and reduced
arrival), immediately after the first DFET (75 min after arri-
echo-train length by means of factor 2 accelerated GRAPPA
val), and immediately after the last DFET (180 min after
(Griswold et al., 2002). Structural scans were obtained using
arrival) coinciding with collection of saliva samples. To
an MP-RAGE sequence (TE/TR: 2.96/2300 ms, flip angle: 88,
monitor the HPA-axis response, cortisol samples were col-
FOV: 256 mm 256 mm 192 mm, voxel size: 1 mm isotro-
lected using salivette collection devices (Sarstedt, Rommels-
pic, GRAPPA acceleration factor 2).
dorf, Germany). Women were requested not to brush or floss
their teeth or to eat or drink anything but water for 2 h prior
2.6. fMRI data analysis saliva sampling. Salivary sampling consisted of two baseline
measurements (before MRI scanning) and five additional ones
Data were analyzed using Statistical Parametric Mapping (right after the first DFET, 20 min after the DFET which is
software (SPM5; Wellcome Department of Imaging Neu- during the break, right before the last movie, right after the
roscience, London). To allow for T1 equilibration, the first last DFET and 15 min after leaving scanner). All samples were
five EPI-volumes of each run were discarded. The remaining stored at 20 8C until analysis. Samples were prepared for
images were realigned to the first volume, coregistered biochemical analysis by centrifuging at 3000 rpm for 5 min,
to the structural MR image, spatially normalized the stan- which resulted in a clear supernatant of low viscosity. Sali-
dard Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) 152 coordinate vary-free cortisol concentrations were determined employ-
space, resampled into 2 mm 2 mm  2 mm voxels, and ing a chemiluminescence assay (CLIA) with high sensitivity of
smoothed with an isotropic 8-mm full-width half maximum 0.16 ng/ml (IBL, Hamburg, Germany). To assess the sympa-
Gaussian kernel. thetic nervous system response, heart rate (HR) was recorded
Statistical analysis was performed within the framework continuously during exposure to the aversive movie clips and
of the general linear model. For each of the four runs, the the neutral control clips by means of an infrared pulse
experimental conditions (angry, fear, and happy) were oximeter attached to the left index finger. To analyze the
modeled as separate box-car regressors, which were subse- heart rate signal, movement-related and other measurement
quently convolved with the canonical hemodynamic response artifacts were rejected using in-house software. Heart rate
function implemented in SPM5. The six parameters corre- data of four women were discarded because of excessive
sponding to the movement parameters obtained from the movement artifacts in the recorded signal. A commercial MR
realignment procedure were also included in the model, as compatible eye-tracking device (MEyeTrack-LR, Senso Moto-
well as a high-pass filter with a 1/128 Hz cut-off frequency. ric Instruments, Teltow, Germany) was used to monitor
We applied proportional global signal scaling to reduce attentive viewing of the movie scenes and the DFET through-
effects due to global signal variations between scan sessions. out the scan procedure. Reaction time data recorded during
The single subject parameter estimates of each session and the DFET (response latency to the onset of fixation baseline
50 L. Ossewaarde et al.

blocks) were filtered using a 3 standard deviation outlier lated by using spiked saliva samples and was mean 76.2%
removal cut-off. range (62—92%) and the results are compensated for recov-
ery. The intraassay coefficient of variation was 21% in these
2.8. Gonadal hormone sampling and analysis saliva samples.

In order to measure gonadal hormone levels including allo- 3. Results

pregnanolone, 10 ml of saliva was collected at each test day
(5 min after arrival). Saliva was collected in plastic tubes and 3.1. Behavioral and physiological results
kept frozen at 20 8C. At analysis the thawed samples were
centrifuged 15 min 1000  g at 4 8C and the supernatant used
3.1.1. Hormone assessment
for analysis. Saliva collected in the follicular phase, 3.5—
The saliva concentrations of allopregnanolone were higher
12 ml, was analyzed as one sample; while the luteal phase
in the late luteal phase (mean  SD, 0.050  0.016 nmol/l)
collected saliva was divided and analyzed in duplicate (2.2—
than the late follicular phase (mean  SD, 0.035 
7.1 ml/sample). With larger volumes samples were divided
0.010 nmol/l) (t25 = 4.67, P < 0.001). Kolmogorov—Smirnov
into several tubes during the diethyl ether extraction, with a
tests confirmed that the distributions of allopregnanolone
maximum of 3 ml saliva per extraction with 5 ml diethyl
concentrations in the two cycle phases did not deviate
ether. Given the experimental nature and novelty of the
from a normal distribution (both Z < 1). Moreover, distri-
allopregnanolone assessment based on saliva the entire
butions contained no outliers. Note that levels of allopreg-
samples were used for this analysis. Yet, it has been shown
nanolone are tightly linked to levels of progesterone
that progesterone and allopregnanolone levels are closely
(Wang et al., 1996). Although normally estradiol and/or
and positively correlated with each other (Wang et al., 1996).
progesterone levels are used for confirmation of menstrual
cycle phase, these data therefore do indicate that all
2.8.1. High performance liquid chromatography participants were tested during the intended menstrual
(HPLC) cycle phase.
Salivary cortisol was used to assess the HPA-axis stress
The HPLC system consisted of a Waters 1515 Isocratic Pump,
response. A 2 (cycle phase) by 5 (time: five post-baseline
delivering the mobile phase (methanol: water, 60:40, v/v) at
time points) ANOVA revealed a significant downward pattern
a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and a Symmetry C18 3.5 mm
in cortisol for both cycle phases over time (F(4,20) = 12.546,
4.6 mm  75 mm separation column (Waters), heated to
P < 0.01). There were neither main effects of stress induc-
45 8C. Detection of retention times of standards and cross-
tion or menstrual cycle phase, nor interaction effects (all
reacting steroids was validated with spiked samples of saliva
P > 0.05), most likely due to the short delay between the
at 206 nm using a Waters 2487 Dual l Absorbance Detector.
two sessions per cycle day (mean  SD; stress:
The detector output was recorded on a PC-based Waters
3.01  1.53 nmol/l; neutral: 3.13  1.55 nmol/l) and an
Breeze Chromatography Software (version 3.20). In the pre-
anticipatory stress response.
parative HPLC 3 ml fractions were symmetrically collected
around the retention time for allopregnanolone for further
analysis with RIA. No cross-reacting steroids had retention 3.1.2. Negative affect
times close to the collected fraction (Turkmen et al., 2004). We first assessed whether baseline negative affect scores
differed for the two menstrual cycle phases. As expected,
2.8.2. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) baseline scores (15 min after arrival) were higher during the
The allopregnanolone concentration was determined using luteal phase (mean  SD, 12.11  2.20) than during the folli-
an allopregnanolone antiserum commonly used and kindly cular phase (mean  SD, 10.96  1.11) (t27 = 2.78, P < 0.01).
provided by Dr RH Purdy, Department of Physiology and Second, we tested whether stress induction reduced affect
Pharmacology, the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, ratings as intended. Negative affect ratings were higher after
USA (Purdy et al., 1990). The antiserum is raised against the aversive movie clips than after the neutral control clips
3a-hydroxy-20-oxo-5a-pregnan-11-yl carboxymethyl ether (mean  SD, 14.09  3.42 and 12.73  2.68, respectively,
coupled to bovine serum albumin, and used in a dilution of t27 = 2.66, P = 0.01) (Fig. 2). However, this increase in negative
1/5000. The standard curve (range from 0 to 400 pg) and affect did not differ significantly between menstrual cycle
extracted samples were dried to dryness under nitrogen gas phases (t < 1).
before antiserum solution was added. The antibody solu-
tion was prepared using antiserum, [11,12]3H-allopregna- 3.1.3. Heart rate
nolone (Perkin Elmer Life Sciences, Boston, USA), 65 mM Overall, heart rate was higher during the aversive movie than
boric acid (Merck), bovine serum albumin 100 mg/ml during the neutral control movie (t23 = 2.48, P < 0.05). As
(Sigma, St. Louis, USA), and human gamma globulin solu- predicted, heart rate increased slightly stronger during the
tion 20 mg/ml (Octapharma, Sweden). The solution was late luteal (mean  SD, from 62.97  10.48 BPM to
allowed to equilibrate overnight at 8 8C. Antibody solution 67.90  11.77 BPM) than during the late follicular phase
(200 ml) was added to all standard and sample tubes incu- (from 61.69  8.77 BPM to 64.14  10.82 BPM) (t23 = 1.69,
bated overnight at 8 8C. The proteins were precipitated by P = 0.05, one-tailed (Fig. 2), and this is in line with previous
adding saturated ammonium sulfate, mixed and centri- research (Tersman et al., 1991). Thus, the heart rate data
fuged. The supernatant was counter in a (RackBeta Wallac, suggest that our stress induction method was successful, and
Finland) scintillation counter. The sensitivity of the assays furthermore imply that stress responsiveness is somewhat
was 19 pg. The recovery of allopregnanolone was calcu- larger during the late luteal phase.
Menstrual cycle and stress 51

3.1.4. Reaction times Subsequently, main effects of the factors menstrual cycle
Reaction times to the onsets of fixation blocks (mean  SD, phase and stress induction, and their interactions, were inves-
675.5  260 ms) were not affected by stress induction and tigated. Neither the factor menstrual cycle phase nor stress
did not differ between the two cycle phases. In addition, on- induction revealed main effects in the amygdala or mPFC (all
line eye tracking was used to check whether the movies and P > 0.05, SVC). However, an interaction between the factors
emotional expressions were attentively viewed. Both out- menstrual cycle phase and stress induction was found in the
comes confirmed that all women were fully alert during the amygdala (Figs. 1 and 2). Further testing showed a menstrual
experimental procedure. cycle effect in the neutral condition, with larger amygdala
responses in the late luteal phase than late follicular phase.
3.2. Imaging results Furthermore, the menstrual cycle phase by stress induction
interaction was carried by smaller amygdala responses after
Brain regions generally involved in the processing of faces stress induction during the late luteal phase (Fig. 2). Although
with dynamically changing emotional expressions were iden- there was no main effect of face presentation in mPFC, this
tified first. This main effect of face presentation (i.e., emo- region exhibited a similar menstrual cycle phase by stress
tion blocks > fixation blocks) revealed widespread activation induction interaction (Figs. 1 and 2): the mPFC responses in
in the occipital cortex (extending into the inferior temporal the neutral condition and after stress induction were reversed
cortex and including the fusiform gyrus), the amygdala, the across the two menstrual cycle phases.
hippocampus, and the precentral gyrus extending into the To investigate whether this stress-induced decrease in
frontal eye fields (Table 1). Next, we tested whether any of amygdala and mPFC responses could be mediated by allo-
these regions exhibited a differential response to the three pregnanolone, a correlation analysis was performed. The
facial expressions. No such main effect of facial expressions increase in allopregnanolone levels from the follicular to
was found in our main regions of interest (amygdala and the luteal phase correlated with the stress-induced decrease
mPFC; both P > 0.05, SVC). Moreover, no interactions in amygdala and mPFC responses during the late luteal phase.
between emotional expression and menstrual cycle phase Specifically, the larger the increase in allopregnanolone
or stress (stress induction versus control) were found in these concentration across the menstrual cycle was, the smaller
brain regions (all P > 0.05, SVC). Therefore, remaining ana- the amygdala and mPFC responses were after stress induction
lyses were performed discarding the facial expression factor. in the late luteal phase (Table 1).

Table 1 Local maxima for significant areas of activation for the main effects, menstrual cycle phase  stress induction interaction
and correlation analysis.

Side x y z T Value
Main effect of dynamic facial expressions > fixation baseline
Amygdala R 20 4 16 4.43 *
Amygdala L 20 4 18 3.20 *
Inferior occipital cortex R/L 44 76 10 29.98 **
Precentral gyrus R 52 4 48 9.42 **
Precentral gyrus L 52 0 50 7.33 **
Auditory association area R 50 40 10 7.89 **
Hippocampus R 22 26 6 7.41 **
Hippocampus L 20 28 6 7.61 **
Superior parietal cortex R 32 54 56 5.21 **
Superior temporal gyrus R 66 38 18 4.74 **
Menstrual cycle  stress induction interaction effect
Amygdala R 28 6 22 3.28 *
Medial prefrontal cortex R 14 50 6 3.88 *
Medial prefrontal cortex L 10 48 4 4.11 *
Luteal phase stress induction effect (neutral > stress)
Amygdala R 26 6 24 3.15 *
Menstrual cycle effect (late luteal > late follicular neutral condition)
Amygdala R 28 6 22 3.36 *
Correlational analysis (negative correlation: luteal phase stress induction effect with D allopregnanolone)
Amygdala R 22 0 10 3.91 *
Amygdala L 22 2 10 3.62 *
Medial prefrontal cortex R 4 56 12 4.69 *
Abbreviations: R: right; L: left.
P < 0.05, FWE rate corrected for the reduced search volume (i.e., amygdala or mPFC).
P < 0.05, FWE rate corrected for the entire brain.
52 L. Ossewaarde et al.

Figure 1 Menstrual cycle phase  stress induction interaction in amygdala and mPFC. The figure shows coronal slices at y = 6 for
the amygdala and at y = 48 for the mPFC (P < 0.001, uncorrected).

4. Discussion correlate positively with evoked heart rate (Davis and Wha-
len, 2001; Critchley et al., 2005). Yet, negative relationships
The present study investigated menstrual cycle-dependent have also been reported (Wang et al., 2005; Canli and Lesch,
changes in neural mechanisms related to stress-sensitivity by 2007). Decreases in phasic activity, as measured using BOLD—
comparing the effects of acute stress on brain areas under- fMRI, have been argued to occur against a background of
lying emotion regulation in the late luteal with those in the slowly modulated states of prolonged activation, which are
late follicular phase. Our results confirm increased stress- referred to as tonic activation states (Canli and Lesch, 2007).
sensitivity in the late luteal phase, as measured by the The reason why such effects occur is that the BOLD signal
highest negative affect scores and a stress-induced heart during control conditions, which serves as the baseline for
rate increase. Certainly, heart rates after stress induction estimating the phasic response magnitude in BOLD—fMRI,
were still quite low. However, previous studies using the same may itself be elevated in such states of tonic activation,
stress induction procedure observed similar heart rates and thus diminishing the difference between control and experi-
showed clear stress-induced differences in brain activity mental conditions (Wang et al., 2005; Canli and Lesch, 2007).
(Henckens et al., 2009; Qin et al., 2009; van Marle et al., Hence, the stress-induced decrease in phasic response mag-
2009). Thus, our results suggest a successful stress induction, nitudes in the amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex during
although the overall heart rate is lower when compared to the late luteal phase may actually be a consequence of
other stress studies using for example the Trier Social Stress tonically increased activity, which has been observed pre-
Test, in which the participants are actively involved in viously in the amygdala of subjects with increased epigenetic
executing a task. Since no significant differences in cortisol vulnerability for depression (Canli et al., 2006). The sug-
levels were observed, we suggest that the effects of stress gested increase in tonic activity might be provoked by both
found here were mainly carried by immediate sympathetic stress and menstrual cycle phase. However, with standard
and (nor) adrenergic activation. Neuroimaging data revealed fMRI methods as used in this study it is not possible to assess
an unexpected non-linear relationship between evoked changes in tonic activity. Merely the phasic BOLD—fMRI
stress responses and subsequent neural activity in the amyg- responses during the dynamic facial expression task could
dala and the mPFC in response to biologically salient stimuli. be measured. Therefore, an increase in tonic activity during
Data from the neutral conditions replicate earlier findings of the late luteal phase under stress condition cannot directly
stronger responses in these regions in the late luteal phase be confirmed in this study. This hypothesis can only be tested
(Protopopescu et al., 2005). In contrast, this menstrual cycle- by performing another menstrual cycle study using quanti-
dependent effect was inverted after stress induction in this tative CBF measurements such as positron emission tomo-
phase of the menstrual cycle. Importantly, this inverted graphy (PET) or arterial spin labeling (ASL). Thus, future
phasic amygdala and mPFC response was positively corre- research will be needed to resolve this issue. Regardless,
lated with changes in allopregnanolone concentration across it is important to note that a tonic increase in brain activity is
the menstrual cycle. These surprising findings implicate that central to the most prominent and widely used neurophysio-
psychological stress mediates neural activity in a set of brain logic model of the central stress response (Aston-Jones and
regions implicated in emotion regulation in a cycle-depen- Cohen, 2005) and smaller phasic responses, as observed here,
dent manner, potentially via a mechanism that involves the is a central feature of this model.
neuroactive steroid allopregnanolone. The magnitude of this stress-induced reduction in phasic
A number of previous studies point towards a positive neural responses in the luteal phase correlated with men-
association between emotional arousal and neural activity in strual cycle-related changes in salivary allopregnanolone,
the amygdala and other regulatory circuits. For instance, with the lowest phasic response magnitudes in those women
such activity has been shown to increase after negative mood with the strongest luteal phase increase of allopregnanolone.
induction (Wang et al., 2006), viewing of both positive and Allopregnanolone modulates neural activity by potentiating
negative emotional expressions (Yang et al., 2002), and to neuronal inhibition through action on the GABA-A receptor
Menstrual cycle and stress 53

(Majewska et al., 1986). Furthermore, recent animal studies

have demonstrated that allopregnanolone modulates tonic
inhibition by action on d subunit-containing GABA-A recep-
tors, which influences anxiety and seizure susceptibility
(Maguire et al., 2005). In agreement, increases in saccadic
eye velocity during the luteal phase have been shown in
healthy women. Saccadic eye velocity is associated with
reduced GABAergic inhibition on saccade-related cells in
the superior colliculus, and has also been shown to be related
to the severity of symptoms in PMDD (Sundström and Bäck-
ström, 1998). Therefore, the hypothesized stress-induced
increase in tonic activation during the late luteal phase
may result from the influence of allopregnanolone on tonic
inhibition by action on the GABA-system.
Our findings of a correlation between allopregnanolone
and neural responses in emotion regulation areas converge
with a recent study on physically healthy postmenopausal
women receiving sequential hormone therapy with estrogen
and progesterone (Andréen et al., 2006). This study showed
increases in allopregnanolone during the progesterone treat-
ment phase. Subsequently, these women developed negative
mood symptoms, which were related to the allopregnanolone
concentration in an inverted U-shaped fashion. Luteal phase
range allopregnanolone concentrations coincided with
increased negative mood symptoms, but supraphysiological
concentrations were related to lower negative mood symp-
toms (Andréen et al., 2006). Earlier studies have shown that
allopregnanolone increases substantially during stress (Serra
et al., 2000; Droogleever Fortuyn et al., 2004). Therefore, an
alternative explanation of our neuroimaging findings could be
that in the situation in which concentrations of neuroactive
steroids are likely highest (i.e., after stress induction in the
luteal phase), a similar inverted U-shaped relation between
allopregnanolone and BOLD—fMRI responses in the amygdala
and mPFC may give rise to a decreased neural response.
However, we think that this explanation is less plausible,
because the present study found no reduction in negative
affect in the late luteal phase under stress, and even showed
that physiological stress responses in the luteal phase are
stronger than those in the follicular phase. Therefore, we
suggest that our results are explained best by a stress-
induced increase in tonic activity during the luteal phase.
The influence of gonadal hormones on brain areas involved
in emotion regulation has been shown in a number of previous
studies. These revealed that menstrual cycle phase, as well
as progesterone, affects activity in the amygdala and mPFC
(Goldstein et al., 2005; Dreher et al., 2007; van Wingen
et al., 2007, 2008; Derntl et al., 2008). Moreover, women
Figure 2 Behavioral, physiological, and fMRI results during the
follicular and luteal phase for the stress and neutral condition. strual cycle effect in stress condition: luteal > follicular. Mean
(A) Relative differences on PANAS negative affect scores (for scores  SEM for the different test sessions: follicular neutral:
visualization purposes, mean individual scores across all test 61.69  1.69; follicular stress: 64.14  2.08; luteal neutral:
sessions were subtracted from every individual score at each 62.97  2.02; luteal stress: 67.90  2.27. (C) Menstrual cycle-
single test session): main effect stress induction: stress > neu- by-stress interaction in the amygdala based on activity at the
neutral. Mean scores  SEM for the different test sessions: folli- peak voxel: menstrual cycle effect in neutral condition:
cular neutral: 12.18  0.43; follicular stress: 13.68  3.36; luteal > follicular. Stress induction effect in luteal phase: neu-
luteal neutral: 13.29  0.77; luteal stress: 14.50  0.92. (B) tral > stress. (D) Menstrual cycle-by-stress interaction in the
Relative differences in heart rate (for visualization purposes, mPFC based on activity at the peak voxel. No significant simple
same calculation as A): main effect stress induction: effects. Error bars indicate SEM. Important to note: due to global
stress > neutral; menstrual cycle  stress induction interaction; scaling of the imaging data the arbitrary units do not indicate
Stress induction effect in luteal phase: stress > neutral; men- negative activations.
54 L. Ossewaarde et al.

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