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Since the transition to the industrialization from more primitive production

tools and processes, which corresponds with the Industrial Revolution, production
dynamics have gone hand in hand with environmental contamination. The currently
and widely discussed topic, climate change, takes its roots from these revolution
years. One of the notions of the explanations and embodiments of climate change is
carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases -primarily
carbon dioxide- released into the atmosphere by a particular human activity. It is
usually measured as tons of CO2 emitted per year, a number that can be
supplemented by tons of CO2-equivalent gases, including methane, nitrous oxide
and other greenhouse gases. How can we reduce our carbon footprint and prevent
the World from the destructions of climate change?

Initially, because the climate change is more complicated than anticipated and
the carbon footprint is a measure which is calculated through not only the actions of
individuals but also the activities of companies and firms, governments should take
some crucial steps. The governments can put factories under pressure about filtering
their chimneys. Thus, diffusion of CO2 and CO2-equilavent gases may be reduced.
The afforestation of new areas and the reforestation of burned lands give us a
significant opportunity to balance the amounts of gases in the atmosphere.
Therefore, governments may organize tree planting events for citizens, conduct
afforestation events and implement afforestation legislations. One way to reduce
carbon footprint is to encourage the citizens to purchase their needs from local
shops. This ensures that less gas is emitted into the atmosphere while the
transportation of goods and materials.
In addition to governmental measures, individuals can take some steps to
reduce their carbon footprint. Driving less and using public transport is an effective
way to reduce the amount of gas emitted into the atmosphere. The production of
meat, the conditions of slaughterhouses and the processes that animals are raised
for industrial consumption are the most detrimental factors of the emergence of
carbon footprint. Every year, tons of CO2 and CO2-equivalent gases which are
produced by the animals which are raised for industry and the atmosphere mix with
each other. Thus, eating less, even no meat may provide considerable changes about
the course of the climate change. Alternatively, individuals may not purchase fast
fashion which has process that consumes tons of water and emits CO2 and CO2-
equivalent gases in order to reduce their carbon footprint.
Taking all consequences of carbon footprint into consideration, some
attempts should be made to overcome climate change. Government may take some
steps, such as forcing factories to make their chimneys filtered, afforestation of new
areas and reforestation of burned lands, and encouraging citizens to buy their needs
from local shops, while individuals take a number of steps by their own, such as
driving less and using public transportation, eating less or no meat, and not buying
fast fashion.

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