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Key characters in STONE FOX by John R.


Little Willy is the story's central character. He's a determined young boy who faces a
significant challenge: saving his family's farm from financial ruin when his grandfather
falls seriously ill. To do this, he courageously decides to enter a dog sled race, hoping
to win the prize money and solve their financial problems.

Little Willy's grandfather is a key figure in the story. His illness is the initial crisis that
sets the plot in motion. Little Willy's love and concern for his grandfather motivate
him to take on the daunting task of entering the sled dog race to secure the funds
needed for his grandfather's care and to save the farm.

Searchlight, Little Willy's loyal and hardworking dog, becomes instrumental in the
story. She assumes the role of the lead dog in the sled dog team, which is crucial for
their chances of winning the race and thereby resolving the family's financial

Doc Smith is the town's doctor who plays a supportive role in the story. He cares for
Grandfather when he falls ill and provides valuable medical guidance. Additionally,
Doc Smith offers advice and encouragement to Little Willy, indirectly assisting in the
preparation for the sled dog race.

Clifford Snyder is the story's antagonist. He serves as the tax collector, relentlessly
pressuring Little Willy and his grandfather to pay their overdue taxes. This creates the
primary external conflict in the narrative and sets the stage for the challenges that
must be overcome.

Stone Fox is a mysterious and highly skilled sled dog racer. Initially, he appears as a
formidable obstacle, known for his unbeatable racing prowess. However, he later
becomes a pivotal character when he competes against Little Willy in the climax of the
story, adding excitement and tension.

Eleanor Smither is a compassionate schoolteacher who offers emotional support to

Little Willy. Her character provides a contrast to less sympathetic characters like
Clifford Snyder, contributing to the story's themes of kindness and community.

The Judge plays a crucial role in the story's climax. He presides over the sled dog race,
and his decision during the race determines the ultimate outcome, influencing the
fate of Little Willy and his grandfather.

Telegram: English_with_Ms_Madina 1
PLOT Summary of “Stone Fox” by John R. Gardiner:

The story is set in a small farming community in Wyoming, USA.

The story introduces us to the main character, Little Willy, and his loyal dog,
Searchlight. Little Willy and his grandfather are struggling to make ends meet on their
potato farm. Grandfather falls seriously ill due to stress of unpaid taxes. Little Willy is
now in charge of the farm.

The tax collector, Clifford Snyder, demands payment of the overdue taxes. He
threatens to take their farm away if they fail to pay. Little Will is determined to save
the farm and decides to enter a dog sled race. He hopes to win the prize money, $500.
He trains Searchlight to be the lead dog in the sled team. Doc Smith and schoolteacher
Eleanor Smither help him in this.

The dog sled race day arrives, and Little Willy competes against Stone Fox and other
racers. The race is intense, and Little Willy and Searchlight give their all because they
want to win the prize money. During the race, Searchlight suddenly collapses, her
heart explodes.

The race ends with a surprising and heart-wrenching outcome. Little Willy and
Searchlight cross the finish line together but fall short of winning. Stone Fox is
impressed by Little Willy’s determination and love for his dog. Unexpectedly, Stone
Fox helps Little Willy to win the race.

The town is moved by the bravery and determination of Little Willy and Searchlight.
The community rallies together to pay off the taxes and saves the farm. Although
Searchlight doesn’t survive, Little Willy’s love for his dog and his incredible efforts
bring about a sense of unity and compassion in the town.

Little Willy had learned valuable life lessons about determination, love, and
community support. “Stone Fox” is a heart-warming story of determination, love and
the strength of community in the face of adversity.

Telegram: English_with_Ms_Madina 2
Task 1: TRUE or FALSE? Read the sentences and choose TRUE or FALSE.

1. Little Willy enters the sled dog race to win money and save his family’s farm.

2. Grandfather’s illness is the primary reason Little Willy decides to enter the race.

3. Searchlight collapses during the sled dog race and cannot finish.

4. Stone Fox is a friendly and helpful character who supports Little Willy
throughout the story.

5. Doc Smith, the town’s doctor, plays a significant role in preparing Little Willy for
the sled dog race.

6. The tax collector, Clifford Snyder, offers to help Little Willy with the overdue

7. Eleanor Smither, the schoolteacher, is unsympathetic and does not support Little
Willy in his efforts to save the farm.

8. Little Willy and Searchlight win the sled dog race and the prize money.

9. Stone Fox ultimately helps Little Willy save Searchlight’s life during the race.

10. Story ends on a sad note, with Little Willy and his grandfather losing their

Task 2: Answer the questions.

Telegram: English_with_Ms_Madina 3
a) What motives Little Willy to take on such a challenging task?

b) How do problems in the story ‘Stone Fox’ shape the characters?

c) How does Little Willy change throughout the story? What events and
experiences contribute to his growth and character?

d) How does Searchlight show loyalty and sacrifice?

e) Where in the story can you see examples of determination, community and

f) What kind of relationship do they have: Little Willy and Grandfather, Little
Willy and Searchlight, and Little Willy and Stone Fox?

g) What message does the author in ‘Stone Fox’ want to send to people?

Telegram: English_with_Ms_Madina 4

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