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The Menstrual Cycle Influences

Emotion but Has Limited Effect on
Cognitive Function
€ m-Poromaa1
Inger Sundstro
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Corresponding author: e-mail address:

1. Introduction 350
2. Sex Hormone Effects in the Brain 351
3. Emotional Aspects of the Menstrual Cycle: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder 353
4. Emotional Aspects of the Menstrual Cycle: Naturally Cycling Healthy Women 356
5. Cognitive Performance Across the Menstrual Cycle 360
5.1 Visuospatial Ability 361
5.2 Verbal Tasks 364
6. Conclusion 366
References 368

From a psychological perspective, the menstrual cycle has been a research topic for
more than 50 years. The most recent menstrual cycle research has been driven by
an increased interest in sex differences in neuroscience, and the urge to understand
sex disparities in prevalence, clinical presentation, and treatment response in psychiatric
or neurologic disorders. Indeed, the menstrual cycle is an excellent model of ovarian
steroid influence on emotion, behavior, and cognition.
This review summarizes the emotion-related and cognitive findings of methodo-
logically sound menstrual cycle studies. In particular, the review is devoted to the
sex hormone-induced emotional disturbances in women with premenstrual dysphoric
disorder, a subgroup of women responding with enhanced sensitivity to the normal
fluctuations in endogenous hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. In addition,
emotion processing and cognitive findings across the menstrual cycle in healthy
women are also discussed.
The overall conclusion is that that menstrual cycle differences in sexually dimorphic
cognitive tasks are small and difficult to replicate. Emotion-related changes are more
consistently found and are better associated with progesterone and the luteal phase,
than with estradiol.

Vitamins and Hormones, Volume 107 2018 Elsevier Inc. 349
ISSN 0083-6729 All rights reserved.
350 Inger Sundstr€

From a psychological perspective, the menstrual cycle has been a
research topic over the past 60–70 years. In fact, the entry of women into
the work force can be traced by the various research questions that have been
posed over time, with the overarching theme to elucidate if women are
equally skilled at work, independent of which menstrual cycle phase they
are in. Hence, in the 1950s to the 1970s, most attention was given to tasks
that would be necessary to master as a secretary or a clerk, including atten-
tion, finger tapping, simple arithmetic tests, and some memory tasks
(Sommer, 1973). Already in 1973, the first review on menstrual cycle influ-
ence on cognitive and perceptual-motor performance was published, at that
point including 33 scientific papers. Not surprisingly, the review concluded
that no menstrual cycle-related changes in any of these work-related tasks
were evident, but the review also pointed out numerous methodological
concerns with menstrual cycle research (Sommer, 1973). The concerns that
were raised included lack of hormonal measures and incorrect dating of
menstrual cycle stage. These methodological problems have gradually
improved over time, and nowadays most menstrual cycle-related studies
include saliva or serum levels of estradiol and progesterone, for correct dat-
ing of cycle phase. In the early 2000s, studies on female flight simulator per-
formance were published, presumably reflecting the fact that women at this
point also had entered male-dominated areas such the aviation business
(Mumenthaler, O’Hara, Taylor, Friedman, & Yesavage, 2001a;
Mumenthaler, O’Hara, Taylor, Friedman, & Yesavage, 2001b). Even later,
reports on menstrual problems in deployed military women have emerged
(Deuster, Powell-Dunford, Crago, & Cuda, 2011; Manski, Grindlay, Burns,
Holt, & Grossman, 2014).
The past 25 years of menstrual cycle research has been driven by an
increased interest in sex differences in neuroscience, and the urge to under-
stand sex differences in prevalence, clinical presentation, and treatment
response in psychiatric or neurologic disorders. From this point of view,
menstrual cycle studies have sometimes been performed to explain the
greater variability noted in women, especially in areas where sex differences
have been difficult to establish. In addition, the menstrual cycle has also
attracted interest in itself as an excellent and ecological model of ovarian ste-
roid influence on emotion, behavior, and cognition. Indeed, there is plenty
of evidence to suggest that the ovarian steroids, estradiol and progesterone,
should influence these aspects of brain function.
The Menstrual Cycle Influences Emotion 351


Estradiol and progesterone are both highly lipophilic and easily pass
through the blood–brain barrier. The estradiol receptors (ERα and ERβ)
and the progesterone receptors (PRA and PRB) are highly expressed in
brain areas associated with reproduction, but also found in areas of impor-
tance for cognitive function and emotional processing (for review, see
Brinton et al., 2008; Gruber, Tschugguel, Schneeberger, & Huber,
2002). The estradiol receptors are expressed in the human hypothalamus,
amygdala, hippocampus, claustrum, and the cerebral cortex (Osterlund,
Gustafsson, Keller, & Hurd, 2000; Osterlund, Keller, & Hurd, 2000), with
the densest expression in the cerebral cortex being found in the temporal
parts (Osterlund, Gustafsson, et al., 2000; Osterlund, Keller, et al., 2000).
While the progesterone receptors have not yet been mapped in the human
brain, animal data suggest that progesterone receptors are also distributed
throughout the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, thalamus, and the
frontal cortex (Guerra-Araiza, Cerbon, Morimoto, & Camacho-Arroyo,
2000; Guerra-Araiza, Villamar-Cruz, Gonzalez-Arenas, Chavira, &
Camacho-Arroyo, 2003). Additional membrane-bound receptors have
emerged as potential mediators of rapid nongenomic effects of estradiol
and progesterone. As to estradiol, the G protein-coupled estrogen receptors
have been described in brain areas such as the hippocampus, hypothalamus,
cortex, and substantia nigra in the rodent brain (Hazell et al., 2009). Two
different families of membrane-bound progesterone receptors have been
described, among which receptors belonging to the progesterone receptor
membrane component 1 (PGRMC1) family are relatively abundant in
rodent forebrain areas (Petersen et al., 2013). Yet another route by which
progesterone may influence emotional and behavioral circuits in the brain
is via its’ metabolization to GABAergic neurosteroids. The most well-
known progesterone-derived neurosteroid is allopregnanolone, which, by
binding to the GABA-A receptor, has sedative, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant,
neuroprotective properties, and memory-impairing effects (Brunton, 2015;
Kask, Backstrom, Nilsson, & Sundstrom-Poromaa, 2008; Melcangi,
Panzica, & Garcia-Segura, 2011).
Adding further complexity to the picture, both estradiol and progester-
one act as modulators for other, classical neurotransmitters, such as the
cholinergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic systems (Comasco, Frokjaer,
& Sundstrom-Poromaa, 2014). These neurotransmitters have been prelim-
inarily investigated in relation to estrogen treatment in postmenopausal
352 Inger Sundstr€

women and seem to be biological mediators of positive effects of estrogens

(Henderson & Greicius, 2010). Besides the joint influence by estradiol and
cholinergic neurotransmission on cognitive performance (Craig et al., 2009;
Smith, Minoshima, Kuhl, & Zubieta, 2001), estradiol and progesterone have
widespread interactions with the serotonin neurotransmitter system, of rel-
evance for emotional processing and mood (Bethea, Reddy, Tokuyama,
Henderson, & Lima, 2009). In humans, perhaps the most consistent finding
is the estradiol-induced upregulation of serotonin 2A receptors in frontal
brain areas (Frokjaer et al., 2010; Kugaya et al., 2003; Moses et al., 2000;
Moses-Kolko et al., 2003). Further, in female cynomolgus monkeys
an effect of menstrual cycle phase on dopamine D2 receptor availability
in the caudate nucleus and putamen has been demonstrated (Czoty et al.,
Estradiol is mostly associated with positive effects, both in terms of mood
and cognition (Comasco et al., 2014; Sherwin, 2012). Most of the human
data on estradiol effects have been derived from studies on estrogen replace-
ment in postmenopausal women or from experimental studies using
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist suppression of estradiol
(Comasco et al., 2014; Sherwin, 2012). From these studies, it is generally
established that estrogen therapy in postmenopausal women is associated
with improved well-being (Kaunitz & Manson, 2015), although this effect
in part may be due to improved sleep and vasomotor symptoms. The use-
fulness of estrogen for treatment of depression is debated (Craig, 2016;
Studd, 2016), and at present the antidepressant effect seems to be restricted
only to premenopausal women (Soares, 2014). Imaging studies in postmen-
opausal women suggest that estrogen treatment seems to enhance brain reac-
tivity in frontocingulate regions during cognitive functioning, although in
many cases no difference in cognitive performance was present (Comasco
et al., 2014).
Progesterone has been implicated in negative mood effects, especially
during the menstrual cycle. Synthetic progestogens also seem to play a
role for the adverse mood effects, typically irritability and depression,
noted by many hormonal contraceptive users (Gingnell et al., 2013;
Lundin et al., 2017). The role of the progesterone-derived neurosteroids
is, however, somewhat more complicated. There is evidence to suggest
that allopregnanolone may have protective and mood stabilizing effects at
certain periods in the female reproductive life cycle, such as pregnancy
and the postpartum period (Hellgren, Akerud, Skalkidou, Backstrom, &
Sundstrom-Poromaa, 2014; Kanes et al., 2017; Osborne et al., 2017).
The Menstrual Cycle Influences Emotion 353

However, at other times in women’s lives, neurosteroids may have

anxiogenic and depressogenic effects, which may depend on dose, duration
of exposure, and innate sensitivity (Andreen, Sundstrom-Poromaa, Bixo,
Nyberg, & Backstrom, 2006; Backstrom, Bixo, & Stromberg, 2015;
Gulinello, Gong, & Smith, 2002).


A recent review concluded that the scientific findings of menstrual
cycle-induced emotional effects are far more consistent than the cognitive
effects (Sundstrom Poromaa & Gingnell, 2014). This may not come as a
surprise, as many women complain of emotional problems in relation to
the menstrual cycle, most commonly in the premenstrual (luteal) phase.
Among women in childbearing ages, approximately 2%–10% are afflicted
by severe premenstrual symptoms, and 2%–5% fulfill criteria for premen-
strual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) (O’Brien et al., 2011). Subthreshold
PMDD may be even more prevalent, as population-based epidemiological
studies suggest that 18% of women experience at least one mood symptom in
the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (Wittchen, Becker, Lieb, & Krause,
2002). PMDD, now categorized as a mood disorder in the diagnostic and
statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5), is defined by the onset of
functionally impairing or distressing mood and physical symptoms in the late
luteal phase of ovulatory menstrual cycles. Depression, irritability, mood
lability, and anxiety are the most commonly reported symptoms by the
women (Epperson et al., 2012; Yonkers, O’Brien, & Eriksson, 2008),
and symptom severity during the luteal phase is clearly in the same
range as in women with moderate depression, with suicidal thoughts
and ideations not uncommonly described (Pilver, Libby, & Hoff, 2013).
Further, it should be noted that PMDD disease burden generally exceeds
that of major depression, simply because of the larger number of symptom-
atic days throughout fertile life (Halbreich, Borenstein, Pearlstein, &
Kahn, 2003).
PMDD is defined by the relation to the late luteal phase of the menstrual
cycle. In fact, PMDD is a prototypical female-specific mood disorder in
which symptom onset and offset is associated with endogenous progesterone
levels (Segebladh, Borgstrom, Nyberg, Bixo, & Sundstrom-Poromaa, 2009;
Sundstrom, Nyberg, Bixo, Hammarback, & Backstrom, 1999), and the
disorder is an important model for the understanding of how sex hormones
354 Inger Sundstr€

influence mood and anxiety in women. As progesterone is only present in

the luteal phase, PMDD is commonly regarded as a disorder caused by the
variation in (or mere presence of ) progesterone levels. Research in support
of this includes findings of symptom relief during GnRH agonist-
induced anovulatory cycles (Wyatt, Dimmock, Ismail, Jones, & O’Brien,
2004), the reinstatement of symptoms when add-back progesterone is
administered together with GnRH agonists (Segebladh et al., 2009), and
findings of progestagen-induced mood symptoms in postmenopausal
women (Andreen, Bixo, Nyberg, Sundstrom-Poromaa, & Backstrom,
2003; Andreen et al., 2005, 2006) and combined oral contraceptive users
(Lundin et al., 2017). As said, progesterone is highly lipophilic and easily
passes through the blood–brain barrier. Not only so, animal studies and
postmortem studies in reproductive and postmenopausal women indicate
that progesterone is accumulated in the brain, with the highest concentra-
tions found in the amygdala (Bixo, Andersson, Winblad, Purdy, &
Backstrom, 1997). Given the high number of progesterone receptors in areas
of importance for emotion processing, such as the amygdala, it is thus not
surprising that progesterone treatment increases amygdala reactivity in
healthy women (van Wingen et al., 2008). In women with PMDD
amygdala reactivity is highly correlated with endogenous progesterone
levels, already at much lower concentrations than those needed to elicit
an amygdala response in healthy women (Gingnell, Morell, Bannbers,
Wikstrom, & Sundstrom Poromaa, 2012). Although the exact mechanism
by which progesterone precipitates the symptoms of PMDD is unknown,
interactions with the serotonin (Jovanovic et al., 2006; Marjoribanks,
Brown, O’Brien, & Wyatt, 2013) and the GABAergic systems (Epperson
et al., 2002; Sundstrom Poromaa, Smith, & Gulinello, 2003) are plausible.
Yet, another line of research suggest that GABA-active progesterone metab-
olites, such as allopregnanolone, may be responsible for precipitating the
premenstrual symptoms, and that allopregnanolone antagonists may alleviate
symptom severity (Bixo et al., 2017).
While it is commonly accepted that progesterone is the symptom-
provoking hormone in PMDD, hormone interventions have suggested that
also estradiol plays a role. Segebladh and colleagues treated PMDD women
with GnRH agonists for hormone suppression and evaluated the return of
symptoms when women were exposed to three different hormonal treat-
ments. The combination of a high estrogen dose (and progesterone) was
more symptom provoking than a low estrogen dose together with proges-
terone, suggesting that estradiol dose or concentration also plays a role for
The Menstrual Cycle Influences Emotion 355

the symptom surfacing (Segebladh et al., 2009). Possibly, as one of the most
important aspects of estrogen action, in the brain and elsewhere, is to
upregulate progesterone receptors, increased availability to estrogen may
thus result in a larger number of progesterone receptors for progesterone
to act upon. In addition, other studies also using GnRH-agonist interven-
tion have demonstrated that women with PMDD may experience depres-
sion and anxiety, solely due to estrogen-only exposure (Schmidt, Nieman,
Danaceau, Adams, & Rubinow, 1998). Finally, women with premenstrual
disorders experience their most intense symptoms in the late luteal phase,
when progesterone levels are declining, not at the progesterone peak
(Nevatte et al., 2013). Thus, the final symptom provocation may be the
result of progesterone withdrawal, a concept known to induce anxiety-like
behavior in rodents (Gulinello et al., 2002).
Not surprisingly, emotion processing is impaired in the luteal phase of
women with PMDD. They show impaired facial emotion recognition per-
formance and a negative bias in the luteal phase, meaning that neutral faces
commonly are being misjudged as sad (Rubinow, Smith, Schenkel,
Schmidt, & Dancer, 2007), and display more behavioral impulsivity and
greater difficulties in emotion regulation and in socioemotional functioning
(Petersen et al., 2016). These findings are corroborated by functional neu-
roimaging studies, where the neural correlates of PMDD include impaired
prefrontal cortex top-down control of the emotions that are generated in
the limbic system (Comasco & Sundstrom-Poromaa, 2015). These findings
are consistent with the functional neuroanatomy that typifies a range of
anxiety disorders (Etkin & Wager, 2007), but what is unique for these
women is that these features are mostly, but not always, confined to the
symptomatic luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. However, it should be
noted that PMDD is presumably not only due to biased emotion processing
in the luteal phase, as psychophysiology studies have suggested heightened
arousal in PMDD women at this time point (Epperson et al., 2007; Kask,
Gulinello, Backstrom, Geyer, & Sundstrom-Poromaa, 2008). Altogether,
these studies provide evidence of a distorted affective perception and
impaired anxiety regulation in PMDD. Cognitive disability is also integrated
with negative emotion processing and psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety
and depression (Okon-Singer, Hendler, Pessoa, & Shackman, 2015).
Greater cognitive impairment is seen in patients with anxiety as well as
depression in several domains such as processing speed, attention, reasoning,
and verbal knowledge (Lam, Kennedy, Mclntyre, & Khullar, 2014; Okon-
Singer et al., 2015). As to PMDD, most studies have failed to demonstrate
356 Inger Sundstr€

cognitive deficits (Protopopescu et al., 2008; Reed, Levin, & Evans, 2008;
Sundstrom Poromaa & Gingnell, 2014; Sveinsdottir, Lundman, & Norberg,
1999), although preliminary data suggest alterations in cognitive–emotional
processes such as attentional bias (Eggert, Kleinstauber, Hiller, & Witthoft,
2017; Slyepchenko et al., 2017). Thus, it cannot be excluded that hormone-
sensitive cognitive deficits are trigger factors of PMDD. To date there is only
one neuroimaging study investigating cognitive processing in PMDD,
showing a greater late luteal phase recruitment of the left insula in women
with PMDD (Bannbers et al., 2012).
Parenthetically, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are
effective first-line therapy for PMDD, supporting the notion that
progesterone-induced alterations in serotonergic signaling is an important
pathophysiological mechanism for the disorder. The usefulness of the SSRIs
in treating PMDD has been demonstrated in numerous individual trials and
is supported a meta-analysis of 29 randomized, placebo-controlled clinical
trials (Marjoribanks, Brown, O’Brien, & Wyatt, 2013). In addition, the
short onset of action of SSRIs in women with PMDD, manifesting within
the first days of treatment, enables the limited use of SSRIs in the symptom-
atic luteal phase (Yonkers et al., 2015). However, treatments targeting the
symptom-triggering factor, i.e., progesterone, seem equally efficient, but
their clinical usefulness is limited due to short- and long-term side effects.
On such treatment is the GnRH agonists, which have long been used to
treat PMDD (Segebladh et al., 2009; Wyatt et al., 2004). GnRH agonist
treatment leads to complete suppression of endogenous estradiol and proges-
terone levels, and this suppression is associated with improvement in both
psychological and physical symptoms (Wyatt et al., 2004). However, side
effects are problematic and often lead to discontinuation of treatment, with
vasomotor symptoms in the short run, being the most common and both-
ersome one (Segebladh et al., 2009).


While PMDD represents the far end of the spectrum of menstrual
cycle-induced emotional disturbances, it is also clear that progesterone-
induced emotion-processing disturbances are found in healthy women.
Again, this may not be surprising given the relatively high proportion of
women with subthreshold PMDD in the population (Wittchen et al.,
2002), and the potentially even greater number of women with subclinical
The Menstrual Cycle Influences Emotion 357

premenstrual symptoms (Sveindottir & Backstrom, 2000). With this in

mind, it is unclear as to what extent premenstrual disorders may have
influenced the overall results in studies of healthy, naturally cycling, women.
While most studies have used psychiatric interviews to exclude ongoing
depressive and anxiety disorders, only one study utilized daily symptom
scoring for diagnosis of PMDD and consequently, excluded PMDD patients
in the healthy female group (Rubinow et al., 2007). In addition, the genetic
makeup of healthy women may also play a role for sex hormone influence on
emotion processing and contribute to variability (Hamstra, de Kloet,
Quataert, Jansen, & Van der Does, 2017).
Emotion processing involves the detection and evaluation of salient
stimuli, and includes components of attention, emotional arousal, and reg-
ulation of arousal. The ability to identify one’s emotional response, and how
those emotions are experienced and expressed is referred to as emotion reg-
ulation. Given the above caveats, findings are relatively consistent in
targeting progesterone as the most important hormone for emotion
processing and regulation in healthy women. One of the most common tasks
to probe emotion processing is emotion recognition, typically by using
emotional faces as stimuli, and a number of studies have addressed emotion
recognition across the menstrual cycle phases. Importantly, women have
greater early automatic visual processing than men, and this sex difference
is most pronounced in mid-luteal women (Lusk, Carr, Ranson,
Bryant, & Felmingham, 2015). In spite of this, better emotion recognition
accuracy is noted in the follicular phase compared to the mid-luteal phase
independent of emotion stimuli (Derntl, Hack, Kryspin-Exner, & Habel,
2013; Derntl, Kryspin-Exner, Fernbach, Moser, & Habel, 2008; Derntl,
Windischberger, et al., 2008), or specifically for sad faces (Guapo et al.,
2009). Thus, emotion recognition accuracy appear poorer in the
progesterone-dominated luteal phase, and this seems most relevant for neg-
ative emotional stimuli (Derntl, Kryspin-Exner, et al., 2008). Indeed, these
menstrual cycle studies are further corroborated by a report on decreased
facial recognition accuracy upon acute progesterone administration (van
Wingen et al., 2007). Women also demonstrate a greater tendency to
perceive fearful expressions as more intense if progesterone levels are high
(Conway et al., 2007), and respond faster to negative or aversive stimuli
in the mid-luteal phase (Derntl et al., 2013; Gasbarri, Pompili, d’Onofrio,
Cifariello, et al., 2008; Masataka & Shibasaki, 2012). Further, reaction times
to many of the facial expressions is positively correlated with progesterone
levels (Kamboj, Krol, & Curran, 2015). However, a menstrual cycle
358 Inger Sundstr€

influence on negative bias in emotion recognition, i.e., the tendency to

perceive neutral stimuli as more negative has not been demonstrated in
healthy women, in contrast to women with PMDD (Rubinow et al., 2007).
The sex hormone variations across the menstrual cycle seem also to influ-
ence emotional memory, although findings are not entirely consistent.
Emotional memory depends on hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA)
axis hormones and sympathetic activity, and a sex-related difference has
been suggested (Andreano & Cahill, 2009). Again, progesterone, and the
luteal phase has attracted most attention, presumably because of the close
relationship between progesterone and the HPA axis (Fajer,
Holzbauer, & Newport, 1971; Frye, 2007), and previous findings on
increased cortisol reactivity to stress in the luteal phase (Kirschbaum,
Kudielka, Gaab, Schommer, & Hellhammer, 1999), however see (Maki
et al., 2015). The only longitudinal study performed thus far report on
decreased recognition for negative items in the luteal phase (Bayer,
Schultz, Gamer, & Sommer, 2014), whereas cross-sectional studies have
demonstrated no difference across cycle phases (Felmingham, Fong, &
Bryant, 2012; Maki et al., 2015), enhanced memory for emotional items
(Ertman, Andreano, & Cahill, 2011), or worse memory of positive items
in the luteal phase (Pompili, Arnone, D’Amico, Federico, & Gasbarri,
2016). However, enhanced memory for peripheral details of an emotional
story has been linked to the luteal phase (Nielsen, Ahmed, & Cahill, 2013)
and emotional memory correlated positively with progesterone levels
sampled at the time of encoding (Ertman et al., 2011).
Emotional memory can be modulated by manipulations of the HPA axis,
for instance by cortisol treatment or stress tests. Cortisol treatment leads to
impaired emotional verbal memory, but no difference in the cortisol-
induced memory impairment has been noted between menstrual cycle
phases (Kuhlmann & Wolf, 2005), possibly because the HPA axis manipu-
lation overrides any potential effects of the menstrual cycle. Similarly, while
one study reported that women with high progesterone levels had greater
memory recall for negative images if subjected to posttraining physical stress
(Felmingham et al., 2012), other studies have found no difference across
cycle phases in memory performance following stress (Andreano,
Arjomandi, & Cahill, 2008; Maki et al., 2015). Poststress cortisol response
has been correlated with memory retrieval in the late follicular phase
(Maki et al., 2015) as well in the luteal phase (Andreano et al., 2008).
Intense emotional events may be followed by spontaneous intrusive rec-
ollections (SIRs), from a clinical point of view most importantly noted in
The Menstrual Cycle Influences Emotion 359

individuals suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. Indeed, the men-

strual cycle stage during which a trauma occurs may play a role for intrusive
recollections in trauma patients (Bryant et al., 2011) and in healthy women
(Ferree, Kamat, & Cahill, 2011; Soni, Curran, & Kamboj, 2013). These
flashbacks or SIRs appear to be more common if the trauma or experimental
exposure to aversive stimuli occurred in the luteal phase (Bryant et al., 2011;
Ferree et al., 2011; Soni et al., 2013), and again, progesterone levels were
positively correlated with the frequency of SIR (Ferree et al., 2011).
Fear conditioning is often used as a model for the formation of emotional
memories and may be manipulated in standardized manners (LeDoux,
2003). For instance, by using a 2-day fear conditioning paradigm consisting
of fear conditioning, and extinction learning on the first day, and extinction
recall and fear renewal on the second day, researchers have presented
relatively consistent results as to the estradiol involvement in consolidation
or maintenance of fear extinction (Graham & Milad, 2013; Merz et al., 2012;
Milad et al., 2010; Zeidan et al., 2011). Fear acquisition and fear extinction
per se, however, appear not to be influenced by hormonal state or menstrual
cycle phase. Thus, less recovery of fear upon fear renewal is noted in women
during the late follicular phase, when estradiol levels are high, than at other
stages of the menstrual cycle (Graham & Milad, 2013; Milad et al., 2010;
Zeidan et al., 2011). Similarly, single dose estradiol administration during
the early follicular phase leads to enhanced consolidation of fear extinction
(Graham & Milad, 2013), while no effect of progesterone was noted (Milad
et al., 2010; Zeidan et al., 2011). From these findings it may be suggested that
maintenance of fear extinction, which is an important goal of cognitive
behavioral therapy, appears superior if applied in the follicular rather than
in the luteal phase.
Neuroimaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance
imaging, are useful tools to gather further insight into emotion processing.
The effects of the menstrual cycle and other hormone interventions during
emotional tasks were recently summarized, both in healthy women
(Toffoletto, Lanzenberger, Gingnell, Sundstrom-Poromaa, & Comasco,
2014) and in women with PMDD (Comasco & Sundstrom-Poromaa,
2015). The overall conclusion from these two reviews is, unfortunately, that
findings thus far are too disparate to allow for proper meta-analyses. How-
ever, some tentative conclusions may be drawn. A pattern of increased
amygdala reactivity to negative emotional stimuli in the luteal phase appears
in several studies (Andreano & Cahill, 2010; Bayer et al., 2014; Gingnell
et al., 2012). A sensitivity in the amygdala to increases in progesterone is also
360 Inger Sundstr€

supported by the increased reactivity in the amygdala, fusiform gyrus, infe-

rior frontal gyri, cerebellar vermis, and supplementary motor area observed
after acute progesterone administration (van Wingen et al., 2008). Being one
of the core structures in the fear network (Shin & Liberzon, 2010) the sen-
sitivity in the amygdala to changes in ovarian steroid hormones across the
menstrual cycle fits nicely with the increased susceptibility to anxiety and
depressive symptoms in the luteal phase. In addition, both naturally fluctu-
ating and exogenously administered hormones have been found to affect the
functional connections of the brain, with findings indicating higher connec-
tivity with higher concentrations of estradiol and progesterone (Peper, van
den Heuvel, Mandl, Hulshoff Pol, & van Honk, 2011). In line with this, a
one-subject longitudinal study demonstrated sex hormone-related effects on
intrinsic functional connectivity, with progesterone being associated with
global network connectivity of the dorsolateral prefrontal and sensorimotor
cortex, and their connectivity with the hippocampus (Arelin et al., 2015).
While these findings remain to be replicated, they suggest a
progesterone-dependent plasticity mechanism in the resting state connectiv-
ity, which may be of relevance in emotional processing and women
with PMDD.
Clearly, all of these findings point toward altered emotion processing
across the menstrual cycle, which is in line with the clinically relevant emo-
tional disturbances that are reported by many women. Further studies in this
area could help explain the underlying mechanisms of emotional problems
in the luteal phase and aid in better nosology, early detection, and, poten-
tially, new treatment options. However, longitudinal studies are awaited,
and preferably authors should investigate to which extent also PMDD (or
subthreshold PMDD) influences their results.


Great interest has been devoted to exploring cognitive effects
throughout the menstrual cycle. In this area, estrogen is the most studied
hormone, in keeping with the commonly reported association between
estrogen treatment and larger hippocampal volume, along with enhanced
hippocampus function, in postmenopausal women (see review Comasco
et al., 2014). Further, the hippocampus has been a candidate substrate for
the hormonal effects because of its relation to neurogenesis and synaptic plas-
ticity, and the abundance of estrogen receptors (Daniel, 2013; Gibbs, 2010;
The Menstrual Cycle Influences Emotion 361

Voytko, Tinkler, Browne, & Tobin, 2009; Wnuk, Korol, & Erickson,
2012). Indeed, gray matter morphology seems altered by the menstrual
cycle in healthy women. Volumetric differences in within-subject
study designs indicate gray matter volume to be increased in the hippocam-
pus in the estrogen-dominated late follicular phase relative to the early
follicular and mid-luteal phases (Lisofsky et al., 2015), in the right fusi-
form/parahippocampal gyrus during the early follicular compared to the
mid-luteal phase (Pletzer et al., 2010), or in the right anterior hippocampus
during the late follicular compared to late luteal phase (Protopopescu et al.,
2008). In spite of the imaging findings suggesting enhanced hippocampal
volume during the estrogen-dominated phase of the menstrual cycle, the
cognitive findings across the menstrual cycle are thus far sparse.
The predominant hypotheses in the field of menstrual cycle-related
cognitive changes have been that: (1) sexually dimorphic cognitive abili-
ties/skills that favor men are improved during phases with low estrogen
and progesterone levels such as the early follicular phase, (2) sexually dimor-
phic cognitive abilities/skills that favor women are improved during phases
with increased estrogen and/or progesterone such as the late follicular phase
and mid-luteal phase. This hypothesis was postulated in the early 1990s and
has been tested in a number of studies. However, a recent review of the field,
including a meta-analytic approach, found no support for any of these
hypotheses (Sundstrom Poromaa & Gingnell, 2014).

5.1 Visuospatial Ability

5.1.1 Mental Rotation
According to the predominant hypothesis, sexually dimorphic cognitive
abilities that favor men are improved during phases with low estrogen
and progesterone levels. A typical skill where men outperform women is
visuospatial ability (Andreano & Cahill, 2009), and the most commonly used
test by which visuospatial ability has been tested is mental rotation
(Andreano & Cahill, 2009). Overall, 18 studies on menstrual cycle influence
on mental rotation have been published, of which 10 have incorporated
hormonal measures. The majority of studies have been negative, i.e., have
not been able to find any difference in mental rotation accuracy across the
menstrual cycle (Dietrich et al., 2001; Epting & Overman, 1998; Gordon &
Lee, 1993; Griksiene & Ruksenas, 2011; Halari et al., 2005; Kozaki &
Yasukouchi, 2009; Mordecai, Rubin, & Maki, 2008; Schoning et al.,
2007; Zhu, Kelly, Curry, Lal, & Joseph, 2015), whereas a minority
have been able to substantiate the hypothesis of superior performance in
362 Inger Sundstr€

the early follicular phase (Courvoisier et al., 2013; Hausmann, Slabbekoorn,

Van Goozen, Cohen-Kettenis, & Gunturkun, 2000; Maki, Rich, &
Rosenbaum, 2002). While it can be argued that some of these studies had
significant methodological concerns, these methodological problems are
equally spread between the studies with negative and positive results. For
instance, two of the positive studies included sample sizes that were
extremely small (Hausmann et al., 2000), one positive study used an unbal-
anced longitudinal design which may have opened up for training effects
(Courvoisier et al., 2013), one negative study reported on a composite score
for visuospatial tasks which may have precluded the detection of more direct
effects on mental rotation (Gordon & Lee, 1993), and one negative study
used a task that may have been too easy (Epting & Overman, 1998). Finally,
three of the studies were neuroimaging studies, and it cannot be excluded
that behavioral measures in the scanner may differ from that obtained in pure
behavioral studies (Dietrich et al., 2001; Schoning et al., 2007; Zhu et al.,
2015). However, even if the studies with methodological concerns are
disregarded, three out of the four remaining studies were unable to detect
any menstrual cycle differences in mental rotation performance
(Griksiene & Ruksenas, 2011; Kozaki & Yasukouchi, 2009; Maki et al.,
2002; Mordecai et al., 2008). Six of the mental rotation studies provided
sufficient information for inclusion in a meta-analytic approach (Epting &
Overman, 1998; Hausmann et al., 2000; Kozaki & Yasukouchi,
2009; Maki et al., 2002; Mordecai et al., 2008; Schoning et al., 2007), which
yielded an standardized mean difference in error rate of 1.61 (95% CI 0.35
to 3.57, ns), at present suggesting no favor of an early follicular phase
improvement in mental rotation performance. In addition to these studies,
Hampson and colleagues evaluated mental rotation in women with low
(approximately corresponding to early follicular phase levels) and high
(approximately corresponding to late follicular levels) estradiol levels,
regardless if subjects had been assessed in the follicular or luteal phases of
the menstrual cycle (Hampson, Levy-Cooperman, & Korman, 2014). While
this may be a biologically sound approach, it also serves as an example that
perhaps no predictive menstrual cycle-related effects in visuospatial abilities
exist, as low estradiol levels can be found during the early follicular phase,
postovulation, the late luteal phase, and during anovulatory cycles.
The neural correlates of mental rotation has been evaluated in relation to
the menstrual cycle by two studies (Dietrich et al., 2001; Schoning et al.,
2007). Both studies report changes in brain reactivity across the menstrual
cycle and an increased reactivity in Brodmann area (BA) 39, or the angular
The Menstrual Cycle Influences Emotion 363

gyrus, during the presence of high levels of estradiol. The angular gyrus is
involved not only in verbal processing but also in spatial judgment
(Seghier, 2013), and according to the authors, the increased reactivity
may reflect an increased need to recruit this area to solve the task at hand
during the luteal phase (Dietrich et al., 2001; Schoning et al., 2007). Further,
the right hemisphere is considered the dominant hemisphere in visuospatial
processing, and estradiol induced improved mental rotation performance
seems associated with increased recruitment of the left hemisphere, in turn
suggesting reduced functional asymmetry during the task (Zhu et al., 2015).

5.1.2 Other Visuospatial Tasks

Besides mental rotation, spatial tests can also broadly be categorized into
tasks that evaluate spatial perception and spatial visualization, and among
the latter, navigation tests and object location test are included (Linn &
Petersen, 1985). Notably, while men outperform women on most tasks
reflecting visuospatial ability, a female advantage has been noted for tasks that
can be verbalized (Andreano & Cahill, 2009). Again, the hypothesis being
tested in most studies is that visuospatial task performance should be superior
in the early follicular phase in comparison with high-hormone menstrual
cycle phases.
However, except for two studies from the same group reporting
improved performance on visuospatial performance during the early
follicular phase, or at times of low estradiol levels (Hampson, 1990a;
Hampson et al., 2014), the majority of studies have not been able to establish
any menstrual cycle influence on tests of visuospatial memory or ability, or
have reported findings in contrast with the hypothesis (Epting & Overman,
1998; Gordon & Lee, 1993; Halari et al., 2005; Hausmann et al., 2000;
Mordecai et al., 2008; Phillips & Sherwin, 1992; Solis-Ortiz & Corsi-
Cabrera, 2008; Weis, Hausmann, Stoffers, & Sturm, 2011). Again, a number
of methodological concerns have been identified in the studies; several
studies suffer from low power (Hausmann et al., 2000; Solis-Ortiz &
Corsi-Cabrera, 2008), and two studies report on a visuospatial composite
score (Gordon & Lee, 1993; Hampson, 1990a).
More recently, two studies on spatial navigation have been published
(Hussain, Hanafi, Konishi, Brake, & Bohbot, 2016; Scheuringer &
Pletzer, 2017). Spatial navigation in complex environments engages
multiple memory systems, and cognitive strategies used to find a target
location include the egocentric perspective (or landmark-based strategy),
and the hippocampus-dependent allocentric (or spatial) strategy
364 Inger Sundstr€

(Best, White, & Minai, 2001). Typically, men take a more allocentric
perspective, whereas women take a more egocentric perspective and rely
more on a landmark-based strategy in navigation tasks (Scheuringer &
Pletzer, 2017). While no menstrual cycle differences have been reported
in navigation performance, i.e., number of trials needed to reach the target
or the number of errors made in the task, two studies have suggested that
landmark-based strategies are more commonly used, or more successful,
in the luteal phase than in the follicular phase (Hussain et al., 2016;
Scheuringer & Pletzer, 2017).
It may also be argued that certain math tests involve components of
visuospatial ability. Two studies have evaluated such tests across the
menstrual cycle (Becker, Creutzfeldt, Schwibbe, & Wuttke, 1982;
Pletzer, Kronbichler, Ladurner, Nuerk, & Kerschbaum, 2011). Although
both studies reported on superior performance in the follicular phase
compared to the luteal phase, the study by Becker and colleagues had an
unbalanced longitudinal design, and Pletzer and colleagues did not distin-
guish between the early and late follicular phase, hence the role of low
estradiol was not entirely captured (Becker et al., 1982; Pletzer et al.,
2011). Performance on simple mathematical calculations such a subtraction
and multiplication appears not to differ across cycle phases (Hampson,

5.2 Verbal Tasks

A female advantage for verbal fluency and verbal memory is well docu-
mented (Gulinello et al., 2002). Accordingly, the predominant hypothesis
for menstrual cycle studies on verbal fluency and memory has thus been that
women should perform better at these tasks during time periods of high
estradiol levels, i.e., during the late follicular phase or mid-luteal phase, than
at phases with low hormone levels such as the early follicular phase.
However, the hypothesis has not been substantiated in the majority
of studies. Whereas two studies report on improved verbal fluency and
verbal memory in the late follicular (Hussain et al., 2016) or mid-luteal
phases (Maki et al., 2002), most studies find no menstrual cycle phase differ-
ences (Gordon & Lee, 1993; Griksiene & Ruksenas, 2011; Halari et al.,
2005; Hampson, 1990b; Hampson et al., 2014; Hatta & Nagaya, 2009;
Jacobs & D’Esposito, 2011; Konrad et al., 2008; Mordecai et al., 2008;
Phillips & Sherwin, 1992; Scheuringer & Pletzer, 2017), or contrary
findings of decreased performance in the late follicular phase
The Menstrual Cycle Influences Emotion 365

(Solis-Ortiz & Corsi-Cabrera, 2008). Again, a number of studies have meth-

odological flaws including low power (Konrad et al., 2008; Rosenberg &
Park, 2002; Solis-Ortiz & Corsi-Cabrera, 2008), designs that open up for
learning effects (Rosenberg & Park, 2002; Solis-Ortiz & Corsi-Cabrera,
2008), or used unwisely chosen time frames for their assessments leaving
little room for hormonal changes (Halari et al., 2005). The most frequently
used tasks include verbal fluency and verbal recall, but tests reflecting seman-
tic retrieval and implicit verbal memory have also been employed. Two
imaging studies have evaluated verbal tasks across the menstrual cycle. In line
with the behavioral results, Rumberg and colleagues found no difference in
brain activation during verb generation between women examined in the
early follicular and late follicular/early luteal phase (Rumberg et al.,
2010). Dietrich, using a similar task, on the other hand reported on increased
activation of a number of language-related areas (BA 45/46, 6, and 40)
during the late follicular phase in comparison with the early follicular phase
(Dietrich et al., 2001).
Two studies have evaluated verbal working memory, which also taps
into prefrontal dopaminergic function. The Rosenberg study, albeit small
in sample size, is one of few studies which demonstrated improved perfor-
mance during phases of the menstrual cycle that are characterized by high
estrogen levels (Rosenberg & Park, 2002). In addition, while the overall
cycle effect was negative, Jacobs and D’Esposito, in fact, demonstrated that
verbal working memory task performance was modulated by an interaction
between COMT Val158Met and estradiol levels (Jacobs & D’Esposito,
2011). In the presence of high late follicular phase estradiol levels, an
improved cognitive performance was found in Val/Val carriers (which
putatively is associated with lower frontal dopamine levels), whereas a
deteriorated performance was found in Met/Met carriers in comparison
with the performance during the early follicular phase (Bixo et al., 2017).
Thus, verbal working memory seems to be one verbal task where estradiol
load is important; however, the genetic makeup of women may also influ-
ence the outcome.
In summary, the majority of menstrual cycle studies on cognitive
function has failed to demonstrate robust phase-dependent findings. Never-
theless, some concluding remarks are important for interpretation of these
findings. First, although the menstrual cycle studies on verbal memory were
mostly negative, this does not rule out, or contradict, the possibility of an
estradiol influence on cognitive function. A number of imaging studies have
suggested increased hippocampal volume during phases of high estradiol
366 Inger Sundstr€

levels (Lisofsky et al., 2015; Pletzer et al., 2010; Protopopescu et al., 2008),
and it is an important mission to determine if the gray matter volume
changes translate to menstrual cycle-induced changes in cognitive function.
Clearly, it is expected that tasks that target estrogen-dependent areas and
functions, of sufficient difficulty, are needed to unmask menstrual cycle
changes. The latter is especially relevant, as menstrual cycle studies, by
definition, include reproductive-aged young women with high cognitive
capacity leading to roof effects. Further, the hormonal changes across the
menstrual cycle may simply be too swift for detection of an altered cognitive
performance. Estrogen deficiency, as stressed in the hypothesis on sexually
dimorphic tests, is only found during a few days of the early follicular phase,
and not all women will have estradiol levels in the postmenopausal range
during this phase of the cycle. However, if estrogen deficiency is maintained
for longer periods in young women, such as in studies using GnRH agonist
intervention, estradiol suppression has been reported to be associated with
impaired verbal memory performance (Craig et al., 2007). Finally, verbal
memory is a relatively common cognitive outcome in randomized clinical
trials on estrogen treatment in postmenopausal women, and possibly the
only cognitive task where there is some evidence that estrogen treatment
may have a beneficial effect. According to a recent review, there is some
evidence that estrogen treatment protects verbal memory in surgically
postmenopausal women, whereas it has no effect when initiated more than
a decade after the menopause (Sherwin, 2012).

The menstrual cycle remains an intriguing, natural experiment of rel-
evance to many researchers in medical and psychological disciplines. While
the earliest reports on menstrual cycle findings were devoted to explore the
suitability of women in work life and areas dominated by males (Sommer,
1973), the past years research appear driven by the increasing interest in sex
influences on neurobiology. However, despite its’ immediate appeal and
accessibility, menstrual cycle studies require skillful and meticulous handling
(Becker et al., 2005), and some of the positive findings have in many cases
turned out to be notoriously difficult to replicate.
Further studies on the menstrual cycle modulation of emotional
processing are needed, as findings from such studies are relevant for women’s
mental health, and the improvement thereof. Premenstrual syndrome and
The Menstrual Cycle Influences Emotion 367

PMDD are relatively common in women of fertile ages and represent a great
burden for afflicted women, often associated with impaired social or work-
related functioning. Besides the emotion-processing disturbances noted in
women with PMDD, this review has emphasized that the luteal phase is
associated with impaired emotion recognition accuracy (Conway et al.,
2007; Derntl et al., 2013; Derntl, Kryspin-Exner, et al., 2008; Gasbarri,
Pompili, D’Onofrio, Abreu, & Tavares, 2008; Guapo et al., 2009) and
enhanced emotional memory. Emotional events that occur during the luteal
phase more often result in intrusive recollections (Ferree et al., 2011; Soni
et al., 2013), and traumatic flashback memories are more common when the
trauma takes place in the luteal phase (Bryant et al., 2011). In addition, a
number of studies have pinpointed progesterone as the driving factor for
these findings; progesterone levels correlated with emotional memory
(Ertman et al., 2011) and positively predicted intrusive memories (Ferree
et al., 2011). A number of imaging studies have also reported on increased
luteal phase reactivity in core structures of the fear network such as the
amygdala (Andreano & Cahill, 2010; Bayer, Bandurski, & Sommer,
2013; Gingnell et al., 2014, 2012) and the anterior cingulate cortex
(Amin, Epperson, Constable, & Canli, 2006; Protopopescu et al., 2005),
and progesterone appears a key factor for the increased amygdala reactivity
(Gingnell et al., 2014, 2012; van Wingen et al., 2008). Taken together, these
findings suggest that progesterone, or at least the combined effect of luteal
phase estradiol and progesterone, has the ability to influence various aspects
of emotional processing, which may affect the clinical presentation of emo-
tional disturbances in the luteal phase.
As to cognitive function, the best evidence suggest that differences across
the menstrual cycle in sexually dimorphic tasks, such as mental rotation,
visuospatial ability, verbal memory, and verbal fluency, are small and difficult
to replicate. This finding is partly in line with previous reviews which have
either suggested no influence of the menstrual cycle (Sommer, 1973) or
some influence although at the same time emphasizing that such changes
would not be clinically relevant (Sherwin, 2012). However, given the recent
reports on menstrual cycle-induced changes in hippocampal volume
(Lisofsky et al., 2015; Pletzer et al., 2010; Protopopescu et al., 2008), further
research in this area is mandated. However, future studies should potentially
not pursue the hypothesis of sexually dimorphic tasks, but instead focus on
more demanding tasks, by which menstrual cycle performance changes can
be revealed also in the young women.
368 Inger Sundstr€

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