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Standardization and

Considerations for the
Isometric Midthigh Pull
Paul Comfort, PhD, CSCS*D,1 Thomas Dos’Santos, MSc,1 George K. Beckham, PhD,2
Michael H. Stone, PhD,CSCS*D,3 Stuart N. Guppy, BSc,4 and G. Gregory Haff, PhD, CSCS*D1,4
Directorate of Sport, Exercise and Physiotherapy, University of Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom;
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Kinesiology Department, California State University, Monterey Bay, Seaside, California; 3Department of Exercise and
Sport Science, Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education, East Tennessee State University,
Johnson City, Tennessee; and 4Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup,

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ABSTRACT IN IMTP TESTING PROCEDURES information related to the maximal load

AND DATA ANALYSIS TECHNI- lifted. By contrast, isometric testing,
QUES, WHEREAS IDENTIFYING such as the isometric midthigh pull
THE POTENTIAL IMPACT THIS MAY (IMTP), is potentially safer (18), less
HAVE ON THE DATA COLLECTED. fatiguing, and allows for the quantifica-
THE SECONDARY AIM IS TO PRO- tion of peak force (PF), force at a variety
VIDE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR of epochs, and can provide several
THE STANDARDIZATION OF TEST- measures of the rate of force develop-
ING PROCEDURES TO ENSURE ment (RFD) (11,21,26,30,32,33). The
THAT FUTURE IMTP DATA ARE OF diagnostic ability of these measures
MAXIMAL BENEFIT TO PRACTI- may be of importance when consider-
TIONERS AND RESEARCHERS. ing time-constrained tasks within
FOR A VIDEO ABSTRACT OF THIS sports, such as jumping, sprinting, and
MANCE CAPACITIES IN A VARIETY change of direction. Importantly, the
OF DYNAMIC ATHLETIC TASKS. IMTP has been shown to be highly reli-
HOWEVER, WITHIN THE SCIEN- able both within and between sessions,
TIFIC LITERATURE, THERE ARE IN- with low variability and low measure-
CONSISTENCIES IN THE DATA ment error (8,11,18,24,26,27,32).
aximal strength underpins Performance in the IMTP has been
M performance in many athletic
tasks (15,55,63) and as such,
monitoring strength, usually by repeti-
associated with performance in
numerous athletic tasks
69,72,73). Specifically, absolute PF has
ERALIZE RESULTS. THEREFORE, tion maximum (RM) testing, is com-
been associated with weightlifting
THE PRIMARY AIM OF THIS REVIEW monly performed by practitioners and
IS TO IDENTIFY THE DIFFERENCES researchers. Although RM testing is
reliable (12,24,28), it can be perceived
force; rate of force development; pos-
Address correspondence to Dr. Paul Comfort, as fatiguing, posing an increased poten-
ture; isometric strength tial for injury risk, and only providing

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58 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2019

Standardization of the Isometric Midthigh Pull

Table 1
Relationships between peak force and performance in other activities
Author(s) Subjects 1RM Sprint Jump Change of direction Other

Haff et al. (39) 8 trained (.2 y) men SJ PF: r 5 0.76 Force during dynamic MTP
1RM PC 5 1.21 90% 1RM: r 5 0.77
100% 1RM: r 5 0.80
Stone et al. (60) 30 competitive sprint CMJ height: Absolute PF and sprint cycling
cyclists r 5 0.59 performances: r 5 0.49–0.55
CMJ PP: r 5 0.79 Relative PF and sprint cycling
performances: r 5 0.45–0.60
SJ height: r 5 0.51 AS PF and sprint cycling
performances: r 5 0.45–0.58
SJ PP: r 5 0.78
Haff et al. (30) 6 elite women Snatch: r 5 0.93 CMJ PP: r 5 0.88
SJ PP: r 5 0.92
Kawamori et al. 8 male collegiate CMJ PF: r 5 0.87 Force during dynamic MTP
(39) weightlifters
1RM PC 5 1.39 CMJ PRFD: r 5 0.85 90% 1RM: r 5 0.82
CMJ PP: r 5 0.95
CMJ height:
r 5 0.82
SJ height: r 5 0.87
McGuigan et al. 8 Division III collegiate PC: r 5 0.97 squat:
(47) wrestlers r 5 0.96 BP:
r 5 0.73
McGuigan and 22 college football PC, Squat, BP:
Winchester players r 5 0.61–0.72a
1RM PC 5 1.11
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 1
(continued )
1RM squat 5 1.75
Nuzzo et al. (49) 12 Division I collegiate PC: r 5 0.74 CMJ PP: r 5 0.75
1RM PC 5 1.28 Relative PF and CMJ
kg$kg21 height: r 5 0.59
1RM squat 5 1.91
Kraska et al. (41) 41 female and 22 male SJ: r 5 0.40
collegiate athletes
SJ20: r 5 0.55
CMJ: r 5 0.36
CMJ20: r 5 0.55
SJ: r 5 0.47
SJ20: r 5 0.52
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CMJ: r 5 0.41
CMJ20: r 5 0.52
Whittington 7 NCAA Division I track Ball throw distance
et al. (72) and field athletes
PF: r 5 0.89
AS PF: r 5 0.91
McGuigan et al. 26 recreationally Squat: r 5 0.97 CMJ height: r 5 0.72
(46) trained men
1RM squat 5 1.30 BP: r 5 0.99
Khamoui et al. 19 recreationally Relative PF and CMJ Relative PF and high pull PV:
(40) trained men height: r 5 0.61 r 5 20.60
West et al. (71) 39 professional rugby Relative PF and 10-m Relative PF and CMJ
league players sprint time: r 5 0.37 height: r 5 0.45

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60 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2019

Standardization of the Isometric Midthigh Pull

Table 1
(continued )
Spiteri et al. (59) 12 competitive female IMTP relative PF, T test: r 5 20.85
basketball players back squat: r 5
505 COD 5 20.79
Winchester et al. 26 recreationally Squat: r 5 0.97 CMJ height: r 5 0.72
(73) trained men
1RM squat 5 1.30 BP: r 5 0.99
Secomb et al. 15 elite surfers CMJ height: r 5 0.65
SJ height: r 5 0.58
Beckham et al. 12 collegiate national- Snatch: r 5 0.83
(7) level weightlifters
Clean and jerk:
r 5 0.84
Total: r 5 0.84
Thomas et al. 14 collegiate team 5 m: r 5 20.57 505mod: r 5 20.57
(64) sport athletes
20 m: r 5 20.69
Thomas et al. 22 collegiate team CMJ PF: r 5 0.45
(67) sport athletes
Wang et al. (69) 15 collegiate rugby Squat: r 5 0.866
Individual correlations not reported.

505mod 5 modified 505 change of direction; AS 5 allometrically scaled; BP 5 bench press; CMJ 5 countermovement jump; COD, change of direction; IMTP 5 isometric midthigh pull; PC 5
power clean; PF 5 peak force; PP 5 peak power; PRFD 5 peak rate of force development; PV 5 peak velocity; SJ 5 squat jump.
Figure 1. Relationships between isometric midthigh pull peak force and performance in other tasks. COD, change of direction.

performance (7,30), 1RM squat and Another way to examine the isometric method is to quantify the peak RFD
power clean (45–47,49,59,69,73), 1RM force–time curve is to measure force at (PRFD) that occurs during the IMTP
deadlift (18), vertical jump performance specific time epochs (e.g., 50–250 ms). with a predefined moving window,
(39–41,53,60,64,67), short sprint and It has been reported that these time- most typically lasting between 2 and
change of direction times (59,64), sprint specific forces are associated with squat 40 ms (32) (Table 3). When this
cycling performance (60), and throwing jump (SJ) and countermovement jump method is used for analyzing the
performance (72) (Table 1). By contrast, (CMJ) height (force at 50, 90, 250 ms) force–time curve, conflicting results
West et al. (71) reported no meaningful (41), weightlifting performance (force exist within the scientific literature with
relationships between absolute PF and at 100, 150, 200, 250 ms) (7), and some authors reporting significant re-
short sprint times or jump height, 1RM back squat (90–250 ms) (69). In lationships between the RFD and
although they did observe large correla- addition, allometrically scaled force at dynamic performance activities
tions between relative PF (PF/body 150 ms was reported to be related to (30,33,39,41), whereas others report no
weight) and these variables in rugby mean and maximum club head speed meaningful relationship with 1RM
league players. Similarly, Nuzzo et al. during a golf swing (42), with allomet- performance (7,45–47), or SJ and CMJ
(49) reported only a small relationship rically scaled force at 50, 90, and 250 performances (40,49,67). These differ-
between absolute PF and jump height ms also related to jump performance ences may be attributable to the
but a large relationship between relative (41) (Table 2). By contrast, however, moving window, with Maffiuletti et al.
PF and jump height (Table 1). The range force at 30–250 ms was not related to (43) cautioning against the use of short
of associations between PF and perfor- 1RM deadlift performance (18). windows (e.g., 2 ms), because they may
mance in other tasks is summarized in Equivocal results regarding the rela- be too sensitive to unsystematic vari-
Figure 1. Researchers have also reported tionships between measures of RFD ability and therefore less reliable. The
relationships between allometrically and performance in dynamic athletic second method for evaluating the RFD
scaled PF and performance in athletic tasks have been reported in the scien- is to examine time-dependent epochs
tasks (60,72), demonstrating similar cor- tific literature. When examining how (32). The use of time-dependent
relations with those observed when ratio the RFD is quantified, 2 main methods epochs has been shown to be an effec-
scaling is used (60). exist within the literature (32). The first tive method for examining the RFD

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Standardization of the Isometric Midthigh Pull

Table 2
Relationships between time-specific force and performance in other activities

Author(s) Subjects 1RM Sprint Jump Other

Kraska et al. (41) 41 female and 22 PF50
male collegiate
SJ: r 5 0.33
SJ20: r 5 0.52
CMJ: r 5 0.27
r 5 0.50
AS PF50:
SJ: r 5 0.33
SJ20: r 5 0.48
r 5 0.45
SJ20: r 5 0.37
r 5 0.33
AS PF90:
r 5 0.48
SJ: r 5 0.39
SJ20: r 5 0.56
CMJ: r 5 0.34
r 5 0.54
AS PF250
SJ: r 5 0.42
SJ20: r 5 0.51
CMJ: r 5 0.34
r 5 0.48
Beckham et al. (7) 12 collegiate F100
Snatch: r 5 0.65
Clean and jerk: r 5 0.64
Combined total: r 5 0.65

62 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2019

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Table 2
(continued )
Snatch: r 5 0.64
Clean and jerk: r 5 0.61
Combined total: r 5 0.62
Snatch: r 5 0.73
Clean and jerk: r 5 0.71
Combined total: r 5 0.72
Snatch: r 5 0.80
Clean and jerk: r 5 0.80
Combined total: r 5 0.80
West et al. (71) 39 professional F100 and 10 m: F100 and CMJ PP:
rugby league r 5 20.66 r 5 0.55
Relative F100 Relative F100 and
and 10 m: r CMJ PP: r 5
5 20.68 0.38
Relative F100 and
CMJ height: r
5 0.43
Wang et al. (69) 15 collegiate Squat
rugby players
F90: r 5 0.76
F100: r 5 0.78
F150: r 5 0.78
F200: r 5 0.77
F250: r 5 0.82
Leary et al. (42) 12 recreational Golf Club Head
golfers Speed
ASF150 and mean
club head speed:
r 5 0.46
ASF150 and Max
club head speed:
r 5 0.47
AS 5 allometrically scaled; CMJ20 5 countermovement jump with 20 kg; F100 5 force at 100 ms; F150 5 force at 150 ms; F200 5 force at 200 ms;
F250 5 force at 250 ms; F90 5 force at 90 ms; SJ20 5 squat jump with 20 kg.

during the IMTP and relating it to var- athletes who produce higher RFD to task. One possible explanation why
ious sports performance tasks. For 90 and 100 ms are able to demonstrate some RFD measures relate to dynamic
example, Spiteri et al. (58) report that faster agility times during a 458 cutting performance activities and others do

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64 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2019

Standardization of the Isometric Midthigh Pull

Table 3
Relationships between RFD and performance in other activities
Author(s) Subjects 1RM Sprint Jump Change of direction Other

Haff et al. (33) 8 trained (.2 y) men PRFD RFD during dynamic MTP
1RM PC 5 1.21 kg$kg SJ power: r 5 0.76 80% 1RM: r 5 0.84
SJ height: r 5 0.82 90% 1RM: r 5 0.88
100% 1RM: r 5 0.84
Haff et al. (30) 6 elite women weightlifters PRFD PRFD
Snatch: r 5 0.79 CMJ PP: r 5 0.81
Combined Total: r 5 SJ PP: r 5 0.84
McGuigan et al. 8 Division III collegiate wrestlers PRFD and coaching
(47) ranking:
r 5 0.62
Kawamori et al. 8 male collegiate weightlifters Force during dynamic MTP
1RM PC 5 1.39 kg$kg21 90% 1RM: r 5 0.69
120% 1RM: r 5 0.74
Nuzzo et al. (49) 12 Division I collegiate athletes PRFD
1RM PC 5 1.28 kg$kg CMJ PP: r 5 0.65
1RM squat 5 1.91 kg$kg
Kraska et al. (41) 41 female and 22 male collegiate PRFD
SJ: r 5 0.48
SJ20: r 5 0.66
CMJ: r 5 0.43
CMJ20: r 5 0.62
Whittington et al. 7 NCAA Division I track and field Ball throw distance: r 5
(72) athletes 0.78
Khamoui et al. 19 recreationally trained men RFD50 and high pull PV:
(40) r 5 0.56
RFD100 and high pull PV: r
5 0.56
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 3
(continued )
West et al. (71) 39 professional rugby league PRFD PRFD
10 m: r 5 CMJ height: r 5
20.66 0.39
Beckham et al. (7) 12 collegiate national-level RFD200
Snatch: r 5 0.65
Combined Total: r
5 0.60
Snatch: r 5 0.78
Clean and jerk: r 5
Combined Total: r
5 0.75
Thomas et al. (64) 14 collegiate team sport athletes PRFD PRFD
5 m: r 5 505mod: r 5
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

20.58 20.57
20 m: r 5
Wang et al. (69) 15 collegiate rugby players 5 m: Proagility:
PRFD: r 5 PRFD: r 5 20.52
RFD30: r 5 RFD30: r 5 0.52
RFD50: r 5 RFD50: r 5 0.53
RFD90: r 5 0.53
RFD100: r 5 0.52
PRFD 5 peak RFD; PV 5 peak velocity; RFD100 5 mean RFD between 0 and 100 ms; RFD200 5 mean RFD between 0 and 200 ms; RFD250 5 mean RFD between 0 and 250 ms; RFD30 5
mean RFD between 0 and 30 ms; RFD50 5 mean RFD between 0 and 50 ms; RFD90 5 mean RFD between 0 and 90 ms.
Standardization of the Isometric Midthigh Pull

not is the method of calculation and VARIATION IN TESTING AND DATA adopted during the IMTP was originally
reliability of the method. For example, ANALYSIS PROCEDURES based on (33). The results of the study
Haff et al. (32) have shown that the Unfortunately, there is substantial var- indicated that there were no significant or
only PRFD measure that is reliable is iation across testing protocols reported meaningful differences in PF, PRFD, or
when a 20-ms moving window is used, within the scientific literature, includ- impulse between postures, although the
supporting previous suggestions by ing differences in knee and hip joint preferred (self-selected) posture demon-
Maffiuletti et al. (43). Conversely, using angles (120–1508 and 124–1758, strated the highest reliability and the low-
time-dependent epochs such as 0–90, respectively), sampling frequency est measurement error. By contrast,
0–150, 0–200, and 0–250 ms to calculate (500–2000 Hz), pull onset identifica- Beckham et al. (6) found that powerlifters
the mean RFD across the specific dura- tion thresholds including absolute (20– produced greater PF during an isometric
tion produces much more reliable results 75 N) and relative (2.5–10% body testing with a vertical torso compared
and generally have better relationships weight) threshold values, and with a deadlift-specific body position at
with dynamic performance measures. smoothing and filtering approaches, the same bar height, described as being
Therefore, it is generally recommended with some authors not stating hip an- a “relatively straight-legged position and
that using time-specific RFD epochs is gles, thresholds, or filtering procedures somewhat bent over the bar”. The au-
warranted when using the IMTP as a per- (Table 5). In addition, if practitioners or thors suggested that the upright position
formance diagnostic tool (32). researchers are intending to use pub- may have provided a mechanical advan-
lished values for comparison, they tage and a posture more optimal for force
Another method for analyzing the force–
should be mindful that some data are production against the bar. In another
time curve derived from an IMTP is to
presented as net force (gross force 2 study, Beckham et al. (8) compared the
examine the isometric impulse (67,68).
body weight), whereas others report effects of different hip joint angles (125
For example, impulse values across dif-
gross measures, along with ratio and versus 1458), while standardizing the knee
ferent epochs (0–100, 0–200, and 0–300
allometric scaling used in some studies. joint angle (1258) reporting meaningful
ms) have been associated with 5- and 20-
These 2 latter approaches may impact and significantly higher PF and force at
m sprint times as well as 505 change of
the results less, as allometric scaling different epochs (50, 90, 200, and 250 ms)
direction times (64), PF and power during
uses an exponent related to body mass, in the more upright (1458) position, espe-
the SJ and CMJ (68) (Table 4). Although
(13) although allometric scaling will cially in subjects with greater experience
determining the isometric impulse of var-
reduce the resultant values compared in performing weightlifting exercises and
ious epochs within the force–time curve
with ratio scaling, with greater varia- their derivatives, in contrast to Comfort
achieved during the IMTP yields useful
tion introduced depending on the et al. (11). Interestingly, Beckham et al. (8)
information, much more research is
exponent used (Table 5). reported small changes in joint angles
needed to understand how best to use
this measurement in a sports perfor- Numerous authors have suggested that throughout the execution of the test
mance monitoring program. the posture adopted during the IMTP and based on these observations recom-
should replicate the start of the second mend that, in the future, researchers and
The PF achieved during the IMTP has
pull phase of the clean, (30,31,33,60); practitioners should adopt standardized
also been used to monitor adaptations
however, only 2 studies have actually as- knee and hip angles of 120–1358 and
to training (5,36,50,51,57,70,74), with
sessed the participants knee joint angles 140–1508, respectively.
some authors also including RFD
during the clean and then adopted these More recently, Dos’Santos et al. (26)
(36,51,52,74). Peak force and PRFD
angles during the IMTP (30,31). This is compared hip joint angles of 145 and
have also been used in an attempt to
most likely due to time and practicality of 1758 with a standardized knee joint
identify levels of fatigue or recovery
assessing specific joint angles during the angle of 1458, finding greater time-
(4,29,35,44). More recently, research-
clean before performing the IMTP, espe- specific force values and RFD at pre-
ers have started to investigate the
cially when assessing large squads of ath- determined epochs, with a 1458 hip
potential of the IMTP to investigate
letes. Interestingly, hip joint angles were angle (Table 5). The hip angle of 1758
between-limb asymmetries, using dual
not reported within these 2 stud- previously reported by Kraska et al.
force platforms (1–3) and a unilateral
stance IMTP (25,65). In addition, the ies (30,31). (41) and replicated by Beckham et al.
PF during the IMTP has been divided Because of the variety of knee and hip (6) actually refer to trunk angle relative
by the PF during an SJ or CMJ, to joint angles reported within the literature, to vertical, to ensure an upright trunk
calculate the dynamic strength index Comfort et al. (11) investigated a range of (forward lean of 58 from vertical), ex-
(ratio of PF during the CMJ or SJ knee (120, 130, 140, and 1508) and hip hibiting an upright trunk as previously
and IMTP PF), in attempt to identify (125 and 1458) joint angles, along with described (30,31,33,60) rather than
whether an athlete needs to focus more self-selected posture (knee 133 6 38 a 1758 hip angle as used by Dos’Santos
on maximal force production or rapid and hip 138 6 48) based on the athletes’ et al. (26). The authors of a recent
dynamic force production preferred position to start the second pull meta-analysis also highlight the fact
(14,52,54,56,66). of a clean, which is what the posture that practitioners should carefully

66 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2019

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Table 4
Relationships between time-specific impulse and performance in other activities

Author(s) Subjects Sprint Jump Change of direction

Thomas et al. (64) 14 collegiate team sport athletes Imp100 Imp100, 505mod: r 5 20.58
5 m: r 5 20.71 Imp300, 505mod: r 5 20.62
20 m: r 5 0.75
5 m: r 5 20.74
20 m: r 5 0.78
Thomas et al. (67) 22 collegiate team sport athletes Imp100
SJ PF: r 5 0.57
SJ PP: r 5 0.60
CMJ PF: r 5 0.64
CMJ PP: r 5 0.51
SJ PF: r 5 0.56
SJ PP: r 5 0.59
CMJ PF: r 5 0.63
CMJ PP: r 5 0.50
SJ PF: r 5 0.58
SJ PP: r 5 0.60
CMJ PF: r 5 0.63
CMJ PP: r 5 0.49
CMJ 5 countermovement jump; Imp100 5 impulse over 100 ms; Imp200 5 impulse over 200 ms; Imp300 5 impulse over 300 ms; PF 5 peak
force; PP 5 peak power; SJ 5 squat jump.

consider the specific protocol, includ- assume an optimal pulling position, in Dos’Santos et al. (26) recently report-
ing joint angles, to ensure repeatability line with the range of joint angles rec- ing that the 1758 hip angle results in
of the measures (27). ommended by Beckham et al. (8). significantly higher “body weight”
Once the pulling position is estab- because of increased pretension, com-
While adopting standardized knee and
lished, then it is recommended that pared with a 1458 hip angle, which may
hip angles during the IMTP may seem
practitioners and researchers ensure have contributed to the differences in
logical, this practice may place athletes
that the individual starting postures time-specific force values and RFD
in a suboptimal pulling position,
are replicated between trials and test- that were reported. Similarly, Maffiu-
because of the range of angles reported letti et al. (43) suggested that preten-
across individuals for the second pull ing sessions. Joint angles should be as-
sion is undesirable when assessing
phase of the clean (30,31). Therefore, it sessed before the commencement of
isometric RFD, albeit with a focus on
is best to consider the individual ath- the pull because of slight changes in
single joint assessment; it would, there-
lete’s appropriate second pull position joint angles during the pull (68).
fore, be advantageous to visually
and then quantify the knee and hip Haff et al. (32) suggest using minimal inspect the force–time data before
angles. This practice allows for the pretension before initiation of the pull, and after the isometric pull, to ensure
individual athlete’s anthropometrics as this is likely to impact both time- that there are no differences in force,
to be considered and allows them to specified force and RFD, with which should represent body weight.

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68 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2019

Standardization of the Isometric Midthigh Pull

Table 5
Reported testing and data analysis procedures
Author(s) Knee angle Hip angle Sampling frequency Onset threshold Scaling Smoothing and filtering RFD calculation

Haff et al. (33) 144 6 58 145 6 38 500 Hz — Net force — PRFD (2 ms

Stone et al. 140–1458 — 600 Hz — Net absolute, — PRFD (1.7 ms
(60) relative, and AS window)
Haff et al. (30) 127–1458b — 600 Hz — Net force — PRFD (1.7 ms
McGuigan 1308 — 500 Hz — Absolute — PRFD (2 ms
et al. (47) window)
Kawamori 141 6 108 124 6 118 500 Hz — — — PRFD (2 ms
et al. (39) window)
Haff et al. (31) 127–1458b — 600 Hz — Net force — PRFD (1.7 ms
Nuzzo et al. 1408 — 1,000 Hz — Ratio — Mean RFD
Winchester 1308 — — — Net — —
et al. (74)
Winchesterc — — — — — — —
et al. (73)
McGuigan 1308 — 960 Hz — — — —
Assumed peak
due to the
Kraska et al. 120–1358 170–1758 1,000 Hz — Absolute and AS — —
In line with Haff et al. Assumed peak
(1997)a due to the
Whittington 120–1358 “Self- 170–1758 “self-selected” 1,000 Hz — — — PRFD (1 ms
et al. (72) selected” window)
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 5
(continued )
McGuigan 1308 — 960 Hz — — — —
et al. (46)
Assumed net due Assumed mean
to the values due to the
West et al. (71) 120–1308 — 1,000 Hz 5 SD of mean Net Dual-pass Butterworth PRFD (1 ms
force after filter (low pass, 20 Hz window)
trigger cut-off )
In line with Haff
et al. (2005),
Stone et al.
Crewther et al. 120–1308 — 1,000 Hz — Net Dual-pass Butterworth PRFD (1 ms
(16) filter (low pass, 20 Hz window)
cut-off )
In line with Haff
et al. (2005),
Stone et al.
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

Beckham et al. In line with Haff In line with Haff et al. 1,000 Hz — Absolute and AS 4th order Butterworth Not included
(6) et al. (1997) (1997) and Kraska low-pass filter 100 Hz
and Kraska et al. (2009)a
et al. (2009)a
Beckham et al. 120–1358 1758 1,000 Hz — Absolute, ratio 4th order Butterworth Mean and PRFD
(7) and AS low-pass filter 100 Hz (1 ms
Sheppard et 1308 155–1658 600 Hz — Net — Not included
at. (56)
Comfort et al. 120, 130, 140, 125, 1458 and self- 600 Hz 40 N Absolute — PRFD (1.7 ms
(11) 1508 and self- selected (138 6 48) window)
selected (133
6 38)
Thomas et al. Self-selected Self-selected 600 Hz — Absolute 4th order Butterworth PRFD (1.7 ms
(64) low-pass filter 16 Hz window)

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70 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2019

Standardization of the Isometric Midthigh Pull

Table 5
(continued )
Thomas et al. Self-selected Self-selected 600 Hz — Absolute and 4th order Butterworth PRFD (1.7 ms
(67) relative low-pass filter 16 Hz window)
Thomas et al. Self-selected Self-selected 600 Hz — Absolute 4th order Butterworth Not included
(66) low-pass filter 16 Hz
Haff et al. (32) 140.0 6 6.68 137.6 6 12.98 1,000 Hz — Net Rectangular smoothing PRFD (20 ms
with a moving half window)
width of 12
RFD30, 50, 90, 100,
150, 200, 250

Secomb, et al. 125–1408 — 600 Hz — Absolute and — Not included

(52) relative
Secomb et al. 125–1408 — 600 Hz — Absolute and — Not included
(53) relative
Secomb et al. — — 600 Hz — Absolute and — Not included
(54) relative
Stated similar to Stated similar to Haff
Haff et al. et al. (2005)
Tran et al. (68) — — 600 Hz — Absolute and 4th order Butterworth
relative low-pass filter 10 Hz
(assumed net
due to the
Stated similar to Stated similar to Haff
Haff et al. et al. (1997)
Spiteri et al. 1408 1408 2,000 Hz — Relative — RFD30, 50, 90, 100
Sjokvist et al. states in line with Stone et al. (2004) Absolute and — Not included
(57) relative
Welch et al. No specific detail provided other than bar positioned at midthigh Relative — Not included
Wang et al. Self-selected Self-selected 1,000 Hz — Net — PRFD (20 ms
(69) window)
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 5
(continued )
RFD30, 50, 90, 100,
150, 200, 250

Mangine et al. Self-selected Self-selected 1,000 Hz — Net — PRFD (20 ms

(44) window)
RFD30, 50, 90, 100,
150, 200, 250

Halperin et al. 130–1408 Not stated 1,000 Hz — — — Not included

Dos’Santos Self-selected Self-selected 2,000 Hz (down- 75 N Absolute 20-ms moving average RFD100
et al. (22) sampled to 1,500,
1,000, and 500 Hz)
Bartolomei 1408 1258 1,000 Hz — Absolute — PRFD (20 ms
et al. (4) window)
James et al. 141.9 6 4.38 139.2 6 4.18 1,000 Hz down- 20 N Net 4th order Butterworth PRFD (20 ms
(38) sampled to 100 Hz low-pass filter 10 Hz window)
to compare with
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

strain gauge
RFD30, 50, 90, 100,
150, 200, 250

De Witt et al. 144 6 38 137 6 38 1,000 Hz — — — PRFD (20 ms

(18) window)
Assumed net due RFD30, 50, 90, 100,
to the values 150, 200, 250
d d
Dos’Santos, 137–1468 140–1498 1,000 Hz 40 N Absolute — Not included
et al. (24)
Dos’Santos, Self-selected Self-selected 1,000 Hz 2.5% BW, 5% BW, Absolute — RFD100
et al. (21) 10% BW, .75
N, 5 SD BW

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
72 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2019

Standardization of the Isometric Midthigh Pull

Table 5
(continued )
Beckham et al. 1258 125 and 1458 1,000 Hz — Absolute and AS 2nd order Butterworth Not included
(8) low-pass filter 10 Hz
Oranchuk 135–1458 — 1,000 Hz 2.5% of mean Relative 4th order Butterworth PRFD (20 ms
et al. (50) body mass, filter, with 20-Hz cut- window)
based on off
Dobbin et al. 1408 Self-selected, shoulder 1,200 Hz — Net relative and — Not included
(20) above the bar (as AS
described by Thomas
et al. 2015)
Beattie et al. 131 6 98 — 1,000 Hz — Relative — Not included
Dos’Santos 1458 1458 and 1758 1,000 Hz 5 SD BW Net Unfiltered PRFD
et al. (26)
Leary et al. 142 6 78 146 6 118 1,000 Hz — Rectangular smoothing PRFD
(42) with a moving half
width of 12
RFD30, 50, 90, 100,
150, 200, 250

— 5 not stated.

Net force 5 gross force 2 body weight.

Mean force (change in force/change in time from onset of force production to time to peak force).
Incorrectly cites joint angles “in line with previous research” when the referenced studies used different joint angles.
Based on knee angle achieved during the second pull phase of the clean for each individual.
Published abstract.
Self-selected to replicate the start of the second pull.

BW 5 body weight (during the initial period of quiet standing), PRFD 5 Peak instantaneous RFD (the greatest rate of change in force between 2 tangential points; RFD100 5 subscript
numbers refer to the epoch for mean RFD; the window differs based on sampling frequency).
Interestingly, numerous authors state verbal cues because attentional focus has that all “slack” (e.g., elbow flexion and
that they have adopted the postures pre- been shown to affect force production, shoulder girdle elevation/protraction) is
viously reported by other researchers with an external focus of “push as hard removed from the body because this
but, in fact, report different angles to and fast as possible” resulting in greater would result in a change in joint angles
those stated in the studies that they cite, PF compared with an internal focus (34). during the maximal effort that is unde-
or cite multiple researchers who re- sirable (8).
ported different postures (Table 5). These RECOMMENDED TESTING
differing postures are most likely related Although the use of a “self-selected” body
to individual athlete anthropometric pro- position is likely beneficial to efficiency of
Before initiation of IMTP testing, the bar
files. It is therefore important that re- testing, it is not recommended without
height necessary to obtain the correct
searchers carefully report and justify ensuring that the hip and knee joint an-
body position should be determined.
their choice of joint angles but, more This should be an iterative process in gles fall within the ranges recommended
importantly, standardize these between which the athlete starts with a bar height above, because of the influence of body
trials and testing sessions. that allows the athlete to assume a body positioning on force generation (6,8,26).
Other researchers have used strain position that replicates the start of the The bar height used and joint angles ob-
gauge–based equipment, with the second pull position during the clean. tained should be recorded, so that
handle attached using a chain The bar height should then be adjusted repeated measurements can be standard-
(16,17,37,38,48) with a range of sam- up or down to allow the athlete to obtain ized and therefore replicate the individu-
pling frequencies (100–133 Hz the optimal knee (125–1458) and hip als’ body position between sessions,
(17,37,38)) and joint angles (knee 120– (140–1508) angles (6,8,26). The body ensuring that differing results in subse-
1308 (17), 142 6 48 (38), 143 6 78 (37), position should be very similar to the quent testing are not the result of
1608 (48); hip 139 6 48 (38), 144 6 58 second pull of the clean and the clean changed body position (8,26). It is also
(37)). However, findings of 2 research grip midthigh pull exercise (19): upright considered best practice to measure the
groups that compared strain gauge torso, slight flexion in the knee resulting individual’s grip width and foot position
systems with a force platform demon- in some dorsiflexion, shoulder girdle re- and standardize these for individuals
strated that the strain gauge signifi- tracted and depressed, shoulders above across sessions (unless working with
cantly underestimated PF, by ;8% (38) or slightly behind the vertical plane of the youth athletes where changes in stature
to ;10% (20). In addition, James et al. bar, feet roughly centered under the bar as a result of maturation may require
(38) found that measures of RFD did approximately hip width apart, knees increased stance and grip width) as each
not meet acceptable standards of reli- underneath and in front of the bar, and can affect body positioning relative to the
ability. Although such systems can thighs in contact with the bar (close to bar (19). After the bar height and posture
measure PF, which can be ratio or allo- the inguinal crease dependent on limb have been established, a short familiariza-
metrically scaled, there does not seem to lengths) (Figure 2). When making joint tion session of submaximal trials is rec-
be an effective way to accurately measure measurements, the athlete should ensure ommended approximately 48 hours
or calculate RFD and are therefore not that no tension is applied to the bar, but before testing (e.g., 3 3 3-second trials,
recommended if practitioners have
access to a force platform.

Because of the noticeable variations in
assessment procedures, including pos-
ture, sampling frequency, and methods
of calculating specific variables (namely
use of different sampling frequencies,
onset thresholds, and the method for
the calculation of RFD), we suggest
appropriate standardization of all testing
procedures for the IMTP. Such standard-
ization should permit more meaningful
comparisons of individual performances
between testing sessions, comparisons
between athletes, and more effective
comparisons between published studies. Figure 2. Correct posture for the isometric midthigh pull, illustrating an upright trunk,
Standardization should also include the replicating the start position of the second pull of the clean.

Strength and Conditioning Journal |

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Standardization of the Isometric Midthigh Pull

each of 50, 75, and 90% of perceived

maximum effort). Although a consensus
on the optimal amount of familiarization
has not yet been reached, nearly all
IMTP studies use some familiarization.
Athletes should complete some man-
ner of standard generalized warm-up
(62). Although there is variability in
the generalized warm-up chosen
among studies, most studies use
a warm-up that incorporates clean de-
rivatives, such as the dynamic midthigh
pull, and should thus be a component
of the standard warm-up Figure 3. Standardized warm-up procedure.
(7,21,24,32,33). Submaximal trials of
the IMTP are also recommended A countdown of “3, 2, 1, PULL!” gives PF may be advantageous because an
before maximal effort trials (e.g., 3 sec- the athlete sufficient warning to be absolute value will affect stronger and
onds each of 50% maximal effort, 75% ready to give a maximum effort and weaker athletes differently, although
maximal effort, and 90% maximal provides at least one second of quiet the exact effect of this has not been
effort, separated by 60-second rest). standing to enable the identification
During this time, the athlete should investigated.
of the onset of the pull (Figure 5A).
be secured to the bar using lifting straps Visual inspection of the force–time
Strong verbal encouragement from re-
and athletic tape to ensure that grip curves during testing can easily be used
searchers and teammates ensures that
strength is not a limiting factor (Fig- to determine whether the trials are
the athlete gives a maximum effort (9).
ure 3) (30,33). acceptable, or whether additional trials
A minimum of 2 trials should be col-
For each of the maximal effort trials, should be performed. In addition to the
lected, provided that each of those tri-
standardized instructions should be als have no errors by the athlete (e.g., trials being within 250 N between at-
given to the athlete of some iteration countermovement, excessive preten- tempts, trials should be repeated if
of “push your feet into the ground as sion, and leaning on the bar before there is not a stable weighing period
fast and as hard as possible” to ensure the pull [Figure 4]). With increasing (clear fluctuation in the force–time
that both maximal RFD and PF are PF, additional trials should be per- data) or a clear countermovement
obtained (10,34). It is essential that ath- formed, until the PF values of the trials before the initiation of the pull
letes understand that the focus is to are separated by ,250 N (30,33). It is (Figure 5C) because this will interfere
drive the feet directly into the force noted, however, that a percentage of with accurate identification of the
platform and not attempt to pull the
bar with the arms, or rise up on to their
toes. The athlete should get into the
correct body position for the IMTP,
using just enough pretension to achieve
the correct body position and remove
“slack” from the body, but without any
more pretension than is necessary to
get the “quiet standing” necessary for
a stable force baseline (43). This can be
verified by monitoring the athlete’s
body positioning and ensuring that
the force trace created by the athlete
is both similar to body mass and
steady, with trials where a change in
force .50 N occurs during this period
rejected (21). This should be explained
to the athletes, and they should be
encouraged to stay as still as possible
during this period to accurately deter-
mine body weight and onset threshold. Figure 4. Standardized isometric midthigh pull testing procedure.

74 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2019

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Figure 5. Examples of acceptable and unacceptable isometric midthigh pull force–time traces. A) Acceptable, B & C) Unacceptable
force-time traces.

initiation of the pull (19), or if the PF immediately before commencing the RECOMMENDED DATA ANALYSIS
occurs at the end of the trial pull) represents body weight, and AND REPORTING
(Figure 5B). It is also important to therefore, no previous tension has been Collection of IMTP force–time data can
check that the force during the initial applied (Figure 5A) because this will be compiled accurately with a sampling
period of quiet standing (in the ready interfere with pull onset identifica- frequency as low as 500 Hz, but if higher
position, strapped to the bar, and tion (19). sampling frequencies can be used, then

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Standardization of the Isometric Midthigh Pull

they are preferred as they may increase maximal strength capabilities can be in-
the accuracy of time-dependent meas- ferred from PF (Table 1). Beckham is an
ures (21). Specifically, the utilization of
When reporting results from IMTP test- assistant profes-
frequencies $1,000 Hz are recommen-
ing, it is important that the hip and knee sor in the Kinesi-
ded especially if early force–time varia-
angles used by each athlete, to establish ology Depart-
bles are of interest (e.g., force at 50 or 100
the bar height, be reported (8,26). Such ment at
ms) (21). There are not enough data for
standardization of posture between trials California State
a consensus regarding optimal filtering
and testing sessions ensures that data are University, Mon-
and/or smoothing methods for the
comparable between sessions, groups of terey Bay.
IMTP (23), although unfiltered data
athletes, and studies (8,26). Although there
have been suggested as optimal for
is no consensus as to the superiority of
analysis of CMJ performance (61) and Michael H.
either net or gross force values for the
where possible, unfiltered data for iso- Stone is Profes-
IMTP, it is important that researchers
metric testing (23,43). It is therefore sor, Graduate
report whether body weight was or was
suggested that unfiltered and non- Coordinator and
not included in the force and impulse val-
smoothed data are used for subsequent Exercise and
ues reported (7). Other methodological
analysis (23) because most of the RFD Sport Science
considerations, such as the method for
and impulse characteristics are depen- Laboratory
identifying the onset of the pull (and
dent on an accurate determination of the Director in the
threshold) (21), methods used for smooth-
start of the pull (21), although data from Department of
ing/filtering force platform data (23), sam-
portable force platforms may exhibit Sport, Exercise,
pling frequency, and other aspects of
greater “noise” and warrant smoothing. Recreation and Kinesiology at East
analysis (22), such as the exponent used
Accurate identification of the start of the Tennessee State University.
for allometric scaling, should be reported
inflection point is often achieved using
because each are important for accurately
automated methods—we recommend
interpreting results from the study.
using 5 SDs of body weight during an Stuart Guppy is
initial 1-second weighing period before a Master’s can-
Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
the (usually 1 second) quiet standing didate in the area
The authors report no conflicts of interest
(in the ready position, strapped to the of Sports Science
and no source of funding.
bar, immediately before commencing at Edith Cowan
the pull) as the threshold for determining University.
the onset of the pull (21), although this Paul Comfort is
may vary with technical idiosyncrasies of a Reader in
different force platforms (e.g., noise Strength and
magnitude). Trials that do not have Conditioning and
a stable baseline force trace during the the programme
weighing period (change in force .50 leader for the G. Gregory Haff
N) should be rejected and subsequently Masters in is the Course
another trial should be performed Strength and Coordinator for
(21,43) (Figure 5). To facilitate this stable Conditioning at the Masters of
period, it is essential to enforce and the University of Exercise Science
practice this during the warm-up/ Salford. (Strength and
familiarization trials. Conditioning) at
It is recommended that time-specific Edith Cowan
RFD epochs (50, 100, 150, 200, and Tom Dos’Santos University and
250 ms commonly reported) should be is a Doctoral student served as the
used when using the IMTP as a sport in Biomechanics and President of the National Strength and
performance diagnostic tool as these Strength and Condi- Conditioning Association from
are not only reliable (32) but can be tioning at the Uni- 2015-2018.
selected specific to the durations relevant versity of Salford.
to the specific sporting tasks, such as REFERENCES
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78 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2019

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