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Weston Carl

Lisa Nordquist
Scientific Reasoning
November 5, 2023

Marijuana vs Appetite
The use of cannabis can strongly affect the human appetite, it turns eating behavior
on and off not allowing a person to either want to eat or overeat. When consumed,
it will make you want to eat and when not consuming the appetite shuts off. I
personally have family members who have consumed it and I have noticed that it
can make you lose weight and get skinny since you aren’t eating correctly, nor
healthy most of the time. Davis stated that "We found that cannabis exposure caused more
frequent, small meals," stated Davis. "But there's a delay before it takes effect." That delay
provided a clue to how the drug may act. Ordinarily, when the stomach is empty it releases a
hormone called ghrelin, a message to the brain that it's time to look for food.”
This article explains the side effects of marijuana consumption towards the human appetite. Its
Impacts are not normal and can vary in many ways. I truly believe consumption can negatively
affect us humans. But I also do know it can be positive for medical reasons. Some doctors do and
will recommend it for certain reasons. I personally do not know much about why they do
recommend it, but I feel like since smoke is still in the lungs it still has its cons. I believe that in
the future we will have more answers on it but until then it will still be considered legal and
recommended for medical reasons only at low usage.
Works Cited
“How Cannabis Affects Appetite: Brain Changes.” ScienceDaily, 18 July 2018,

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