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Bebegin Arubio

(CP-1B) BTVTEd/Computer Programming

“Gender and Society”

For example, there is a company that has a stereotype that women are not as competent in technical
roles compare to men. So the women may face prejudice and discrimination when it comes to
promotions, assignments, or even being taken seriously in their work. This stereotype can create
aggressive work environment and limit opportunities for women to showcase their skills and ability.


 Discrimination and Unfair Treatment:
Stereotyping and prejudice can lead to discrimination and unfair treatment of individuals or groups
based on their characteristics. This can lead to missed opportunities, limited access to livelihood, and
unequal treatment in various aspects of life like education, employment, and healthcare.
 Psychological and Emotional Impact:
Being involved to stereotypes can have negative psychological and emotional effects on individuals. It
can lead to anxiety, depression, lack of self-esteem, and reduced sense of self-worth.
 Limited Understanding:
Stereotypes and Prejudice prevent individuals from seeing others as unique individuals from seeing
others as unique individuals with their own experiences, perspectives and talents. This lack of
understanding can make meaningful connections, collaboration, and cooperation among diverse group.

It is important to address and challenge stereotypes and prejudices to raise more inclusive, equal and
pleasant society.

 Diversity and Inclusion initiatives:
Organizations and institutions can implement diversity and inclusion initiatives to create a more
inclusive and equitable environment. This can include policies and practices that promote diversity in
hiring, training programs on cultural competence, and creating safe spaces for open dialogue and

 Legislation and Policies:

Governments can pass regulation and policies that promote equality and protect individuals from
discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or other characteristics. These laws can help create a
legal framework to address and prevent discrimination and prejudice.

 Empowerment and Support:

Providing support and empowerment to lowered groups is crucial. This can involve creating mentorship
programs, scholarships, and support networks that help individuals overcome barriers and achieve their
full potential.

It is important to implement a combination of these involvements to effectively address stereotypes and

prejudice and create a more inclusive and equitable society.

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