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Twisted Souls

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of
Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Category: M/M
Fandom: Blue Lock (Manga)
Relationship: Isagi Yoichi/Michael Kaiser, Isagi Yoichi/Itoshi Rin, Hiori You/Karasu
Tabito, Chigiri Hyouma/Kunigami Rensuke, Mikage Reo/Nagi Seishirou,
Itoshi Sae/Alexis Ness, Bachira Meguru & Isagi Yoichi, Chigiri Hyouma
& Isagi Yoichi, Ego Jinpachi & Noel Noa
Character: Isagi Yoichi, Michael Kaiser, Itoshi Rin, Itoshi Sae, Alexis Ness, Bachira
Meguru, Ego Jinpachi, Noel Noa, Mikage Reo, Nagi Seishirou, Chigiri
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Collars, Kidnapping, Dead Dove: Do Not
Eat, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, I Wrote This Instead of
Sleeping, Illegal Activities
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-08-03 Updated: 2023-08-23 Words: 4,313 Chapters:

Twisted Souls
by c_virus_exe


"There's no way you're my soulmate, soulmates are supposed to love and care about each
other!" I said as I glared up at my 'soulmate'. "All you've done is ruin my life!"

Kaiser looked down on me with pity in his eyes. "wow you really are naive who told you
that? Was it your parents or the pitiful scum you call a society?" He asked "Well let me tell
you something my dear Yoichi, soulmates aren't people meant to love or care about you.
Kaiser paused for the dramatic effect " They're people who you're destined to end up with
regardless of if you love them or not."
He continued with a cruel glint in his cold blue eyes "soul-mark's were made because the
gods pitied everyone searching for 'the one'."
"You're lying" I spoke but if Kaiser really was my soulmate then I new it was true.

Or Kaiser and Isagi are soulmates but soulmates aren't what we thought they were


For plot reason's both isagi and Kaiser can speak both English and their respective
Finding A Soulmate

"The world was once a place where finding your one true love was almost impossible to do but
suddenly started showing up whenever someone turned 17." Click." Each one was unique until
people started finding others with the same image and when ever people found a person with the
same image 9 time out of 10 they ended up dating eventually everyone noticed the pattern people
with the same images were always together and since the person with the same image as you was
basically your soulmate."

Click. "People started calling the images on their body's soulmark's they could appear anywhere on
your body and could be anything like literally anything which lead to some people covering their
soulmark's up making it harder for their soulmate to find them." Click. "to fix that problem a
program called Blue Lock was created it was where people could get their soulmark's uploaded
into a worldwide data base with a bunch of people soulmark's so when a soulmark that was found
in the data base was identical to another one already in it."

Click. the people who are soulmates would get notified that their soulmate was found but once its
uploaded it normally takes about a week or two for it to find a match, for an operator to send the
notification to a person."

I sighed " Chigiri I get I'm going to get my notification in a few minutes but was the whole power
point presentation really necessary?" Chigiri looked at me and blinked " what you just said brings
me to my next point, you probably aren't going to get a soulmate or worst case possible you get a
vampire as a soulmate." I kicked my ball at him he Of course dogged "Come on princess my luck
isn't bad enough to not get a soulmate or get a vampire as a soulmate. "

Chigiri rolled his eyes " Which takes us to my next to points that aren't on this presentation, 1 why
are you practicing soccer while I'm giving you helpful information, 2 you just jinxed yourself and 3
where are Bachira and Rin?" I picked up my phone

"well Bachira said he was going to be late and Rin...wel-" "Let me guess he canceled? I've been
telling you to break up with that guy plus he probably isn;t even your soulmate, like I get he's crazy
rich but really?" "Look Chigiri you don't know him like I do and he's really busy so he doesn't have
a lot of free time." Chigiri glared at my phone."

I don't need to I've seen how he acts, and he should at least have enough to be there on your

I looked up from my phone at Chigiri, "I know Rin- "Yoichi Bachira is here!" My mom yelled
form the first floor, just as Bachira opens the door "sorry Isagi, the monster wanted to play soccer

Bachira said, as I stuffed my phone in my pocket hearing "Well at least you're here" from Chigiri
muttering under his breath. " Have you gotten the notification yet, and where's Rin?" I was about
to respond when a 'ding!' cut me off, damn why am I the only one getting cut off here? I pulled my
phone from my pocket, and read the notification. I read it again but it still didn't make sense, the
world around me blurred as I tried to make sense of the notification. Bachira said something but I
didn't hear it even when Chigiri took my phone I was still trying to make sense of the notification.

The words 'please come to the blue lock base in Japan as soon as possible to find out your options
your soulmate is a vampire ' finally made sense when Chigiri shook me back into reality. "Y'know
maybe it was a mistake or maybe vampires aren't that bad or you could have good luck...for once
and get a nice vampire soulmate?"

Bachira said while trying to comfort me, "actually I have a better Idea you could get that good for
nothing 'boyfriend', you have to pay off the vampire so he can be useful for once or if that doesn't
work you could change your identity and move somewhere else I would suggest just rejecting them
but we all know how that would turn out." Bachira stood up from my bed wait when did he sit next
to me? "Yeah Chigiri's right you don't have to accept the vampire as your soulmate, plus there're
case's where vampires don't want a human soulmate!"

Now that I'm thinking about it who says vampires are what people think that are before vampires
cam out of hiding there were a bunch of vampire movies already so that's probably why they're
stereotyped as evil and stuff anyway my soulmates probably just a normal person who drinks blood
to survive and can't go out during the day, and if he really loves me they'll accept that I don't want
to be with them plus if they doesn't back off I'll just only go out during the day where vampires
can't go.

" You guys are right, I'm going to walk into the blue lock base in Japan tomorrow and tell them to
tell my 'soulmate', that I I'm taken and don't want anything to do with them" I said . "We'll come
with you right Bachira?" Chigiri said while looking at Bachira,

"well I think you should meet them first? Or play a soccer match with them or something, cause if
my soulmate rejected me without even meeting me just because of my race I'd be pretty hurt. I'll
come with you though, just think about though?"

Bachira said while pick up the ball I kicked at chigiri and balancing it on his heel. "Bachira's right
we were kind a being childish judging someone based on their race is wrong. Who knows they
might even be better than that good for nothing you call a boyfriend?" "Chigiri" I glared giving
him a warning glare. "Fine maybe he's good for something, well I have to go so I'll see you guys at
blue lock tomorrow at 3:15?" "K" "sure" Bachira and I said In unison. Chigiri left and bachrira
and I talked for a while but he had to leave soon to so when he was gone I told my parents about
my soulmate 'problem' and they agreed with Bachira and chigiri. So I decided to give my soulmate
a chance and meet him first then...I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I thought to myself as I
went to bed.

"Your soulmate isn't just a vampire-" "What do you mean they 'aren't just a vampire'?" I
questioned. "Look kid I'm gonna give it to you straight, your soulmate is the emperor, of vampires
Michael Kaiser. I stared at the operator in disbelief there's no way I heard her right, right? Deep
down I no its not true Blue Lock never makes mistakes. "On the bright side you could talk to the
warden of VAD Ego Jinpachi I'll even help you schedule a meeting with him" she said " huh oh
yes please do that." She looked at me with a pitying gaze " A word of advice kid, don't go out
during the night and make sure your doors are locked and windows are closed good luck kid."

she then walked away Bachira and Chigiri tried to comfort me on the way out but I said I wanted to
be alone everything was blurry and I was in a daze while walking back home with my bike, and
when I finally came too I screamed hot tears rolling down my cheeks I didn't care who saw I just
needed to let some emotions out. Before I told my parents I looked up and saw the sun was setting
realizing I had to get home quickly or...I didn't want to think about it pushing the thoughts out of
my mind I focused on getting home and started walking faster.

I was in my office doing paperwork when Ness rushed into the room "Kaiser...your
soulmate...there's a match...found!" Ness panted send me their files and book a flight to whatever
country they live in just make sure I get there quickly. I want to meet this 'person' I'm sure we'll
have lots of 'good' memories together" I said with a voice that was sinister to my own ears "And
make sure its a surprise." "yes kaiser." its going to be fun to have a new actor in the theatre of my
great and 'heroic' story. Ding! Ness never disappoints looking at the file my 'soulmates' name was
Isagi Yoichi well not for long at least, and he was pretty average in everything from his looks to his
grades but there was one peculiar thing about him.

He liked soccer and was aiming for a career in the field which was interesting. Yoichi was going to
be fun to mess with and who knows he might be interesting enough to keep around forever but the
only bump in the road to getting Yoichi was those two old bastards Noel Noa and Ego Jinpachi but
they could be taken care of and I will finally get to meet the one who was destined to belong to me
Isagi Yoichi, and Yoichi is going to bow to his emperor. Ness came back in and told me the tickets
were booked and the flight was at 2 am, and you should arrive in japan 11 hours and 53 minutes
after boarding the flight...during the day so there might be complications." Glancing up from
Yoichi's file I said "you know what to do Ness." Ness nodded and walked out of the room.

Wait for me Yoichi.

Well I need to prepare some stuff for Yoichi before he comes, hmm I wonder what his favourite
color is?

A few hours later I was off the plane and in Japan well not just me but that s not important.
Anyway I was going to patiently wait on my phone undisturbed until the sun was down, when I
was reminded that I was sadly not alone. Someone couldn't just keep their mouth shut. "So what
do you do plan to do when you find him?" Reo said, I huffed clearly somebody could not help but
tell everybody about me finding my soulmate because somehow Reo knows about it, and people
are suddenly interested in texting me back. Seeing there was no helping that I decided to answer
his question with another "That's for me to know and you to find out, and remind me why your
here again?" "Well Noa sent because he needed someone to watch you while he meets up with
Ego" I scoffed " I'm a emperor I don't need to be monitored like a child! and WHY is that sloth-
faced lazy bastard here!?" Reo sighed " 1 to make sure you don't start an unnecessary war, and 2
you know I can't leave Nagi alone. I rolled my eyes " I would not start an unnecessary war, and
even if I did we would win." Reo looked at me incredulously " You know the way other countries
treat vampires, what if they get tired of licking our boots and agree on something for once. we
could lose"

"FINE! Just don't talk to me, go serve your master instead!" Reo glared at me probably for
shouting while his master was asleep, but didn't say anything for the rest of the 6 hours at the
airport once the sun was down we dropped off our stuff in the hotel room and now it was time to
finally go find my soulmate Isagi Yoichi. I managed to get Reo to let me go alone and took a taxi
to the address on Yoichi's file getting out of the taxi I knocked on the door and Yoichi was the one
who answered it and he was breathtakingly beautiful with soft looking navy blue hair dark blue
eyes a round face with semi sharp jaw lines and a small nose his short stature fitted his lean figure.
The file picture did him no justice when he was this beautiful in real life, he must've said
something because he looked at me expectedly.

"Um could you say that again?" Yoichi sighed and then said "Who are you, and what do you
want?" "I'm Michael Kaiser the emperor of vamp-" the door slammed shut before I could even
finish my sentence. Just like that the beautiful sight I had in front of me disappeared 'how dare
anyone block me from that beautiful sight'? Was one of my many thoughts as I stood there on the
porch of my soulmates house.
Day I met Him
Chapter Notes

Sorry it took so long to post another chapter I have no excuse I'm just lazy
and if anything's unclear pls let me know

No no no NO! Michael Kaiser was NOT at my doorstep right now this was probably just a prank
from what I remember Kaiser was an attention seeking, overly extravagant and arrogant vampire.
He would have announced to the world that he was coming to Japan to find his soulmate!

Is what I wanted to believe but I knew that wasn't the case no matter how much I wished for it to
be. Sliding down the door I sighed maybe I should call Chigiri he would know what to do but its
pretty late I wouldn't want to interrupt his beauty sleep or I could call Bachira wait he was working
a night shift tonight so he was off the table what about, Rin he could help me prove I'm taken and
want nothing to do with Kaiser?

No...Rin's probably busy. Is it to late to pretend I don't know him and change my identity? No the
psychopath would probably still find me anyway maybe I could still go with with Chigiri's idea
and tell him I'm taken, and if he doesn't except it I tell him to leave me the hell alone cause if he
cares about me he'll let me be happy with someone else.

If he still doesn't leave I'll... well I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

"Yoichi if you don't open the door in 3 seconds I'll break it down, 1 2 thre-" I scrambled to open
the door just as kaiser was about to break it down.

Now that the door was open I got a better look than before, Kaiser was about tall with dazzling
sapphire blue eyes a sharp jaw line and a straight nose and a body that was a bit more muscular
than mine his hair was...not that bad at first glance with his long golden locks slowly turning into a
baby blue in the back which was not that bad, the problem was his hairstyle if you could even call
it that because it was absolutely horrendous.

It was shortish in the front but had a couple long locks in the back which looked horrible, but
overall I had to admit that Kaiser nope you have a boyfriend Yoichi and kaiser's a
bloodsucker, plus Rin was hot too, even if I rarely get to see that hotness he still calls me...once
every week. I must've stared to long because he said "Like what you see?" if I'm being honest his
voice was kinda hot but I didn't like the tone he was using, time to bring this haughty asshole down
a peg. " No I was just wondering how I got such and ugly soulmate before I reject you"

" You want... to reject me?" Kaiser said while sounding very amused, until he suddenly grabbed
my chin and forced me to look up at him " Listen I don't think you understand Yoichi you are mine
only mine but I be nice just this once." He let go of my chin grabbed something from his pocket
and placed it in my hand and said " Since I'm patient I'll give you three days to break up with
whoever your dating, say your goodbyes, pack your stuff and contact me, and if you don't...well
lets just say you'll wish you had. Be a good toy for me Yoichi" He said giving me a dark look, and
then walking off into the night before I could ask him what he meant by that

. If he actually thought that I would just drop everything, and go with him he really was as crazy as
I thought!

No way am I doing that! Plus who was he calling a toy? The nerve of that bastard! I slammed the
door shut and locked it as I stormed up to my room. I was tempted to throw his number in the trash
but I got this weird foreboding feeling from my gut and my gut feelings are almost never wrong so
I just tossed it on to my desk, then immediately flopped down on my bed.

I grabbed my phone off the table and scrolled threw my contacts list and stopped on Rin's name I
wanted to talk to him about my soulmate situation but, he was probably busy.

Who am I kidding there a good chance he's making about with someone else and I'm just a side
chick, maybe I should brake up with him everyone has been telling me to just do it already
it was time to finally end this relationship.

Taping on his contact and called him "Yoichi I told you not to call me first I'm bus-" "You always
are Rin and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of pretending not to care about it can we just brake up?"

Rin was quiet for awhile I was about to end the call but he suddenly spoke "Wait we can talk about
thi-" I cut Rin off. "No we can't I never see you anymore and you're never here even when we plan
a date you didn't even show up for my birthday yesterday and you promised me you would I'm
tired of being lied to we aren't even soulmates so we have no reason to stay together-"

"How do you know that" He said catching me by surprise "know what" I said "that we're not
soulmates, I haven't gotten my soulmark yet."

I sighed "Because I just met my soulmate" Rin was silent again before saying "What so you go on
one date and now you love them?" Getting frustrated I replied " It wasn't a date and their a vampire
no way I would love them!" "Your soulmates...a vampire?" I was now mad I was telling him we
were breaking up but he was focused on that? Like I know its surprising but still! " Look the point
is we're over." I ended the call, and with that my eight month relationship with Rin was officially
over he tried calling me back which made me a little bit bitter he never had time before? Now that I
wanted to break up he suddenly has lots of time to spare!

he kept calling so I blocked him. I placed my phone on my desk plugged it in and then curled up
under my covers I tried to stop the tears that silently rolled down my cheeks and just like that I
cried myself to sleep.

I gave Yoichi a choice and a threat I wasn't expecting him to immediately do what I tell him like a
good little pet because pet's need to be trained. The only problem is to I need to pull some strings to
follow through, and make sure Yoichi comes to me. Which normally would easy with my meta
vision but now that those old bastards are onto me its going to be harder than I initially thought but
that won't be much of a problem with Kaiser impact, but I should still be careful if I want this to

Looking at the time on my phone it was only 12 am and I wanted to enjoy myself before I'm stuck
inside for the day ,so why not check out what kind of bars Japan had or I could go to a restaurant I
heard Japan has good food?

Yeah some food sounds good right now I was about to call a taxi when Reo called "what do you
want?" I quipped "Where are you? Please don't tell me you kidnapped your soulmate and your
looking for a place to keep them until our flight?" Huffing I responded " Do you really think that
low of me? I'd never kidnap someone, I'd make them come to me." Like kidnapping soulmate's is
soo passé and tacky I would never. " Oh thank god so where are you?" "Where I am is none of
your business. are we done now?" why I Reo so annoying like I swear to god " Well I was hoping
you could get Nagi some take out cause he doesn't want anything on the room service menu?"

Is he actually serious right now? He expects me, Michael Kaiser to get take out for some picky
bastard who 'doesn't want anything on the room service menu' who does he think he's talking to?

" No, there isn't a chance in hell I'm being some delivery person for that sloth! Tell him to grow a
pair and deal with it or starve!" I ended the call before Reo could get another word in, if that lazy
bastard wanted food so bad he could go get it himself. Reo didn't call me back at least he was
smart enough to know I would not pick up. I called an uber and headed to the closest 5 star
restaurant looking out the window of the uber the streets were pretty packed.

Not totally over crowded and with the vending machine's at every corner the place

It looked nothing like anywhere in Germany, and I wasn't expecting it to be so lively. The uber
stopped and I got out, while walking towards the restaurant I felt a cool breeze in the warm air
gazing at the restaurant it looked like a traditional style Japanese building with a koi pond along
the walk way opening the doors I saw a waiter with dual colored hair and a bobcut

"is it just you or is someone else coming" he asked "Just me" he then guided me over to a single
table and handed me a menu looking at it there was a vampire menu on the back but it was just full
of normal vampire cuisine but I came hear to try Japanese cuisine vampire's not being able to eat
normal food was literally just a myth that humans made up for so weird reason.

anyway there were a bunch of meal options that I'd never seen before but I decided to go with
yakisoba noodles they looked promising and some mochi for dessert and awamori for a beverage. I
called over a waiter and told them what wanted to get they wrote it down on a note pad and then
left. While waiting I scrolled threw tiktoks on my phone until the food came.

I'd be lying if I said Japanese cuisine wasn't good because that was one of the best meals I've ever
had, probably because there was no one there to disturb me which automatically made it a good
meal and the food was just as good as the peace and quiet. Which reminds me now I have to go
back to that hotel where someone could not just shut up. Maybe I could go to a club and 'chill' with
someone for a few hours, I may have found my soulmate but he is mine I on the other hand don't
belong to anyone.

speaking of hours though what time is it? looking at the time it was 2 am but that wasn't enough
time to do everything I would want to, well I might as well go back to the hotel right now instead of
having to leave mid way of whoever I was doing to make sure I didn't burn, well maybe another
night I called an uber and went back to the hotel walking through the hotel room door I didn't see
Reo but Nagi was as usual, sleeping.

Well where Reo is, is none of my business plus he probably went out to get food for Nagi or
something, so might as well enjoy the time that chatter box was gone.

Taking off my shoes and walking over to the tv I picked up the remote and turned on the tv then
put on a news channel. I looked through the files Ness sent me again there was nothing i didn't
notice before so I decided to just leave it alone until it was needed and just watched some tiktoks
instead. It was 3:24 am when Reo opened the door he had a plastic bag in his hand and
immediately rushed over to Nagi.

Without taking his shoes off which in my opinion is completely unacceptable " Take your shoes
off before you go any where with carpet! its common sense!" Reo completely ignored me and
gently started shaking Nagi to wake up " Nagi I got the games you asked for."

Am I hearing him correctly? He stayed out till 3 am just to get the lazy bastard a couple games, is
he that much of a boot licker? Nagi slowly opened his eyes and glancing at Reo then slowly
reached out for the bag in Reo's hand with out saying anything Reo immediately gave him the bag
"Reo can you get my switch" was the only thing Nagi said no thank you or anything I was about to
comment on hot ridiculous that whole interaction was but the my phone started ringing I looked
down at my phone and saw the caller was the one and only Noel Noa.

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