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Student: Luis Gustavo Palacios Yallico (work alone)

Luis: Excuse me, your face looks familiar, are you Alex?

Alex: Yes, your face also looks familiar to me, is that you Luis?

Luis: Of course yes, wow, how long friend, how have you been?

Alex: Oh, I'm fine, I was just thinking about some occupations and jobs that some of our
new colleagues have

Luis: Oh really? I have also seen some colleagues with quite interesting occupations and

Alex: What do you think if I tell you about two of them, and you tell me about one of the
ones you know?
Luis: It seems good to me, I started recently I spoke with a girl named Alessia, she works
as a cook in a fast food restaurant

Alex: Wow, interesting and what does she do when she's not working?

Luis: She studies in the afternoon and has advice to strengthen her grades and finish her
architecture degree.

Alex: wow she studies architecture, she reminds me of penny she also studies architecture
but she works as a receptionist

Luis: Incredible, I heard that that job is very comfortable and here in New York it pays well.

Alex: Exactly, but the same cannot be said about Miguel, since he works as a delivery man
and often has problems with his customers.

Luis: I imagine it, sometimes the diners are quite annoying and what does he study?

Alex: He studies civil engineering, so he is not very free to talk.

Luis: interesting... oh, it's the bell, we must go back to class, well bye Alex

Alex: goodbye Luis

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